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Chapter 988 Now, it’s your turn!

 Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Lin Ran used his knife and cut off Rex's arm decisively!

Blood spurted out from the broken arm, instantly turning the arena floor red!

The latter's eyes were full of horror!

Lin Ran said calmly: "Now, whether it is poisonous or not, I can already see the answer from your expression."

After saying that, Lin Ran immediately let go of Rex's hand, then threw the long knife to the audience, and then said: "Admiral Nim, take this knife back and check it carefully. Of course

, as for whether the results of your inspection are credible or not, that is another matter."

Admiral Nimu actually picked up the knife and said: "Major General Lin, please rest assured, we will ask the Ministry of National Defense and the Security Bureau to jointly inspect it. As for the military... to avoid suspicion, they will not participate."

He also knows that the military department has no credibility now.

Admiral Lipple was still shouting: "Nim, what on earth are you doing? Why do you listen to that Daxia man? He asked you to test, so you just tested?"

Nim's face was full of anger: "Shut up! You idiot! The current situation is all caused by you!"

He now wants to shoot Lipple directly!

Nim was actually a smart man. Lin Ran cut off Rex's arm with a knife. It was actually unclear what happened. After all, with Lin Ran's S-level energy, even if he casually cut off Rex's arm,

It's poisonous, I'm afraid even the people in the live broadcast room can't see it.

Even Lipple and others could take advantage of this and splash dirty water on him.

Therefore, Nim's move was quite meant to clear Lin Ran's name - it was quite fair for him to take the initiative to pick up the long knife that Lin Ran threw at him.

There is no need to go through a professional organization to inspect it anymore. Nim stared at the long folding knife, his brows frowning slightly.

Nimu was also a warrior himself, and at this moment he could feel the palpitating feeling contained in the blade of the sword.

Even though the distance between the blade and his mouth and nose was still half a meter, Nim felt faintly uncomfortable - he didn't know if it was a psychological effect.

Later, all the viewers in the live broadcast room saw Admiral Nim covering his nose, and then shouted loudly to his subordinates:

"The blade is indeed poisonous. Seal it quickly to prevent the poison from spreading."

This is almost an official confirmation!


At this moment, looking at his severed arm that fell to the ground, Rex's eyes were full of horror!

He has clearly felt that his life force seems to have frozen from the broken arm on his shoulder!

Even though Lin Ran's source power is no longer suppressed, it is obvious that neither the blood nor the source power in his body can flow!

This freezing feeling spread to the chest and turned into a strong suffocation!

Huh...huh..." Rex's breathing became heavier and heavier.

Panting, which was completely a life instinct on weekdays, has now become extremely difficult!

The despair in Colonel Black Hawk's eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

"Oh my god, look, his face is dark!" Some viewers in the live broadcast room exclaimed!

A blue-black color spread from Rex's broken arm to his collarbone, and then slowly rose up along his neck.

Immediately afterwards, Rex's chin also turned this blue-black color, and then his nose, face, and even forehead were all shrouded in this color!

It's like the whole person has just been grilled over charcoal!

Different from the charcoal-grilled color, this bluish-purple color also has a strange feeling, which makes people look unspeakably uncomfortable!

"What kind of poison is this? It's really terrible!"

"Just one cut and the poison spread like this! Obviously, even if the tip of the knife cuts the skin during a fight, the poison will be fatal!"

Even across the screen, the audience felt shuddering!

The people in charge of the live broadcast in the Lukaton Military Region are honest. They have not cut off the live broadcast signal until now, and have been filming conscientiously.

This scene is indeed so weird that it makes people feel shocked.

Rex covered his throat with his only hand and slowly fell to his knees.

However, he did not fall to the ground, but his body became visibly stiff!

A few seconds later, Reske's hands also turned blue-black, and soon after, his eyes also turned the same color, showing an indescribable weirdness.

Then, as a gust of wind blew, the tips of his fingers turned into black powder and drifted away in the wind!

This is actually carbonized!

What kind of poison is this that actually caused such changes in Rex's body in such a short period of time!

Immediately afterwards, half of Rex's palm disappeared, and then his wrist. Then, the cuffs of his forearms collapsed, and a length of black dust gushes out from between the cuffs!

Lin Ran turned around and looked at Lu Qianming, who was obviously shocked.

After all, once he was scratched by Rex's long knife during the competition, he would face such a tragic ending!

Immediately afterwards, half of Rex's face was blown away by the wind! The camouflage uniform on his body had also collapsed in half!

This kind of scene is really terrifying! In front of the live broadcast screen, many people witnessed this scene and began to shiver uncontrollably!

Lin Ran said lightly: "I

I think you all have sharp eyes."

The answers have all been seen.

The Black Hawk Federation's various despicable methods continue to refresh people's cognitive limits, which has become intolerable!

Neither Admiral Nim nor Minister Miser spoke.

They were still in severe shock.

Neither of these two senior officials expected that Colonel Rex would be so vicious!

If it was Daxia's Lu Qianming who was poisoned and carbonized on the stage at this moment, then... Daxia's Shangguan Xingyue might have committed suicide himself!

At this point, the reputation of the Black Hawk Federation has fallen to the bottom!

Lin Ran looked at Lipple and sneered: "So, Admiral Lipple, shouldn't you announce the winner of this contest? Are you so clueless?"

Lipple's hands were trembling, and he finally picked up the microphone in front of him. He moved his lips a few times, and then he made a difficult sound:

"This competition is over, and the winner is... the Daxia Exchange Group."

In Daxia, at this moment, I don’t know how many people watched the live broadcast of this competition at the same time. Similarly, I don’t know how many people cheered at the same time!

However, for the members of the Daxia Military Exchange Group on the scene, there is nothing to be happy about now. In fact, the source of power in them is still surging, and they are ready to take full action at any time!

Lin Ran squinted his eyes and stared at Lipple, and said calmly: "Admiral Lipple, you are wrong. This competition is not over yet."

A feeling of panic suddenly arose in Li Puer's heart. He blushed and shouted: "Lin Ran, are you done yet? You are always obsessed with this. What on earth do you want to do!"

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes: "Admiral Lipple, everyone here can leave, but you and Lieutenant Colonel Elka must stay."

You and Elka stay with me!

Although Lin Ran's tone was very calm, the unquestionable flavor in it made no one dare to doubt his determination!

Admiral Nimu immediately said: "Lin Ran, what happens on the competition stage stays on the competition stage! Let's all give each other a step down!"

Lin Ran said calmly: "Admiral Nimu, I will remember your favor, but the Daxia Exchange Group was assassinated this time, so we can't just let it go."

Admiral Nim was still abiding by his rules: "Lin Ran! With so many pairs of eyes watching, you absolutely can't just kill a Black Hawk soldier!"

However, Lin Ran blocked Nim to death with just one sentence.

"This is a battle of warriors and has nothing to do with the Black Hawk Military. Although I am S-level, can't I challenge Lieutenant Colonel Elka, the pinnacle of A-level?"

This may sound a bit shameless, but compared with the previous shady operations in the Lucaton Military Region, it seems to be nothing at all.

Even, live broadcast room
The viewers thought it was very reasonable!

Nim glanced at Miser, and the defense minister shook his head and sighed heavily.

Lin Ran's anger could not be suppressed! Since he had already said that this was a battle between warriors, Nim and the others had nothing to do about it!

If he insists on stopping him, he will definitely go on a killing spree! Once Lin Ran unleashes all his firepower, how many of the tens of thousands of people in the Luccaton Military Region will be able to survive?

The so-called universal rules cannot restrict such a super strong person!

Lieutenant Colonel Elka still wanted to ask for help, but at this moment, a boundless sense of fear suddenly surged out of his heart!

A figure suddenly appeared behind him!

But it was He Tianqi who had just broken through to S level!

When everyone's attention was focused on Lin Ran, He Tianqi chose to take the lead!

Now, even if Nim and his exchange team officers wanted to stop him, it was impossible to stop him!

He Tianqi grabbed Elka's shoulder with one hand and threw her directly towards the competition ring!

Elka completely lost control of her body!

He knew that the closer he got to Lin Ran, the closer he got to death!

At this time, Lin Ran raised his hand.


An extremely turbulent source of power burst out from between his palms!

Like a big river!

This long river of source power directly hit Elka head-on!

Lieutenant Colonel Black Hawk didn't even have time to call for help before his body was annihilated by the endless source of power!

In the middle of the field, there was only the sound of surging energy!

Two seconds later, Lin Ran withdrew his source power.

But there were no bodies falling from the sky.

There were only a few fragments of Black Hawk Federation military uniforms falling in the wind.

An A-level peak person is just gone!

Many warriors felt cold in their hearts. They understood once again what it means - everyone below S level is an ant!

"There is probably a saying that you have heard many times. I would like to remind you again." Lin Ran stood on the stage and said calmly: "Anyone who offends our Daxia will be punished no matter how far away they are."

After hearing Lin Ran's words, the tens of thousands of Black Eagle soldiers present were all shocked!

Then, Lin Ran looked at Lipple and said coldly:

"Admiral Lipple, now it's your turn."


PS: I’m late for something today. I may update the first update. I’m going to write the second update now. If it’s too late to finish, I’ll try to write more tomorrow...

Everyone, please pay attention to safety on your way home!

This chapter has been completed!
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