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Chapter 187 A complete conspiracy

 Many students are sure at this moment that they will never forget this scene in their lifetime.

The man fell from the sky, split open the body of the giant source wolf with one knife, and also smashed the wall of despair that enveloped them with one knife!

That brilliant sword lit up the night sky and ignited the endless light of hope!

Under the brilliant light of the sword, the giant wolf was cut in half!

The internal organs and intestines were leaking all over the floor!

The upper body of this giant wolf is still rolling, and the wolf's eyes are filled with pain!

Cutting it in half won't make it die immediately, but it will make it feel death coming every step of the way! .??.

This sword falling from the sky has completely turned the situation around!

There is no doubt that the person coming is Lin Ran!

He stood in the middle of the field and looked around, with an unbearable look in his eyes!

Then, Lin Ran raised his right hand, and two cold stars shot out from his palm!

Two wolves of ordinary physique were rushing toward him with great momentum. However, they were hit directly on the forehead by those two unknown cold stars!

The hard copper-headed iron bones are no different from paper in front of this fierce cold star!

The two wolves' bodies instantly stiffened in the air, and then... they froze for half a second before falling heavily to the ground!

Blood was already pouring out of their ears, eyes, and noses at the same time!

One face to face and he was instantly killed!

The students were stunned!

The wolf pack that had put them in dire straits before was completely defenseless in front of this man!

There were still three or four wild wolves that were still able to attack. After seeing this scene, they all howled together, then turned around and ran away!

They retreated faster than they came, and disappeared into the thick night in the blink of an eye!

Lin Ran was wearing a black mask this time. Under the darkness, his features could not be seen clearly.

However, this did not prevent the students from looking at him with great gratitude and admiration.

In their opinion, this was definitely the work of experts from the military.

"Oh my god, is this an S-class master?"

"How can it be so powerful? That knife just cut the A-level giant wolf in half. This is definitely the super combat power that only S-level can possess!"

"That's the military's fighter plane. This strong man must be the military's super secret weapon!"

Discussions have already started! Of course, this discussion is mainly concentrated in the Ninghai University camp!

Because some students from Ningzhou University were already excited, and they probably guessed who the man who fell from the sky was. After all, a mere black mask couldn't cover his momentum!

The appearance of Lin Ran allowed these students to gain
After receiving the light of hope, I temporarily forgot the previous fear and pain!

When Lin Ran appeared, the man armed with two swords looked at him intently.

The ray of light struck by Lin Ran gave him a familiar feeling in his heart.

And when Lin Ran's figure came into view, the man's eyes trembled!

"You... are not dead?"

At this moment, the trembling eyes were already full of surprise!

However, this look of surprise only lasted for a second, and then quickly dimmed!

He didn't say much, he turned around and left!

"Stop!" Lin Ran growled!

However, this man had no intention of stopping. After a few long strides, his figure disappeared into the thick darkness of night!

This man's figure also gave Lin Ran a strong sense of familiarity!

Lin Ran had just chased a few steps, then stopped, as if he thought of something, his body suddenly became stiff!

There was also strong disbelief in his eyes!

"Wei Tianwu! Is it you!" Lin Ran's voice was carried far away by the night wind!

Although Lin Ran was asking a question, it was obvious that he had already determined the answer in his mind!

However, the man in black with the two swords on his back no longer knew where he was, and there was no response at all!

However, Lin Ran didn't have the energy to chase him now. Li Qiushui still fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

At this moment, the roar of several transport planes also came from the distant sky, and the military force and medical support finally arrived!

"Qiu Shui, how are you doing?" Lin Ran asked.

Seeing Li Qiushui covered in blood, and thinking of the man who just appeared, Lin Ran's eyes were distressed and complicated.

This attack seems very sudden, but if you think about it carefully, you will find some details... It is a coincidence to a terrifying degree!

"I'm fine...cough cough..." Li Qiushui said, coughing a few times, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Without saying a word, Lin Ran directly lifted up Li Qiu Shui's clothes, placed his palms tightly against her belly, and poured a touch of warm energy into her!

This source of power had just reached Li Qiushui's chest, and before it even made a circle, the latter said: "Lin Ran, save Zi Xi first!"

Ning Zixi's injuries were indeed serious. The wounds on her abdomen were shocking and the bleeding could not be stopped.

her complexion

She was so pale that even her lips didn't have much color left!

It seems that the damage caused by Wei Tianwu's sword to Ning Zixi is far more serious than it seems on the surface!

Without saying a word, Lin Ran did not let go of the hand on Li Qiushui's belly, but put his right hand on Ning Zixi's belly!

This time, his hands were immediately covered with warm blood!

Two sources of power were released from the palms of his left and right hands at the same time!

"Oh, it's so comfortable..."

Ning Zixi couldn't help but say something.

After being injected with Lin Ran's warmth, her physical strength immediately recovered a little, and her body gradually began to be filled with a warm feeling!

When Ning Zixi looked at this young man again, traces of charm began to flash in her eyes unconsciously.

Lin Ran no longer cares about him. After all, one man versus two women, doing two things at once, has extremely high requirements on him, whether it is the control of the source of power or the durability of the output! .?


Soon, his head was dripping with sweat!

And the wound on Ning Zixi's lower abdomen miraculously stopped bleeding!

Although this wound is far from being healed, looking at this state, as long as Lin Ran can continue to output his power for a while, maybe this terrifying wound on Ning Zixi's lower abdomen will really start to heal on the spot.


Such an operation has been completed without any surgery, which is incredible!

However, Lin Ran seemed not to have thought at this moment that his body's self-healing ability was so strong, why did the light red scar on the back of his hand still exist to this day?

Ning Zixi seemed to have noticed the magic of Lin Ran's power, and she didn't know what the reason was. Anyway, when she looked at Lin Ran, her eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

Of course, along with the brightness of her eyes, there is also the charm in Ning Zixi's bones.

The surroundings had just gone through a bloodbath, and there was still a strong smell of blood everywhere. The cries and groans of pain were still heard, but the light in Ning Zixi's eyes seemed to be flowing out.

It seemed that she didn't even care about the death or injury of her students tonight!


While Lin Ran was treating the two women's injuries, the medical team arriving from the nearby military division had already completed their landing and began to bandage the wounded.

The military headquarters also arranged a force support team, which included three A-level personnel.

This is already a quite powerful support force, but compared with the enemy who just attacked the rural middle school, it is really not enough.

br> After Lin Ran finished treating the two girls, he sat there with his brows furrowed, as if he was reviewing everything.

But Li Qiu Shui didn't bother to rest at all, and had already gotten up to arrange the aftermath. This time, the students were severely injured, and the number of casualties was astonishing. As the top leader of the two schools at the scene, Li Qiu Shui's character

, will definitely choose to put all the responsibilities on his own shoulders.

Ning Zixi was still lying next to Lin Ran, and she said: "The scene when you fell from the sky just now was very exciting and handsome."

"Thank you." Lin Ran thanked him, but he was obviously absent-minded and had a strong feeling of being perfunctory.

"I know what you are thinking." Ning Zixi didn't mind Lin Ran's attitude. The corner of her lips curled up into a sneer, and she said something groundbreaking: "We have all been plotted, from beginning to end.

, this is all a conspiracy."

Is it a conspiracy from beginning to end?

After hearing these words, Lin Ran's expression froze!

He always felt that something was not right about this matter, but he could not find out what the specific problem was, so he arranged in advance for his team of hunters to accompany the large army.

However, unexpectedly, the enemy's attack was too fierce and the hunter team was unable to stop it.

This is Daxia, who would do such a thing to seek death?

However, the answer was already in front of Lin Ran - Wei Tianwu.

He was once one of the three greatest geniuses in the military, and was also known as "fearless".

Previously, Shangguan Xingyue named the most powerful killing move of the latest fighter plane "Awesome and Fearless" in order to commemorate the three great geniuses - Lin Ran, Wu Lie, and Wei Tianwu.

However, if it is too strong, it will easily break; if it is too strong, it will be easy to decline!

These three names have become a thing of the past in the minds of most people!

However, tonight, Wei Tianwu appeared...at the scene of the attack on the college students!

Is he venting his anger or taking revenge on the military?

The past reappeared in my mind, and the smoke that I had experienced together seemed to rise again and linger in front of my eyes for a long time.

Lin Ran frowned deeply and asked Ning Zixi: "If this is a complete conspiracy, then... how did you judge it?"

Ning Zixi stared into Lin Ran's eyes and was silent for half a minute. Then she slightly raised the corners of her lips and said, "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you? You just want to get it from me.

Just get a reason to support your judgment."

Lin Ran did not respond, but also looked directly into Ning Zixi's long and charming eyes.

The latter raised his hand, pointed at everyone on the playground, and said, "They are all bait."

This chapter has been completed!
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