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Chapter 531 God Tower

 The moment Olivia stood up, Rhodes saw the golden letters flashing across the Star Square.

[Possibility to obtain a huge amount of divinity]


Rhode's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

I’ve been doing this for so many days, just waiting for this moment.

My more than a thousand divinities are already hungry and thirsty!

Rhodes knows very well that divinity cannot grow if it only exists. It must be used to gain more.

Everyone's morale is also high. The harvest of this operation is far beyond imagination. When they return to the royal city, they will definitely shock everyone.

They will receive huge rewards and honors, Trorian will be stronger because of them, and the rejuvenation of mankind will also take a big step forward because of them.

In such an exciting atmosphere, the team quickly started to move.

All the lanterns were lit, and everyone was in high spirits, ready to face the final battle.

So, in the ancient city of Sagus filled with darkness, a brightly lit team tore open the curtain of terror and penetrated straight into its heart - the divine tower.

Thanks to Rhodes' efforts, the team encountered no obstacles on the way to the Divine Tower, and the journey was smooth. Whether it was the God's Avenue, the God's Church, the Sacrifice Road, and other extremely dangerous locations, they were all changed.

It must be extremely quiet.

In several areas filled with filth, the rolling pollution can no longer be seen.

Olivia was prepared for the battle, but she didn't expect that she couldn't touch a single monster, so she couldn't help but sigh.

"Little Rod, you've done much better than I imagined. It's hard to imagine that your skinny body has such great potential."

Rhodes smiled and said: "Your Excellency Olivia, this is nothing. Compared with the arena area and the theological district you dealt with, these areas are not very difficult to deal with."

Olivia glanced at him, with a somewhat complicated look in her dark blue eyes: "It's a pity, you are too young..."

Rhodes was startled: "What is too young? Age?"

Olivia looked at him sideways and replied: "Of course it's because of age, otherwise?"

With a bang, several people in the team laughed.

Only then did Rhodes react, and his face suddenly turned red.

"No, that's not what I meant..."

Rigel said loudly: "Don't laugh, Lord Rhodes is very big, very thick, and very strong!"

This sentence completely had the opposite effect. There were only a few laughs, but suddenly half the team laughed.

Mavis, who had always been silent in the team, suddenly asked: "Have you tried it?"

The laughter got louder.

Rigel put his hands on his hips and replied without fear with his eyes wide open: "I tried it, how was it?"

In the midst of the roar of laughter, Ye Feng flew over and kicked him: "Shut up, you idiot!"

Rigel was kicked to pieces, but he was still unconvinced. He turned around and said angrily: "Brother, why are you kicking me? I am supporting brother Rhodes! No one can make fun of him!"

In this extremely embarrassing moment, Rhodes really hoped that he could master a kind of star that could look back in time so that this would never happen again.

On the other side of the team, Professor Barrett glanced at them, somewhat dissatisfied with their laughing atmosphere:

"It's so outrageous. How can the team that is about to fight be so loose? What team does Olivia lead? I will have a good talk with the king after I get back."

Professor Binns said calmly: "Barrett, I think this may not be the reason for Olivia."

Professor Barrett stared at him: "Whose reason is that?"

"You know."



"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen this before?"

Professor Barrett recalled that in his impression, let alone a dangerous area like Sagus City, it was a battle in a safe zone. When the soldiers walked towards the monster's lair, they all looked solemn.

The atmosphere was gloomy, with a determination to fight to the death.

Sometimes the atmosphere is a little relaxed, but moments full of laughter like this are unique.

"You mean, he caused this change?"

Professor Barrett was thinking.

"Soldiers believe that they will win. Even if they unfortunately die in battle, mankind will usher in a glorious future. In the past, it was full of dangers. Even if they sacrifice themselves to complete the mission, they cannot ensure that mankind has a future."

Professor Binns said briefly: "He turned despair into hope."

Professor Barrett was silent for a moment and suddenly smiled.

"Yes, I think so too, we really have hope."

At the front of the team, Olivia, who was wearing dark blue armor, also thought like this:

"Yes, we have come out of that deep and oppressive despair. The dark clouds hanging over Trolian's head have been pierced. I have never felt that hope is so close to us. That golden

It’s like the light is within reach.”

She looked back and saw that the little guy was still flushed and looked very unhappy.

"Hehe, he is quite cute."

She thought secretly.

"If you have time, you can give him a try. I hope he won't be as young as his age."

"Well...it's time for me to have another child..."

With this in mind, they finally arrived in front of the tower.

These are two huge twin towers. The towers are pure black with no gaps visible. They are like two straight black giant swords thrust into the heavy black clouds.

Except for a few people in the team, most people saw the tower for the first time.

Even Olivia had only glanced at it from a distance in the previous missions, and this was the first time she had actually come up close.

Not only were the soldiers full of shock, but the scholars were also immersed in emotions of wonder and ecstasy. They had seen the existence of the divine tower in countless ancient books.

Its power is known in the ancient ruins. Scholars in this field or not have studied it feverishly, imagining whether it contains the secret to save the world.

It wasn't until today that they actually saw it.

Professor Binns also looked up at these two miraculous towers and said slowly.

"The Second Era, also known as the Era of the Gods, is the beginning of everything, the era of light. In this era, the order of the world is determined, gods, dragons, elves, giants, the old masters, humans, and all things compete.

Flowing and full of vitality."

"It was also in this era that the black mist appeared, everything fell into silence, creatures became distorted, and pollution spread all over the earth. During this long time, countless secrets were silent in it. What was the era before the black mist appeared like?

Where did the black mist come from? How did the gods and powerful beings fall? These are the answers we are eager to know."

Olivia sighed: "Yes, only by knowing the past can we move towards the future."

Professor Barrett corrected: "Knowing why the past was destroyed can help us avoid making the same mistakes again. Knowing why tragedies happen can help us prevent disasters before they happen."

This sentence resonated with everyone, and this is exactly the meaning of their pursuit of history.

The past itself has no value, it only has value because of the present.

Professor Binns said: "In the early days, humans were centered around divine cities. Gods fought side by side with humans. Powerful divine cities were spread across the earth. Humanity's main enemies were the abyss, monsters, dragons or evil giants.

The enemy you want."

"After the black mist appeared, the dark and twisted monster became the enemy of all living things. The divine city was the main force against it. The gods who protected the divine city lived in the temple at the highest point of the temple, which is the divine tower in front of us."
"Its status is equivalent to the sacred fire sacrificial site in the royal city."

Olivia nodded.

"In other words, we are exploring a royal city in the Second Era. It is older, rarer, and perhaps more powerful, and this is its sacred fire sacrificial site. I want to challenge an existence similar to the Queen of Stars. She may be more powerful than the Queen of Stars.

Powerful, after all, he is an ancient god."

Professor Binns pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "Moreover, the ancient city of Sagos is a rather peculiar ancient city. There are two gods living here, one of which is the ancient god of fate, Anosada."<


The other one is the ancient god Heragetos who was reborn in flesh and blood.

Rhodes added something in his mind without saying it out loud.

Professor Binns continued:

"Fortunately, although we don't know the name of the other ancient god, the White Tower tells us that he has completely perished and should not exist in the tower."

"The Ancient God of Destiny has been dismembered, and what is here is his broken body and soul."

Olivia nodded slightly: "Yes, if we are lucky, we may go smoothly."

At this time, a cloud of white mist floated back and condensed into the shape of Vito.

"I walked around the two giant towers and didn't find any entrance."

Professor Binns said: "These are two huge towers, but they are also one. The towers merge into each other, so the door cannot be opened in a conventional position. We need to look for clues."

Olivia nodded slightly: "I'm begging you."

Professor Binns and Professor Barrett lived up to their names. They only looked in front of the tower for a moment before they discovered the clue.


Professor Barrett shouted.

"Dig up the ground here."

The ground in the divine city is strengthened by spiritual energy and is generally difficult to destroy, but they have "Iron Man" Rigel, whose "immortal body" is very tough and very convenient for digging.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Rigel dug a big hole in the ground, and a pure black door appeared in front of him.

It lies on the ground, like the entrance to a cellar, with a scale of fate engraved on the door, and a mass of flesh and blood overlapping everything.

Professor Binns said: "This is the entrance, this is the emblem of the ancient god of destiny. He and this unknown ancient god have a rare twin relationship."

Riegel gave the door a heavy blow.

There was a bang. Men didn't understand at all, but his hands were numb from the shock.

"So hard!"

Professor Barrett stared at the door with bright eyes:

"This is rare high-purity star marrow. After being solidified by psychic energy, its hardness is beyond imagination."

Olivia was about to move forward, but was stopped by Rhodes.

"I'll do it."

As soon as the thought occurs, the [Sense of God] is activated.


A stream of fresh air poured in from the top of his head, and his thoughts flashed across his mind like lightning. Every bit of information about the two ancient gods immediately emerged from his memory.

Rhodes' wisdom instantly reached the level of a god, and his logical chain extended to infinity within a second.

He immediately knew how to open the door. He pressed his hands on the door and simulated his spiritual energy into the waveform of the ancient god reborn in flesh and blood according to the appearance in his memory. The reverberating ripples immediately made the door feel familiar.

So, with a rumbling sound, the door that had been silent for thousands of years opened.

It even completely took off its guard and detached from the door shaft with a click.

Seeing the dumbfounded looks of the scholars and soldiers, Rhodes reminded: "Hurry up and pick it up, such a good material."

Several soldiers woke up from a dream, hurriedly installed them, and were sent into the dream by Rhodes.

——This is also the reason why they can go into battle so lightly. Most of the supplies have been packed by Rhodes. Except for the few people lying frozen in the coffins, living people cannot enter the dreamland.

However, due to some reasons, dreams cannot load unlimited items. The transfer ritual can transport many items at one time, but the ritual will not be reset unless the items are exhausted.

Rhodes' palm is too small and he cannot carry too many large items.

Generally speaking, dreams have the ability to store things, and it is very strong, but it is not unlimited.

After the door was removed, the dark corridor inside was revealed.

Olivia's bright light flashed past, and she took the lead and entered it.

Everyone followed suit, including scholars and researchers.

This is the last battle. After obtaining the remains of the Ancient God of Destiny, they will immediately return to the royal city, so everyone must come together.

The corridor was much longer than expected. Professor Barrett said solemnly: "The space inside the tower is inconsistent with the outside."

After walking for tens of minutes, they finally entered the interior of the legendary tower.

This is an unusually huge space, dark and gloomy, with weird dust floating around, and debris and debris everywhere, but it doesn't look like they have experienced a long time.

Everything seems to be frozen in the moment of destruction.

There is no upward space in the tower, but forward.

The space has undergone strange changes, far from the tall tower structure seen outside.

Everyone became nervous. This strange situation was the only one they had ever seen in their lives.

Olivia's whole body bursts with intense moonlight, and the sword in her hand has taken shape. As soon as she encounters an enemy, she will immediately open the moonlight field.

Under her leadership, everyone cautiously walked inside.

Unexpectedly, I thought I might encounter a lot of battles, but it was very peaceful along the way. There was not a single monster, and there was nothing except the dark and gloomy space, floating dust, debris and debris.

The journey was smooth, and soon they arrived at the "top of the tower", where the gods lived.

This is a very, very empty space, with a huge altar in the middle.

The altar is surrounded by a strange aura.

This chapter has been completed!
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