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Chapter 355 I got this knife

 Dong Lianpeng arrived at the parliament hall in time.

In fact, after the three giants of the Presidential Office, the Military Department, and the Administrative Headquarters formed a tripartite force, the presence of the Parliament has been infinitely weakened. Compared with the previous peak period when all policies formulated by the Administrative Headquarters had to go through parliamentary voting

Generally speaking, the power of this organization is much smaller now.

However, although the status of parliament has been weakened, the voices of those members cannot be ignored, not to mention that they still hold the votes in their hands.

As a member of the military, Dong Lianpeng naturally does not care about these votes, but neither President Chu Jianxuan nor Chief Executive Wu Zhengyao will ignore the parliament.

On the contrary, they all attach great importance to the voices of these people.

Many of the senior members of the parliament were old acquaintances with Zhao Ruifeng. They had known each other for many years, and it was difficult for them to accept the fact that the legendary figure suddenly collapsed.

Now, the death of Marshal Ruifeng is only being circulated among senior officials and several major departments, and has not spread.

No one knows how long such news can be suppressed, so before the news breaks out, they must find a reasonable answer that can convince everyone without overturning people's views.

There is no way, what Zhao Ruifeng did to help his son is really against human nature and unacceptable!

The parliament hall is very spectacular, with several circles of circular conference tables, but at the moment only the middle circle of tables is full, with about thirty people.

These are all senior members of Congress. If we push it forward ten years, all of them will be prominent political figures.

The speaker's name is Gao Yuhui, who is now gray-haired. He and Zhao Ruifeng were once close friends, and they even served together when they were young.

After Dong Lianpeng came in, he obviously found that the atmosphere was solemn.

He had already prepared for this. He walked to the only seat next to the round table in the inner circle and sat down. He just said softly: "Everyone, I'm here. Marshal Xingyue is not here. If you need anything, you might as well ask me directly.


Speaker Gao Yuhui said: "General Dong Lianpeng, I think you must give a convincing explanation for this kind of thing, otherwise, I am afraid that all parties will not be able to explain it. Marshal Ruifeng's record is brilliant, and he is the leader of a generation."

The God of War was sacrificed in the Black Hawk Federation, and the murderer must be severely punished."

His tone was very solemn, especially when he mentioned the words "severe punishment without mercy", there was even a hint of gloominess in his words.

Unlike other congressmen, Speaker Gao Yuhui had even seen Zhao Ruifeng's body in advance.

The tragic death of his old friend made him feel extremely bad.

"Yes, the military should give an explanation for this matter." Another congressman said: "After all, Rui Fengyuan
Shuai and the murderer... seem to be named Lin Ran? Yes, they are both affiliated with your military department, so it is most appropriate for you to give this explanation."

This congressman is relatively moderate.

But some people have a bad attitude.

"After Marshal Shangguan took charge of the military, what kind of trouble did the military make every day? It has never been calm. Now it's better. Even the legendary Marshal died at the hands of your insiders. In my opinion, Marshal Shangguan must

Bear the primary responsibility and must punish yourself!" a congressman slammed the table and shouted.

While shouting this, he also glanced at Speaker Gao Yuhui.

The height of this hammer was high enough, and it was aimed directly at Shangguan Xingyue!

Dong Lianpeng looked at the congressman and said, "So, according to Councilor Xue Pengyi's wishes, what kind of self-punishment should Marshal Shangguan do?"

After hearing this, Councilor Xue laughed and said: "It's very simple. This matter originated from the military department, so Shangguan Xingyue must at least take the blame and resign!"

At least take the blame and resign?

Dong Lianpeng almost laughed out of anger after hearing this.

He said in a deep voice: "Congressman Xue, Marshal Xingyue is the anchor of the Great Xia Military Department. Isn't it inappropriate for you to directly ask her to take the blame and resign?"

"I want to know, what is inappropriate about this? Today's military is in a state of chaos. Even the legendary marshal has died mysteriously, and you are still trying every means to favor the murderer. Shouldn't Shangguan Xingyue be held responsible for this?


Seeing this, Speaker Gao Yuhui said: "We will discuss the matter of holding Marshal Shangguan accountable later. We are now going to discuss how to bring the murderer named Lin Ran to justice."

Dong Lianpeng snorted coldly: "The three major departments have set up a joint investigation team, and the truth is about to surface. What's more, it has long been a certainty that the military will investigate Zhao Yanxin and Zhao Ruifeng. Zhao Ruifeng is a legendary marshal.

Wrong, but no matter how brilliant his record is, he must at least be a human being, right?"

"At least be a human being?" Some congressmen looked puzzled, "Why did General Dong say this?"

Just as Dong Lianpeng was about to speak, he heard Xue Pengyi sneer from the hospital: "No matter what Marshal Zhao Ruifeng has done, your military department can't just kill him just because you want to kill him! It's state-owned and national law, and if you don't deal with it in accordance with the law, you just sentence people to death. This is the same as

What difference does it make between indiscriminate lynching?”

Seeing Dong Lianpeng's brows wrinkled, Xue Pengyi continued: "Can all crimes be covered up by just saying 'performing a special mission'? Marshal Ruifeng once made great contributions, but the military arranged for people to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to hunt him down."

, by re-employing such a vicious person, aren’t you creating internal terror?”

"A vicious person? Creating internal terror?"

Dong Lianpeng was almost speechless with anger.

He stared at Xue Pengyi and said: "A warrior who once single-handedly wiped out an entire Haider reorganization division, is actually described as a vicious person by you? Like Zhao Ruifeng, he has won the highest medal of honor more than once!


As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent. .??.

In fact, not all the old congressmen in this circle are unreasonable people, nor are they all related to Zhao Ruifeng. However, this time, the death of the marshal is very important, and Zhao Ruifeng's image in the past was very positive, so

, they just couldn't accept it for a while and wanted an explanation.

Moreover, looking at the current situation, the things related to Zhao Yanxin and Yanluoshan have not yet been known to everyone here!

Dong Lianpeng's words have aroused the thinking of several people, and the memories of the past have begun to slowly emerge in front of their eyes!

Several years have passed since a certain person single-handedly hunted down an entire Haider Reorganizer Division. Some people have forgotten this incident, while others have left the funeral deeply imprinted in their hearts and have not completely forgotten it.

Dong Lianpeng said to the congressmen present: "Marshal Zhao Ruifeng helped his son Zhao Yanxin to kill a large number of warriors in an inhumane way to extract the essence of life. If you don't know this kind of thing, I will help you figure it out."

With that said, Dong Lianpeng waved to the colonel's secretary standing at the door.

The colonel came in with a stack of folders and placed one in front of each congressman.

After opening it, there is a photo and a detailed case report.

"This was taken by us in Yanluo Mountain. At that time, Marshal Shangguan was very angry and took a group of senior military generals to participate in the matter on the spot. The evidence is irrefutable and irrefutable." Dong Lianpeng said in a deep voice, "At the same time, Zhao Ruifeng

The collusion between the marshal and the defected scientist Li Senhan caused heavy casualties to Ninghai University and Ningzhou University, and many talented students withered at their best years."

"Is this happening?" Several old congressmen's expressions became visibly serious!

"The evidence is conclusive, absolutely true." Dong Lianpeng said: "But our hero who raided Haider thousands of miles away was detained by the investigation team as soon as he got off the plane. The behavior that makes the hero so chilling is repeated again and again in Daxia today.

It’s really sad that it happened.”

At this time, Speaker Gao Yuhui spoke: "Oh? General Dong, as far as I know, didn't the person you mentioned have been sacrificed in Haider? His funeral was broadcast live at that time. How come so many years later,

Is he back again?"

br> This sentence is a bit sinister.

Dong Lianpeng's eyes released a dangerous light: "Speaker Gao, is it inappropriate for you to say this? Back then, our military department specifically adopted this method in order to protect Lin Ran and eliminate international influence, and

You also knew all this at the time."

Gao Yuhui said: "Even if this Lin Ran is true, then, as General Dong said, the matter of Marshal Zhao Ruifeng should be convicted by the state and the law! And the military directly sent people to kill him.

If Zhao Ruifeng and his son were killed, then the murderers should also be punished!"

Dong Lianpeng stared at Gao Yuhui: "With all due respect, Mr. Speaker, if you say this... you are either stupid or bad."

Gao Yuhui was not angry at all, but smiled faintly and said: "In today's Daxia, there is no such thing as punishing a doctor. If the emperor breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people. The same is true for Lin Ran of your military department... killing people.

You have to pay with your life.”

Kill for life?

There is irrefutable evidence, but you can still say such a thing?

Are you just being confused, or are you deliberately confusing right and wrong?

After hearing this, Dong Lianpeng snorted coldly and was about to stand up to reprimand. At this moment, the door of the conference hall was opened!

A dashing figure in military uniform appeared at the door, carrying the rank of marshal on her shoulders!

Shangguan Xingyue!

She was still wearing a black mask, and her appearance was not visible, but her exposed eyes showed that this girl had an incredible appearance.

At this moment, Shangguan Xingyue's eyes were cold as he scanned the entire audience.

"Marshal Xingyue, are you back?" Dong Lianpeng said in surprise.

Gao Yuhui's brows furrowed severely!

Shangguan Xingyue rushed back in time, which means that the situation has become completely different!

The initiative returns to the military immediately!

"I heard all the conversation you just had." Shangguan Xingyue said, walking a few steps forward and arriving at the round conference table.

As soon as she raised her hand, the rusty long knife in her hand flew out and was inserted directly into the center of the conference table!

Several congressmen were shocked by this move!

Then, they looked at this old sword with thoughtful expressions!

"Marshal Shangguan, what are you doing?" Gao Yuhui said coldly, "Bringing a knife into the parliament? Isn't that a little too much?"

"This sword has been stuck in the square in front of President Haider's Palace for more than five years, and now I have taken it back." Shangguan Xingyue said lightly: "Do you have any other opinions about it?


This chapter has been completed!
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