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Chapter 25 That's not necessarily

Old Lianqi? As soon as these words came out, Shen Fengshu and An Zhengling were both stunned. Who are they talking about?

Then both of them suddenly realized. An Zhengling was building the foundation in the inner courtyard. Those present that day were all foundation building disciples in the inner courtyard. The news of An Zhengling's foundation building had not spread outside. If ordinary Qi refining disciples were building the foundation, It must be happening outside. Many people know about it and the news will spread.

Very open.

The masters of foundation building in the inner courtyard don't just chat and spread gossip when they have nothing to do. They haven't even had time to practice themselves, so why are they interested in paying attention to them? It's normal if outsiders don't know.

The guys in front of them obviously didn't understand the situation and thought An Zhengling was the old Lianqi everyone knew.

Shen Fengshu directly extended his thumb: "These few people have extraordinary experience, and I am so impressed that I admire them!"

What kind of eyes do you need to think that someone who is twenty or thirty years younger looks good? Ugh! It seems that An Zhengling's complexion is indeed very good now, and that guy is not wrong.

Several guards had already protected Shen Fengshu in time, each holding a weapon and watching these guys eagerly.

The five people on the other side just glanced at the guards with great disdain, and all their eyes were focused on An Zhengling. An Zhengling was the powerful enemy. As long as this old Qi refiner was dealt with, several mortal guard masters were not worth a fight. One on one close. A head-to-head confrontation at a distance may be evenly matched, but at such a long distance, if the opponent has weapons such as crossbows, then for

For monks, isn’t it just a few plates of food?

The black-robed scholar obviously didn't realize what kind of enemy he was facing, nor did he understand what Shen Fengshu meant. With a wave of his hand, everyone began to take action and actively launched an attack.

Several unknown pills flew in several directions and exploded as soon as they hit something. The explosion was not very powerful, but it emitted billowing smoke. Within three to five breaths, the scene was already enveloped in smoke. , I can’t see my fingers.

"Don't move! Protect the young master!" the leader of the guard shouted, and a few people gathered more, with their weapons facing outwards. They were extremely vigilant, and covered their mouths and noses with one hand: "Be careful of the poisonous smoke!"

There was a sound of fighting in the smoke, and there were several booms and booms, which made the guards even more nervous.

Shen Fengshu didn't care at all and wasn't nervous at all. Ever since those guys said the words "Lao Lianqi", Shen Fengshu wasn't worried at all.

Shen Fengshu had not had the opportunity to witness the battle between practitioners before, but now he finally did.

The battlefield scanning system clearly displayed the movement trajectories of everyone in the area. Even if the faces could not be seen directly in the thick smoke, it was enough for him to distinguish who was who. However, Shen Fengshu was a little disappointed and thought The five people who came to rob Dao could have a wonderful fight with An Zhengling. After all, they had never paid attention to An Zhengling who had perfected his Qi refining before. They must have good strength to support them.

Did they do this? But what Shen Fengshu saw now was a one-sided massacre.

Yes, there is no difficulty in massacre. The five people just showed how much they looked down on An Zhengling, but now they showed how easy it was for Ducai to be tortured and killed. The booming sound was the sound of several attack spells exploding. Originally, The targets of these spells were Shen Fengshu's guards. Unfortunately, An Zhengling's figure blocked the guards at the right moment. He just waved his hand gently.

The explosion of those spells was blocked outside him, and An Zhengling was not harmed at all.

Maybe it's because his strength has indeed improved qualitatively after building the foundation, or maybe it's because these guys' words of "refining energy" stirred up the anger that An Zhengling had been suppressing for so many years. In short, An Zhengling's attacks were extremely ruthless, and his moves were fatal. .

He didn't use any particularly powerful moves to fight back. Just like when he demonstrated the monk's combat power to Shen Fengshu that day, with one palm strike, someone would be hit from a long way away. He wouldn't even have time to scream, and his body would be directly hit. Shattered. A person rushed too hard and was about to rush to a guard on the right of Shen Fengshu. However, An Zhengling's figure appeared like a ghost, pinched his neck with one hand, and then twisted it cleanly. In a circle, there was a burst of crisp joints

Disjointed sounds.

Before the smoke had completely dissipated, the man in black robe had already maintained a flying posture and turned into a puppet who could not move or speak. Fortunately, his eyes could still move and he could still breathe, but that was all. . He didn’t die because An Zhengling had something to ask him, not because of how high his cultivation level was. These five people could only fight to death with An Zhengling a hundred days ago. The black-robed scholar had something in his hand that he could barely The magic weapon used can only be used by a few other people.

If he stays with An Zhengling for a moment, he can use magic weapons to kill An Zhengling.

Unfortunately, everything was over before the black-robed scholar had time to prepare. Now, An Zhengling is a nightmare that they will never fear again, because dead or dying people will never dream again.

"These guards are pretty good." An Zhengling could completely feel what those guards had done in the smoke. He waved his hand to create a breeze to help blow away the smoke, and complimented him by the way.

Shen Fengshu fully agreed that it was indeed good to be able to loyally protect his bodyguards despite the threats of several monks.

The black-robed scholar couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, but if he could not guess that An Zhengling must have established the foundation at this moment, then he would not be a monk. A monk could not be that stupid.

"Senior, have mercy on me!" When he could speak, his first words were begging for mercy with a trembling voice. He had just spoken nonsense in front of a senior host with a few friends who were in the Qi refining stage, and he simply didn't know how to live or die.

The question is very simple: who are these people, what do they want to do, and who instructs them.

There were bloody endings for the four partners, but the black-robed scholar did not show any steadfastness and unyieldingness. He just spoke out like a straw.

These guys were considered casual cultivators and had no backing from the sect, or they had rebelled against the sect themselves. The black-robed scholar could also be considered as having some exposure to chess practice. When Shen Fengshu and others rushed to the town of Waishuyuan, they He happened to be there too. Of course, the movement like Jingjiehu made everyone curious, and they found out as soon as they inquired. Not long ago, a chess player who was in the first game of Hao Hao was spread from Langhuan Academy, which made all scorers marvel. Shen Fengshu, who broke through the barrier, is leaving the academy

, and his chess skills were outstanding, and he was still a mortal. The black-robed scholar was immediately moved.

The opportunity was too late to miss. Several people just used various means to follow Shen Fengshu and An Zhengling for seven days. Finally, they waited until the two were about to separate. The safe way was to wait until An Zhengling left before taking action, but they For the past few days, the two of them had been walking at a speed as if they were touring the mountains and rivers. They were so frustrated that they were determined to teach An Zhengling a lesson. This was before he left.

The figure appeared before. Then there was no more.

"Poor child!" Senior Brother An was busy from front to back, and Shen Fengshu didn't interfere. However, after listening to this guy's confession, Shen Fengshu sighed and shook his head. Do you really think Senior Brother An is a kind person? He doesn't. I forgot that when we first met, Senior Brother An brought breakfast to me in one hand and more than a dozen heads in the other. He jumped out to deliberately provoke me when they were saying goodbye.

Are you rushing to become a sacrifice for Senior Brother An's successful foundation building? Old Lianqi? Who will die if you don't die?

After killing a lot of people, they searched and destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces. Senior Brother An did it with ease and his skillful posture meant that he might have buried many people with evil intentions in the past two hundred years.

Seeing you off thousands of miles away, we will see each other again in the end.

"Junior brother, have you seen that sometimes being too famous is not a good thing." After An Zhengling dealt with these guys, before leaving, he warned Shen Fengshu: "Be careful when you go home, so you can take care of yourself. Let’s go!”

"I will, senior brother, take care!" Shen Fengshu nodded, then said goodbye: "See you later!"

"See you later!" An Zhengling handed over his hands and stayed where he was, watching Shen Fengshu and his entourage ride away until they were out of sight.

Huh! After turning around the mountain pass, Shen Fengshu finally let out a sigh of relief. There were no people from the academy staring at him, and his whole body seemed to relax. The relationship with An Zhengling was good, but that was it. Shen Fengshu was not that good yet. Naively, I thought how much Brother An would care about me. If An Zhengling was asked to choose between the academy and Shen Fengshu, An Zhengling would definitely prefer the academy without hesitation.

Hospital. We are just a hundred days of fate. After today, I am afraid that we will never meet again. The most comfortable feeling is to be surrounded by your own people. Although Shen Fengshu is not very close to these guards in his heart, his memory Among them, these guards have protected him for more than five years. They are loyal old men in the family, more than those in the academy.

Everyone is worthy of trust.

Going on the road again was no longer like traveling around the mountains and rivers. They had good horses, and they could run two to three hundred miles a day. Shen Fengshu felt a little like returning home, so he galloped all the way.

He ran a hundred miles away, rested for the night in an inn in a passing county, and then drove back non-stop the next day.

I had a quick bite on the road at noon, then ran for an hour and a half in the afternoon and rested in a shady place. This place was already thousands of miles away from the academy.

"Damn, it's not over, is it?" Somehow, the two guards who were drinking water suddenly heard a low curse from their young master. Before they understood what was going on, they suddenly His vision went dark and he fell to the ground with a thump.

Shen Fengshu was the only one who remained conscious and sane. "How brave!" A figure appeared silently not far in front of Shen Fengshu, standing on a large chessboard in the air, looking at Shen Fengshu. There was a burst of praise: "Under such a situation, Mr. Shen can still keep his expression unchanged. He is worthy of being able to write juvenile poems."

Great talent."

Being able to fly with magical weapons, he is obviously a foundation-building master. No wonder the guards didn't resist at all. They are not on the same level at all.

However, one after another, is this the Academy's plan to plot against him?

"Who were your people yesterday?" Shen Fengshu suddenly asked this middle-aged scholar with an immortal spirit hanging in the air.

"Yes!" the middle-aged scholar admitted without hesitation: "He has good eyesight. The only thing that surprised me was that Old Man An didn't know when the foundation was established. It's a pity that he was too naive and was easily deceived."

"Is this what the academy means?" Shen Fengshu asked again. Knowing An Zhengling, he is obviously from the academy. "It's what I mean." The middle-aged scholar said with a smile: "Young Master Shen's game of chess made me vomit blood. I was promoted and had to stay in seclusion to recuperate. This situation will always come back. What's more, while I was injured and recuperating, a dozen of my fellow disciples have improved their realm. How unfair is it? Stay with me.

After playing chess for three years, I will naturally let you go safely. Don't worry, you are far away from the academy now. Old Man An has also gone back. I will come to find you, and no one will save you anymore."

"There are no absolutes in this world!" Poor child, what kind of bullshit luck is this! Shen Fengshu was speechless: "What if?"

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged scholar was stunned.

Shen Fengshu looked upward, looking above the middle-aged scholar's head. The middle-aged scholar was shocked and hurriedly raised his head, but only saw a red shadow.

This chapter has been completed!
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