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Chapter 297 The Mystery of Yanluo Mountain (Part 2)

 The speed of the Falcon dual-capable fighter is unrivaled among the various models of Daxia, let alone the attack aircraft on the opposite side that are modified from civilian aircraft.

Even if there is only one Falcon, it will be a one-sided massacre against these aircraft!

"Spread out, don't run in one direction!" A hasty voice sounded in the communication channel of the aircraft formation.

Indeed, the power of the Falcon is so powerful that even if it is just floating quietly in the high-altitude clouds, the pilots will not be able to think of any attack!

The moment the four or five planes turned around and fled, the Falcon's twin engines also started at the same time.

With a "buzz" sound, the Falcon's fuselage flashed bright black light again!

The next second, its weapon system fired!

There was no waste of ammunition at all. The moment the Falcon opened fire, the plane in front exploded into fireworks!

After killing this plane, the other planes had already run away and turned into small black dots in the field of vision! And they scattered and escaped!

However, the Falcon fighter jet made a "buzz" sound again, and its twin engines started at the same time. It seemed that just one forward thrust directly shortened the distance between it and those aircraft by more than half!

The pilots in front had never seen such an extreme speed. At this moment, they were extremely frightened and pressed the speed-up button desperately. However, in the face of the Falcon fighter's extreme speed, even if they accelerated to the extreme speed of the aircraft, they would not be able to fly at all.

It doesn't have the slightest effect! I can only watch as the Falcon's cannon fire tears me to pieces!

This is a falcon’s aerial hunting display!


Below, Xia Hanbing had already opened the metal box.

Inside each box, there are two slender glass bottles, each with a capacity of about one liter.

The bottle is filled with dark green liquid. Just the color alone can make people realize that it contains an extremely rich breath of life!

Xia Hanbing is very sure that this is not the source crystal liquid, but it must be better than the source crystal liquid!

"You can't drink that kind of thing! If you drink it, it will be a huge waste!" Nurka, the deputy head, saw this and shouted quickly.

"All your reinforcements have been turned into pieces, so now, we can have a good chat." Lin Ran looked at Nurka and said.

At this moment, the latter's abdomen is still bleeding, and the Source Power Pool has exploded.
He was no different from a useless person, and Lin Ran was not worried about what kind of trouble this guy could make.

At this moment, at least twenty or thirty people were dead on the scene, and the remaining ones had all lost their combat effectiveness, and the strong smell of blood lingered in their noses.

Of course, this was the result of Lin Ran deliberately holding back, otherwise, there would be no living person in Yanluo Sect!

After witnessing several fireworks released by a Falcon fighter jet in the sky, Nurka knew that if he didn't say anything, he would die without a burial place.

He took a deep breath and said: "This is a mixture of life essence and source power extracted from the source power pool on the warrior's body. It must be absorbed by injection. It can change the source power talent and extremely

The earth grows in strength.”

"The essence of life extracted from warriors?" When Lin Ran heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

Obviously, if you want to achieve such an operation, I'm afraid... I'm afraid you have to kill many warriors to do it!

"Yes, what is the specific life essence? In fact, I don't know. These devices can refine the essence on their own. After all, after being nourished by the source of energy for a long time, the physical foundation of these warriors will be completely different from that of ordinary people.

Same, and these so-called essences are probably the basis of their lives." Nurka expressed his guess.

"How many warriors do you need to refine this bottle of life essence?" Lin Ran had already guessed an extremely terrifying fact.

"You need a freezer." Nurka raised his head with difficulty and pointed at the freezers!

Using a freezer as a quantifier and unit of measurement? This sentence is a bit shocking!

"How many people can sleep in one freezer?" Lin Ran asked coldly.

"Twenty or thirty..." Nurka said.

Lin Ran didn't believe it: "Can one freezer hold so many people?"

Nurka hesitated for a moment and said: "Pretending...pretending not to be complete..."

At this time, Xia Hanbing had already walked to the automatic energy storage freezer and opened the lid.

The next moment, with her determination, she couldn't help but exclaimed!

"This...what is this?"

Lin Ran immediately walked over to take a look.

Look, and then his eyes are cold and terrifying: "You guys are such heartless bastards! You deserve to die!"

In the freezer, there are several layers of frozen blocks neatly placed, and each of them is a cut-up of a warrior's abdomen!

Only the abdomen, no chest, no head, and no limbs!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never be able to imagine the impact of this scene!

"Why do you do this? Why?" Lin Ran felt himself shaking with anger! There was a chill all over his body!

The pursuit of source power makes human beings stronger. Likewise, it also makes many people driven by desire no longer worthy of being called human beings!

"Because the abdomen is the location of the source power pool. We have used these devices to drive all the life essence of the warriors into the source power pool in their abdomen while they are alive. In the end, just leave the source power pool.

"It's gone..." Nurka knew how inhumane what he said was, so his voice was obviously a little nervous: "This kind of cutting is easy to preserve, and it is also easy to refining..."


Before he could finish speaking, he heard a strong explosion of air!

That was Lin Ran's heavy punch, which made a big hole in the ground!

"Are you still human?" Lin Ran growled.

He could imagine forcing all the life essence of the warriors into the Source Power Pool while they were still alive. This kind of pain was simply not something that humans could bear!

And after doing this, they have to be dismembered and frozen! Even if they die, there is no dignity at all!

I don’t know how Li Senhan came up with this method! God knows how many people he used as test subjects!

"You guys deserve to die!" Lin Ran's voice was extremely cold!

Obviously, after knowing all this, the mysterious disappearance cases of those Yanluo Mountain explorers should also have answers!

To collect the bodies of so many warriors, it is definitely not enough to rely on explorers and traveling companions alone!

Who knows where Zhao Yanxin and Nurka have extended their tentacles!

Lin Ran shouted: "Han Bing, call Shangguan Xingyue and ask her to come and see this ghost place in person!"


Xia Hanbing didn't hesitate and immediately
Please contact Shangguan Xingyue immediately.

At this moment, Shangguan Xingyue was presiding over a strategy meeting at the military headquarters. When she saw the call from Xia Hanbing, she said, "Everyone, please wait for me."

After saying that, she walked out of the conference room and answered the phone.

She knew that Xia Hanbing went with the top-secret team to assist Lin Ran, but she didn't know that Lin Ran and Xia Hanbing had already arrived at Yanluo Mountain.

After listening to Xia Hanbing narrate the entire incident, Shangguan Xingyue's expression became extremely cold.

She hung up the phone and walked into the conference room.

All the senior generals present had already felt the strong chill emanating from the marshal!

"The combat meeting is suspended. You all have to go somewhere with me."

Shangguan Xingyue turned to look at his secretary and said, "I need ten Falcon fighter jets."

Crossed Falcon!

Where is the marshal going? What is he going to do?

After hearing this sentence, everyone present couldn't help but guess!

Shangguan Xingyue's eyes were filled with cold light, as if they were thousands of miles of snowy fields!

The red lips behind her mask opened slightly, and she said in a solemn tone: "Perhaps, we will witness with our own eyes the most notorious scandal in the history of the Great Xia Military Department."


At the moment when several Falcon fighter jets soared into the sky, a tall figure was standing in his yard, standing with his hands behind his hands, looking into the sky.

It is none other than Marshal Zhao Ruifeng!

After not seeing him for a while, his eyes seemed not as bright as before, and he seemed to be several years older than before.

At this time, a guard ran out, saluted, and said: "Marshal, I just received the news that Shangguan Xingyue mobilized ten Falcon dual-power fighter jets to carry out an emergency flight mission. All senior generals from the military department participated.

Got it!"

"I understand." Zhao Ruifeng shook his head and said without any expression: "Military affairs have nothing to do with me. Don't report this kind of news to me again in the future."

"Yes." The guard said, turned and left.

Zhao Ruifeng stood there for a while, then turned on his phone and checked the flight status.

The early flight from Ninghai International Airport to the Black Hawk Federation would not land for another twelve hours.

This chapter has been completed!
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