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Chapter 38 The feeling of being unable to grasp

 The woman in the black dress looked at the car going down the steps, and then at Mu Mu, who looked innocent, with very clear anger in her eyes: "Damn it, you did it on purpose!"

The drift just before the crash was obviously extremely skilled. It was definitely not caused by a mistake such as stepping on the wrong accelerator. Moreover, Mu Mu's face now didn't have much apology at all, but was full of ridicule!

Miss Mu Da now has one sentence written all over her face - I bumped into her on purpose, what happened?

Lin Ran laughed and gave Mu Mu a thumbs up.

I have to say that the way this girl appeared on the stage was very popular with Lin Ran! It was really to my liking!

In response, Mu Mu also winked at Lin Ran.

Seeing the expressions of the man and the woman, the woman in black skirt was almost furious and shouted: "This is Ningzhou, you dare to hit the Cheng family's car? Seeing that you are good-looking, take her back and give her to

Young Master! Go and beg for his forgiveness!"

Before he finished speaking, the two strong bodyguards had already grabbed Mu Mu's hands.

Mu Mu stood there with a smile on his face and didn't hide at all.

However, at this moment, the passenger door of the supercar opened.

A woman in white is sitting there, with an extremely plump and attractive figure, but her pretty face is covered with frost!

It is Mu Mu’s master, Ji Ningyu!

"Who wants to take action?"

She snorted coldly, took a step forward, flicked her sleeves, and slapped the two bodyguards!

It seems to be a simple action, but a powerful flow of energy spurts out from the palm of the hand!

The two bodyguards were rushing towards Mu Mu, but were hit by this powerful force. They all flew out and fell heavily to the ground a few meters away!

Releasing source power through the air?

What level is this?

The people watching were simply stunned!

After the two bodyguards, who were as strong as cattle, fell down, they covered their chests, vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and their faces quickly turned pale!

They struggled several times, but couldn't get up again!

Ji Ningyu said coldly: "I want to see who dares to speak arrogantly in front of me?"

"Original force separated from the body? You are A-level!"

The woman in the black hip-hugging skirt looked at Ji Ningyu, her eyes full of shock!

Although she herself is B-level and her strength is quite good, there is still a huge chasm between the peak of B-level and A-level. I don’t know how many masters have been stuck at this level for their whole lives. Han Heyan is just a chance.

The breakthrough was achieved by coincidence!

"Just now, you were the one who wanted to take my apprentice back and give it to your eldest master, right?" Ji Ningyu looked at the other party, and the chill in her words seemed to freeze the entire space!
The woman in the black dress was the first to bear the brunt and immediately trembled!

"My name is Li Feixue, from the Cheng family." The woman stared at Ji Ningyu, resisting the opponent's momentum, and said through gritted teeth: "This is Ningzhou, I hope you will be smarter and fight against us.

It’s really no good!”

Reveal your identity!

The people watching were in an uproar.

Obviously, although the Cheng family is in decline, its reputation in Ningzhou is not small!

Especially for ordinary people, such a big family really cannot be provoked, and it is too late to hide away!

Many people are beginning to worry about Lin Ran and Master and Disciple Ji Ningyu!

After all, in Ningzhou, if the Cheng family wants to torture someone to death, there are a hundred ways to make the other person miserable!

"Ningzhou Cheng family? Haha, I really don't know where your confidence lies."

Ji Ningyu sneered and waved her hand again!

An even colder source of power surged out from the palm of his hand, knocking the woman named Li Feixue directly over!

The latter was unable to control his body at all and ran straight into the revolving door of the hotel!

That expensive glass door shattered all over the floor in an instant!

Li Feixue fell into the hotel lobby and rolled for more than ten times before stopping. At this time, her hair was disheveled and her head was bleeding!

The scene was completely silent! You could already hear a pin drop!

After Li Feixue had revealed her identity as a member of the Cheng family, the lady in white still attacked so violently, she was extremely powerful!

What are their identities? Why are they not afraid of the Cheng family? Aren't they worried about retaliation?

"My master is still awesome!" Mu Mu said with a smile, then walked up to Li Feixue, who was wearing a hip-hugging skirt, looked at her, and said: "You woman, you have a pretty butt, but you're just not very smart.

It’s very useful.”

Li Feixue was lying on the ground, and her eyesight went black for a while, as if the world was spinning.

The hotel manager stood in the middle of the lobby, looking at the mess on the floor, and said helplessly: "These... you guys, look at me..."

Since Ji Ningyu is extremely strong, the manager certainly does not dare to ask her for any compensation. It feels like even saying a word to this beautiful sister will freeze her aura.

Lin Ran smiled when he saw this and said to the hotel manager: "Calculate the losses first, and then send the bill to the Cheng family. Let them pay for all the losses."

Having said this, Lin Ran looked at the door, and then said: "By the way, there is also my friend's sports car. Remember to ask the Cheng family to compensate for a brand new one."

When Mu Mu heard that Lin Ran wanted the Cheng family to pay for his car, his eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons.

The hotel manager looked bitter: "Sir, this... I don't dare to provoke the Cheng family. If I give them the bill, the Cheng family won't beat me out..."

Lin Ran said: "Don't worry."

With that said, he walked to Li Feixue's side, squatted down, and said, "Did you hear what I just said?"

Li Feixue felt dizzy, and her eyes were still full of double images. She said with difficulty: "I...heard..."

"As long as you hear it, take the bill back and give it to your young master." Lin Ran's smile was bright, but what he said was a bit creepy: "If he doesn't want to become disabled, just pay the compensation.

By the way, for that sports car, I want him to compensate for the latest and most premium model, do you understand?"

Mu Mu looked at Lin Ran and smiled happily.

Li Feixue hesitated for a moment and did not answer immediately. However, at this time, Lin Ran smiled and said: "Why, don't you agree?"

"I...I promise...I will convey it to the eldest young master." She was unable to fight back now, for fear that she would be beaten again if she didn't agree.

"Very good. I want to see the compensation within twenty-four hours. As for the car, it will be delivered to me within three days." After Lin Ran finished speaking, he took a deep look at Li Feixue and slowly said

The ground uttered two words: "Go away."

This kind of ultra-luxury sports car is limited edition. It doesn't mean that you can buy it just by buying it. It also has to be shipped from abroad. Lin Ran asked the Cheng family to deliver the car within three days. In fact, this condition is already very harsh.

Li Feixue got up with difficulty and limped outside.

When passing Ji Ningyu, she didn't even dare to look up.

And the two bodyguards finally got up with difficulty and left in embarrassment with Li Feixue. The arrogance and domineering before had completely disappeared!

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, thank you, Mr. Lin!" The hotel manager quickly bowed to Lin Ran, extremely grateful.

Mu Mu glanced at Lin Ran with a smile, and then said, "Thank you."

"The Cheng family is here for me. You helped me out. I have to thank you." Lin Ran said to Mu Mu and Ji Ningyu.

In fact, many people around me think so.

After all, Lin Ran never made a move from beginning to end.

Even when faced with Li Feixue's attack, Lin Ran even "stood still" on the spot without even making the slightest defensive move!

Of course, this is just for laymen to watch, and for professionals to watch the door. Lin Ran's calmness and composure in the face of attacks can probably be equated with "being too scared to move" in the eyes of people who don't understand Yuanli.

r> Of course, many of the onlookers cast envious glances at Lin Ran.

After all, whether it is a cold-faced sister like Ji Ningyu or a hot sister like Mu Mu, they are both rare beauties, and they can actually fight for that man together. This kind of beauty is really heart-wrenching.

Be jealous.

Just as Mu Mu was about to say something modest, she heard Lin Ran continue: "Besides, that bump you just made was very sassy."

Mu Mu's eyes turned into crescent moons again. She looked at Lin Ran's face and said out of nowhere: "You are better-looking than I thought."

"Thank you for the compliment." Mu Mu's turn of phrase made Lin Ran dumbfounded. Could it be said that women are all creatures whose appearance is important?

The moment Mu Mu crashed into the car just now was actually very dangerous. Such a violent impact could cause serious injuries to even an entry-level warrior!

Lin Ran clearly felt it. At the moment of the impact, Ji Ningyu used her source power to protect Mu Mu, leaving the latter unscathed.

Of course, with Mu Mu's C-level strength, the car crash was not enough to cause her serious injuries, but her makeup and hairstyle would never be so intact!

This cold-faced lady’s mastery of source power is stronger than her actual strength!

"Actually, you don't need to thank us, because we still have something to ask of you." Ji Ningyu said to Lin Ran: "Besides, if you had taken action just now, those three people might have died."

"Let's talk in another place." Lin Ran said with a smile, "There are many people here and it's not suitable for reminiscing about the past."

Not suitable for reminiscing?

This is obviously the first time that the two parties have met, so what can they talk about?

Mu Mu and Ji Ningyu both heard the word, but did not take it seriously, thinking that Lin Ran accidentally used the wrong word.

"Okay, I also brought a business car." Mu Mu nodded, tilted her head, looked at Lin Ran, smiled sweetly, and whispered in Ji Ningyu's ear: "I thought you were very powerful.

, but I didn’t expect it to look so good, it’s really an unexpected surprise.”

Ji Ningyu glanced at Mu Mu, with a look of disgust in her eyes, and said directly: "She's a superficial woman."

"Oh, Master, looking at handsome guys is a very happy thing." Mu Mu hugged Ji Ningyu's arm: "You have to try to experience this kind of happiness with me."

Master and disciple, experience some kind of happiness related to men together?

Why does this sound weird?

Facing this kind of suggestion, Ji Ningyu had no expression on her face and was too lazy to respond.

However, when Ji Ningyu looked at Lin Ran's back, there was an indescribable feeling of familiarity in her heart, as if she had seen it somewhere.

This feeling was so ethereal that Ji Ningyu couldn't grasp it for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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