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Chapter 279 Who is messing with me

Come again? This kind of thing is never over, is it?

Shen Fengshu just wants to look up to the sky and sigh, why bother? Why bother? You have said it clearly yourself. There is no injustice in the past and no hatred in the recent days. Why are you so aggressive that you want to fight or kill?

The energy cannon, which was always in a state of being ready to go off, fired directly at the opponent without waiting for him to show off and strike a cool pose.

Just do it, why is there so much nonsense? Don’t you know that bad people die from talking too much? Shen Fengshu has always been known as a loser in practice, but he has outstanding literary talent, amazing chess skills, and excellent painting skills. The biggest The characteristic is that he often gets lucky, which is also the most despised and envied person.

A bit. It’s not just bullshit luck. Could Shen Fengshu write the poem “Youth” at the exact moment when the peerless holy demon awakens? It’s not bullshit luck. Could Shen Fengshu meet the real dragon in the secret realm of Qiancheng? It’s not bullshit. With luck, Shen Fengshu can get Li Shengren's

Favor? It's not just luck. Could Shen Fengshu be promoted to those female monks just when he was painting?

This damn guy's luck is so good that it's incredible.

Basically, Shen Fengshu is most famous for these things, rather than his strong fighting power. What kind of fighting power can a loser who got to build a foundation through bad luck have?

It is precisely because of this that everyone who wants to take action against Shen Fengshu does not regard Shen Fengshu's combat power as the primary threat. Facing a loser, as long as they take action, they will definitely be able to catch him.

The guy ambushing here is no exception. With an enemy that can be easily captured, what else can there be to guard against? If it weren't for the fact that he was in the territory of Guiyuan Palace before, he would have taken down Shen Fengshu with a living person. Go find those young gentlemen to receive the reward, and let Shen Fengshu kneel down and apologize to those young gentlemen and beg for mercy. I believe they will be very happy, and the reward will naturally be rich. As long as there are one or two good magic weapons given to them ,

Or the spiritual elixir technique, one's own cultivation level can advance by leaps and bounds, soaring into the sky from then on, and becoming uncontrollable.

The bright future is right in front of him, and for this loser in cultivation, the triumphant attacker just rushed out with a shout of joy, and his chest and abdomen suddenly disappeared out of thin air. The high energy was focused and directly engulfed his lower body. It evaporated in an instant, leaving only the head, neck and upper chest. The process happened so fast that the attacker didn't realize what happened and didn't feel any pain.

, one hand is still holding the elegant Sword Jue Yushang Feijian, and the body is still rushing out.

The flying sword was flying rapidly, and it was seen that it had flown in front of Shen Fengshu. Suddenly, Shen Fengshu stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying sword. The attacker who had just rushed out to face Shen Fengshu was instantly frightened. Jump, what happened? At this moment, I felt my body go limp, and suddenly all the strength in my body disappeared, and my whole body started to jump involuntarily.

He began to fall. It was only at this moment that he saw his own situation and realized what had just happened. A look of horror appeared on his face. He wanted to scream in terror, but found that he could not even breathe, so he could only open his mouth. , can’t make any sound


With infinite fear, the half-stretched attacker fell into the dust, and then lost his breath. The power of the energy cannon was beyond what he, a mediocre person at the peak of foundation building, could withstand. Unhappy! Shen Fengshu felt very unhappy. !Although I picked up some rags from this stupid guy, but this kind of guy who still needs to use Shen Fengshu to please others, what kind of wealth can he have? At most, he can only have one or two tricks.

Bao, his belongings can be worth dozens of kilograms of spiritual stones. Such a small harvest, Shen Fengshu is too lazy to look at it. He threw the things together with the space magic weapon into the satisfying world, and Shen Fengshu ignored it for the time being. I was pointed out by Zhiqing Witch some time ago. With a stable real space, I can also rely on swallowing some space magic weapons to consolidate it.

Fixed space itself, if there are enough space magic weapons, it is not impossible to expand the space and upgrade it.

In this case, these space magic weapons obtained by Shen Fengshu will certainly not be wasted. Mosquito thighs are also meat, which can nourish the world to some extent. Before leaving Xiajiuzhou, Shen Fengshu had thought that he would stay in Zhongjiuzhou Shangjiuzhou was targeted, but from the time he entered the passage to now, Shen Fengshu asked himself that he and those people were strangers, and they would do it for a few messy young men.

If you attack yourself, do you really think you are a soft persimmon?

Shen Fengshu was not in a good mood before seeing Xiaoman, and he became even more unhappy when he encountered this kind of thing. But when the same thing happened one after another, Shen Fengshu's mood was extremely bad. Less than three hundred miles away, Shen Fengshu met four monks, all of whom were planning to kill themselves. Shen Fengshu was not polite at all. As long as he dared to show his intention, no matter who the other person was, he would immediately kill him. , show no mercy

Among the four monks, three are in the foundation-building stage and one is in the golden elixir stage. The one in the foundation-building stage is not Shen Fengshu's opponent at all. After all, the golden elixir master is at a high level and has a very arrogant attitude. But behind Shen Fengshu's energy cannon. Down,

He just got the upper hand, and the magic weapon hit the nano battle armor first.

The magic weapon of the energy cannon and the golden elixir master is to land on each other with the front and rear feet, but the endings are different. The nano armor withstood the fierce blow, but Shen Fengshu was only knocked away by the huge force and flew in the air for several times. Ten feet, he landed firmly on the ground. But the golden elixir master was not so lucky. He didn't even realize that Shen Fengshu could attack

When it hit him, he didn't use any protective magic weapon at all. After all, the energy cannon's attack couldn't be seen in physical form.

The ancestor of Jindan, who had no sense of precaution at all, made his first mistake. The result of his physical body fighting against the energy cannon was that half of his body was evaporated instantly, just like the several foundation-building monks Shen Fengshu met before. The difference is that this time did not make the Golden Pill Patriarch die immediately. He realized something was wrong in an instant, mobilized his spiritual energy for defense in time and used a protective magic weapon. The Golden Pill Patriarch still saved his life in time.

He lost the shield that suddenly appeared and his lower body.

The strike missed, but he suffered heavy losses. The Jindan Patriarch was shocked and immediately realized that he had hit an iron plate. The Shen Fengshu in front of him was definitely not the Shen Fengshu he had heard of.

He was also a character. He realized something was wrong and turned around and ran away without thinking. Then, the ancestor of Jindan made his second mistake. He didn't react all of a sudden. He had no legs. Before. Hanging in the air with just one breath, the ancestor of Jindan certainly has such strength, but the painful imbalance of suddenly losing his lower body and the subconscious operation of his mind still conflicted, and he half-pulled his body in the direction of flying out.

It was not the direction he wanted to go. Not only was the direction wrong, but the angle of his body was also completely wrong.

The pain and the sudden out-of-control movements caused the Jindan Patriarch to take several breaths in a hurry, and these several breaths were enough for Shen Fengshu to stabilize his body and rush forward.

But the first thing to rush up were three miniature missiles. In the eyes of the Jindan Ancestor, who had not yet gotten used to the balance immediately, these were three offensive magic weapons. Boom boom boom, the three magic weapons exploded at the same time, causing the body to become unbalanced. The golden elixir ancestor spun around in the air several times. Although he was careful and not injured at all this time, the next moment he collided heavily with Shen Fengshu.


Buzz! The two collided, causing a low and distant sound of metal collision, and then it disappeared.

In addition to the nano battle armor, Shen Fengshu now also has a Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower in his body to protect his body. One inside and one outside. When hit, even if he is as powerful as the ancestor of Jindan, he can't help but feel dizzy. He doesn't know why.

At the same time as the collision, the Nano Battle Armor cut out energy knives at at least seventy or eighty places. With the two of them close to each other, dozens of energy blades cut into the body of the Jindan Patriarch without mercy. Jindan Patriarch Zu was very powerful. He had already realized that something was wrong. Even in his abnormal state, he still managed to block at least fifty energy knives that cut into him. But the remaining energy knives still successfully cut into his body, and then he

The body fell apart, and blood rained all over the sky. After killing the Jindan ancestor, Shen Fengshu directly stuffed the body of the Jindan ancestor into the heart of the world, and the battlefield scanning system quickly scanned it with high power. The next moment, Shen Fengshu's figure disappeared on the spot without a trace.

Without a trace. In less than half a stick of incense, a figure rushed over from the way Chen Fengshu came. The speed was a bit fast, flying rapidly, and soon flew to the battlefield just now. I saw a mess of traces of the battle. , the person’s figure should be

He stopped immediately and his consciousness began to scan around wildly. The person who came was a handsome young man who looked very young. He had been following Shen Fengshu for some time, and he followed for six to seven hundred miles. Shen Fengshu bumped into him several times. He had an overview of the battles from a distance through his spiritual sense detection.

The next time Shen Fengshu and his enemies suddenly disappeared, he no longer cared about the danger of being discovered, and quickly chased after him. Judging from the battle traces, the battle did not look very fierce, but why did the people suddenly disappear? ? Or did both sides disappear at the same time? What happened? There were several fragments of magic weapons at the scene. The handsome young man quickly took the fragments into his hands.

After a few glances, one can confirm that these are fragments of a very high-level protective magic weapon. According to normal logical analysis, Shen Fengshu should have encountered a strong enemy and was quickly killed, but Shen Fengshu was in the process. Zhong probably still resisted, as evidenced by the fragments of the protective magic weapon, but he did not escape death in the end. Kill Shen

Feng Shu's master didn't want to reveal his identity, so he immediately left the place with Shen Feng Shu's body. He should go to whom to collect the reward. This must be the case. The handsome young man finally had a smile on his face, and it was worth following him all the way. Shen Fengshu showed some people the way in advance so that those people could intercept Shen Fengshu accurately. But this guy was also forced to attack, and none of the previous monks could get it.

I tried. Unfortunately, I met a master after all. Very good, this result is completely in line with the handsome young master's calculation. After scanning the surroundings a few times, the handsome young master quickly collected the magic weapon fragments and waved his hand to erase all the traces that could be seen. , with a warm smile on his face,

Waiting to leave.

"Are you leaving now?" Shen Fengshu's voice suddenly sounded behind the handsome young master, causing him to freeze. "I really want to know, who is plotting against me?" Shen Fengshu's voice said. Came again: "Is that you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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