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Chapter 62 Domestication of Beasts

When Fuxi and others returned to the tribe with the prey, the entire Huaxu tribe was excited.

They had never dared to imagine such a scene before, and everyone felt it was unreal.

But when Fuxi and others placed the prey in the center of the tribe, the huge body of the beast still had an extremely real and ferocious aura, and everyone knew that this was not a dream.

They have also tried to hunt large beasts before, but each time they caused heavy losses to the Huaxu tribe, losing many young and middle-aged men. Over time, their life became more and more difficult.

Only large human tribes dare to hunt such large beasts, and they also have to pay a huge price.

However, everyone in the Huaxu tribe was shocked to find that except for two people with two cuts on their arms, there were no casualties. This was simply a miracle.

Everyone also knew that all this was due to Fuxi, and all eyes were focused on Fuxi, full of gratitude and excitement.

Fuxi looked at the smiles on everyone's faces, and then saw the pleased eyes of his mother Hua Xu in the crowd, and Fuxi was also very happy!

As night fell, the Huaxu tribe set up a bonfire, skinned and washed the huge beasts, and barbecued them on the flames. Many tribesmen gathered around the bonfire and laughed happily.

For a time, the aroma of meat wafted through the Huaxu tribe, and everyone's face was filled with smiles.

Many members of the tribe came to Fuxi one after another and talked to him, and Fuxi responded one by one.

The entire Huaxu tribe was filled with laughter and laughter, and everyone was singing and dancing, singing ancient ballads.

Fuxi was sitting next to the fire, looking at the blazing flames and falling into deep contemplation.

At this time, the Huaxu tribe no longer had to worry about food. They had large nets in hand that could not only hunt large beasts but also fish. But Fuxi felt that this was not enough.

He was thinking that if he could make wild beasts obedient, he would not only allow them to breed and grow in the tribe, but also protect the tribe in times of danger.

Thinking of this, Fuxi's eyes were filled with thoughts, and an old man from the tribe also noticed Fuxi.

"What are you thinking about?"

The old man asked kindly.

"I'm thinking about how to tame wild beasts and let them grow in the tribe, which not only provides meat for the tribe, but also protects the tribe's safety."

Fuxi's eyes were filled with flames, and he spoke extremely seriously.

When the old man heard this, he was immediately frightened. Such an idea was simply frightening to death. However, seeing that it came from Fuxi's mouth, the old man felt that it was not impossible.

"I don't know how to help with this kind of thing, but if you really want to do it, you can ask your master for advice!"

The old man said slowly.

Hearing this, Fuxi's eyes suddenly erupted with two rays of light.

"Yes, I can go ask Master for advice!"

Fuxi murmured to himself full of surprise.

Fuxi was in a good mood at this time and joined the tribe in singing and dancing.

As a ray of sunlight rose, Fuxi immediately stood up and headed to Shouyang Mountain to look for Master Xuandu.

When Fuxi arrived at Shouyang Mountain, Master Xuandu was already waiting for him.

"Fuxi, meet the master!"

When Fuxi saw Master Xuandu, he immediately bowed respectfully.

"Well, come in with me."

Master Xuandu said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Fuxi followed Master Xuandu into Shouyang Mountain.

The huge Shouyang Mountain was empty. Apart from Lao Tzu and Si, the only one left was Master Xuandu, which also made Fu Xi a little surprised.

"Master, I would like to ask you how to tame the beast?"

After Fuxi looked around, he asked.

After hearing Fuxi's words, Master Xuandu showed a hint of thought.

"There are many wild beasts in the ancient land, some of which are gentle in character, and some of which have strong reproductive abilities. Among them, the six kinds of wild beasts, pigs, horses, cows, sheep, chickens, and dogs, are good choices."

"Although these beasts are relatively gentle, they are beasts after all, and their blood is full of animal nature. You need to eliminate their animal nature in order to achieve your goal."

Master Xuandu refers to Fuxi.

Master Xuandu has never tamed wild beasts, but he is well-informed and naturally knows many things that Fuxi does not know.

There are also many immortals who own mounts. Master Xuandu drew parallels and told Fuxi his experience.

Hearing the words of Master Xuandu, Fuxi felt like he was enlightened, and his heart suddenly became clear.

"Thank you Master for your guidance!"

Fuxi bowed respectfully to Master Xuandu.

"Okay, hurry up and go back. I'll be waiting for news from you."

Master Xuandu said with a smile on his face.

Fuxi bowed to Master Xuandu again and hurried back to the Huaxu tribe.

After returning to the tribe, Fuxi immediately summoned the young men of the tribe to go into the mountains and forests.

Under the command of Fuxi, everyone used large nets to capture these six beasts alive and brought them back to the Huaxu tribe.

Although these beasts were caught, their animalistic nature was hard to eradicate. Fuxi starved them first, and then gave them some food when they became unbearable.

Fuxi used various means and spent several months to tame these beasts and eliminate their bestiality.

Under the leadership of Fuxi, the Huaxu tribe became stronger and stronger. Because of the abundant food, the tribesmen became stronger and stronger.

Fuxi's name also spread among many human tribes, and there was a lot of discussion among many tribes for a time.

Many tribes came to the Huaxu tribe to consult Fuxi, and the Huaxu tribe was very lively for a while.

Fuxi received every human who came to the Huaxu tribe very politely, and gave them the methods of weaving large nets and taming wild animals.

Many human tribes were shocked. They had never seen such a magical thing and thought it was the magic of immortals.

When everyone learned that Fuxi's master was Master Xuandu, the great disciple of the Human Sect, they were even more shocked.

"We want to join the Huaxu tribe, can we?"

A leader from another tribe asked after careful consideration.

Hearing this, many tribal chiefs looked at Fuxi and waited for Fuxi's answer.

"Our human race is weak and it is not easy to survive in this primitive land. Although the human race has a large number of people, they all survive as tribes."

"If we can unify the human race, then the strength of our human race will definitely be different. I very much hope that you can join."

Fuxi opened his mouth and said.

In fact, Fuxi has long had the idea of ​​unifying the human race. The human race is numerous in number. Although their strength is very weak compared to all the spirits in the wild, when they are gathered together, they cannot be underestimated.

However, this matter was not easy to handle, and Fuxi did not take immediate action, but he did not expect that many clan leaders actually wanted to join the Huaxu Tribe after seeing the scene of the Huaxu Tribe.

Naturally, Fuxi would not refuse this matter.

"Thank you, Chief Fuxi!"

Hearing Fuxi's words, the tribe leader suddenly became happy and immediately returned to the tribe to summon tribesmen to come to the Huaxu tribe.

When the other tribal chiefs saw this, they joined the Huaxu tribe without hesitation. Suddenly, the Huaxu tribe underwent earth-shaking changes!

This chapter has been completed!
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