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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Enjoy Yourself

No matter, the higher the better.

The family did not discuss a better solution that day, and Shen Fengshu could also see that the two sisters had some ideas, but they had not discussed them well and did not want to say them in front of him.

After a good night's sleep and meeting her family again the next day, Sister Ruxue suddenly asked Shen Fengshu a question that was quite surprising.

"Brother, are you willing to live a life of glory, wealth and enjoyment?"

A lifetime of prosperity and wealth? Is there such a thing as pie in the sky?

"Who wouldn't want such a good thing?" Shen Fengshu asked without hesitation: "It has to be possible! Who in the world doesn't have worries and worries, and who can live like this all his life? Just dream!"

"As long as you want, you can!" Chen Ruxue answered directly from the side.

Not only Chen Ruxue said it seriously, but also Shen Zhen and Chen Yiyan looked at Shen Fengshu seriously, looking forward to his answer.

"Are you serious? Are you serious?" Looking at the solemn expressions of his family members, Shen Fengshu was a little dazed. What's going on?

The family members nodded in unison, very seriously.

"What do you say?" Shen Fengshu looked at his mother, Chen Yiyan, at first sight. "Shu'er, although your father and mother no longer expect to succeed in practicing Taoism, being a rich man in this world is still more than enough. "Chen Yiyan looked at his son and said lovingly: "We have prepared hundreds of millions of family assets for you, and the farm and business have everything you need.

Yes, there are a lot of servants, well-clothed and well-fed." "Where you live, there are several other counties and cities, and a total of no less than one million acres of farmland belongs to our family." Chen Yiyan introduced to Shen Fengshu in detail: "One hundred villas and farms, including shops on dozens of streets in the capital and several counties.

The business and property are all left to you." "The two of us have titles and titles, which are passed on to you. If you don't kneel before an official, you don't have to worry about being bullied by those officials." Shen Zhen added next to him. Said: "If you like to be an official, wherever you want to be an official, you can do it in half a year at most."

If you wish, with our care, it will be easy for you to be promoted to a higher position in the future."

"If you don't want to be an official, just be a famous person." Chen Yiyan said again with a proud face: "My son has great literary talent and excellent chess skills. Wherever he goes, he is a famous person sought after by thousands of people."

Just by listening to some famous poems and lines uttered by my son in the past few days, I know that my son has literary talents, not to mention his chess skills. The first game of Hao has been spread to the family, and he has already become famous all over the world.

Shen Fengshu knew that he was a second-generation rich man, but he never realized that he was still a second-generation official. Is it a bit too exaggerated for his family to arrange it like this?

"These are all very good!" Shen Fengshu looked at his family members and asked with a puzzled smile: "But this kind of good thing doesn't come without a price, right? What price do I have to bear? Or is it already hopeless?"

In TV movies, if you have a fatal terminal illness, the doctor will usually tell you to eat, drink and enjoy yourself. Does this mean the same thing?

"How is that possible?" Chen Yiyan patted Shen Fengshu dissatisfied and said, "Don't talk nonsense!" "I just want to find a suitable marriage for you." Sister Ru Bing didn't let Shen Fengshu wait any longer and gave the answer directly. Come out: "Refining those soul fragments requires very intimate actions. It cannot be done by close relatives or couples. We don't have time to spare for the time being.

I can only arrange one marriage for you." "Sister, I will arrange for you a beautiful female nun who is virtuous and virtuous." Shen Rubing continued: "She is talented and beautiful, proficient in medicine, observes etiquette and manages the house, and lives a respectful and respectful life as a couple. Help you refine those soul fragments and make you live a long life. Just

Even if she practices cultivation and has no children, she will never stop you from taking a concubine. She will even take the initiative to help you take a concubine. She will hug you from left to right and enjoy the tenderness to ensure that you have a long life and many children." "Oh, those cold-tempered ones. No matter how good-looking the jade girl is, it doesn't matter, isn't it just like holding an ice cube without any interest?" The two sisters always had disputes. After Shen Rubing finished speaking, Chen Ruxue continued to seduce: "Sister, I will find you a Xiu Mei art style

All kinds of witches, you can play whatever you want, be as novel as you want, how about? Taking concubines is nothing, she will take a bunch of concubines for you, and find you whatever flavor you like, I guarantee you will like it."

The conditions laid out by the two sisters made Shen Fengshu smile bitterly. The two sisters would never lie to him. They would definitely do it if they said they could do it. To be honest, they were really tempted!

If Shen Fengshu didn't have a nano-armor after traveling through time, he would definitely nod his head and agree to such an enviable and hateful thing.

What kind of arranged marriage, what kind of blind marriage, dumb marriage, is that a thing?

As long as you nod your head, if you want money, you will have power, if you want beautiful women, you will be a sure winner in life!

There is such a good thing in the world? "If you feel that you are in a dilemma and it is not easy to choose." Shen Rubing looked at Shen Fengshu's incredulous look and smiled: "Sister, I have made the decision, I want both, Taoist Jade Girl I want it too, even the enchantress Shenmen wants me to be your wife, I believe it

The little sister will not object. They will definitely live in peace and happiness with you for the rest of their lives." "I agree with the little sister's proposal, eldest sister." Chen Ruxue very naturally changed the title of eldest sister that Shen Rubing just called herself. He said to himself: "It is better for two people to serve the younger brother attentively than one person. In this way, younger brother, if you like it, the eldest sister will find another beautiful girl."

A gorgeous vixen will serve you. If you tell me what kind of spirit you like, my eldest sister will find it for you. From now on, you will be carefree and enjoy your whole life in the world."

This is not a pie falling from the sky, but a golden pie falling from the sky, right?

A vixen? In Shen Fengshu's mind, Daji, who brought disaster to the country and the people, flashed across his mind. Will he become a foolish and unscrupulous King Zhou? No, it's too dangerous, or the enchanting figure of a girl with cat ears or a bunny girl? I really want to say yes right away. !

Seeing Shen Fengshu's expression of emotion, Chen Ruxue smiled and asked, "Do you really like vixens?"

"No, the fox is too coquettish!" Compared with Daji, White Snake and Xiao Qing were more to his liking. Shen Fengshu subconsciously replied: "I would rather have the white snake and the green snake!"

"Like snake monsters? It's easy!" Sister Ru Bing laughed. My little brother's taste is really unique.

"No, no!" Shen Fengshu shook his head crazily, throwing away all the weird thoughts, what and what? How did he become a fan of snake monsters?

The whole family laughed when they saw Shen Fengshu's appearance, causing Shen Fengshu to turn into a big red face.

"Stop! Stop!" Shen Fengshu still didn't understand what happened. Why did he suddenly arrange a marriage for himself? Of course it was to help him refine the power of the soul, but wasn't this too outrageous?

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at Shen Fengshu, waiting for him to speak.

"The arrangements made by the sisters have brought happiness, wealth, longevity and happiness." Shen Fengshu first thanked the two sisters seriously: "This is very good! Thank you two sisters for your caring."

"There is no need to be polite as a family." Shen Rubing said with a relaxed smile.

"We only have one younger brother like you. Apart from your parents, you are the only blood relative. If you don't love me, who will I love?" Chen Ruxue also expressed the same idea.

"After all, these are all benefits for me." Shen Fengshu asked puzzledly: "But why? There will be no pie in the sky. Eat people with short lips and use soft hands. I have enjoyed these, and I want to What to pay? Is it just the price of marriage?" "The fragment of the soul in your consciousness sea." Shen Rubing replied calmly: "And little brother, you can't marry the person you like as your wife, maybe you will be unhappy. I have calculated it. Now, four or five female cultivators who have just completed the Foundation Establishment or banshees with similar cultivation levels join forces.

Come on, I'm afraid it will take decades to refine those soul fragments."

"Perhaps you may be aggrieved." Chen Yiyan explained a little worriedly: "But as long as you are fine, you can find a beautiful concubine you like and you will still be happy." Shen Fengshu heard it, Both sisters want to find a female cultivator who has just established a foundation, so that they can be easily controlled. With the reward of the soul fragments, there must be someone who is willing. But I am afraid that this feeling of being forced by others will not be comfortable, and I may not feel comfortable when the time comes.


In the final analysis, Shen Fengshu is just a mortal, a female monk, whether she is from a Taoist sect or a demonic sect. Marrying Shen Fengshu should be regarded as a marriage. No matter how powerful her sister is, she cannot force her to like Shen Fengshu. When the time comes, , it is estimated that the two parties are husband and wife in name, but there is more than 90% chance that the other party will not really love Shen Fengshu. The most is due to the pressure of Sister Ru Bing and Sister Ru Xue and the temptation of the soul fragments, making a Loving look

She is just a wife, there is no way Shen Fengshu can win the other party's sincerity.

In fact, Shen Rubing's words just now have already hinted that the female cultivators she has found are at most observant of etiquette and housekeeping, and respectful to each other as guests. As for the enchantress Sister Ruxue is looking for, is that something a mortal can handle?

It can be seen that the two sisters attach great importance to Shen Fengshu's wishes. They are afraid that he will be unhappy and unwilling to resist. This is a sign of hurting him to the core. This feeling makes Shen Fengshu very warm. Still the same sentence , If Shen Fengshu didn't have a nano-armor, Shen Fengshu would definitely agree with this kind of life and arrangement. The life of a wealthy official, with two sisters, he would be extravagant and try every means to waste his family, I'm afraid

The family fortune will never be lost in a lifetime. What is there to be dissatisfied with having a lifetime of wealth and enjoyment? That would be too greedy, right? But the reality is that Shen Fengshu now has a set of nano armor, a strong self-esteem as a warrior, and The world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​formed by the years of education he received on earth do not allow him to degenerate into a arrogant person.

Extravagant and lewd young masters. Those are very good! But I don’t like them. Somewhere in the dark, Shen Fengshu seemed to see Taoist maidens and demon sects all leaving him, as well as all kinds of charming fairies. Stay away from him, Daji flies away, Bai Suzhen flies away, Xiaoqing

Fly away, Grandma Shu also flew away, well, this one has never been here before. "Father! Mother! Sister!" Shen Fengshu raised his head, looked at his family, looked at their concerned faces, very seriously Said: "Since my soul can withstand the squeeze of those soul fragments without breaking, maybe I can try to practice some

Can some methods on soul or spiritual consciousness also solve the problem?" "Let me try?"

This chapter has been completed!
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