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Chapter 350 Enemies meet, especially... (Part 2)

 After Lin Ran fell into the sea, he could not see where the Wika people were at the first time.

I don't know if it was because he had just carved a spectacular chasm, which stimulated the sea area. After Lin Ran entered the water, he felt a turbulent undercurrent coming out from under the waves.

Then, this undercurrent immediately turned into a vortex! All the surrounding fish, shrimps and shellfish were stirred up by the vortex, spinning rapidly and rushing downwards!

The vortex was so powerful that Lin Ran was even whipped around several times!

He immediately used his strength to stabilize his body, but the rapidly rotating water around him also made him very uncomfortable. ??

Since this side of Lailu Mountain is a straight cliff and is not considered a shore, the depth of the sea water is somewhat unpredictable.

The entire Black Sea is like a bad-tempered child. In the past, some ships disappeared and planes lost contact. There seemed to be endless secrets, and the waves and clouds in this sea area were treacherous. Therefore, at this moment, Lin Ran had no idea.

This sudden whirlpool was too surprising.

What surprised him was that the force of the vortex was so strong that it almost made his majestic S-class lose control!

In just a few seconds, Lin Ran had been rolled down dozens of meters. If an ordinary E-level warrior were here, he would have been completely knocked unconscious by now!

In such deep water, once you faint, the outcome you will face is too dangerous!

Fortunately, Lin Ran had enough energy to support him and could hold his breath for a long time.

But the most shocking thing happened to him.

Because, Lin Ran had clearly felt a trace of source power in this vortex!

This source of power is not strong, but it is spread everywhere in the vortex!

Thinking about this huge vortex, the amount of source power contained in it is enough to scare people!

If you look from the side, you will find that there seems to be a tornado in the sea in this area of ​​​​the sea! The rotation of the vortex is getting faster and faster, and a huge number of fish have been sucked in, and then turned to death!

Lin Ran vaguely saw Wika's figure. The black-clothed bishop had been sucked into the depths of the whirlpool.

It is estimated that Wika was hit by Lin Ran's knife before. Under the reverse thrust of the knife, there was a slight distance between the two.

Lin Ran held his breath and concentrated, and also accelerated his fall!

The further downward, the greater the rotation force of this vortex, and the richer the source power contained in it!

Lin Ran was extremely surprised!

He simply didn't understand how many bottles of source crystal liquid had to be knocked over to achieve such a richness?

At the current depth, the current was extremely turbulent, and the pulling force of the vortex was already quite terrifying! Even Lin Ran had to use part of his energy to stabilize his body!

After falling rapidly for more than a minute, Lin Ran saw the cause of the vortex!

That vortex emerged from a large piece of rock on the seabed!

That piece of stone is no different from a stone mountain on the seabed. It seems that an external force has opened a hole about three or four square meters square, and countless seawater is rushing towards it crazily!

Lin Ran was surrounded by many fish spinning crazily in the vortex. The powerful centrifugal force caused them to lose their lives!

There were still some living fish that were not swept into the hole, but were thrown directly by the vortex onto the surrounding rocks, and were directly smashed into pieces of flesh and blood!

Lin Ran was also very careful when he was swept through the cave entrance by the vortex. Otherwise, if he was hit by the rocky mountain on the seabed, he would not feel well!


After entering the cave entrance, the water flow was still very fast. It was more like a passage. The stone walls were extremely smooth, as if they had been washed by waves for hundreds of years!

Sloping downward along this passage, Lin Ran was washed into a deep pool!

Countless streams of water crashed into this pool of water!

Lin Ran clearly felt that the source of power here was even stronger!

However, this deep pool has not been filled by the crazy influx of sea water, because there are several exits on the side for drainage.

But, this is the bottom of the sea, where can the water be drained?

After Lin Ran emerged, he discovered that this place was not just a deep pool, it was not an exaggeration to call it a lake in the center of the earth!

The area is so big that you can’t even see the edge at a glance!

There is even light here at this moment, and there are many luminous pearl-like stones embedded in the stone walls, emitting a soft light.

And they no longer know how many years they have been shining silently on this seabed.

At this time, the seawater falling from the passage has gradually decreased. It is not known whether it is because the seawater in the cave below is saturated, causing the suction of the vortex to become smaller, or whether the cave entrance has been closed again, preventing the seawater from pouring in.

The reason for coming.

On one side of the stone wall, the number of luminous pearls was obviously more than that on the other side. Lin Ran knew that the more luminous the stone, the stronger the radiation. But at this time, he couldn't care so much, and almost instinctively

The ground swam toward the brighter side.

Because he had fought with Wika before, which consumed a lot of energy, and he had to allocate so much strength just now to resist the impact of the vortex, Lin Ran was also a little out of breath now.

When he swam to the edge of the pool, Lin Ran found that the source of energy here was even stronger, even

, take a few deep breaths, and you can feel your physical strength slowly recovering!

At this moment, even a fool can guess that this is a seabed source crystal vein!

They have not gone through the mining and refining process, and this has naturally formed such a strong source force field. So, how high is the purity and grade of these source crystal ores?

It is simply the best source crystal mine!

Lin Ran wiped off a layer of dust on the stone wall and found that the stone wall even had a very faint blue light shining through it.

Then, he saw wet footprints.

There is no doubt that apart from Wika and Lin Ran, there will not be a third living person here!

There is a naturally formed door on the stone wall, and Wika's footsteps extend inside.

The road was illuminated by luminous pearls, and Lin Ran's vision was not affected in any way. He could follow Wika's footsteps and move forward without worrying about losing him.

It just seemed that Wika's steps were obviously staggering, and she would fall down after taking a few steps.

It was probably because she had consumed a lot of energy in the battle with Lin Ran and suffered internal injuries. The injuries were aggravated when she was swept down by the vortex.

Lin Ran also walked inside, walking very lightly.

In fact, although he was a little tired, his condition was much better than that of Wika. Even if he consumed a lot of energy, his source of power was not broken yet.

However, as he walked, Lin Ran suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

He was very sure that he had never been here before, but where did this sense of familiarity come from?

Lin Ran couldn't find the answer for a while, so he could only follow Wika's footsteps and continue walking forward.

However, the black source of power in his body was obviously excited!

Lin Ran could even clearly feel the joyful emotion!

Lin Ran had already known before that the part of the source power he had absorbed from Sister Xiao Ji had a tendency to become anthropomorphic. However, why was it so cheerful right now?

Could it be that we met the same kind of people?

However, the joy of black energy was not the source of Lin Ran's sense of familiarity.

After walking through this passage, there is a square room in front of you.

Yes, describing it as a room is definitely a good idea. The stones inside seem to have been artificially trimmed, and both the walls and the floor are flat.

Moreover, this room also has a faint blue light!

Lin Ran was a little shocked. This was a cave built in the center of the Source Crystal vein! It was simply a paradise for Source Force warriors!

There was an old futon on the ground, but there was a person lying on it.

It's Wika!
> She collapsed to the ground, with an empty porcelain bottle in hand!

At this time, Wika's black robe had been kicked to pieces by Lin Ran. The tights inside her were about to be shattered into strips by the source of force. After being torn apart by the super vortex just now, those strips of cloth were no longer there.

Fly away!

Now, Wika only has close-fitting clothing, and even the straps on her upper body, back and shoulders have been disconnected.

She lay on the futon, looking like a flower for anyone to pick.

Lin Ran's flame-slaying knife was still in his hand.

However, at this moment, he did not wield the knife to kill Wika.

Because, next to the futon, there was a row of similar small porcelain bottles. Wika must have opened one and drank from one before.

From the empty mouth of the bottle, a rich aura of source power emanated.

Maybe, this is filled with source crystal liquid?

Perhaps it was because Wika felt that her own source of power was too much depleted, so she drank a whole bottle directly?

Lin Ran picked up a porcelain bottle from the ground, which was still full of liquid.

He opened the cork, and instantly, the rich smell of the sea came out!

However, Lin Ran was very sure that this smell was somewhat different from the pure source of energy!

After smelling this smell, as if he had been greatly stimulated, the black power in Lin Ran's body jumped up!

A certain technique has been running uncontrollably on its own!

"I go!"

Lin Ran finally realized where the familiarity he felt in the cave came from!

However, he is obviously out of control now!

In order to improve that technique, he had memorized it by heart and tried to run it in Liang Xuean's room. However, now that he smelled the liquid in the bottle, the technique began to operate out of control. Lin Ran still

First time encountering such a thing!

And Wika, who was lying on the ground, had recovered a little at this moment. She raised her head, her pretty face was already red!

There was even a faint pink color on her skin!

At this moment, when she looked at Lin Ran, Wika's eyes no longer had resentment and hatred, but were replaced by a kind of enthusiasm derived from the instinct of life!

Her eyes already seemed to be dripping like water!


In fact, when he was quickly swept into the seabed cave by the whirlpool, his line of sight was severely affected by the current and the fish. At that time, Lin Ran did not notice that there were several large characters carved deeply next to the cave entrance!

Those characters are all written in Daxia script!

What it writes is - Dongchuan Layman’s Second Cave!

This chapter has been completed!
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