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Chapter 354 The advantage is in me

When lifting the clothes, Elder Wu really lifted them slowly one by one. The feeling was just like eating a piece of iced watermelon in the dog days of summer. It was so exciting that it filled my whole body!

Twenty-three pieces were taken away in one go, and the difference was forty-six pieces in one go. Adding in the dozen pieces taken away before, this dragon firmly occupied more than a hundred destinations.

Xiao Shen Tanhua made an inexplicable move, and whoever it was would have occupied more than a hundred destinations first, without giving the opponent any chance to create a cycle of three tribulations.

When he thought of the disgusting rule of three tribulations without a winner, Elder Wu felt conflicted from the bottom of his heart. He clearly had the absolute advantage, so why should he end up with a no-win outcome?

It's fine now. With these twenty-three sons mentioned, there is no need to worry about winning or losing. Xiao Shen Tanhua will definitely lose!

Alas! All the spectators sighed in their hearts.

Xiao Shen Tanhua is young after all! She gave up on such a good situation in the Three Tribulations Cycle. It is really incomprehensible.

Young people, after all, are still unable to calm down. They are too focused on winning and losing. It would be difficult to give up a good situation at once!

The almost one-sided situation caused the onlookers to start talking secretly.

"It's better to be famous than to meet."

"Such a person deserves to be so famous outside, and his chess game is included in the Immortal Ji Baolu?"

"Could it be that that game of chess was really guided by an expert?"

“It’s a big loss!”

"Alas! A child cannot be taught!"

There were many people who were dissatisfied with Shen Fengshu's previous reputation. Now that the game has reached this point, this argument immediately reappeared and became very popular.

Even Grandmaster Jiang, who acted as the referee, sighed secretly. Why did Xiao Shen Tanhua make such a low-level mistake? It shouldn't be!

However, Grandmaster Jiang did not question Shen Fengshu like others. Not long ago, Shen Fengshu defeated two grandmasters in a row. How could he do it without sufficient strength?

Since Shen Fengshu really has grandmaster-level strength, why does he play such stupid chess? Could it be that he has a back-up plan? Thinking of this, Grandmaster Jiang almost stared at the chessboard with his eyes wide open.


White pieces were removed, and large areas of black pieces were connected into one piece, forming an unbreakable dragon base. However, how could the surrounding situation become like this? The black pieces seemed to be stable and had a great advantage, but at most they could only occupy

After turning a corner, the white chess pieces in the remaining directions were vaguely connected into a larger regional dragon, sealing the black chess dragon firmly in this area.

on the corner.

If we take a closer look, if we follow this trend for dozens of steps, the scattered black stones will not be able to interrupt the white stones, and the situation will suddenly become clearer!

The Grand Master is the Grand Master. While others were still thinking about Shen Fengshu's inferiority and complete defeat, he had already seen a stronger advantage from Shen Fengshu's Baizi's trend.

Hiss! Grandmaster Jiang took a breath of air. How could this happen?

Yes, the two wrong moves that everyone thought were inexplicable actually created such a wonderful reversal. How wonderful! In an instant, Grandmaster Jiang had the urge to praise him, but as a

The Grand Master, with a calm mind, endured it all his life. But even so, his eyes also radiated an uncontrollable impulse of expectation. He just wanted to

See Shen Fengshu's trend and Elder Wu's response later.

By the time Shen Fengshu continued to calmly consolidate the small opportunity he had just stolen by taking advantage of the three calamities cycle, Elder Wu was already sure of victory and was a little complacent.

After responding casually, Elder Wu began to immerse himself in the sweet joy of enjoying the fruits of victory. The big dragon was formed, and I had the advantage. It was only a matter of time before I won the final victory. It was as easy as holding the handle in my hand.

Just looking at his move, Grandmaster Jiang completely shook his head in his heart. Elder Wu did not see the danger of this game of chess at all. It was a mistake, a big mistake! But as an arbiter, he would not be fair, even if he was just For the sake of his chess dignity as a grand master, he couldn't do anything to remind Elder Wu secretly. Not to mention that he was actually very unhappy with Elder Wu's aggressive attitude before.

Reminder? Thinking too much.

He used his spiritual consciousness to hear the chatter of the audience around him. A group of ignorant people had no idea about the subtlety of Xiao Shen Tanhua's game of chess, but they talked nonsense and made people laugh!

The chess game continued, and after more than a dozen chess pieces were played back and forth, Elder Wu finally realized something was wrong. Before, he was a little too complacent, thinking that he already had a chance to win, and didn't care about Shen Fengshu's death. After struggling for more than ten seconds, he realized that the other party did not seem to be really dying, but rather a little desperate.

It means to be lucky everywhere.

Is this okay? Although he hasn't seen the general trend yet, how can he tolerate Xiao Shen Tanhua's comeback in such a good situation? Doesn't that mean that his dignified elder Wu has become a laughing stock?

At that moment, Elder Wu immediately put aside his complacency and began to face the chess game seriously.

After more than a dozen moves, even the poorest player would realize something was wrong. After White voluntarily gave up those dozens of moves, he actually found an opportunity in other areas, and the forces of both sides became evenly matched.


"what happened?"

"Did I see it wrong?"

"What kind of chess is this?"

A group of people were all confused. How did it become like this? It was obviously black who occupied most of the country, so how come they were all evenly divided all of a sudden?

Which move led to this? There were many people watching the chess game, but no one had the answer. The voices that had just collectively mocked and questioned Xiao Shen Tanhua had long since disappeared, replaced by deep doubts and seeing the classic chess game. of excitement.

It’s simply unbelievable that a comeback is really possible in this situation!

Not to mention that Elder Wu was in the middle of the situation, the authorities were confused, even the bystanders like them were also confused, and they had no idea how the current situation came to be.

The only thing that is certain is that this game of chess is getting more and more exciting and worth looking forward to.

To be honest, Shen Fengshu himself was also very surprised. Who knew that such a change would happen along the way?

There has been a similar chess game on earth, called "The Game of the Divine Pig Eating the Viper". It was a chess game between Luo Xihe 9th Dan and Cui Zhehan 9th Dan in the 2006 Samsung Cup semi-finals.

The situation at that time was very similar to now, with a cycle of three tribulations occurring. For this reason, many people watching chess even gave up watching the game and turned to watch other people's games.

The result is naturally shocking. This chess game is also known as the modern version of "Zhenlong Chess Game". The fictional chess game in the novel "Dragon Babu" appeared in reality, and it is wonderful.

All the changes started when Bai Zi gave up the cycle of three calamities and ended up in another place inexplicably, just like Shen Fengshu.

The deputy sect master Lin Mengji finally finished his busy circle and had time to rest for a while and read the chess score. However, he still remembered the chess game just now and called his disciples in directly.

Somehow, even calling the disciple several times did not respond. Finally, it was Lin Mengji's cough that shook his consciousness, which woke up the disciple who didn't know what he was doing. As soon as the disciple woke up, he came over in a hurry. Please forgive me. Lin Mengji doesn’t blame him. Wangyouzhai is a group of chess fanatics. It’s really a trivial matter to get so addicted to playing chess that they forget about it. Even Lin Mengji himself often gets immersed in a game of chess and can’t extricate himself. I hope that my disciples can always

He woke up. "How did Elder Wu and Xiao Shen Tanhua fare in the second game?" In Lin Mengji's mind, since it was a cycle of three tribulations, it must be a no-win situation, and then the second game would start. This is normal. operation, so what he asked directly was the first

The outcome of the second game. "Gulu!" As soon as the question came out, the disciple's expression was quite exciting. First he swallowed a mouthful of saliva strangely, and then replied with some disbelief: "Master, the first game will be over soon. , it depends on the situation, Xiao Shen Tanhua Bai Zizhan

Excellent, but I don’t know exactly how many times I won.”

"Huh! Huh?" Lin Mengji hummed at first, but then there was another loud hum. The first one was in a normal tone, but the second one was filled with extreme confusion: "Xiao Shen Tanhua Won?"

"Calculating the number of moves." The disciple replied respectfully. But looking at his appearance, his mind was obviously not with the Master. His heart should have already gone to the chess game.

"Go and have a look!" Lin Mengji couldn't believe his ears. The third son was already exaggerating, and there was actually a winner and loser in the cycle of three tribulations? This simply subverted his own cognition.

How is it possible? The cycle of three tribulations requires one party to give up completely and let the other party destroy the cycle of three tribulations. But he had just glanced at Bai Zi and saw that Bai Zi was surrounded by dozens of dragons. How could he give up so easily? ?

You actually won in this situation? What kind of genius chess game is this? I want to see! I want to see!

Lin Mengji grabbed the disciple's arm and led him away from here in a flash, heading straight to the mountain gate chess game. At this moment, the mountain gate was already full of people. At a glance, there were dozens of great masters and hundreds of people. The Grandmaster chess player has surrounded this area. If others want to watch the chess game, they can only use their spiritual consciousness to explore from a distance.

Can't see anyone inside.

"White wins by seven and a half!" Arbitrator Grandmaster Jiang has finished planning and loudly announced: "Xiao Shen Tanhua wins!"

At this moment, Elder Wu's face turned pale and he almost fainted on the spot. Why did it become like this? I obviously have the advantage!

Boom! The whole mountain gate was shaken.

Those who have been paying attention to the chess game have been on a roller coaster, with twists and turns and ups and downs of mood. Those who have not been paying attention are all upset, and they sigh with regret because they have not seen the most exciting part.

A grandmaster-level battle is simply a miracle.

Under the premise of giving up three sons, the three calamities cycle determines the outcome, which is unprecedented. After giving away more than forty sons, he wins seven and a half eyes, unprecedented, and it is a miracle among miracles. The little boy who is unanimously disliked by everyone Shen Tanhua, a new disciple of Wangyouzhai, was only building a foundation, but his body was so weak that he was about to run out of oil and light, and he defeated the elder of Wangyouzhai, the master of Yuanying, who was at his peak.

Elder Wu, the chess player, is unprecedented and unprecedented.


There is no need to wait for the great masters to decide, ordinary viewers can be completely sure of one thing. This chess game will definitely be included in the "Xian Ji Bao Lu", and it will be welcomed by everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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