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Chapter 546 Some people are originally gods

"How is Tianqi?" Lin Ran asked as soon as he rushed into the room.

Xia Hanbing took Lin Ran to the bedroom and said, "He was injured in his heart and lungs and fell into a coma. Shao Juan's palm... really showed no mercy."

"Her starry eyes appear again?"

"Yes." Xia Hanbing nodded, "Tianqi is indeed braver. Faced with Shao Juan in that state, she dared to step forward and carry her."

Lin Ran turned his head and looked at the person lying on the bed, feeling a strong sense of distress in his heart.

"It's a good thing you're here. Otherwise, if the injury accelerates and worsens, and I can't return home, I'll be in trouble." Xia Hanbing said.

After saying that, the girl closed the door of the room thoughtfully, leaving the space for Lin Ran and He Tianqi.

At this moment, He Tianqi's upper body was covered with a bath towel.

Due to her chest injury, Xia Hanbing had already taken off her shirt. Her long hair had been untied and spread down. There was a hint of paleness on her beautiful face, and there was not much blood on her lips, which made people look at her.

Very distressed.

"You, why are you so stupid..."

Lin Ran sat beside the bed and said softly.

Looking at He Tianqi, he couldn't help but think of He Tianming who had already died.

The will and quality displayed by these two brothers and sisters at certain times really seemed to be carved from the same mold.

That kind of strength is very touching and also makes people feel distressed.

Lin Ran lifted off the bath towel covering He Tianqi.

A piece of white light entered his eyes.

Due to his chest injury, Xia Hanbing had already taken off all the clothes on He Tianqi's upper body.

However, although the scene in front of him was very moving, and the pink sunset seemed like a delicate bud, for Lin Ran, he was not in any mood to take another look at the scenery at this moment, but first

He immediately focused his attention on the palm prints on He Tianqi's chest.

The palm print spanned two mountain peaks, leaving deep bruises on the originally flawless and delicate skin!

This was shot by Shao Juan.

Lin Ran gritted his teeth and felt extremely distressed.

After covering He Tianqi with the towel again, Lin Ran put his hand against He Tianqi's lower abdomen, and then the warm energy was injected into it.

Lin Ran discovered that He Tianqi's sternum was cracked three times, his heart and lungs were greatly shocked, and his internal bleeding was severe.

Fortunately, he is relatively good at this aspect of treatment.

After all, strictly speaking, He Tianqi's injuries at this moment were lighter than those of Aaliyah and Tina.

However, after being treated for a while, Lin then realized belatedly that He Tianqi was now Grade A!

The speed of this girl's source of energy is really soaring upwards on a rocket!

After more than an hour of treatment, the purple palm prints on He Tianqi's chest were gone.
It became very light, leaving only a shallow layer.

And the internal bleeding has been reduced by more than half!

However, this charming girl was still in a coma at the moment. Her long eyelashes would occasionally flutter slightly, and she didn't know if she was dreaming about something.

Lin Ran walked out of the room and said to Xia Hanbing who was waiting at the door:

"Let's find a way to send Tianqi back to Daxia. Now that her life is not in danger, she can just send her back to Daxia to rest for a while."


Xia Hanbing agreed.

However, her expression was a bit cold and she was obviously not in a good mood.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran couldn't help but ask when he saw this.

"I always feel that this trip to Xierlan was a failure." Xia Hanbing shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Not only did he fail to bring Shao Juan back, but he almost got Tianqi involved."

Lin Ran smiled: "I thought it was something that made you so depressed, but it turned out to be this."

"The mission failed, isn't it frustrating enough?"

There was a hint of stubbornness in Xia Hanbing's beautiful eyes: "I rarely fail."

Lin Ran shook his head and said with a smile: "It is no longer an easy task for you to pinpoint Shao Juan's whereabouts from the vast sea of ​​people... Just imagine, if this matter was simple, how could Shangguan Xingyue arrange it for you?

Come to Hirland with me?"

As he said that, he took a step forward, put his arms around Xia Hanbing, and pulled Xia Hanbing into his arms.

This sudden movement made Xia Hanbing's body stiffen and her whole body became tense!

Lin Ran stretched out his hand, ruffled Xia Hanbing's hair, and then said, "Isn't this comfort quite powerful?"

"It's okay." Xia Hanbing's voice came from under Lin Ran's shoulder, sounding muffled.

Lin Ran pressed her head and rubbed it wildly, Xia Hanbing's mouth and nose were squeezed flat on his shoulders.

Lin Ran then let go of his hand, looked at Xiao Xia's pretty reddish face, and said with a smile, "What, you're still shy?"

Xia Hanbing snorted, and her voice became colder again: "Humph, there is nothing shy about a younger sister facing an elder brother."

Lin Ran was still a little confused and couldn't understand Xia Hanbing's brain circuit at the moment.

However, Miss Xiao Xia did not continue on this topic. Instead, she changed the topic and said in a softer voice: "You should go and accompany Tianqi again. It is not easy to meet."


Lin Ran sat beside He Tianqi's bed. The latter's breathing was steady, but there was no sign of waking up yet.

In fact, Lin Ran has always been full of heartache and debt to this girl.

Even though He Tianqi had entered the top-secret sequence and became a source genius who was under special care, Lin Ran's feeling of indebtedness still did not diminish at all.

This girl looks delicate and beautiful, but her tough heart is incomparable to many people.

However, an incoming phone call broke Lin Ran and He Tianqi's alone time.

Lin Ran didn't recognize this number.

After the connection was connected, a pleasant female voice came out:

"Hello, Monsieur Louis XVII."

Lin Ran frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

"I am the King of Angels among many people, but you can just call me Sumer. After all, my Angels of Hillland organization is nothing compared to your Carmen Prison."

Lin Ran didn't expect that this mysterious underground boss would suddenly call him!

Could it be said that it was precisely because of her status as the warden that she asked the Angel of Light, Clementine, to let her have whatever she wanted?

It seems that this King of Angels is also a person who is not very able to see the lower limit.

"Lord Louis XVII, I know what you are thinking, but the existence of the Angel of Hillland organization is more or less related to the Louis royal family. Regarding this, if we have the opportunity to meet, we can discuss it in detail." This angel.

King Sumer continued.

The royal family of Louis again?

The last time Lin Ran heard this term, it came from Qin Wanxi's mouth!

This so-called Louis royal family does not seem to exist in historical data!

Especially in the empires and dynasties in the West, there is no royal family with this surname... How did he become the heir to the throne?

However, what's the benefit of being a mere commander? There isn't even a concubine! Where is the treatment that an emperor should have!

In fact, Lin Ran didn't realize at this time that the so-called concubines in the harem were far away but right in front of him!

Angel of Sheeran!

"Okay." Lin Ran shook his head and said helplessly: "What I want to know is, why are you contacting me now? Do you know that I am looking for Dark Angel?"

Lin Ran didn't want to know the whole story at this time. After all, he now found that there seemed to be more and more unsolved suspense.

And most of this suspense revolves around myself.

There were too many debts to weigh him down, and now that there were so many things he couldn't figure out, Lin Ran simply lay down.

No matter what you do, those things will eventually find their way to you.

The woman named Su Mo'er shook her head and laughed when she saw that Lin Ran was not yet enlightened.

Then, she said: "Lord Louis XVII, please rest assured, Dark
Angels carry special responsibilities, and she is different from all the women in the Angel organization."

"What do you mean?" Lin Ran frowned fiercely.

Obviously, Su Mo'er's words are undoubtedly equivalent to admitting that the dark angel is Shao Juan herself!

Although he did not have to solve the mystery surrounding himself, this matter was related to Shao Juan's fate, and it was impossible for Lin Ran not to interfere.

Su Moer then said:

"Lord Louis XVII, you have to believe that some of people's abilities are given by God, and some people... are gods in the first place."

After saying that, she hung up the phone on her own initiative.

Lin Ran was confused and didn't understand what the other person's words meant. After thinking about it, he called back.

However, Lin Ran called a few more times, but was always unable to get through!

"Then the last sentence, is it hinting at me?"

Lin Ran's brows furrowed fiercely: "Did she say that I am a god, or that Shao Juan is a god?"

In fact, Lin Ran has always been a staunch atheist, but he did not have any doubts about Su Moer's words.

After all, in the eyes of many low-level warriors, "S-level" warriors are really no different from gods!

After carefully thinking about the implication of the King of Angels for a while, Lin Ran couldn't come up with any clues, but at this time, his phone rang again.

After being connected, a not-unfamiliar voice sounded:

"In front of me, there are five angels kneeling. You'd better come and take a look. If you come a little later, I will let you see the scene of the angels falling."

The voice was very gloomy and had a sinister flavor to it.

Lin Ran had indeed heard this sound a few hours ago!

This person is none other than the colonel of Inzali’s military headquarters and Lailin’s brother, Wilhan!

Lin Ran's brows furrowed, and two piercing cold rays of light were released from it: "It seems that you did not obey the Bavarian General's order to stay away from home."

"I am indeed an Inzali soldier, but first of all, I am the heir to the Black Fire Organization." Wilhan said, "You have torn the dignity of the Black Fire Party into pieces, and you must pay the price!"

"So, you kidnapped a few women from the Angel Organization to blackmail me?" Lin Ran said sarcastically: "You are an S-class after all, and that's all you have?"

"Haha, the process is not important, the result is important. What's more, I have always been an unscrupulous person."

Wilhan smiled coldly: "By the way, listen, what is this sound?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and the whip in his hand fell hard on a woman from the Angel Organization!


With one whip, the flesh and blood will fly!

This chapter has been completed!
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