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Chapter 141 You deserve it too

There is also the matter of a second generation who was killed, which is a bit troublesome.

Although Yuxu Palace is just a low-end sect, not much better than Langhuan Academy, it is a sect after all, and there is also a Jindan ancestor who is in charge. And that person is the son of the palace owner, which is not a small matter.

After continuing to ask, I found out that at least three sects in the surrounding area had begun investigating the cause of the sudden appearance of the desert. All the monks within a few thousand miles had been affected and needed to be investigated.

Of course, the investigation is fake, and taking the opportunity to find out the truth or eliminate dissidents is real. It is a God-given opportunity. If you don't seize this opportunity and make a big splash, wouldn't it be a waste of the good opportunity given by God? How dare these low-level sects really do it? Investigate the Nascent Soul Saint Ancestor who is related to the desert? Are you seeking death?

I just got another guy into the next room, and the information I got from that guy was pretty much the same, so he probably wasn't lying.

Basically nothing could be learned from these two guys, so Shen Fengshu didn't say anything more. Xiaobai and Xiaoqing kept their promise and gave them a happy life without torturing them anymore. From the moment they were captured They had already realized that the palace lord's son died under their protection, and they would also die if they went back.

"There are so many smart people!" Shen Fengshu also sighed.

Sometimes you really have to look at things comprehensively and comprehensively to see whether they are good or bad. A large desert with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly appears in the territory. This will definitely be a loss to the national destiny of the Great Zhou Kingdom, but it will also be detrimental to the surrounding sects. For some people, it is a great opportunity to expand their sphere of influence. Even for some people with evil intentions, this is another good opportunity to bully men and dominate women. The magic of using it lies in one intention.

For the Great Zhou Kingdom, it may only have a temporary impact on the national destiny. If the whole country shares the same hatred of the enemy and expands in a timely manner, it may not be impossible to use this to conquer the city and seize the territory to attract the country. It just depends on whether the superior has that hilly valley in his heart.

No wonder the age of great strife, with chaos on all sides, is also the age of heroes!

"It seems that there has been a little trouble recently." Shen Fengshu thought about it for a moment and realized that everyone was in a bad situation at the moment.

Someone will always discover the mess in the city. Whoever leaves here quickly at this time will be the enemy of Yuxu Palace. The other two sects will probably have to help desperately in order to eliminate the suspicion.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing's cultivation is still in the late stage of transformation, and they cannot completely restrain the demonic energy. As long as they are foundation-building monks, they will definitely be able to detect it.

Fighting three sects to death because of this matter? Shen Fengshu would not do such a stupid thing. There is nothing he can do if the other party comes to attack him. How stupid is it to come to him when he has nothing to do?

"Nano robot upgrade completed!" Just when Shen Fengshu was scratching his head, he suddenly received a message from Fuxi in his mind.

Upgrade completed? Only then did Shen Fengshu remember that after he got the mist gold sand, he issued the order to upgrade the nanorobots. That was before he was locked up in the picture scroll space, and he stayed in the picture scroll space for a whole year. Now the upgrade is finally completed.

It must be said that the mist gold sand is indeed extremely difficult to process. Even with Fuxi's ability, it still took so long to complete. It was really difficult!

But this time the nano-robot upgrade was completed just right. Shen Fengshu was having a headache from Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing's demonic aura. Wouldn't this come in handy immediately? The mist gold sand can block the detection of spiritual consciousness, so it can also block the demonic energy. gas.

"I feel sorry for you two." Shen Fengshu expressed his worries, and then came up with a solution: "You will be my decorations during this period. Xiaobai, you will transform into a jade pendant, and Xiaoqing will I'm sorry to make you a hair crown, I'll cover you with mist gold sand, no one will notice."

The two girls fully understood and agreed with the young master's concerns. Shen Fengshu asked them to become the accessories on Shen Fengshu's body, and they did not feel aggrieved at all. Although some space magic weapons, such as spirit beast bags, can also be accommodated. , but it can still be seen by others, but it is not as good as showing it openly and openly, and it will not arouse suspicion.

If Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing showed up as giant snakes and pythons in their original form, the Nano Battle Armor would definitely not be able to protect them, but there would be no problem in transforming into two accessories that could be worn on their bodies. At that moment, the two women suddenly transformed and followed the instructions Shen Fengshu's request turned into two lifelike hair crowns and jade pendants, which easily replaced the same pendants that Shen Fengshu currently wears.

Originally, it would be most convenient for them to turn into bracelets, just one ring around the body. But Shen Fengshu is a grown man, and wearing bracelets is really unreasonable. Whether it is accessories or accessories, they are all outside and cannot be detected with spiritual consciousness. You can also use your eyes. It can be seen directly that it can protect the young master at any time, which is very good.

Early the next morning, when he was panicking after discovering the ruins in the city, Shen Fengshu had already hired a large car and leisurely embarked on the journey to continue the tour.

Do you think I will get angry and go to Yuxu Palace to kill a beauty? Innocent, do you know what the thirty-six strategies are that condense the wisdom of countless people?

There would often be monks flying around overhead or escaping in the underground water, and some would get into fights, but no one paid any attention to Shen Fengshu, a weak scholar like him.

In order not to arouse the monks' ideas, Shen Fengshu also stopped practicing calligraphy and painting every day, and read slowly in the car every day with a book bought from the bookstore in the last city. You also need to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery, or stop to taste the food you pass by, which is very leisurely and comfortable.

Every time he passed through a big city, Shen Fengshu would change cars. After a leisurely month, Shen Fengshu had arrived in another neighboring country and had already left the sphere of influence of the three sects of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing reincarnated as maids to accompany Shen Fengshu, and easily entered a market run by a sect.

The atmosphere in the market was a bit depressing. I didn't know what had happened. Everyone looked a little worried, which was confusing.

Every town has a place to inquire about news. In this regard, the waiters in inns and taverns are the best targets for gossip. As soon as a small piece of spiritual stone is rewarded, the waiters will immediately tell the news they know about the road.

Recently, within a few days, a desert with no living beings and no spiritual energy appeared in the Great Zhou Kingdom. It was already very strange, but just five days ago, a group of masters suddenly came to Shangjiuzhou and began to detail Investigate the origin of that desert.

The top officials of the three surrounding sects, including Yuxu Palace, an academy, an ordinary immortal sect, and two Zen temples, were taken away in an unreasonable manner by masters from Shangjiuzhou and tortured one by one.

The disciples of several sects were all thrown into the desert, digging three feet into the ground to search for some subtle clues. It is said that many fragments of magic weapons have been found, but the person they are looking for on the Jiuzhou side has always been there. No shadow.

That is to say, the disciples of that academy were given a little preferential treatment and were responsible for overall planning. The other disciples of the sect were all coolies. Those who dared to resist and spoke rudely were killed on the spot without even a chance to reflect. Everyone there was a monk. He was as silent as a cicada, not daring to complain.

Even this place, thousands of miles away, seems to have been affected. Some people have come to inquire about the recent golden elixir and masters above the golden elixir. Suspicious people must be investigated thoroughly.

"Then what are they looking for?" Shen Fengshu was not surprised at all when the people from Shangjiuzhou appeared. It would be abnormal if there was no reaction at all when the picture scroll was gone. What Shen Fengshu wants to know now is who is investigating To what extent, and what exactly are they looking for.

"I'm looking for someone to find a super magic weapon." The clerk didn't intend to say it at first, but after letting it slip, Shen Fengshu knowingly introduced another first-grade spiritual stone. The clerk no longer hesitated and quickly He said: "The magic weapon is the treasure of their academy. It is like a picture scroll space magic weapon. People are naturally the disciples who come to us with this magic weapon to do things. They want to see people alive and see corpses when they die. So does the magic weapon. Who? If there are any clues, they are willing to thank you."

"Which sect are they?" Shen Fengshu asked curiously.

"Xuanji Academy in Shangjiuzhou, the most prestigious academy for famous scholars." This is not a secret, the clerk answered very happily.

Not surprisingly, Qi Ling is playing Go, which is obviously related to the famous religion. Shen Fengshu even guessed that it is related to the black-robed scholar, but now they can do whatever they want.

It is impossible for a young monk in the foundation-building stage to destroy a scroll space. There is no way, Shen Fengshu is so worthless in the eyes of the big guys now that they can't even cast doubt on him.

It's not just the big guys who think so, but everyone thinks so.

If a large-scale effort was made to track down a young man who was a scumbag in cultivation who was a mortal more than two years ago, the monk in charge of the investigation at Xuanji Academy would probably be laughed out of his mind.

Seriously, those sects who went to Jiuzhou took the opportunity to look for trouble. That was the real trouble. The more masters were, the less they paid attention to the mortals and low-level monks. The big shots didn't have to worry.

If Shen Fengshu jumps out now and says that he destroyed the picture scroll space, he will probably be kicked away. You can stay wherever you like. Are you worthy of being a demo?

In this relatively safe city, Shen Fengshu finally picked up the calligraphy and painting practice that he had put aside for a month.

The long-lost aura of awe and vitality of heaven and earth entered Shen Fengshu's body again, and Shen Fengshu also let out a pleasant moan. It was so comfortable.

What surprised Shen Fengshu was that he stopped practicing for a month, but there was no sign of a significant decline in his calligraphy and painting skills. On the contrary, it was because he couldn't help but want to take action many times during the process, so he could only hold back. Simulating it in your mind, this kind of pondering and thinking in your mind is also a method of tempering. When you really get started, your calligraphy and painting skills will actually improve a bit.

He once again resumed his life of riding around on the big chessboard to see the scenery. When he was far away from Fangshi, Shen Fengshu asked Xiaobai to find a secret place to settle down.

After taking out the tattered picture scroll from the void ring, Shen Fengshu had to think about what to do with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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