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Chapter 128: Chess Crazy

"Ha!" No matter how unhappy the old man in white robe was before, he would just look at Shen Fengshu talking calmly or with a smile, but now, he was irritated, and the anger on his face was undisguised: "I have been doing this for thousands of years. I have never seen such an arrogant boy, come on! Boy, set up the chessboard and let you see what playing chess is!"

"Oh? Master?" Shen Fengshu's eyes flashed with the excitement of meeting his opponent, and he suddenly became sharp: "Xiaobai, prepare the chessboard, the one who will be destroyed is the master!"

At this moment, Shen Fengshu felt like he was fighting against the elite, and his confidence was beyond words.

The book table quickly turned into a chess table, with Shen Fengshu and the white-robed scholar sitting on both sides, while Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing waited on each other on the other side.

The reason why they were served separately was because the scholar in white robe felt that the tea served by Shen Fengshu was poor and had too little spiritual energy, so he took out one of his own and asked Xiaoqing to brew it alone.

"I have forgotten my name, and now I call myself a chess fanatic!" The white-robed scholar sat down opposite Shen Fengshu, took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and said to Shen Fengshu with great seriousness: "I have been immersed in the art of chess for thousands of years, and I have few opponents. "

"I'm here with Shen Fengshu." Shen Fengshu also reported his name with the same seriousness: "I learned chess at the age of nine. I beat all the invincible players around me at the age of ten. I retired at the age of sixteen. I came back at the age of sixteen. Every opponent I met was frightened by the news. Senior chess fanatic, I personally deeply admire your courage!"

The two people sat across from each other, introducing themselves to each other in a very serious manner and speaking ruthlessly, just like two peerless swordsmen flashing their swords before a sword showdown. Electric sparks seemed to be shining and colliding in their eyes as they stared at each other.

It's just a game of chess, isn't it? The serious and non-compliance expressions of the old man and the young man were really interesting. Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing suppressed smiles on their faces, and they were already laughing so hard in their hearts that they turned around several times.

"Do you need the courage to play chess with you?" The white-robed chess idiot was once again angered by Shen Fengshu's words. He raised his head and looked at Shen Fengshu through his nostrils: "Boy, tell me yourself, how many pieces should I give up?"

"Well, I didn't know the senior's chess ability at the beginning." Shen Fengshu thought about it seriously, nodded slightly and said, "Then let me give you three pieces first!"

"Let me have three pieces?" The chess fanatic was almost furious: "Don't you understand? I'll let you!"

"Tch!" Shen Fengshu said with a contemptuous nasal voice, and also looked at the chess idiot with his nostrils.

After a period of verbal arguments, Shen Fengshu finally gave in. In the first game, he respected the old and favored the young. He suffered some losses and went first with black. Although the chess fanatic who wanted to give up his pieces was extremely dissatisfied with the result, he had nothing to do.

Just arguing about this took three cups of tea. Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing saw the same argument between two monks and children. They laughed in their hearts even though they had the instinctive fear when facing the jade frog accessories. Forgot.

"Old man, take the move!" During the argument, Shen Fengshu didn't even call him "senior" and called him "old man" directly. Of course, the chess fanatic called Shen Fengshu "boy" from the beginning, and no one cared about it. In the chess game, chess was still used. Friends, whoever wins is justified.





The sound of crisp and clear moves came and went, but not long after, the sound of the moves changed.





After that, the rhythm started to change again.





"Old man, you first think about it slowly and turn the flat land by the lake opposite into a rocky cliff. I'll draw a picture and wait for you." Shen Fengshu couldn't wait for the other party's long exam. It was a waste of time. Let’s take some time to paint!

The chess fanatic had already dived into the chess game without paying any attention to what Shen Fengshu was saying. With a wave of his hand, the other side turned into a steep cliff, with green trees and green vines above, swaying and uneven curtains, which was very interesting. .

Previously, the chess fanatic kept urging Shen Feng to write poems and compositions, and Shen Fengshu could probably guess what the opponent's intention was.

The guys outside thought that they could isolate Haoran's righteousness and undermine Shen Fengshu's confidence, but they didn't know that Shen Fengshu's magic weapon could still attract Haoran's righteousness. Even if it didn't fall on him, it could still prove that the work was literary. Shen Fengshu The book will naturally not be hit. What's more, as long as the works written by Shen Fengshu are masterpieces on earth that have passed the test of time, how can Shen Fengshu not have confidence?

It's a pity that the chess idiot is not smart enough. He just acts mechanically according to the requirements of the person who controls him. Otherwise, he should have known that something was wrong after seeing Shen Feng's poems written by Haoran and he should not have continued to persuade Shen Feng to write poems. of.

It can be seen from this that it is true that the chess idiot cannot let people out. He should be just a similar weapon spirit of this space magic weapon, or it is the weapon spirit. But I didn't expect that he was still a chess idiot, playing right into Shen Fengshu's hands. Just because of his obsession with playing chess, Shen Fengshu could beat him to death.

Shen Fengshu has become addicted to painting recently. After all, every time he completes a carefully painted painting, a thread of spiritual consciousness protrudes from the inside of the planet. His cultivation is almost visibly increasing. Not only is his spiritual consciousness growing, but also his spiritual energy. The cultivation level also increases rapidly with the improvement of spiritual consciousness cultivation level.

The improvement of cultivation brings nourishment to the whole body, and the strengthening and transformation of the body by spiritual energy during the Qi refining period is also carried out unconsciously. This is different from the strengthening of cells by nano-robots, but an improvement on another level. .When all the skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs of the whole body are strengthened, it will reach the limit of the Qi refining period and it is time to build the foundation.

The nanorobots have not been idle these days. After getting the mist gold sand, Shen Fengshu has already given Fuxi instructions to upgrade the nanorobots. The nanorobots all over the body have already started to replace the main materials.

However, due to the difficulty of processing and dissolving the mist gold sand, even if the nanorobot can use its own energy and combined tools to process and upgrade, the speed is extremely slow. In the past few days, less than 5% has been completed.

Fortunately, Shen Fengshu is not in a hurry. Being trapped in this space, apart from letting him write articles and poems, there are no enemies. He can wait leisurely for the upgrade to be completed. Such a safe place is not easy to find. This is another reason why Shen Fengshu is not in a hurry to go out.

Shen Fengshu was drawing leisurely and leisurely, only halfway through the drawing. The chess fanatic finally took a step, thinking that it was exquisite, and proudly shouted at Shen Fengshu: "Boy, it's your turn!"

Holding the pen and not bothering to put it down, Shen Fengshu just glanced at the chessboard, and then directly asked Mrs. Bai to do it: "Xiaobai, help me make the next move, the seventh row and fifth column on the right hand, yes, right there."

As the white lady placed a black piece in the position mentioned by Shen Fengshu, the chess piece landed on the chessboard with a light snap, and the world became quiet again.

The chess fanatic continued to get stuck in the long test, and Shen Fengshu turned around and continued drawing.

In fact, just looking at the speed of both sides' moves and the time of the long test, even Xiaoqing, who doesn't know how to play chess, has already seen that his master's chess skills are definitely better than this white-robed scholar, and much better. As for the little one In the eyes of Lady White, who knows how to play chess, her young master is simply unfathomable.

The scholar in white robe doesn't know it himself. Judging from the current situation, both sides' chess pieces seem to be evenly matched. He thinks that he and Shen Fengshu are evenly matched. Being in the middle of the game, he really can't see that clearly. He's not as good as two outsiders. No, The demon understands.

Even those who have not watched chess can understand it now by looking at the postures of the two people. One is frowning and thinking hard about the long test, and the other is leisurely and leisurely. He even drew a picture during the chess game, which one is higher and which one is lower. , no more needs to be said.

When Shen Fengshu carefully finished painting this cliff-top landscape, the vitality of heaven and earth coming from the sky finally interrupted the chess fanatic who was in the long examination. His sensitivity to the aura made him wake up completely, and then Looking at the situation in front of me, I suddenly understood a lot.

"I lost this game!" The chess idiot simply admitted defeat and messed up the chessboard with his hand.

However, although he admitted defeat, there was no trace of frustration on his face. Instead, he saw the light of his prey and shouted: "Again!"

"Are you coming?" Shen Fengshu shook his head directly: "Pull him down! I really can't handle you, a stinky chess player, so let's stop here!"

The more Shen Fengshu refused, the more the chess fanatic persisted. The reason why he was called a chess fanatic was because he loved chess as much as his life. There were usually no people in this small world, but occasionally there were a few who were obsessed with it. How difficult is it to find a rival when writing articles, poetry, and researching knowledge?

Now, finally, a highly skilled chess opponent appeared. The chess fanatic could not care about anything else. He wished that Shen Fengshu could not do anything else but play chess with him.

"No!" No matter how much the chess fanatic pestered him, Shen Fengshu always refused. After refusing several times, he simply ignored the chess fanatic and took out the Jade Frog, put it in his hand and studied it carefully. .

"There are actually other good things here. Let me point you to get them." Seeing this scene, the chess fanatic's eyes immediately lit up and he immediately started to lure.

"Not interested!" Shen Fengshu simply refused: "I can't chew off more than I can chew. This is enough for me. I may not like anything else."

"Then I'll teach you the technique of Wenyi Sacrifice." The chess fanatic came forward and continued the entanglement: "The technique of Wenyi Sacrifice is unique. This jade frog has unlimited potential and can undergo countless sacrificial refinings. Its power is It will get stronger and stronger.”

"Don't learn!" Shen Fengshu shook his head, unmoved at all: "My cultivation is not enough, and I can't use it even if I learn it. Besides, I'm hungry now. Xiaobai, prepare something to eat, let's eat."

After shouting, Shen Fengshu turned to look at the chess fanatic and sighed: "Oh! Forget it, Xiaobai, prepare one more meal for the old man to eat with us."

Shen Fengshu directly called the old man, but the chess fanatic showed no sign of being angry. Before playing chess, he even said that he was leaving. Now, even if Shen Fengshu beat him, he would not leave. He repeatedly echoed: "Eat together, eat together, Forget that you will be hungry, finish your meal before playing chess."

Shen Fengshu just rolled his eyes and looked away. He had never seen such a shameless person. However, he had no choice but to continue watching the Jade Frog and ignore it.

Seeing that Shen Fengshu's attention was focused on the Jade Frog again, the chess fanatic gritted his teeth and said, "I can help you sacrifice the Jade Frog, is that okay?"

This chapter has been completed!
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