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Chapter 1667: Thousands of Miles of Galaxy (Finale)

September 2nd.

Years passed by, and before we knew it, it was the fifth anniversary of Blue Star's victory in the war against the Wanderer invasion.

Ninghai, which was once in ruins, is undergoing reconstruction work in an orderly manner. However, it will take several generations of efforts to restore this land to the bustling metropolis it once was.

However, no matter how long it takes, don't be afraid, because this kind of hard work of reconstruction is nothing in front of the Blue Star people who have experienced life, death and despair.

Those seeds of hope have broken out of the ground, and the most fruit they have produced is courage. ??

Countless construction sites are under construction, most of the ruins have been cleared, and some residential buildings and shopping malls have begun to be slowly built.

However, the former city center of Ninghai is still a large area of ​​enclosed ruins, which is higher than the tallest mountains around Ninghai.

Here, there used to be several landmark buildings that pierced the sky, symbolizing the prosperity and prosperity of the entire Ninghai.

Those jewels lasted for a whole century.

However, under the fusion attack of the Wanderer, those flowers withered all over the ground in an instant.

And today, on the fifth anniversary of the victory, the huge pile of ruins is already filled with bouquets of flowers, and countless people have come to mourn the lives lost.

While expressing their condolences from afar, the light of the future has never been extinguished in their eyes.

Now, this large mountain-like ruins are the most powerful landmark of Ninghai.

It records the heavy and sad but never-yielding past, and also carries the city’s beautiful hopes for the next era.

Lin Ran put down a bouquet of flowers and stood silently next to the ruins for a while. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a voice behind him sounded, "Major General Lin, you are dressed like this. I really can't recognize you."

At this moment, Lin Ran was wearing work clothes with a lot of dust on them. In the pocket of his coat was a pair of thick-string gloves that were not very clean.

In this outfit, he looks like a migrant worker who has just come off the construction site.

He turned around and saw a woman wearing a purple sweater.

Her hair is permed in big waves, and paired with her charming face, she exudes a flamboyant beauty.

This kind of flamboyant and high-profile beauty is not incompatible with the piles of ruins and the large white flowers. On the contrary, it adds a bit of enthusiasm to the visual picture.

"We haven't seen you for so many years, but you still look better without the monarch mask." Lin Ran smiled.

The visitor turned out to be Ning Zixi.

"Since the victory five years ago, I have returned to Ninghai. You and I are both in this city, but we have never met each other. After all, we are destined to have no connection."

Ning Zixi's smile was as bright as the sunshine today.

Lin Ran was slightly surprised when he heard this. In fact, in the past five years, he had tried to contact Ning Zixi, but he had never found any news about her.

Not only Ning Zixi, Lin Ran has met all the friends he can contact in the past five years... After all, after going through this ordeal, no one knows which one will come first tomorrow or the accident.

, people cherish those who can be called "friends" more, and the same is true for Lin Ran.

Things are changing and life is short. When we see you once, you lose one.

After thinking about what the other party had just said, Lin Ran smiled and said, "How come there is no destiny? From what you just said, it seems that you have always known where I am, but you have never come to find me."

"I am the boss behind the construction site where you are." Ning Zixi's slightly raised lips revealed a hint of pride, "I even know that you asked for leave from the person in charge of the construction site a few days ago."

"Good guy." Lin Ran was a little surprised.

In the past five years, he has probably spent half of his time in Ninghai, participating in the reconstruction of the city.

The rest of the time was spent mostly with Su Qingcheng on Shuangshan Island.

The dignified Major General Lin no longer put on Daxia's military uniform. Instead, he put on simple gray work clothes, a yellow safety helmet and white thick-line gloves, just like he had been at the forefront of the battlefield in the past. Now

Lin Ran chose to be on the front line of reconstruction.

There is a lot of waste waiting to be done here, and workers who can put in the effort are needed, and Lin Ran believes that he is undoubtedly the most suitable person for this role in the entire Daxia.

“No one is as energetic as me.” This is worker Lin Ran’s self-evaluation.

In the past five years, his hands that once penetrated the starry sky have never held a knife again.

Lin Ran and Ning Zixi are actually doing their best to participate in the reconstruction of the world, but their roles are different.

"I took leave a few days ago to go to Ningzhou to see the autumn water." Lin Ran was silent for a while before saying.

Ning Zixi put away her smile slightly, nodded silently, and said after a few seconds, "I know, you have been like this every year for the past five years."

Three days before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War on September 2, it was the day when Li Qiushui left this world.

She burned her life and pushed the time of the entire Blue Star forward three days, preventing the world from being further bloodbathed.

Because of her, hundreds of millions of people have the opportunity to live anew, and most of these people don't know that they have actually said goodbye to this world, whether it is body or soul.

In the list of fallen martyrs published after the Great Xia War, Li Qiushui's name ranked first.

However, people don't know what that gentle girl has given to this world.

After Lin Ran discussed with Shangguan Xingyue and others, the secrets related to the inheritance and the excitement related to the stars have still not been made public.

Therefore, people who have restored normal life order will also not know that there were many people who were working for them to break the shackles of fate, break the shackles of the world, break the chess game under the stars and the black fog behind the scenes, and bring the world back to unity.

Let people regain an equal life and a free future.

People can only guess what Li Qiushui did, but even if they don't know the truth, it will not affect her image becoming more and more great in people's hearts.

In the Martyrs Cemetery in Ningzhou, there is a monument to Li Qiushui.

Her monument is located in the most conspicuous position in the center of the forest of steles, but few people know that there are no remains under the tombstone.

Not even a tomb.

After all, in Ningzhou, which was hit by war at the time, it was already impossible to retrieve the clothes Li Qiushui had worn from her bombed-out former residence.

This place is filled with garlands and candles every day, but there are only empty memorials and... those thoughts that are heavy enough to bend a person's back.

"Can she... still come back?" Ning Zixi asked again.

In the past five years, several people have asked Lin Ran this question. Without exception, these people all know about the Sky Realm and the so-called inheritance.

But the people who asked this question actually knew the answer themselves.

Including Ning Zixi at this moment.

Lin Ran smiled and shook his head.

Then, he said, "With Qiu Shui's temperament, if there is knowledge under Quanxia, ​​he would be very happy to see the world become like this."

Lin Ran could only comfort himself like this.

He tried many times, and even teamed up with Shao Juan, who finally mastered the inheritance of time, to try to turn back the timeline of Li Qiushui, but he still couldn't bring back the girl who saved the entire Blue Star.

Ning Zixi was silent for a while, then shook her head and said, "This person has passed away, so the living should be like this."

"Yes." Lin Ran smiled, then turned around, looked at the streets and houses that were gradually taking shape in the back, and changed the topic, "After so long, the once prosperous Daninghai finally looked like a suburban junction.


Ning Zixi nodded, with clear longing in her eyes: "Ninghai will become more and more beautiful, and so will Blue Star."

"After finishing the project at hand, I will leave Ninghai." Lin Ran said.

In recent years, he has never been idle, always keeping himself in a continuous process. It seems that only by making himself busy to the limit can he stop thinking about the sadness related to stars and time.

"It's about half a month until completion." Ning Zixi asked, "Where are you going next? The capital, or Ningzhou?"

"Go to the south and find a countryside with a pleasant climate to retire." Lin Ran smiled lightly, "You can also go to Shuangshan Island. Qingcheng is waiting for me to go back and have a baby."

In the past few years, Su Qingcheng has been busy rebuilding Shuangshan Island, and she and Lin Ran have been spending less time together and more apart.

Li Qiushui originally moved the timeline back three days. However, Tim, who also retained his memory, ordered the Homeward-class fighter planes to bomb the southern Jianghu world in advance. Both Shuangshan Island and Fulun Mountain were covered with green pine trees.

All broken, the soul is full of mountains.

After the victory of the war, Su Qingcheng no longer looked like a fairy standing in the clouds, but did everything herself. With her efforts, the fairy island in the South China Sea, which had been turned into ruins, finally gradually restored its original appearance, and this

Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree on the twin mountains is related to this fairy.

That war changed the fate of almost everyone, even those who were as bright as the stars.

And the beautiful senior sister Sophie has also rushed back from the distant planet, and together with Su Qingcheng, they are working hard to restore the vegetation and spring and autumn of Shuangshan Island.

"Okay, when the time comes, let your child call me godmother." Ning Zixi smiled.

"I want to find a decent person to be my child's godmother. Teaching by words and deeds is very important." Lin Ran patted Ning Zixi on the shoulder, "You're not even interested."

Thinking back then, when Lin Ran was treating Ning Zixi's injuries, the latter's method of blocking her mouth to prevent herself from speaking out really shocked Lin Ran.

After all these years, Lin Ran's inherent impression of Ning Zixi was never the powerful monarch who stood at the top of the ideal city overlooking the Black Sea continent, but the charming girl who made him blush inside the tent.

"Since you said that, then I am not serious. Believe it or not, I will remove the word 'gan'?" Ning Zixi snorted.

Godmother, remove the word "gan"?

Lin Ran was stunned.

Ning Zixi stretched out her hand and patted Lin Ran's chest, "Hey, let Su Qingcheng be careful. A witch like me, Ning Zixi, likes to rob fairies' men."

Lin Ran pursed his lips and did not answer.

Because he also saw that Ning Zixi was not joking.

"Hey, why are you so nervous? I'm just kidding you." Ning Zixi blinked, took out her car keys, and said, "We're back to the construction site. Do you want a ride?"

"That's fine." Lin Ran said, "I'll go to the construction site canteen to get some food. The coolie I brought here is probably still hungry waiting for me to go back."

Ning Zixi chuckled, "That guy... deserves it. He has done so many bad things, so he should work harder and contribute his physical strength to Blue Star."

"That's right." Lin Ran nodded and said with a smile, "This kind of guy should be trained hard."

After a while, Lin Ran returned to the construction site dormitory carrying several heavy lunch boxes.

There were at least a dozen bunk beds in this dormitory, and the smell of sweat and foot odor filled the air.

Lin Ran walked to the bed in the corner, kicked the man sleeping on the lower bunk, and said, "Hey, get up and eat."

"It was my turn to work the night shift last night, and it was almost killing me. Damn it, why do I have to work here now?"

The guy sat up angrily.

He is tall, has some dust on his face, and his hair is very oily. He is completely different from the handsome man with an evil temperament in the past.

If those star bosses from Far Planet saw this scene, their eyes would probably fall off!

Because, this person is exactly...the devil!

That's right, Lin Ran brought this scourge, both good and evil, to the Ninghai construction site!

Who would have thought that this man who cursed and cursed all day long after doing even the smallest amount of dirty work would once disturb the peace of the entire distant planet and the realm of the sky.

The super strong man!

I don’t know if I am tired of the unrestrained life of my previous life, or if I am attracted by the beautiful little accountant on the construction site. This guy who is omnipotent in heaven and earth is actually willing to move bricks, drill, and twist steel bars here.

Smoking, drinking, and playing gold and silver. This life lasted for five years.

Of course, the devil's greatest pleasure is... as soon as his salary is paid every month, he goes to the foot washing room next to the construction site and tells the story of how he punched through an interstellar battleship with a massage girl who dropped out of school to raise tuition for his younger brother.

At this moment, the devil held a cigarette in one hand and picked up a chicken leg from the lunch box with the other hand, bit into it and said, "It tastes good. The girl selling the lunch box has improved her craftsmanship. I have to praise her next time we meet."

Praise her."

In the past few years, the Demon God has figured out the preferences of all the little girls around the construction site.

"You haven't even brushed your teeth when you woke up. Your bad breath is getting worse." Lin Ran shook his head in disgust and sat down on the side of the dirty bed. "I should leave in a while. Can you leave?"


"I'm not leaving." The Demon God munched on the chicken and took a puff of cigarette. "I'm just going to stay at the construction site. Everyone here is talented and they talk nice. They're not like those bastards from Yuanxing who talk like crazy as soon as they meet.

Curse my ancestors for eighteen generations."

"Okay, save some of your salary. Don't go to the foot washing shop all the time. You will throw all the money you have saved there." Lin Ran said, "By the way, I heard that the girl who often washes your feet

, her mother is also sick and needs a lot of medical expenses."

The Demon God said without hesitation, "Really? Then next time I go, I have to give her all the money I have. It's important to save people."

Even if the devil traveled across the starry sky and killed people in his last life, he would still get lost in the endless routine of Ninghai's foot-washing girl.

"..." Lin Ran "I guess next time you go there, she will tell you that she once had a stepfather who beat her every day..."

The devil was stunned and said, "You even know this?"

Then, he kicked Lin Ran in displeasure and asked, "Honestly, do you often go to her to wash your feet behind my back?"

Lin Ran said angrily, "Forget it, I don't care about you. I will go home and have a baby in a while. You can just live in your foot washing shop and dream about it."

When the demon heard this, he happily asked, "Any clues?"

"No." Lin Ran shook his head.

What they were talking about was the resurrection of Li Qiushui.

However, this person has turned into stars and sand, dissipating in the sky, disappearing like a breeze, and it is difficult to recover.

"You cannot be resurrected after death, so you still have to learn to embrace the colorful world now." The devil patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and said, "Back then, all my confidantees had turned into skeletons, so I couldn't live a good life."

Is it? You, you..."

His confidante is all in the foot washing shop.

Lin Ran shook his head, "We are different. I am not as shameless as you."

After saying that, he put on his helmet and said, "Eat quickly, get ready to work."

The Demon God finished chewing the chicken legs and began to eat the rice. He was quite skillful in using the chopsticks. As he ate, he said, "I told you, if we gather those four people together, we might be able to find a turning point."

"Of the four people you mentioned, I can only find two, but the other two...maybe they are no longer alive." Lin Ran sighed.

Why hasn't he worked hard in the past five years?

Not only Lin Ran himself, Shangguan Xingyue, Shao Juan, Su Qingcheng, Mu Mu and Ai Xilin who mastered the twin inheritance... but also those above the stars that Lin Ran knew were all helping him find out relevant information.


The four people the devil mentioned are——

Shao Juan, who masters the inheritance of time.

Professor Long, who masters the most advanced technology.

Prussia mastered star divination.

And...the starry sky royal family who controls the rules of the world.

Lin Ran could find the first two.

As for Prussia, it is said that it has been dead for a long time. Even if it is still alive, where can it be found in the vast world?

He even couldn't find Lin Hongjiang, Prussia's only student.

And the so-called starry sky royal family... Well, both Shi Kelong's descendants and Lin Ran himself can actually be classified in this category, but... none of them have mastered the rules of the world.

What rules?

It's nothing more than time, space, power, etc.

Back then, the Starry Sky Royal Family was able to divide the entire world into many times and spaces, and separate them into chessboards; they were able to turn the flow of time into inheritance, all given to the hands of one person; they were able to make originally equal human beings bear the fate of various shackles.

This is about mastering the rules.

Putting the abilities of these four people together, maybe they can reverse Li Qiushui's fate.

"Perhaps, in a certain corner of this world, there is a starry sky royal family with pure blood," the demon said.

After his "resurrection", he has lost the ability to control the world's network. Of course, even when he existed as a digital life form and his perspective could reach any corner of the world, the Demon God had never been able to find Prussia.

specific whereabouts.

"Yeah." Lin Ran nodded heavily, "I won't give up, ever."

Then, he put the towel to wipe his sweat around his neck and said, "I'm going to work. Today, the last floor of the main body of my building will be poured."

The Demon God grinned and shouted, "You will definitely find it, you will definitely be able to bring Li Qiu Shui back, I said so!"

This voice woke up several workers on their lunch break, and there was another sound of cursing.

The devil didn't care, and he called the proprietress of the foot washing shop with a smile.

"I'll go over tonight and ask Panpan to give me some time. Yes, I'll order her...what? She was doing 98 services and was caught by the police? Oh, no...isn't this a foot washing shop here?

What the hell is 98?"


The Demon God listened for a while and finally understood the meaning of those two numbers. He threw the phone down, leaned on the bed, and cursed feebly, "I went to her to wash her feet so many times, but I never touched her once. She

...How could she treat me like this! It’s so heartless and unjust!”

The workers in the dormitory burst into laughter.

The Demon God's face had turned the color of pig's liver from suffocation. For the first time in his life, he felt unable to lift his head.


In the afternoon, after working for two hours, Lin Ran and a group of coworkers took a rest in the shade.

The autumn tigers in Ninghai are still very powerful, and the weather in September is still extremely hot.

Lin Ran took off his mask and wiped his sweat. His face was already covered with dust, but now his whole face looked discolored.

"Hey, Xiao Sheng, I always thought you looked a bit like that Major General Lin." A fellow worker said, "It's just that your temperament is a bit more earthy than him."

Yes, during the few years here, Lin Ran kept changing his name and just let others call him "Little Saint".

Well, in Lin Ran's opinion, this should be regarded as the nickname of Prince Holy Light.

But if this name was spread back to distant planets, it would most likely make Prince Holy Light want to kill him in shame.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "Hey, I am a small worker, how can I compare with Major General Lin, who is a big shot in saving the entire world."

Another worker next to him said, "I think if Xiao Sheng looks like this, if he cleans himself up and puts on a military uniform, Marshal Shangguan might also fall."

Lin Ran coughed twice, and the workers around him started laughing.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire construction site suddenly changed.

Because, the roar has already sounded from the sky, and the strong sound waves have spread directly to this side!

Immediately afterwards, several fighter planes with unique shapes and smooth lines appeared in the sky above this construction site!

"Hey, it's a Qiu Shui-class fighter!" a worker shouted excitedly.

"Why did the Qiushui-class fighter appear here?"

Everyone was talking a lot, but Lin Ran probably guessed what was going on.

After the victory of the war, the top scientists from the entire Blue Star gathered together to combine the characteristics of the Falcon fighter and the Homeward-class fighter. After four years, they finally developed a new fighter that was faster than the Homeward-class fighter.

This type of fighter aircraft was named "Qiushui-class" by the military.

There is no other reason, just to commemorate someone who is with the stars.

Under the gaze of everyone, these fighter planes began to lower their altitude until they all hovered on the floor where Lin Ran was.

The cabin door opened, and a pretty figure wearing a major general's uniform came out.

Her face is like the September sunshine in Ninghai, bright but gentle.

"Major General Tianqi!" One of the workers shouted out in disbelief!

Yes, this is He Tianqi who has taken over Yuri's mantle. He has already reached the star level and returned to the Great Xia Military Headquarters.

And her reputation as a beauty has already spread throughout the country.

"Brother." She looked at Lin Ran, longing already filled her eyes, and said softly, "Long time no see."

In fact, not long ago, when He Tianqi went on a mission half a year ago, he even came to meet Lin Ran.

At the beginning, the girl who was kidnapped and married by the evil young man in Bei'an has now become the Major General of the Stars in Daxia. When He Tianqi looks back at the past, he still feels a little unreal.

The trajectory of my destiny has all been changed because of the man in front of me, and every day of the rest of my life is also related to him.

Fortunately, the years of the strong star are long, and I still have enough time to see him again many times and get along with him for many years.

The workers on the side were stunned.

They were not swayed by He Tianqi's stunning beauty, but...

"Which of you is Major General Tianqi's brother?"

Just when a worker asked this question, they saw the guy named "Little Saint" open his arms.

And that beautiful star, admired by countless people, was embraced in his arms.

"Brother, Marshal Xingyue is looking for you and has good news." He Tianqi felt the warmth of Lin Ran's arm and said.

Lin Ran became excited all of a sudden, and even his breathing became faster. "Really?"

The so-called good news only relates to one thing.

That is...let the autumn water return!

At this time, He Tianqi left Lin Ran's arms, took a step back, raised his hand, saluted, and said

"Major General Lin, the marshal has ordered you to report to the military headquarters immediately."

Lin Ran was a little dazed when he looked at the heroic and beautiful major general. He vaguely saw the beautiful girl who was crying helplessly at the wedding. The two images gradually overlapped to form the most realistic He Tianqi.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Lin Ran took off his dusty thick-string gloves and gave a military salute in return.

The surrounding workers looked at this scene with their jaws broken.

"Lin...Major General Lin?" The eldest brother who had previously said that Little Saint was a bit more earthy than Lin Ran, was now feeling bad.

Lin Ran smiled and patted his shoulder, "I'll meet you guys for a drink later."

Watching the Qiushui-class fighter disappear into the distance, the workers recovered from their dazed state.

The elder brother pinched his thigh hard and said, "Damn it, I actually lived in the same work shed with Major General Lin for two years! I will be able to brag about my awesomeness for the rest of my life!"


"Xiaoyi has been studying very seriously recently." Lin Ran said while sitting on the plane, "When this girl graduates from graduate school, I will send her to the distant planets to continue her studies in the most advanced laboratories."

He Xiaoyi has already gone to the Military Academy to study for graduate school. Her talent in scientific research is already excellent, and she has become a key focus of the military.

The research team will definitely become a rising star in the scientific community of Yuanli in Daxia within ten years.

Si Anbei took over his father's steel gun and joined the rebuilt Northern Field Army, continuing to guard the border in the cold wind and snow in the north.

Mo Qingqiu returned to Jiangnan to take charge of the family affairs.

The first thing she did after inheriting the family business was to donate a large amount of money to the Northern Field Army and Ningzhou University.

The last golden flower of 606, Lan Yuxin, chose to stay at the school to teach. The once charming girl has become a light-hearted teacher at Ningzhou University.

Lan Yu made up his mind to walk the same path that Principal Qiu Shui once walked, and like her, continue to dedicate his passion and youth to this school.

The super scientific research genius Shen Yiyu has also met Shen Youling again, but after the meeting, she still chose to stay in the experimental center of the Black Sea Continent, which was built specifically for her by Lin Ran. Shen Yiyu has already I consider this place my home.

After the war, many countries' national-level Yuanli laboratories were destroyed. More and more top scientists have gathered towards Shen Yiyu's experimental center, which is about to become the largest scientific research center in the entire Blue Star. Already.

"Xiaoyi doesn't necessarily want to go to a distant planet." He Tianqi said with a smile, "This girl has always thought that it would be good to stay on Blue Star."

Well, all the reasons are false. The reason why He Xiaoyi didn't want to leave was because he didn't want to be too far away from Lin Ran.

"In a blink of an eye, this girl has reached the age to get married." Lin Ran said, "By the way, is she in love?"

He Tianqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She pursed her lips and said, "I don't know. If you have a chance, just ask her in person."

Then, she sighed softly in her heart.

Even a fool can see that He Xiaoyi's attachment to Lin Ran has long gone beyond family affection, and Lin Ran is a fan of the authorities and has never thought about it in that direction.

It is precisely for this reason that He Tianqi has not broken the last layer of window paper with Lin Ran. She is afraid that she and Lin Ran will leave too fast and make her sister sad.

No matter how high her level of power has reached, her kind heart has never changed.

But what He Tianqi doesn't know now is that He Xiaoyi is distracted in the laboratory looking at a pile of data.

This girl is in the shortest but most splendid growth transition period in a woman's life. She is taller and taller, and the gradual transition between youth and maturity is extremely obvious in her body.

He Xiaoyi bit her pen and said to herself, "How can I help my sister and my brother-in-law? It's been five years, and her steps are too slow. I'm really worried..."


At the speed of the Qiushui-class fighter, He Tianqi and Lin Ran had just finished chatting about He Xiaoyi's next plan, and they had already seen the landmark buildings in the capital.

"It's a bit fast." He Tianqi said in his heart.

She really felt that every time she got together with Lin Ran was too short, too short to alleviate the longing accumulated in her heart.

However, what she knew better was that she could not delay Lin Ran's search for Li Qiushui.

The person who is with the stars is not only important to Lin Ran, but also to the entire Blue Star.

At this moment, the fighter plane had just landed, and Lin Ran saw Tian Xichen waiting at the door.

The same goes for this girl. Because of Li Qiushui's sacrifice, she was able to return to the world.

She saw Lin Ran's work clothes and chuckled, "The marshal is upstairs. There are a few things. Can I talk to you first?"

"Okay." Lin Ran looked at Tian Xichen, who had become the general manager of the National Warrior Management Office, and said with a smile, "I have become tired and thin recently."

He is in a very good mood now.

Shangguan Xingyue's invitation made him full of expectations for that seemingly miraculous goal.

"Uh...Actually, it's just that my face has become thinner, not other parts." Tian Xichen's pretty face turned red and she quickly changed the topic, "The first thing is, about your marshal rank..."

As soon as Tian Xichen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Ran.

"Forget it, I have rejected it several times. Let alone the marshal, even if you give me the position of president, it is meaningless to me. The rank of major general is enough. Let the military department not

Put this matter on the meeting agenda." Lin Ran said.

"Okay." Tian Xichen nodded obediently, and then said, "The second thing is that Major General Xia Hanbing officially broke through the stars. Yesterday, he passed through the stable Nether Gate and went to the distant planet to perform his mission."

Lin Ran heard this and said with some surprise, "The confidentiality level of this mission is so high? Han Bing didn't tell me before he left."

"The military does not have any secrets in front of you, but just because Han Bing didn't say it, it doesn't mean I can't tell you." Tian Xichen chuckled and said, "A suspected reborn Prussia was discovered in a kindergarten in the Donghua Federation on the distant planet.

Han Bing is going to bring the other party back."

"Great!" Lin Ran clenched his fists when he heard this!

The third key figure was finally found!

However, he immediately asked, "How did the military find Prussia?"

"It's the news about Anita and Tista from Atlantis. Of course, Prussian student Lin Hongjiang also played a great role in this." Tian Xichen said, "They did not rashly alert each other, but chose to communicate with Donghua.

The Eastern families of the Federation sent people together to ask for your opinion... But we all know what your opinion is, so the marshal directly arranged for Han Bing to set off. "

"Atlantis is quite reliable now." Lin Ran shook his head, "By the way, that Dongfang family just now..."

When he mentioned this word, he suddenly felt guilty.

Now that I think about the two days I spent with Dongfang Zhaoxue and Dongfang Zhenqing, I still feel that it was too outrageous.

In the past five years, Lin Ran has been busy rebuilding Blue Star, and Lin Ran has only been to distant planets a handful of times.

"They want to invite you over again, saying..." Tian Xichen covered his mouth and chuckled, "They said that the Dongfang family can't have no successors."

Lin Ran coughed several times in succession. He looked at Tian Xichen, "Comrade Xiaotian, do you, the old Tian family, need an heir?"

The subtext is - if necessary, we will give birth to one.

After hearing these words, two faint blushes appeared on Tian Xichen's pretty face. Then, she said softly, "When your wish is fulfilled, I will follow your arrangements."

Obviously, as long as Lin Ran finds Li Qiu Shui, all his worries will disappear... Tian Xichen is willing to wait, willing to stand in the most inconspicuous corner behind Lin Ran, even if those halos will never have anything to do with her.

The word "jealous" has never had anything to do with Tian Xichen.

"The third thing is..." Tian Xichen said, "Song Ziyuan from the Black Eagle Military Department chose to join the Daxia Military Department. She performed bravely in the battle five years ago. This time she returned to Daxia, and the Military Department wanted to award her a major general.

Military rank, I don’t know if you agree..."

After all, Lin Ran had some issues with Song Ziyuan before this, but in the face of human disasters, those so-called conflicts are not worth occupying any corner in memory.

"I have no objection." Lin Ran said, "It is said that her record in the Black Hawk Military Department is extremely outstanding, and she is considered a very good soldier."

A few years ago, he would not have thought that Song Ziyuan would one day wear a Daxia military uniform, or even carry a general on her shoulders.

While the two were talking, Lin Ran discovered that Song Ziyuan was standing in the corridor ahead.

She is already wearing the Daxia military uniform, but there is no military rank on her shoulders yet.

However, once Lin Ran agrees, there will be a shining star on Song Ziyuan's epaulette.

Lin Ran clearly felt that the other party was already half a star.

The next second, his eyes froze for a moment.

Because, Lin Ran suddenly saw that the opponent's left arm sleeve was... empty.

"Major General Lin." Looking at the young man, Song Ziyuan's eyes were a little complicated. She saluted with her remaining right arm. "From now on, we are colleagues. I want to say sorry again for what happened in the past."

"It's all over. What's more, your dagger also helped me a lot." Lin Ran's eyes narrowed slightly. "What happened to the arm?"

"At that time, I was responsible for guarding the Black Hawk's eastern defense line. I was chased and chopped down by a star and dozens of top S-classes. I had no choice but to throw away my arms to save my life." There was no regret on Song Ziyuan's pretty face. "In that war, I can

To survive, I have used up all the luck in this life."

When Lin Ran heard this, he stood silently for a few seconds before raising his hand and saluting the other party.

The wind blows and the clouds disperse, the past is forgotten, everything is left unsaid.

"Thank you." Looking at Lin Ran's actions, Song Ziyuan said softly, tears already overflowing from her eyes.

Then, she wiped her tears and said with a smile, "Tina and Wenren Qianrui are not very satisfied with my joining the Great Xia Military Department."

After that battle, the Black Hawk Federation star withered, and now Tina and Wenren Qianrui have joined forces to control the Black Hawk military headquarters.

However, it is the young major general Daxia who really "controls" the sisters behind the scenes.

"What are they so dissatisfied about?" Lin Ran said with a smile, "The Black Hawk Military Headquarters can't retain people. It's time for them to reflect on it."

Song Ziyuan also shook her head and smiled, saying, "They are afraid that I will come back to seduce you."

Lin Ran's body stiffened, and his expression suddenly became very exciting.

Then, he looked at the other person deeply and said, "Live well."

When Bei'an was attacked by the invaders, Han Heyan died on the front line, and everyone in the Song family was also killed. Song Ziyuan was now truly alone.

Throughout Blue Star, there are many people like Song Ziyuan.

Even if the light of victory shines on everyone, it cannot completely dispel the loneliness and sadness in their hearts.

"Yes." The smile on Song Ziyuan's face has not disappeared, but her eyes are more serious and solemn. "Thank you, Major General Lin. I will live well and let my destiny line continue to extend."

Even if this fate line is forever lonely, even if it never intersects with other lines.

After saying that, she bent down and bowed deeply to Lin Ran.

As Song Ziyuan bowed, a tear left her eyes and fell quietly to the ground, breaking into countless watery lights.


Tian Xichen brought Lin Ran to Shangguan Xingyue's office, then turned and left. Next, there was a secret meeting between the marshal and Lin Ran, and she would not participate.

However, Tian Xichen had just reached the corner when he was stopped by several generals.

These people are all commanders of major military regions.

One of the generals said, "Xichen, the marshal has ordered that during her absence, you will be responsible for the highest decision-making of the military department. We will cooperate with your work unconditionally."

After hearing this, Tian Xichen froze on the spot, "Marshal wants to leave?"


At this moment, Shangguan Xingyue was standing in front of his desk, looking at the big screen in front of him.

On the screen, there is a vast picture of the starry sky.

The blue star, the distant planet, and the new world of the netherworld are all marked.

"If you do the math, there hasn't been a war in five years." Shangguan Xingyue looked away from the screen and said softly, "Whether it's a blue star or a distant planet, it's all like this."

"Peace times are hard-won. I hope there will be no more wars in the future." Lin Ran said, "Did you come to me because you found Prussia?"

After finding Prussia, Li Qiushui's return matter made a further breakthrough, which also strengthened Lin Ran's confidence to follow this path.

His never giving up is paying off little by little.

Shangguan Xingyue looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

"Four people, three are found, then the possibility of Qiu Shui's return reaches 75%, which is already worthy of celebration." Lin Ran said.

However, the corners of Shangguan Xingyue's lips were slightly raised, "I'm looking for

You must be here because... it's 100% complete."

hundred percent?

Could it be said that a starry sky royal family with pure blood was found? All four of them gathered together?

Lin Ran was startled for a moment, then he grabbed Shangguan Xingyue's shoulders and said in a slightly trembling voice, "Really?"

His eyes turned red instantly.

The expectations we have been waiting for day and night for the past five years have finally become a reality!

However, the smile on Shangguan Xingyue's face did not change, but she took a step forward and said, "But, have you ever thought about it, if all four people gather here, Qiushui still can't be resurrected..."

"Then I won't give up." Lin Ran said.

Shangguan Xingyue didn't have any jealousy after hearing this.

She knew that what impressed Lin Ran the most was this sincerity and enthusiasm, and...the passion that never cooled down.

"I asked several people above the stars who have mastered some rules and abilities. They all think that as long as these four people can be found, the probability of Qiu Shui's return is 100%." ​​Shangguan Xingyue also had unspeakable emotions in his eyes.

She said, "Don't worry, everything will come true."

"The last person, where is he?" Lin Ran took a deep breath and said.

In fact, finding the real starry sky royal family is undoubtedly the most difficult thing to accomplish. But now that this matter has been revealed, Lin Ran is really unbelievable.

After Shangguan Xingyue heard this, his eyes fell on the vast star map in front of him.

After all the space barriers were broken by the power of the starry sky, there were many more stars in this star map. Perhaps, there is more than one civilization hidden in these stars.

"Here." Shangguan Xingyue placed his finger on the star map, pointed at a galaxy far away from Blue Star, and said, "It's a little far away from us."

Lin Ran took a deep breath again, "It's so far away, how did you find it?"

This distance seems to be obviously longer than the blue star and the distant planet!

"She has been calling you." Shangguan Xingyue stared at Lin Ran and said, "And your father has already noticed this call first."

"Calling?" Lin Ran frowned fiercely, and an indescribable psychological shock instantly made his heart tremble. "Could it be..."

Shangguan Xingyue's eyes became gentler than ever before, and she said something that shocked Lin Ran to the extreme, "Yes, your mother, the last starry sky royal family, is still alive."

After saying that, she actually reached out and gently took Lin Ran's hand!

Lin Ran was still in extreme shock at this moment, and he didn't even notice Shangguan Xingyue's gentle movements!

After a long time, he said in a trembling voice, "I'm going to find her...how long will it take?"

The word mother is extremely unfamiliar to him.

He didn't even have a specific memory of this image in his heart.

However, it is absolutely impossible to say that Lin Ran does not long for his mother... In fact, during those sleepless nights in his youth, he thought countless times about where his mother would be if she were still alive.

I know how she will be, not knowing whether she is cold or warm, happy or sad.

I don't know...whether she will miss him very much.

Lin Ran never expected that the key to Qiu Shui's return lay in his mother!

"The spaceship is ready, equipped with the engines of a hundred Qiushui-class fighters. If the power is turned to maximum and sailing at full speed, it will take us about eight thousand years to arrive." Shangguan Xingyue said.

This sentence made Lin Ran's heart turn cold again.

"Eight thousand years?" Lin Ran took a deep breath.

By that time, Blue Star may have gone through a lot of changes.

However, the smile on Shangguan Xingyue's face was still there, and she continued, "However, we have discovered a stable Nether Passage. If we combine the time of interstellar navigation and crossing the passage, it will take about three years for one way."

"Very good!"

Lin Ran was extremely excited by the news. He was about to clench his fist hard, but found that his palm was being held gently but powerfully by a slender white hand.

This guy only realized belatedly now that Shangguan Xingyue actually held his hand!

And...she actually took the initiative!

"This time, I will go with you." Shangguan Xingyue looked at Lin Ran, with stars twinkling in his eyes.

"It takes three years to go one way. This does not rule out some variables. Your time is so precious, and there are so many things waiting for you to make decisions..." Lin Ran hesitated.

As he spoke, he looked down at Shangguan Xingyue's hand holding him, and began to feel his cheeks getting a little warm.

Is the marshal's offensive so fierce? It's a bit overwhelming!

"I have fallen in love with you a long time ago, Lin Ran." Shangguan Xingyue said softly, "Qingcheng and I will accompany you to pick up your aunt."

This simple but powerful confession is gentler than the moonlight and more passionate than the starlight.

Lin Ran took a deep breath again.

"Okay." He touched his nose. "The marshal confessed his love to me. I feel quite accomplished, but..."

Shangguan Xingyue laughed, "Are you afraid that if you agree to me, it will be difficult for you in Qingcheng?"

Lin Ran coughed a few more times, "Uh... Qingcheng should understand."

"Qingcheng is already waiting for you on the spaceship outside." Shangguan Xingyue said with a smile.

"What?" Lin Ran became more and more shocked. "Have you... reached an agreement?"

Shangguan Xingyue still held Lin Ran's hand, with a tenderness in her eyes that the whole world had never seen before. She continued:

"From the perspective of Qingcheng and me, there is no need to embarrass you in matters of love. If there are any problems, Qingcheng and I can resolve them privately."

Lin Ran's eyes were a little red again. He wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and then smiled and said, "Do all men in the world have to envy me? My fate line... I am so lucky."

"No." Shangguan Xingyue stared into Lin Ran's eyes and said softly, "The one in this world who can wait for you is the truly lucky one."


In the square of the military base, parked was a gray aircraft the size of a naval destroyer.

This is a new type of starship jointly developed by top scientists from Blue Star and Far Planet. Its performance parameters exceed those of the Wanderer in many aspects, and it is enough to support interstellar travel with extremely long timelines.

And this starship was named "Ningzhou". Like the Qiu Shui-class fighter, the name also commemorated the girl who burned herself for the Blue Star.

Su Qingcheng, wearing a long white dress, was already waiting at the cabin door. Her peaceful look was like a song with a soothing melody.

In fact, in the past five years, although she was busy rebuilding Shuangshan Island, she was ready to go at any time every day.

Even if there is only a slim chance, Su Qingcheng will bring back that lost star.

The journey of the voyage has been paved, and we are just waiting to embark on a new journey.

Watching Lin Ran and Shangguan Xingyue walking up the gangway side by side, Su Qingcheng had a smile in her eyes, and she said, "Miss Marshal is a good fighter, and her ability to rob people is not small."

Shangguan Xingyue blinked and smiled, then pushed her elbow into Lin Ran's ribs, "Hurry up and say something to the generous man."

Lin Ran's eyes were obviously still a little moist, "You have done so much for me..."

Qiu Shui's long journey home suddenly became clear. He might soon see his mother's eyes. Qingcheng and Xingyue had arranged everything for him... Too much joy hit his head, which made Lin Ran's throat soar.

Somewhat congested.

Su Qingcheng gently took Lin Ran's hand and said, "Let's go find our mother and take her home with Qiu Shui."

"Yeah." Lin Ran nodded deeply.

"Mom? Do you want to get ahead of me when you change your words?" Shangguan Xingyue teased with a smile, then walked into the cabin door and pressed the start button seemingly casually, "Let's go, let's set off."

This is a very simple starting action, but it carries the deepest thoughts of the whole world.

The "Ningzhou" made a huge buzz, and endless smoke rose from under the ship.

All the officers and men in the military headquarters looked up and raised their hands in salute.

Perhaps, countless years ago, Blue Star's first spaceship to explore the new world also left with countless people watching with expectation and respect.

Lin Ran, Su Qingcheng, and Shangguan Xingyue stood side by side in the command hall, with white clouds and blue sky quickly passing by the starship.

As the altitude gradually increased, the entire outline of the Blue Star appeared in the eyes of the three of them - this planet was as fragile and beautiful as a sapphire.

Lin Ran looked back at Lan Xing. His eyes crossed the blue sky and white clouds, and fell on the vast wind of the Black Sea Continent, on the magnificent mountains and rivers of Daxia, and on the bustling construction sites of Ninghai.

In front of the starship, countless stars are shining in the eternal and lonely night sky.

Looking down, I saw peace in the world.

Looking up into the distance, the stars are thousands of miles away.





Finished this book.

Another journey is about to come to an end for the time being. Whenever this time comes, there will be a lot of reluctance in my heart.

The book "" has a total of 5.43 million words. It took two years and three months to write, with an average of 200,000 words written per month. Doing the math, in fact, the overall speed is not too slow. However, in the middle, due to physical reasons and family problems,

I took several leaves of absence for certain things. It’s true that when you reach middle age, there are always some things that you can’t do what you want.

After all, Lao Lieyan, I used to be a tough guy who kept updating for more than ten years. Alas, the past is really irresistible. As soon as this man reaches age, he will... So, I changed my nickname in a code word software to " Lieyan Xiong


This book was written about Gao Wu and Xingkong. Originally, he wanted to break through himself. In the middle and later stages, Lieyan deliberately made some new attempts, including some storytelling methods and some story rhythms that had not appeared in previous books.


In my opinion, the integrity and story completion of this book are still very high. Many lines were basically drawn out in the later stage to form concrete images and plots. The core of the story that I want to express is also relatively clear.


With the efforts of a group of people, all the shackles and shackles were broken, and the world returned to its original state.

Destiny and future should be controlled by human beings themselves.

The reason why I didn't write about Lin Ran's upgrade all the way, didn't let him surpass all the stars, and didn't go to destroy the entire sky realm, is because this is not an upgrade article in the first place. I just want to talk about those who are stronger.

The knife, the person who breaks the shackles of fate, the eternal fire in the darkness, and the flower that blooms in despair.

In short, I feel quite comfortable writing it myself, and my subscriptions have been quite stable in the middle and later stages, which should mean that the effect of the attempt is not bad.

As for the next book, I have no plans at the moment. I have put so much emotion and energy into writing the final part and the finale this month. Now I feel like my whole being has been hollowed out. It is expected that I will take a break for a while and live a life without coding.

years, and then I’ll think about new books.

The new book will definitely be published on the Zongheng Chinese website. As for the subject matter, it will most likely be purely urban. Of course, there may also be some other attempts.

Regarding the next time, I will probably exercise, spend time with my family, recuperate the cervical vertebrae that is about to become useless, and then have an operation on the deviated septum that has been bothering me for a long time... In addition, it seems that I haven’t written a side story for a long time.

, cover your face.

Please remember to pay attention to Lieyan’s official account, where announcements of extras and new books will be posted.

Thank you all for accompanying us all the way. I wish you all a good year and a prosperous new year!

shed tears, wave.

See you in the new book!

This chapter has been completed!
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