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Chapter 410 The hand at the bottom of the well reappears

 Looking at the completely disappeared stone tablet, a creepy feeling filled Lin Ran's whole body!

He really couldn't understand at all that a stone tablet that had existed for hundreds of years was just gone? Where did it go?

Was it moved away or disappeared?

Lin Ran is a pure materialist and absolutely does not believe in metaphysics. However, after the source of power was discovered, there are many phenomena that are difficult to explain using basic theories, and he is now in complete confusion.

"Could it be that someone came here after I left and moved the stone tablet away?" Lin Ran guessed in his mind.

He carefully checked the traces of the original location of the stone tablet and found that nothing could be seen. All traces were probably soaked away by the well water.

In short, now that the matter has come to this, Lin Ran is very sure that someone else knows the secret at the bottom of the well!

However, what is the use of moving this stone monument? Can it still be sold for money? ???

He felt the deep well carefully and found that there was nothing unusual in the water, and the unknown words on the well walls were still there.

Lin Ran groped at the bottom of the well for another long time, and then slowly came up, without releasing Xiao Hei to eat his fill.

At this moment, Lin Ran's heart was full of doubts. He really couldn't imagine what secret this well held. Could it be that the meaning of that stone tablet was just waiting for him to discover it?

When I see the words on that stone tablet, then the meaning of the existence of this tablet ends and it can disappear?

But where did it go?

Lin Ran couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

If I had tried to move the stone tablet when I first descended into this deep well, I might have made a different discovery. However, now, I no longer have this opportunity.

Sophie sat quietly by the pavilion, waiting for Lin Ran to come out.

And at this moment, figures suddenly rose from the mountains and forests in the distance and flew over here!

There are at least a dozen people in this group! The word "unparalleled" is written on everyone's chest!

He is the former disciple of the Wushuang Sword Sect!

After these people landed, their eyes all fell on Sophie! They all instinctively showed malicious smiles!

When Sophie saw this, she smiled coldly and said, "Have you been following us for a long time?"

"Yes, I have been chasing you for a long time, and finally found you." The man in the lead said with a smile.

In fact, this is because Sophie and Lin Ran did not walk too fast. Otherwise, with their speed, they would have thrown these Sword Sect disciples to nowhere.

"Sure enough, she is much more beautiful than we imagined." The male disciples looked at each other and saw the man in each other's smiles.
He has an understanding look.

"Yes, we thought that the girl who was taken into the mountains to play was definitely very good, but we didn't expect that she would be so good."

"Later, let's line up and come one by one, haha."

A group of people talked incessantly, and the content of their words was unpleasant, as if Sophie had fallen into their pockets, and they did not even think about where Lin Ran had gone.

"Who are you?" Sophie's eyes fell on the words on these people's clothes, she smiled faintly and said: "Wushuang Sword Sect?"

In fact, Sophie's appearance is really quite good, she is a real beauty, but she usually stays with the extremely dazzling Su Qingcheng, so her brilliance is overshadowed by the even more dazzling Fairy Qingcheng.


At this moment, facing these men who are practicing hard in the mountains all day long and can't even see a woman, Sophie's lethality is simply nuclear weapons level!

"Haha, you know that we are from the Wushuang Sword Sect, why don't you be more honest?"

"Don't worry, beauty, we will take good care of you."

"The Wushuang Sword Sect is the most powerful sect in the Nanling Hundred Thousand Mountains. If you follow us, you will not suffer any loss."

This group of men walked towards Sophie, their eyes almost glowing green.

In their opinion, Sophie looked like she was from a big city in her beautiful dress. It was impossible for her to come from the world of martial arts, let alone have any powerful backers.

This delicate look doesn't seem like she has any force behind her.

However, how could these brainless guys think that if they didn't have two brushes, how could they appear in these vast mountains?

"Don't you understand the law? If you do this to me, do you know it is a crime?" Sophie asked, blinking her big eyes.

However, the men on the opposite side burst out laughing after hearing this, and the mockery in their words was even stronger: "I say, girl, you are too naive. The world of Jianghu has always been a place outside the law!"

"So, you are all outlaws?" Sophie said with a slight smile, "Unfortunately, I don't like outlaws, so I can't bear to obey."

Her smile, coupled with her coquettish tone of voice, made those guys who had not touched the opposite sex for a long time almost bewildered.

"It's no longer your decision to never obey orders." A leading man said.

"Second Senior Brother, let's stop talking nonsense with her. We should take it down as soon as possible so that the brothers can feel refreshed. We have to rush back to the Sword Sect before dark."

"Okay." This

The second senior brother's eyes glanced back and forth on Sophie's body twice: "I'll go first, don't grab it from me!"

As he said that, he approached Sophie step by step.

When the two senior brothers were still two or three meters away from the pavilion, a hand suddenly reached out from the edge of the deep well!

This scene scared the dozen people present to death!

Especially the second senior brother, all the energy in his body started to work immediately!

Then Lin Ran, soaked all over, emerged from the well.

Seeing that this man was very young, the disciples of the Wushuang Sword Sect who were shocked all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they did not think carefully about why the man in front of them ran into this deep well.

"My good brother, why are you here?" Sophie pouted and joked to Lin Ran, "These bastards want to bully your sister."

"Haha, let me see who is impatient." Lin Ran sat by the well and smiled sarcastically. His clothes were dripping with water from top to bottom. He did not look like a peerless master.


"Kill this man first!" the second senior brother shouted.

However, the next second, he saw a large amount of water mist suddenly rising from Lin Ran's body!

The wet clothes were instantly steamed dry by Yuan Li!


Those present were stunned, because the skill of applying source power that Lin Ran showed at this moment was not something that ordinary warriors could show!

While they were in a daze, Lin Ran had already arrived in front of the second senior brother. Before the other person could react, he grabbed the other person's neck and dragged him to the edge of the well!

The second senior brother struggled desperately and kicked his feet wildly, but it was of no use at all. All the energy in his body had been tightly restricted by Lin Ran!

The other disciples were simply stunned!

"There are many things that cannot be done. I think that even if you are in the world of martial arts, you should understand this truth." Lin Ran said, and punched the second senior brother in the stomach!


A muffled sound!

The opponent's source of power pool was directly blasted to the point of explosion!

The second senior brother's body trembled so hard that he almost couldn't breathe because of the pain!

Under this punch, his internal organs were severely injured!

"Get out of here."

Lin Ran said, sitting by the well, pressing the second senior brother's head, and pushing him into the deep well!

Two or three seconds later, there was a splash of water falling from below!

Then there was the sound of water splashing desperately

However, even if this second senior brother fluttered, it was useless. His source of power pool was exploded by Lin Ran's punch, and he was no different from a useless person! It was impossible to climb up!

Seeing this situation, the disciples of the Wushuang Sword Sect drew out their swords and rushed towards Lin Ran!

Lin Ran smiled sarcastically: "Today, none of you who came here will be able to leave."

Afterwards, those Sword Sect disciples felt the endless coercion released from Lin Ran's body, overwhelming them and restraining them all!

At this moment, their eyes all looked frightened!

"It's actually S-class..."

However, even if you realize it at this moment, it is already too late!


Sophie clapped her hands, jumped off the pavilion, and threw all the guys who were rude to her into the well!

Then, like a curious baby, the beautiful senior sister lay down by the well and looked inside.

However, it was pitch black below, and only the cries for help and splashing water kept coming.

"They are so noisy." Sophie said, blinking her big eyes.

"Then let them be quiet."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he rushed down with his fist and punched!

A fierce and fierce source of power was released, like a beam of light from top to bottom, blasting directly to the surface of the water along the well mouth!

The oscillating sound of water waves came up, and even water spray splashed out of the high well mouth!

And those flapping sounds below were finally quiet!

Lin Ran's punch probably knocked out all the Sword Sect disciples below!

Of course, some unlucky people lost their lives directly under this heavy punch!

And none of these people can escape the fate of being drowned! Anyone who commits many unjust acts will surely die!

Traveling around the world of Jianghu, Lin Ran and Sophie have naturally seen too many things like this! Of course they will not have any mercy!

"Let's go, let's go to the next stop." Lin Ran said.

"Where is the next stop?" Sophie looked at the sun and said, "If it's too far, we may not be able to reach it before dark."

"Let's go to the north." Lin Ran said with a smile, "If we go faster, we can still eat delicious noodles."


What Lin Ran didn't know was that after he left, a stone suddenly cracked a gap slowly on the side wall at the bottom of the deep well.

Then, a hand stretched out from the gap and pulled one of the Sword Sect disciples who was sinking at the bottom of the pool in!

This chapter has been completed!
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