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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters spoil the fun

When he saw the precious ginseng plant, the mysterious master suddenly understood everything. It turned out that everything here had always been under the control of Shen Fengshu, and he was just a stupid wretch who threw himself into a trap. Otherwise How could that precious ginseng that he couldn't find anywhere stay next to Shen Fengshu like a pet?

? He wanted to violently kill people, but the strength in his body had long gone. His spiritual energy could not be used at all, and his spiritual consciousness could not be mobilized at all. In addition to being able to maintain a standing posture, no matter how hard he tried,

He couldn't even move his own hair.

"If senior kills as soon as we meet, maybe we will not be spared." Shen Fengshu waved his hands with a smile on his face, and the vines that bound Ding Jian Yichen and the maids all loosened up.

Everyone had been reminded by Shen Fengshu's eyes a long time ago. No one was worried or scared at all, and now everyone gathered around with smiles.

"If senior just wants to play a treasure hunting game, that's okay." Shen Fengshu then smiled and said: "It's nothing more than some spiritual grass and spiritual trees. If senior can find the opportunity, it will naturally be senior, so he can take it away at will."

The sweat beads on the mysterious master's hand dripped down one by one, but he couldn't even wipe the sweat away. He could only move his eyes slightly, but it didn't help the current situation. "No matter what senior wants to do, do it." Just finish it." Shen Fengshu still maintained a smile and said slowly: "But the senior is not only busy with his own affairs, but also wants to borrow the junior's luck, and even wants to collect it here by the way.

Those who don’t want to stay will be removed by means of blood sacrifice.”

"The plan is not bad." Shen Fengshu looked at the master who still kept his identity mysterious very seriously and asked: "But senior, don't you realize that you are a little too greedy?" When cultivating, be careful not to be greedy. Many monks are I have been taught by my master when I was practicing. This is the saying of biting off more than you can chew. Of course, that refers to when you are practicing, but sometimes this principle also applies to other situations.


The mysterious master wants everything and wants to solve everything easily, but he really thinks too much.

"He...they..." After struggling for a long time, the mysterious master stammered out a few words, unable to express a clear meaning at all.

But Shen Fengshu understood it. He glanced at Ding Jian Yichen and all the maids, then turned around and asked: "Are you asking why they were also sacrificed with blood, but they only had minor injuries?"

The mysterious master's eyeballs moved up and down twice with difficulty. Shen Fengshu did get his question right. "Your blood sacrifice is not wrong." Shen Fengshu explained with a smile: "This blood-twisted vine does need the help of many monks. Blood can be activated, but after activation, it does not require too much monk blood. The more blood, the more complex the effect will be.

The worse it gets. Senior’s cultivation level is high enough, and blood is what the Blood Knot Vine likes best.”

Is there such a thing? It turns out that these things are called blood-twisted vines. The mysterious master's eyes moved to Baoshen's body with difficulty, his eyes full of unwillingness. "Senior, you actually had several chances to escape." Shen Fengshu took his time. As he spoke, he seemed to be solving the mystery of the mysterious master, but in fact he was warning everyone around him: "If you are not greedy. If you test the fate of this junior several times,

In fact, there is really no need." "Those leaves that caused you severe pain are the leaves of the Blood Tangle Vine." In the regretful eyes of the mysterious master, Shen Fengshu said lightly: "When I touched it at first, it was just a sharp pain. Just leave, stay away and detoxify or

If one has luck and endurance, with the cultivation of the seniors, it would only take a few months at most. What a pity!" The blood-twisting vine was cultivated by Jiang Minghui before he took over, and it is the same as the bat demon that Zheng Kangping arranged in the cave. Its nature is to protect one's belongings from being secretly taken away by other monks, and has a unique set of control techniques.

, as long as the monks in the formation eye are found to be wrong, they will immediately be attacked by the Blood Tangle Vine.

"However, in turn, the junior has to thank the senior. Without blood sacrifice, it would be quite troublesome to run this place." Shen Fengshu smiled and thanked: "Senior's move has saved the junior a lot of things. Thank you very much!"

Seeing the extremely unwilling look in the eyes of the mysterious master, Shen Fengshu solemnly bowed his hands and thanked him, then took a few steps back and watched quietly. In just a moment of talking, the exposed skin of the mysterious master was thoroughly There was no blood and he was completely pale. Not to mention, his figure was slowly but visibly dehydrated and shriveled up, as if there was a super human in his body.

The strong water pump was draining all the fluids from his body, and his whole body shrank. Everyone watched quietly, and at the same time, they were also secretly pondering in their hearts what Shen Fengshu just said. It makes sense to everyone. We all understand that when practicing Taoism, we must avoid greed, but if it really falls on us, can we be as good as Chen Feng?

Is he as free and easy as a book? Or is he as greedy as a mysterious master?

The body of the mysterious master shrank smaller and shriveled, and in less than a stick of incense, he completely transformed into a man not much older than a baby. A hidden vine sprouted from the ground, pulling the mummy The entire package formed a huge vine cocoon. The tip of the vine just lightly rubbed the mummy, and the mummy shattered into pieces and turned into a pile.

Dust. As soon as this dust came into contact with the vines, it was completely absorbed. Not only the body turned into dust, but all the clothes and magic weapons of the mysterious master and everything he carried were all turned into pieces at this moment. The space magic weapon shattered extremely completely, and the things inside also turned into spiritual beings.

The powder with very pure power was wrapped in a cocoon and swallowed in the blink of an eye.

After absorbing all the dust, the vines automatically drilled into the ground, and the ground returned to its original state, as if the mysterious master had never appeared. A master who claimed to be able to kill Hu Lengshuang easily and surpassed the Yuanying level, together with everything on his body , just disappeared without a trace, and the whole person became a part of the Blood Twisted Vine, and completely became the nourishment of the Blood Twisted Vine.


"What a pity!" Xiaoman watched all this happen, but he just sighed: "We still don't know his identity."

"Why do you know so much?" Shen Fengshu took Xiaoman's little hand and smiled: "Isn't it good now? We don't know who he is, and others don't know that we have had contact with him. We just pretend that we have never had this. people. "

"That's fine!" Ding Jianyan summed it up concisely.

In this world, knowing more is never a good thing. For some people, it is better to pretend that some things have never happened than to know the truth.

Yichen was very obedient and nodded on the spot. Needless to say, Xiaoman already listened to Brother Shen's words, not to mention she knew the truth very well.

As for Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and the vixens, they are all old demons who have been around for hundreds or thousands of years. How could they not even understand this?

"Then let's continue the treasure hunt?" Shen Fengshu looked at everyone and then asked with a smile.

"Forget it!" Ding Jian shook his head directly: "It was fun before the blood sacrifice, what's the point now?" Even the 19th-grade leaf ginseng took the initiative to rush to Shen Fengshu, thinking that he must have recognized his master here. Now. When there is no owner, everyone can still have fun. Now it is Shen Fengshu's own and can be controlled at any time, so there is no more fun.

of fun.

Everyone nodded. If we were to play now, what would be the difference between that and asking Shen Fengshu directly for something?

Shen Fengshu shrugged helplessly. He knew what his friends were thinking, and he also knew that this treasure hunt game could no longer be played. That guy came at the wrong time and was a spoiler of fun.

"Brother Shen, is this the precious ginseng with nineteen leaves?" Xiaoman looked at the plant that was close to Shen Fengshu like a child curiously, blinking and asked.

"No!" Shen Fengshu smiled and replied: "This is the main vine of the Blood Tangle Vine. Almost all the plants in this central area are transformed from the Blood Tangle Vine." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, The plant immediately changed its shape and turned into a crimson vine, like a naughty child. It wrapped around Shen Fengshu's arm lightly. It could make a super master scream in pain.

The leaves seemed to have no lethality at this time. Everyone was suddenly stunned. No wonder Shen Fengshu could find precious ginseng wherever he pointed. It turned out that this area was covered with blood-twisted vines. The mysterious master also said that he would test Shen Fengshu. His luck, in this situation, if Shen Fengshu cannot find

That's weird.

At everyone's request, Shen Fengshu, who had completely controlled the breeding ground, easily used the power of blood sacrifice to collect the breeding ground with a radius of thousands of miles into the world of satisfaction.

Originally, it would take a lot of effort to collect from this thousand-mile-circle breeding ground. At least Shen Fengshu must have the golden elixir cultivation level. But since there are masters who are willing to sacrifice themselves, of course Shen Fengshu is willing to accept it. Can he still refuse? Collection After that, what was left in the original place was still dense jungle. There were only spiritual grasses and spiritual trees of a very old age in the nursery. These ordinary flowers, plants and trees that grew in the original place were only the nutrients of the spiritual grasses and spiritual trees that had grown in the past hundreds of years.


Since the breeding ground has been collected, there is no need for everyone to stay any longer. They sit together on the big chessboard and leave slowly.

Speaking of which, everyone's treasure hunting trip this time was really a fun one. A good game was originally interrupted by an inexplicable guy, and everyone was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, everyone actually found some good things in the past few days, which can be regarded as the harvest of this trip. Of course, everyone knows that those things were originally from the breeding ground and were given to everyone by Shen Fengshu.

During the flight, the little toad on Shen Fengshu's bracelet suddenly opened its mouth and fell down. The small mouth opened, and a crystal clear bead spit out. It was exactly what Shen Fengshu had put in before to refine his breath. A dust bead.

"Just right!" Shen Feng Shu was delighted. She picked up the bead and stretched it out to Yichen unceremoniously: "Yichen, this Chen bead is not perfect without the final blessing of your Great Ming Mantra. You can't be stingy! "Shen Fengshu would rather let the little toad wash away the aura of a master who is at least a Bodhisattva, and leave the aura of blessing for himself. Even if it is fused with the relics of the founder and even has the blessing of a Bodhisattva, the beads still need to be called Yichen beads. Chen Yao

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed.

"Okay!" Without saying a word, Yichen took the Yichen Bead and began to recharge his batteries. No one noticed that after they left, a very secretive formation suddenly lost the rich spiritual energy in a thousand-mile radius.

, suddenly became unstable.

This chapter has been completed!
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