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Chapter 530 Let’s dance under fate

 With Rhodes' current ability, he can already vaguely see the dim light of the full moon.

This period happens to be on the Sunday of the lunar month.

Every evening and night, Rhodes' soul eyes can see the faint moonlight behind the heavy black fog.

Olivia's various abilities have been greatly enhanced during this period.

Her Moonlight Domain expanded to a thousand yards away. Whenever she opened the Moonlight Domain, Rhodes felt as if he had entered another world, a beautiful, crystal clear world shrouded in moonlight.

In this world, Rhodes could clearly see a huge moon shadow moving through it.

She holds an extremely long moonlight giant sword, walks elegantly, and kills monsters in a perfect arc.

Monsters below the third level cannot move for a round in her hand.

Monsters in level 3 and above usually don't survive more than a quarter of an hour.

Only the fifth level monsters can slightly block Moon Knight's progress.

Whenever this happens, Olivia will summon more powerful moonlight.

They fell from the void and disappeared into the moonlight giant sword.

With each beam absorbed, the moonlight giant sword will become larger and brighter, and the moon shadow holding the moonlight giant sword will also become larger.

The entire moonlight field will begin to burn.

In the end, the monster was killed in the boiling moonlight.

Rhodes was shocked and regretful.

Olivia is too powerful under the moonlight, and it is difficult for him to get a complete soul.

The "Dark Devourer" has to erode to a certain extent before it can seize the soul. There are many powerful monsters that cannot get their souls with just the last blow.

Moreover, because his role was too small, he didn't gain much divinity after clearing the remaining two areas.

But Rhodes didn't care. The focus of this trip was the Twin Towers, which are the center of Sagus City and the legendary high towers where the gods live.

The areas cleared before are all related to this final goal.

Now, there are not many obstacles left on the road to the divine tower.

However, in the next few days, Moonlight Olivia was undergoing repairs, not only for the purpose of guarding the station, but also for the purpose of restoring spiritual power.

This is also the biggest problem for special combatants. Their spiritual energy is too huge and their recovery is too slow. Although two unreserved attacks quickly suppressed two extremely dangerous areas, they also consumed a lot of Olivia.

psionic power.

She had to sit by the firelight for a long time to meditate, recover her spiritual energy, and purify her soul that was contaminated by the backlash from killing monsters.

In the final battle in Sagus City, she must be in good condition.

In the past few days, Rhodes has led Ye Feng and others to clear away some remaining obstacles and try their best to help Professor Barrett and Professor Binns unearth more meaningful ruins.

What I have to say is that Rhodes' efficiency is quite high.

He is not afraid of contamination, and his spiritual energy recovers very quickly. Even after a fierce battle, he can recover most of it in just one sleep.

Originally, we only planned to clean up dozens of smaller areas, but we didn’t expect it to be completed in less than a day.

At this time, there were still five days before the date to return to the city, and the black fog omen from the White Tower indicated that, at least for now, the route was no problem.

Therefore, Rhodes began to clean up some areas with higher value.

In these battles, he used various methods, either directly sending the monster into the spirit world and causing it to be destroyed by unknown attacks, or he suddenly learned the monster's weakness and instantly formulated a combat method extremely targeted at it.

Moreover, his explosive power is simply jaw-dropping.

He can use such super power as the "Red God of War" once a day, and in a few cases, he can even use it twice a day.

As long as he doesn't encounter the fifth level monster, basically no enemy can stop him.

Ye Feng was stunned.

Is this something that a warrior in the Spark Sequence can do? Why can’t I do it? Am I a fake?

He was envious, jealous, and happy at the same time. Rhodes was just a new guardian, but his absolute combat power already surpassed him.

Moreover, judging from the battles during this period, at certain times, his wisdom is simply unimaginable, and he can easily bypass countless complex thoughts in an instant and reach the final answer.

A strong man with brains, fighting strength, and potential, isn't this the blessing of fire?

Ye Feng originally didn't believe in Rovia's theory. His idea was too optimistic and made people feel unreal.

But now, he believes it.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain Rhodes and the series of unprecedented victories he brought.

Humanity is really heading towards renaissance!

With the support of this belief, Ye Feng almost tried his best to assist Rhodes in the battle.

The same is true for Vito and Rigel. They are used to cooperating with Rhodes. One charges in front and the other controls in the middle. They can always cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding and bring maximum help to Rhodes.

In addition, Mavis has become stronger after digesting human nature. Even without using the soul characteristics, she is always surrounded by cold mist, and small ice particles continue to fall from her body.

, looks like a cold ice goddess.

No monster can resist her coldness and will always be frozen quickly.

In some cases, she would even go into battle herself, using huge ice objects of various shapes as her weapons.

They are different from ordinary ice. In addition to being extremely cold, they are usually extremely sharp. Once struck, few monsters can block it.

However, after she fought several battles, Rhodes prohibited her from coming forward.

He killed too quickly and didn't hold back, so he couldn't get the soul.

He has more than a thousand points of divinity, and now is the time when he needs his soul the most.

Every powerful soul is very important to him.

Lighting a star consumes a lot of soulless soul.

Moreover, the dreamland still needs to be repaired, and the Tower of the Sun needs to be strengthened. The spiritual and soulless souls produced by sacrificing souls are the basic resources of the dreamland. No matter how much, there is never too much.

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Even the seemingly useless soul residue is the nourishment of the Holy White Tree.

If the sacrificed soul still comes from the Black Mist Symbiote, you can still get nightmare fuel.

"Colorful Dreams" are extremely powerful items, the more the better.

Of course, the most important thing is the source in the soul.

The source is the authority of the sea of ​​sources and the law of the three realms. Only by obtaining enough sources can he ignite the next star.

It can be said that a soul is full of treasures.

Rhodes is the best decomposer, and Dreamland is the best chef. He can cook every part of the soul until it is fragrant, delicious, and appetizing.

And those rough guys are the most rubbish cooks. They blast their souls violently and get a little bit of water out of the water, and then they are extremely happy.

In comparison, Rhodes is so tall that I don’t even know where he is.

He can even recycle excrement like stool.

Speaking of this thing, we have to mention Asa.

After eating all the filth in the dream and digesting the soul qualities that contained the power to swallow shit, he had already expanded.

The entire soul is dozens of times larger than before, and the deep turbid yellow color is rolling inside, making people's appetite increase at a glance.

Of course, this is Asa's description.

For an ordinary person like Rhodes, it is not only a sudden loss of appetite, but also the urge to vomit out his intestines.

However, although Asa's appearance is not very pleasing, his role cannot be ignored.

He can completely swallow certain types of filth and turn them into his own power.

Asa told him that this kind of filth was mostly related to excrement and belonged to the realm of "active" laws.

I don’t know why, but there is a lot of this type of filth in Sagus City!

A large area is soaked in such active filth, and the terrifying pollution reverberates in it, even the fallen angel stops.

Only certain monsters can swim in it.

These areas were originally classified as unexplorable areas by the royal city, because it would take a lot of money to clean up the pollution.

Under normal circumstances, the materials and resources carried by the team are limited. They must return to the royal city before the phlogiston is exhausted and the fire is extinguished.

Therefore, they cannot waste a lot of energy and resources cleaning up an area.

Even if it looks valuable.

But since the shit-devouring king in the dream initially mastered his power, these pollutions are no longer pollution.

But nourishment!

Before the battle, Rhodes asked everyone to wait outside, and he entered the area filled with filth alone.

Then, Rhodes will control the dream, allowing Asa's soul to spread through his soul, swallowing and absorbing the filth.

Asa's eating efficiency is beyond imagination. No matter how much dirt there is, he will finish it in about two to three hours.

When Rhodes returned again, all the filth in the area had been eaten up, and Asa was also full of wine and food, lying quietly in his dream to digest.

The remaining disgusting monsters became extremely fragile after losing the environment they relied on to survive, and were easily wiped out by the soldiers.

Rhodes was originally very happy, but the efficiency of harvesting divinity and souls in this way was simply too fast.

But unexpectedly, after doing this a few times, the reputation of "black rice bucket" for swallowing poop suddenly spread like wildfire.

Not only did the entire station know about it, even Olivia opened her eyes and asked him once.

"Little Rod...can you really draw strength from poop?"

Rhodes' expression at that time could no longer be described as wonderful.

Despite his repeated denials and various clarifications, no one believed him.

Even Olivia said: "Little Rhodes, there is no distinction between high and low in ways to increase strength. There are still people in the royal city chewing stones every day... If your method is really good, I can give you mine too."

Eat, of course, as you know, Ling Herrscher hardly needs to eat. I need to accumulate it for many days to condense one..."

Rhodes wisely stopped her. If she continued to listen, his spirit would riot.

He solemnly declared to everyone that he has nothing to do with poop. The ridiculous thing about drawing strength from poop is purely a rumor. Please don't believe it or spread rumors.

Under Rhode's pressure, everyone finally stopped mentioning it.

But I don’t know if it was said in private.

Rhodes is extremely depressed, but he has no better way to deal with this matter for the time being. Asa has now mastered a certain amount of power, and his spiritual strength has reached level ten, so it is impossible to release it directly.

The only way is to use [Phantom of Wind] to summon a strong illusion to load Asa's soul.

However, the summoning of [Wind Phantom] requires compatibility and its duration is limited, so it is best to use it at critical moments.

Rhodes can only sacrifice a little reputation.

Anyway, when I take control of Trolian, I will order "dark rice bucket" and "swallowing shit" as taboos, and no one is allowed to mention them.


In this way, Rhodes seized the last few days of Olivia's recovery and cleared a large area, even far exceeding the original plan.

Professor Binns, Professor Barrett, and a group of scholars and researchers have received many unexpected surprises.

Not only did they unearth many relics of great significance, greatly completing the missing history, bringing the royal city's understanding of the Second Age to a higher level, they also unearthed many powerful items and rare resources.

These items all belong to this divine city. In that era when people fought side by side with gods, artifacts were not so rare, and semi-artifacts and powerful spiritual items could be seen everywhere.

Although after so many years, they have been eroded by the black fog for a long time, and most of them are no longer usable, but by taking them apart and recycling them, you can still obtain a lot of scarce materials.

Moreover, by studying their structures, a lot of lost knowledge can be obtained, which adds a brick to the development of psychic technology in the royal city.

They originally thought that this trip would be a sad return, but they did not expect that there would be such a huge turning point. They gained far more than expected. Everyone was very grateful to Rhodes, the "cause of all this turning point".
Unknowingly, Rhodes' reputation among scholars has surpassed that of anyone in the royal city.

However, Rhodes didn't care much about this. He just hoped that no one would send "shit full of wisdom" again. Whether it was Asa or not, he couldn't accept it.

He even hoped to return to the royal city earlier. If it weren't for the "spiritual tide" of [Bitter Blue] that couldn't be used here, he would have used it in the station.

There are some weird taboos in Sagus City. The ability of "spiritual tide" to change the spiritual energy of the three realms is ineffective here.

Rhodes originally suspected that it was Amon's fault, but after using the [Ingenuity] of [God's Sense] continuously, he denied this situation.

Doomsday cultists do not have such powerful abilities. Their source is the "Twin Towers" in the center of Sagus City.

With the help of the god-like wisdom gained from [Ingenuity], Rhodes completely eliminated the traitors in the team.

The traitor will never happen again.

Amon, known as the evil ghost of the source, has been discovered by Rhodes.

This ancient evil thought has a special ability. It can plant a seed containing evil thoughts in the soul. Its essence is a consciousness and a thought, so it is extremely difficult to detect. At a critical moment, this thought will replace your consciousness.

, to carry out the actions of a rebel.

There are seven people in the team who have been sown with evil seeds. Lucian, the chief judge, is the highest-ranking among them. The other four are high-level combatants and two are scholars.

They were all frozen by Mephis and frozen in coffins, waiting to be sent back to the royal city.

The Soul Church has received the news and is working nervously.

Rhodes was both relieved and a little disappointed that Amon's true form had not arrived. The crisis mentioned in the prophecy had probably been overcome.

Indeed, if he had not come in person, the cesspit, the arena, and the monastery would not have been cleaned up.

Once the team advances rashly, the dragon will attack from behind, and the entire team will be in danger.

This made Rhodes himself somewhat believe that he was a savior sent by the Will of Fire, otherwise why would he be alone in Kerry?

In this way, on the ninth day after they arrived in Sagus City, Olivia finally stood up from the lantern.

With a crash, she rubbed her shoulders under the blue armor, and the pure spiritual light swept across her whole body from bottom to top.


She glanced at the dark and foggy sky and said in a clear voice.

"Another beautiful Sunday."

"The last goal, let us dance gracefully."

This chapter has been completed!
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