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Chapter 247 Refining

Hu Lengshuang thought that Shen Fengshu would be frantically looking for a panacea to improve his qualifications, frantically looking for heavenly materials and earthly treasures to improve his cultivation, and then practicing crazily. However, he did not expect that Shen Fengshu would just return to Moyue City very calmly and naturally.

Along the way, I still painted peacefully and lived a peaceful life, which was no different from usual.

This actually made Hu Lengshuang a little impressed. He knew that he was still able to practice calmly and calmly despite his lack of cultivation. If he had some good qualifications, he wouldn't be like this.

Alas! What a pity! There is no way to force such things as cultivation qualifications.

Relatively speaking, Moyue City is now the safest place to practice. After returning to Moyue City, Shen Fengshu asked people to prepare a room immediately and said that he would retreat.

From Hu Lengshuang's point of view, it's just a junior Foundation Builder who doesn't have time to condense elixirs and has enough longevity, so why should he be closed? It's simply a joke. But since Shen Fengshu wants to be in seclusion, let him do it. Anyway, as long as Shen Fengshu doesn't die and practices well, Hu Lengshuang will be in seclusion ten thousand times better than running around outside. He immediately ordered Xiaomei and others to prepare the things for seclusion.

Pay attention to the master from time to time, and for the rest, just wait and see when the master goes into seclusion.

Even in seclusion, Shen Fengshu enjoys super luxurious treatment, unlike some poor guys, whose seclusion is just a deserted cave.

An exquisite small courtyard has all the necessary facilities. Outside is a soundproof formation and a protective formation to ensure that it will not interfere with Shen Fengshu's practice.

Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and Xiaomei were also locked up in the small courtyard, right next to Shen Fengshu, ready to serve Shen Fengshu at any time. Others' retreats were lifeless, but Shen Fengshu's place was surrounded by beauties, which was a bit like studying at night with red sleeves adding fragrance.

Shen Fengshu had no objection to this. He was a latent cultivator and did not want to suffer, unlike those who practiced asceticism. After everyone was ready, Shen Fengshu moved into the courtyard and began to practice. The reason for going into seclusion is because Shen Fengshu plans to go all out to refine the core of the black smoke. Whether it is other Gu cultivation spaces or the Youquan treasure house, there is nothing particularly difficult. It is just time-consuming, but this one Core black ball, but the beginning

It is a hidden danger after all. If it is not solved, Shen Fengshu will not worry about practicing anything else in the future. The black smoke itself can directly upgrade a black bear spirit to the Nascent Soul level and maintain that crazy state. Of course, Shen Fengshu will not underestimate it. However, after such a long time, the four friends have also refined all the parts of the black smoke that can be refined.

We have also made great progress. Although the remaining ones seem to be the core, they should no longer have such strong lethality and influence.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely not dare to touch this core easily. Once it is affected and goes crazy, it will become a demon who knows nothing but crazy killing. But Shen Fengshu doesn't care. There is Fuxi in Shen Fengshu's body, and When necessary, Fuxi can take over all activities of Shen Fengshu's body. Therefore, before planning to use spiritual energy to refine this thing, Shen Fengshu gave Fuxi an order to take over his body.

Unless Fuxi has verified that his mind is awake and his mental state is normal, he will hand over control of his body. With this premise, even if Shen Fengshu accidentally goes crazy, he will not What a big impact it has. As for the impact of the black ball on the mind, Shen Fengshu doesn’t think this thing is more powerful than the fragments of the witch lady’s consciousness. Zi Yan Demon Lord adds

The fragments of consciousness of the two demon ladies could not make Shen Fengshu lose his mind. How could a mere black ball of the highest Yuanying level still reach the sky? Therefore, after doing a good job of protection, Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and Xiao were told Mei, please don’t disturb yourself. Shen Fengshu entered the world of satisfaction alone. No matter how safe the protection outside is, it will not be safer inside. Even if something happens,

No one will know.

After Fuxi began to take over control of his body, under the control of Shen Fengshu's thoughts, the world moved according to his will, and the black ball soon floated in front of Shen Fengshu. The black ball is still a ball of black gas, and its shape has always been correct. Yuan, Shen Fengshu could clearly see the black smoke billowing, which was many times thicker than the previous black smoke. The volume was only the size of a volleyball, and there was no black smoke around it.

The smoke overflowed, as if there was a transparent barrier confining the black mist inside.

Direct observation, from such a close distance, Shen Fengshu could not feel any evil aura, nor did he have any crazy thoughts. After looking carefully for a while and feeling, Shen Fengshu controlled the black ball and fell into his hands. middle.

As the black ball touched the skin, the churning black mist seemed to suddenly come to life. The black ball shattered, and countless black mist quickly enveloped Shen Fengshu. In an instant, Shen Fengshu turned into a Black humanoid.

The black mist just wrapped around for a while, as if it had found a way out, and crazily penetrated into Shen Fengshu's body along Shen Fengshu's seven orifices and the pores of his skin. An indescribable feeling of violence completely filled Shen Fengshu's body. In Shu's mind, countless thoughts of depression, fear, disgust, hatred, greed, and killing came one after another. It was as if Shen Fengshu felt all the negative emotions in the world.

.In addition, infinite power seemed to have penetrated into Shen Fengshu's body. The abundant spiritual energy supported every cell of Shen Fengshu. Because there was so much spiritual energy, it quickly reached the limit of what the cells could bear. But this is not over,

There is still a steady flow of spiritual energy flowing in. At the same time, it also brings an indescribable vitality, the vitality of life, which makes Shen Fengshu feel that his body has unprecedented vitality. The cells cannot bear too much spiritual energy, but this anger is Start to stimulate every cell, crazy metabolism

, crazy rebirth. And every reborn cell seems to be a little stronger than before and can withstand more spiritual energy. The crazy metabolism of the body cells brings about Shen Fengshu's body shape that quickly becomes like a balloon. He became a big man, but slowly returned to normal under the nourishment of spiritual energy. Then this process began to repeat itself, and the body also

One moment he becomes strong, and the next moment he becomes normal, but the strength of his body becomes stronger and stronger with each change.

However, Shen Fengshu no longer cared about feeling the changes in his body at this moment, but concentrated on fighting those crazy thoughts.

Those crazy thoughts are so strong that their will is ten to a hundred times or even a thousand times stronger than the will of each fragment of spiritual consciousness. Every thought can make an ordinary monk immediately become crazy and become delirious.

It's a pity that these crazy thoughts happened to Shen Fengshu. From the beginning of his practice to now, he has been fighting against those fragments of consciousness all the time. The sea of ​​consciousness has its own Purple Sky Divine Thunder, which is simply an extremely powerful home field. After only resisting for a moment, Shen Fengshu directly immersed his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness, and also brought those crazy thoughts into the sea of ​​consciousness. These thoughts were not fragments of consciousness, but pure thoughts, crazy and fierce. , unreasonable,

But what they collided with was countless Zixiao Divine Thunder.

To clear away the complicated thoughts, Zixiao Divine Thunder simply does not need to be too professional. In an instant, those crazy thoughts are so outstanding and distinct, just like lightning rods raised high, attracting Zixiao Divine Thunder to strike them down. No matter how violent and violent they are, they are as clear as lightning rods. Crazy, such an unbearable negative emotion, Shen Fengshu has been enduring it every moment in the past two years. Those virtual people have performed for him countless times of love, hate, and all the dissatisfaction and extremes in the world. , Shen

Feng Shu has almost seen it all, and his immunity is so powerful that it makes these crazy thoughts despair. Shen Feng Shu's own strong will and the help of Zixiao Divine Thunder, then the sea of ​​​​consciousness rang out when countless people collectively recited the Great Ming Mantra. , basically these crazy ideas have actually been surrounded by many things. Don’t talk about these black people.

Wu He and Mad Thought never thought about running away. Even if they wanted to run away, they couldn't do it at this moment. From the beginning to the end, Shen Fengshu remained absolutely awake and carefully cooperated with Zixiao Shenlei, one by one. Contact a certain crazy idea bit by bit, soothe it bit by bit, and eliminate the negative emotions in it bit by bit, and even the main

Move the fragments of consciousness that make those crazy thoughts impact the entire planet, and rely on countless fragments to split, dilute, and fuse those crazy thoughts. When these thoughts cannot affect Shen Fengshu's sanity, when the first crazy thought is struck by Shen Fengshu When the book collapsed, Shen Fengshu knew that it was only a matter of time to refine these thoughts. At this moment, Fuxi even gave a very considerate

A progress bar that can be quantified was created. Shen Fengshu just kept eating, sitting upright in the world of contentment. His body expanded and shrank, and his body and face would show a burst of thick black from time to time. It’s just that no one saw it. If Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and Xiaomei saw it, I’m afraid they would

Be so scared that you don’t know what to do!

As time goes by, the black color on Shen Fengshu's body begins to gradually fade, getting lighter and lighter, and the time it appears becomes less and less. It takes longer and longer for the body to become bigger and smaller.

Finally, after ten months, the progress bar reached 100%, Shen Fengshu's body no longer changed, and his skin color returned to normal, with no trace of black left.

Boom, a pure spiritual energy without any impurities overflowed crazily from Shen Fengshu's body, and was completely absorbed by Chengxin Tiandi in the blink of an eye.

A purple sky divine thunder in the sea of ​​​​consciousness split the last crazy thought away. After it was completely eliminated, Shen Fengshu finally took the initiative to call Fuxi and started the sobriety test.

Fuxi very conscientiously asked Shen Fengshu almost a thousand questions, and after conducting at least ten different methods of mental state assessment, he finally confirmed that Shen Fengshu was normal, and then instantly handed over control of his body.

Even though he had not eaten or moved for ten months, due to the abundant vitality stimulation and the nourishment of pure spiritual energy, Shen Fengshu's body showed no signs of muscle atrophy or other degeneration, and instead became more and more vigorous.

Shen Fengshu's eyes opened for the first time after being closed for ten months.

Boom, as soon as he opened his eyes, there was a thunderous roar in Zhongxin Heaven and Earth. The world in front of Shen Fengshu seemed to have suddenly become much larger.

Shen Fengshu was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood why. The space for raising Gu was also completely refined and absorbed by Yixin Tiandi at this time. Not only that, only the last trace of the Youquan treasure house was left.

This chapter has been completed!
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