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Chapter 581 The Real Competitor

 The fire is soaring into the sky!

Even a light torpedo is enough to blow the yacht into countless pieces!

The bodies of Mach and Mels were instantly engulfed in fire!

At this time, a voice came from the cockpit of the submarine:

"Report to the general, focus on the target, Princess Tian's yacht has been reduced to pieces."

The speaker is the captain of the submarine.

"Are there any survivors?" A deep voice came from the communicator.

"Please rest assured, general, there will be no survivors under an explosion of this magnitude," the submarine's captain said.

"That's good." The person on the phone was very satisfied: "You continue to be responsible for the security mission around the sea area. Today's incident will be treated as if it never happened."


After the captain of the submarine finished speaking, he cut off the call and shouted coldly to the men behind him: "No one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened today! Otherwise, the general will chop off your heads!"

Several officers behind him immediately stood at attention, their faces serious!

Indeed, they all know that they have participated in a coup that has not been seen in a century!

If word spreads about the bombing that killed Princess Tian and Princess Candice, then there will no longer be a place for them in Inzali’s country!

As he spoke, the submarine turned towards the deep sea, far away from the shattered yacht!

And the gradually raging waves will swallow up all traces!


At this moment, in a luxurious villa in Xiro City, the capital of Inzali, a man in military uniform had opened a bottle of red wine.

His military rank is actually Lieutenant General!

And the person who just had a long phone call with the submarine was him!

This person is the commander of the First Group Army of the Xiro Military Region, Luo Xisong!

Opposite Rossison, there was a young man sitting.

He looked to be in his mid-twenties, about the same age as Lin Ran. The smile on his face was harmless and seemed to be very modest.

This person is none other than Queen Martina’s other grandson, Prince Matali!

"Your Highness, we can celebrate in advance. Now, all the contenders for the throne have been eliminated," General Rossison said.

He smiled and handed Matali a glass of red wine.

The two clinked their glasses, and the crisp sound seemed to symbolize the joy of victory.

"Well, actually, Princess Tian has always been very kind to me." Prince Matali shook his head, as if there was a little sadness in his tone: "It's just me, and I have no choice but to do it for the sake of the throne."

Matali and Tian are similar in age, and the former has to call Tian's father, Prince Jorhat, uncle.

I just didn't expect it, bite
Human dogs don't bark.

In the order of competition for the throne, Prince Tian, ​​Prince Marcel, and Prince Claire have always been among the top three, and no one has noticed Prince Matali.

The queen's grandson is usually a quiet person. He has been studying abroad and rarely returns to the royal family. He has no sense of existence at all.

He usually gives people the impression that he is the most typical science and engineering man, who stays in the laboratory every day studying boring data and has no desire for power at all.

But it was this kind of person who actually joined forces with the military to stage a perfect mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind him, and planned a shocking attack!

"Princess Tian has cleared away Prince Claire and Prince Marcel for His Royal Highness, which has also relieved us a lot of burden." General Rossison said with a smile: "In the future, when His Highness the Prince succeeds to the throne, we will go to Princess Tian

I would like to express my gratitude to her at her grave."

"That's natural, haha."

Prince Matali said and laughed.

"Let's go, we should go see Queen Martina now." Lieutenant General Rossison said with a smile.

Now that all competitors have been eliminated and there is only one heir to the throne, it is no longer important whether the black crystal can be found -

It’s time to force the uterus!

So, Matali got on the military vehicle of the Xiro Military Region and drove towards the royal family!

This time, General Luo Xisong directly brought the special forces of the Xiro Military Region for protection!

Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers followed Prince Matali in cars! The momentum was fierce!

Is this to inherit the throne or to seize power with arms?

The answer is already obvious!

On the way, Matali called his grandmother.

His grandmother is Queen Martina.

Queen Martina has been sitting on the throne for many years. Now she is gray-haired and old. Several diseases have broken out recently, and her body has become weaker and weaker.

At this time, she was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by the maid to bask in the sun in the garden.

The thick blanket covered her legs.

Queen Martina is now too weak to stand up and walk on her own strength.

"Her Royal Highness, this is Prince Matali's phone number."

The maid wearing a classical dress from Hillland is holding a mobile phone and her tone is full of respect.

"Oh, it's my grandson who loves scientific research."

Queen Martina smiled, with a look of nostalgia in her eyes that had begun to become cloudy:

"I haven't seen him for a long time. I miss him very much."

Even though this old lady's face is covered with wrinkles, she can still see a graceful and luxurious temperament that is absolutely impossible to see in ordinary people.

The maid answered the call, then turned on the speakerphone and placed the phone on Queen Martina's lap.

"Dear Martina, I miss you so much." Matali's voice came with a smile.

"I miss you too, my child." Martina said: "You haven't returned to Inzali for a long time, haven't you?"

"I'm back and I'm going to visit you now." Matali said with a smile: "Dear Martina, how are you?"

"Not very good..." Martina said, "I have been searching for the black crystal recently. If anyone can find it, I will pass the throne to him... Being able to see the elegance of that crystal again will be my life


Matali on the other end of the phone frowned at first. After all, he didn't have a black crystal in his hand.

However, when he thought that he was the only heir to the throne, Matali didn't care at all, and his frown relaxed. .??.

"That's a pity. I don't know what that black crystal is, but I'm still very happy when I think about seeing my dear Martina soon," Matali said.

"Okay, I will wait for you in the royal garden, my child." Martina said, her voice full of kindness.

"Okay, by the way, dear grandma, I heard that some unhappy things have happened to the royal family recently. I hope it has not affected your mood."

After Matali finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly without waiting for Martina's response.

Then, he looked at General Rossison beside him. The two looked at each other and saw the fire of ambition in each other's eyes!

After today, the royal family's structure will undergo earth-shaking changes!

When they arrived at the entrance to the back garden of the palace, the guards stopped the convoy.

Since the palace no longer has any substantive administrative power, the number of guards that usually protect the royal family members is not large. There are only seven or eight people at the entrance to the back garden.

Of course, this may only be superficial.

"I am Prince Matali, don't you recognize me?"

Matali got out of the car, that harmless smile still hanging on his face.

Others can even read a sense of humility in this smile.

This has become his mask and cannot be taken off.

"Of course we recognize him, but, Your Highness, are you..." The guard next to him was a little confused.

After all, the open-top off-road vehicles behind are all full of armed soldiers!

They are fierce and full of murderous looks
Teng, those who didn’t know better thought they were coming to seize power with force!

"I just had a phone call with Queen Martina, and I came to see her." Matali said, "By the way, the person next to me is Lieutenant General Rossison of the Siro Military Region. You should recognize her."

The guard was a little embarrassed: "Prince Matali, you and General Rossison can go in, but as for those soldiers..."

Lieutenant General Luo Xisong snorted coldly: "These are elite soldiers who have served in our army for many years. What are you worried about? Are you worried that they will harm the royal family?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Just what? Get out of my way!"

Luo Xisson took action directly and pushed hard!

The guard was immediately pushed to the ground, the back of his head hit the steps hard, and he passed out!

The remaining guards saw this and were about to give a warning. However, those fierce special forces rushed directly from the car. They swarmed up and subdued all the guards!

"What are you going to do?" one of the guards said in horror.

It could be seen from his expression that he had obviously guessed the terrible outcome.

"It's very simple. I just came to do what I should do." Matali still smiled modestly.

However, at this moment, such a smile fell in the eyes of the guard, and he felt that the prince looked like a devil!

After Matali finished speaking, he wanted to step over the guard's body.

However, halfway through, Matali suddenly stopped his feet!

The next second, his foot deliberately kicked the other person's face!

The source of power explodes directly in the soles of the feet!

The guard was trampled to pieces and his face was covered in blood! He fainted on the spot!

"Let's go and see Her Majesty the Queen." Matali walked into the back garden with a smile.

Rossison also followed behind.

And the hundreds of special forces soldiers behind him also rushed in fully armed!


After entering the garden gate, turning two corners and arriving at the open lawn, Matali saw Queen Martina not far away.

Beside her, there were several maids, without any high-level combat power present.

These maids formed a very sharp contrast with the hundreds of murderous soldiers behind Matali!

The auras of the two sides are completely different! It's like a few little sheep meeting a pack of ferocious wolves!

"Dear Martina, I'm here."

Seeing this, Matali shouted with a smile and quickened his pace.

Martina looked at the soldiers behind Matali, and then at her grandson who was smiling, with a clear and complicated meaning in her eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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