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Chapter 182 Where is the temple

"I've heard for a long time that Donor Shen has unparalleled literary talents. Now that he's here, let's make some couples!" The old monk in the middle said with a pleasant smile, going straight and without any detours: "Can you?"

"But according to the master's instructions, no one dares to disobey!" Shen Fengshu hurriedly saluted. When traveling in the world, it is not strange to be polite to many people. The etiquette must be thoughtful and you will not suffer any loss or be deceived. The hundreds of people waiting not far away are all Energetic, they pricked up their ears one by one, waiting to hear what was going on here. Most of them failed to pass the test and were blocked from the door. At this moment, they wanted to see others come out like they did.

Ugly was rejected. Especially celebrities who are famous all over the world, they have even more expectations. They are not only expecting Shen Fengshu to pass the test, enter to observe the Dharma ceremony, and kill the monks, but they are also looking forward to Shen Fengshu not being able to pass the test. , just like them, they were blocked from the door and looked happy.

Sigh. Anyway, no matter which one it is, they all have fun watching it.

"Does Donor Shen know the rules?" The old monk in the middle continued to ask with a smile: "The couplet must have a Buddha-natured Zen mind, otherwise I will have no choice but to have to wait here, Donor Shen."

"Junior understands!" Shen Fengshu replied quickly.

The old monk on the left looked at the handsome Shen Fengshu, and suddenly said: "Little!"

"Big!" Shen Fengshu said without hesitation.

There is nothing wrong with small versus big, and it has no other meaning. I guess everyone will be right like this.

"Piss!" the old monk on the right added with a smile.

"Great solution!" Shen Fengshu almost followed closely and immediately gave the second line.

Coax! A group of people of all kinds waiting there all burst into laughter when they heard this. What kind of pair is this? The master urinates in the right place. That is the master's test. Isn't it a bit too much for you to directly explain such a vulgar word to the big brother? Is it too much? Even if it is Da Ya, there is no Buddhist nature or Zen mind in this Da Ya. It is simply

It's so vulgar. They also say that Shen Feng's writing is elegant and romantic. Where did the romantic style go? At least, let's have a more elegant couplet!

"Almsgiver Shen!" The old monk in the middle kept smiling, but kindly reminded Shen Fengshu: "The couplets must have a Buddhist Zen mind." "Yes!" Shen Fengshu responded with a smile, no. He looked a little embarrassed, as if those people were not laughing at him, so he explained: "The question is: 'What is evil in the so-called Tao?' He said: 'It is everywhere.' The question is: 'You can do it later.' He said: 'In Ants.' Said: 'What's so evil?' Said: 'In the barnyard grass.' Said: 'What's so bad about it?' Said: 'In the tiles.' Said: 'What's so bad about it?' Said: 'It's in shit "Drowning." Therefore, the younger generation feels that the Buddha Dharma is in the world and is inseparable from the worldly enlightenment.

Convenient, neat and to the point.”

Tao is in shit, which means that Tao is omnipresent. Even in the lowest things, "Tao" exists. This dialogue comes from "Zhuangzi·Waipian·Zhibeiyou", but Shen Fengshu changed the name It's just hidden. A conversation came out from Shen Feng's mouth in Chinese. Whether it was the eminent monks present or those who wanted to come to watch the ceremony, most people could understand it. Even a few people could understand it. If you don’t understand, some friends will explain in a low voice next to you.

After some explanation, everyone understood what Shen Fengshu meant.

"Amitabha!" The one who spoke this time was still the old monk in the middle. He recited the Buddha's name, then nodded slightly and said, "Almsgiver Shen's words make sense. The Buddha's teachings are in the world and cannot be separated from the world. The Buddha's teachings are omnipresent, and the Buddha nature is naturally omnipresent. "This obviously means passing the test. Some people in the crowd watching the ceremony could not help but be dissatisfied. If so, they can also solve this kind of match. Why did Shen Fengshu just correct two words? Did you pass the test? But no one

Dare to make loud noises, but even if you are dissatisfied, you can only whisper in a low voice or mutter in your heart.

Perhaps he heard the mutterings of those people, the old monk on the left suddenly said: "What a bargain!"

"Great liberation!" Shen Fengshu blurted out almost without thinking and said it directly. Wow! Now even people who don't understand can hear that it is unusual. These three words of great liberation are definitely consistent. What is particularly rare about the conditions for the Buddha-nature and Zen mind is that it is directly derived from the word "Da Jie" that everyone thinks is vulgar.

It makes this word even more subtle.

"There is / a small bargain!" The old monk on the right seemed to be inspired by Shen Fengshu's blurted couplet and added another word.

"Get/Great liberation!" Shen Fengshu turned to the old monk on the right and said four words respectfully. He also said it without thinking at all. "Okay!" Some people couldn't help but praise. Made a sound. The four-character couplet, added one word at a time, was transformed into a Zen-like couplet about having a small gain and getting a big relief.

Feng Shu is indeed worthy of his literary talent and reputation!

The three old monks in charge of the door also smiled and nodded, obviously very fond of Shen Fengshu's flexibility and quick thinking.

However, the old monk in the middle suddenly smiled and asked: "Donor Shen, our couplet is used in the toilet room. Is it cheap?"

Simply change a sentence, and the artistic conception of this couplet immediately becomes completely different.

No one expected that the eminent monk would break up a sentence like this, and bluntly say that it was used in the toilet. They were all stunned for a moment.

"What a coincidence! The second couplet of this junior is also used in the toilet room." Shen Fengshu replied with a smile: "A great relief? Free!"

Hahahahaha! As soon as Shen Fengshu said these words, the whole room burst into laughter. Amidst the laughter, everyone had to admire that the work was still correct even though they did not change a single word. They changed the pronunciation and the sentence. Excellent workmanship!

"Wonderful!" The eminent monks who asked the question were all amazed at this moment. The short four-character couplet, with a double entendre, has both the atmosphere of the secular world and Buddhist liberation. It is really exquisite and unparalleled.

This little couplet today will probably become a good story in the future, and the three old monks will be among them. Even though they are already eminent monks who are not moved by fame and fortune, thinking about the good stories in the future makes them feel secretly happy.

"Donor Shen is a great talent!" the old monk in the middle praised, and then said: "Then let's say it again."

"I don't dare!" Shen Fengshu quickly said modestly: "Master, please correct me."

"Yeah!" The old monk thought for a while and said, "It's hard to be sexy!"

"Easy!" Shen Fengshu said without hesitation.

Everyone eagerly waited for Shen Fengshu. Since he said it was easy, the next step should be a couplet, right? After waiting for a long time, Shen Fengshu didn't say a word, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Mr. Shen, you are right!" Someone couldn't help it and shouted.

"That's it!" Shen Fengshu said with an innocent look on his face, spreading his hands.

Is it correct? When was it correct? Didn’t Shen Fengshu just say the word easy? When was it correct? Could it be?

"That's it!" After thinking about it, everyone suddenly reacted and there was another uproar.

Sex is hard! Easy!

Two words to two words, color to face, difficult to easy, so neat! What's even more rare is that Shen Fengshu barely had time to think, so he just blurted out, "I can't accept it!"

"Donor Shen is indeed very talented. He has passed the test of this couplet!" The old monk in the middle didn't waste any more words and directly announced that he had passed the test.

Among the spectators, some were quite unconvinced. As long as they thought more about such a simple couplet, they should be able to figure it out correctly. But it is impossible to do it without thinking like Shen Fengshu. Some people wanted to object, but in the end they couldn't. I can muster up the courage. Firstly, I don’t dare to offend Kofukuji Temple. Secondly, I am really not as eager as Shen Fengshu. People can explain such vulgar words as urinating and defecation as Buddhism is everywhere, but I can actually understand it.

I came out with a great explanation, but I don’t have the ability to explain it. I can’t envy it.

"I've heard for a long time that Donor Shen has superb painting skills. For this second level, let's ask Mr. Shen to paint a painting!" The old monk waited quietly for a while, no one said anything, and then asked: "Is it possible?"

"Please ask the master to come up with a question!" Of course Shen Fengshu is all-powerful. He can only take over other people's territory and calculate it according to other people's opinions.

"The old monk and others came up with the topic, which is also suspected of being misleading." The old monk smiled and turned slightly to wait for the crowd: "How about the donors recommend two or three donors to study a topic together?" Is there such a good thing? Where are you being asked? Everyone who was blocking the door was immediately overjoyed. They couldn't pass the test and couldn't go in to watch the ceremony. Naturally, their hearts were unbalanced. Seeing that Shen Fengshu passed the first test so easily, they were unconvinced or jealous.

Young Master. Now they are actually asked to come up with their own questions to embarrass Shen Fengshu. Why not come up with an extremely difficult question to keep Shen Fengshu out?

We don’t worry about the scarcity but the inequality. If everyone can’t get in, then there won’t be so much envy, jealousy and hatred. Suddenly some people came forward, and some recommended others. It was a mess for a while, and finally under the majesty of a few old monks Under his gaze, three middle-aged men were selected, one looked like a farmer, the other looked like a martial arts practitioner, and

One was a female pilgrim offering incense.

Of course, everyone knows that regardless of their appearance, they are actually monks with some level of cultivation and are by no means ordinary people. Ordinary pilgrims have no chance to come here and will be stopped at the mountain pass.

The three people discussed in a low voice for a while, and then the smiling farmer gave a question.

The title is very simple, but also very close to reality, ancient temple in the mountains. Use this as the title to make a painting.

Shen Fengshu laughed when he saw this title. This title was clearly trying to flatter Kofukuji. He just had an idea in his mind, so he just drew it.

At that moment, Shen Fengshu was not polite. He directly set up the painting table, took out a pen and paper, and began to paint on the spot. Under the curious eyes of everyone, Shen Fengshu quickly finished the painting of an imaginary landscape. The speed was so fast that it made people wonder. Everyone watching from a distance was surprised. However, although everyone was surprised, no one came forward, for fear that if Shen Fengshu

The failure of painting all of a sudden was entirely their fault.

Seeing Shen Fengshu stop writing and take a closer look, the three question writers couldn't help but be curious and quickly stepped forward to take a look.

"Is this an ancient temple in the mountains?" The martial arts practitioner only took one look and couldn't help but be stunned.

"That's right!" Shen Fengshu replied with a smile. "Where is the temple?" The farmer next to him also looked confused and asked immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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