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Chapter 8 Refusing to Apologize

 Song Liangming knelt down.

Following his movement, the surroundings became completely silent, and you could hear a needle drop!

The neighbors who were watching did not expect this to happen!

They originally thought that Song Liangming and his wife, who were extremely arrogant in Bei'an City, came to accuse Lin Ran. Maybe the young man would die or be disabled today. However, now it seems that the situation is completely opposite!

What is the identity of the young man who kidnapped He Tianqi's marriage?

Seeing Song Liangming kneeling on the ground, uncle Zhang Jingang felt bad!

He was originally counting on Song Liangming to support him, but why did the situation suddenly take a turn for the worse?

Lin Ran didn't seem surprised when he saw Song Liangming's action, and said calmly: "It's the father's fault if a son doesn't teach me. I think that Song Yuandong's arrogance and domineering attitude has a lot to do with the connivance of you and your wife."

Relationship, right?"

Although this tone was light, it contained extremely strong oppressive force. Song Liangming was the first to bear the brunt, and the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat!

"It's our fault. We didn't teach our children well. Please forgive me, Mr. Lin!" Song Liangming said quickly.

However, Lin Ran looked at Lu Yiwei who was standing aside, and a smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Song, your wife seems to be very unconvinced? Her eyes are full of unfriendliness."

Lu Yiwei had been staring at Lin Ran coldly, with no intention of admitting her mistake at all.

Her son was beaten and became disabled. She really couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to cut the man in front of her into pieces.

However, for some reason, after Lin Ran glanced over, Lu Yiwei's body began to feel cold from the inside out, and she shivered uncontrollably!

It seemed that this man contained an aura that she couldn't resist!

After hearing Lin Ran's words, Song Liangming turned to look at Lu Yiwei and whispered: "Kneel down quickly and apologize to Mr. Lin!"

Lu Yiwei's eyes were bloodshot, she gritted her teeth, but her knees still didn't bend!

When Song Liangming saw this, he cursed angrily: "What a short-sighted woman!"

After scolding, he stood up directly, slapped Lu Yiwei hard, and growled: "Kneel down and apologize! Did you hear that!"

In full public view, the richest man beat his wife!

Someone has already recorded this scene! It has been posted on the Bei'an City forum!

Red fingerprints immediately appeared on Lu Yiwei's face. She felt extremely humiliated. However, the situation was stronger than others, so she could only bend her knees and kneel down!

"Please forgive me, Mr. Lin!" Lu Yiwei lowered her head, her voice was slightly hoarse, and she seemed to be crying.

With this kneeling, this woman who usually has a higher eye than her head has completely lost her self-esteem! Her so-called face has been shattered to pieces!

He Tianqi looked at this scene and felt a strong sense of security in her heart - only Lin Ran had given her such a feeling since her brother's death!

Lin Ran shook his head gently and said to Song Liangming: "It's easy to kneel down and it's not difficult to apologize, but we can't just let this matter go."

Isn’t it okay to kneel down?

After hearing these words, Song Liangming felt a sense of panic that could not be described in words: "As long as Mr. Lin can forgive us, I am willing to pay any price!"
Lin Ran narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "I'm afraid you can't afford the price I want."

I’m afraid you can’t afford it!

After hearing these words, Song Liangming's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Obviously, the dragon crossing the river in front of him does not intend to let this matter go away!

"Mr. Lin, as long as my son Song Yuandong can return safely, I am willing to give half of the Song family's property with both hands!" Song Liangming gritted his teeth and said, "Also, I have a daughter named Ziyuan who is not yet married. If

Mr. Lin..."

He was actually planning to send Song Ziyuan out to calm Lin Ran's anger!

It seemed that as long as he could get Song Yuandong back, he felt that using his daughter as a bargaining chip was no big deal!

Lu Yiwei said nothing. She lowered her head, obviously agreeing with her husband's point of view.

Perhaps, the couple had already reached an agreement on this before coming here!

Lin Ran's face revealed a sarcastic sneer: "By the way, it seems that I haven't received Song Ziyuan's apology yet."


Song Ziyuan was sitting in the room and saw her father and mother kneeling in front of Lin Ran through the screen of her mobile phone, their pretty faces pale.

A confidant of Song Ziyuan secretly started a video call at the scene, allowing her eldest daughter to see everything clearly.

For her, the Song family was defeated like this, completely defeated, and was crushed into the dust, with no power to resist.

However, when Song Liangming said that he was going to use his daughter as a bargaining chip for compensation, Song Ziyuan's body trembled violently, and her eyes were full of disbelief!

She never expected that her father, who seemed to love her the most, would actually say such a thing!

That man came out of nowhere and trampled the entire Song family under his feet, forcing the richest man in the city to sell his daughter to seek peace!

In fact, Song Ziyuan's appearance is also very good, but the first place can only belong to one person. After He Tianqi grew up, Song Ziyuan's reputation can only be ranked second in Bei'an City. However, she

He doesn't care about any of this, he only cares about the Song family's career.

However, now, the Song family, for which Song Ziyuan has devoted countless efforts, has abandoned her!

"Over the years, I have expanded the Song family's industry so much and doubled the Song family's book liquidity. What's the use?" Song Ziyuan's smile had a rather tragic meaning: "My father...

…Does he really not realize what the words he said actually mean?”

The female secretary on the side sighed: "Miss, more than a dozen D-level masters in our family can't beat that man. Maybe the master is really helpless. In order to preserve the continuation of the family, he has to take this step...


Song Ziyuan's eyes gradually turned cold, and there was an icy expression on her pretty face: "No, I don't agree. No matter what, these cannot be used as an excuse to sell your daughter."

At this time, Lin Ran on the phone screen happened to say something to ask Song Ziyuan to come and apologize.

At this moment, Song Ziyuan's lips didn't even have much color left!

In her opinion, this is definitely not a simple apology!

At that time, my body will definitely be used as part of the apology to calm Lin Ran's anger!

If it fell into the hands of this man, how would he play with himself in revenge?

Song Ziyuan simply couldn’t imagine it!

"I will never apologize." Song Ziyuan whispered, her eyes turning into clear water and flowing down.

And these two lines of tears reflected her final stubbornness.


Half an hour later, Song Liangming and his wife returned to the family.

They calmly went straight to Song Ziyuan's room.

However, Song Ziyuan's bedroom was already empty.

"Where's Ziyuan? Let her come out quickly and apologize to Mr. Lin!" Seeing this, Song Liangming shouted angrily.

Lu Yiwei walked to Song Ziyuan's desk and found a note left on the table.

It says - I'm gone, don't look for me. From now on, the Song family and I will have nothing to do with each other.

This is a clean break with the family!

Looking at the note, Song Liangming did not understand his daughter's difficulties at all, but became furious. He kicked the table in front of him to the ground, and then shouted: "Find Song Ziyuan for me! I have spent so much effort.

Come to train her, she wants to watch the Song family be destroyed!"

Lu Yiwei was also very angry: "My brother is in jail, but she is far away. How can I be such a sister!"


A week has passed.

Every corner of Bei'an City seems to have the legend of Lin Ran circulating.

After all, the richest man knelt down on the spot. This scene was so shocking that people had to digest it.

After all, the Song family still failed to find Song Ziyuan, and it is said that Song Liangming finally sent all the liquidity in the Song family's books, which temporarily calmed the turmoil.

No, to be precise, the storm has not been calmed down, because Song Yuandong still has not come out of the interrogation room of the Special Supervision Team.

Song Liangming lost his son and daughter in a short period of time, and the family business suffered a heavy blow. He seemed to have aged more than ten years.

Of course, Lin Ran would not have any sympathy for this. Those who do unjust things will be punished by themselves. This sentence is true everywhere. The Song family has fallen into this situation entirely because of their own fault.

However, after learning that Song Ziyuan had severed ties with her family, Lin Ran became a little "interested" in this girl who refused to admit her fault.

"Even if you run away, you can't escape this apology." Lin Ran said lightly.

After all, from his point of view, there is no doubt that Song Ziyuan is Song Yuandong's accomplice.

She turned a blind eye to her brother's kidnapping of others and raped girls, and even found someone to pressure her. She helped her relatives even when they were there, and protected her shortcomings. But is this what a sister with normal views should do?

Lin Ran's eyes narrowed.

However, at this moment, He Tianqi walked in.

She was wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, but these ordinary clothes could still reveal an extraordinary aura when worn on her body. She was fresh and tranquil at the same time, with a clean and unobtrusive beauty.
It is difficult for you to use a suitable word to describe He Tianqi, because her beauty is complex and changeable, making people want to wander in it and never come out.

Even Lin Ran felt his eyes light up at this moment.

As soon as He Tianqi walked in, he said: "Brother, why did you transfer all such a large amount of money to me? I can't take it."

In order to preserve the continuation of the family, the Song family paid a large sum of money that made Song Liangming so painful that he could not sleep. After Lin Ran received it, he transferred it all to He Tianqi without leaving any money.

Such a huge number really shocked He Tianqi, and she instinctively believed that she should not get a penny, as these all belonged to Lin Ran.

"You can take it first. After all, after Tianming's sacrifice, I couldn't help myself and couldn't come back in time. I owe you a lot." Lin Ran gently patted He Tianqi's arm, very seriously.

He said, "If you accept the money, I will feel less guilty."

He Tianqi lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes watery: "Brother, those things were not your fault in the first place. You don't have to blame yourself so much."

The reunion was brief and the separation was imminent, He Tianqi's emotions were somewhat complicated.

"Moreover, brother, you are a high-level warrior and need to buy a lot of source crystal liquid every year. This money is most suitable for you..." He Tianqi said again.

"I can't use the Source Crystal Liquid yet." Lin Ran smiled.

"Can't use it?" He Tianqi was a little hard to understand. After all, Lin Ran showed extremely strong strength at the wedding banquet. With such a strength foundation, the annual consumption of source crystal liquid is absolutely astronomical!

Lin Ran didn't explain too much, just smiled and said: "I left some hidden wounds in Haider, and they are not completely healed yet. In short, the Source Crystal Liquid is really a dispensable thing for me at the moment.

, but you, the military recruitment examination is about to take place, so you must use source crystal liquid to warm and nourish your body."

If he can kill a B-level master like Han Heyan instantly even though he has unhealed wounds, how strong does Lin Ran really have to be?


While Lin Ran and He Tianqi were chatting, a document was placed on the desk of the head of a department of the Black Hawk Federal National Security Agency.

And on the first page of this document, there is only one big letter, a big "S" as scarlet as blood!

S-class information!

Top secret at the highest level!

A delicate hand with fiery red nails picked up the document.

The owner of this hand is obviously a woman. She is not wearing a uniform, but is wearing a tight black hip-hugging skirt. Her exquisite and convex body curves are undoubtedly exposed. The look of her front and back is full of hotness and publicity.

There is an extreme heat coming from her bones, wanton and unrestrained.

She turned to the second page of the document, which contained only two sentences.

However, these two sentences were rarely repeated three times!

"Daxia Linran is not dead! Daxia Linran is not dead! Daxia Linran is not dead!"

"Please kill! Please kill! Please kill!"

The woman's flaming red lips were slightly raised, showing a hint of a smile, and then she said to the subordinates beside her: "Tell those losers in the military department that this time I will arrange the best hunting team to go to the big hunting ground."

Xia! The most dazzling new star in the Great Xia Military Department is destined to completely fall in my hands!"

This chapter has been completed!
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