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Chapter 41 The sect convened

Before, Shen Fengshu first absorbed the power of the soul left behind by the original body, and then absorbed eight close relatives marks in two times. Each close relative mark is equivalent to the ten original Shen Fengshu. Even if it is absorbed through Fuxi's transformation, it is possible 10% loss

The consumption is about nine times. Counting it all together, the brain waves have been enhanced by about seventy times.

But now, after only absorbing the spiritual mark of a senior master, it actually increased by nine times on the basis of seventy times? Is it equivalent to seven hundred times the original? Is it too exaggerated?

Before Shen Fengshu could finish being surprised, he immediately saw a reminder that surprised him even more.

"It was discovered that there is a dormant will in the controller's body. The affinity is 70%, and the conversion and absorption rate is 95%. Do you want to absorb it?"

Seeing this prompt, Shen Fengshu was a little confused. Where did the dormant will come from? What is it?

Recalling the previous times when he saw the mysterious translucent dome, Shen Fengshu tried his best to immerse himself in that scene. Soon, Shen Fengshu saw the translucent dome again.

The dome didn't seem to have changed much, but this time, with Fuxi's help, Shen Fengshu saw something different.

When magnified hundreds of times and rotated slowly, a small area of ​​the dome facing away from the original perspective showed a small difference. A faint shadow, very shallow, also translucent, could be seen through at a glance . But this shadow shows the outline of a human figure. Around him, there is a complex line of protection that is almost completely transparent. If Fu Xiti hadn’t

Wake up, Shen Fengshu can't notice it at all.

But now, this phantom is clearly visible to Shen Fengshu. Even those completely transparent and complex lines, Shen Fengshu can see some clues, just like he was in the soul-burning soul-dissipating formation, it should be an formation.

After thinking about it carefully, Shen Fengshu broke into a cold sweat. This time, the two sisters came back to help him solve the hidden danger. The hidden danger was the master who wanted to seize the body. According to everyone's plan, the master who took the body was killed in the soul-burning and mind-burning formation. The real goal is to refine the She She master's soul and at the same time erase the soul-inducing She She-seizing formation in his body. However, because of the selfishness of Liu and Lin, they finally...

Everything became out of control.

The soul of the body-stealing master was indeed shattered, and must have been fatally injured. It entered his body and opened up the sea of ​​consciousness. It seemed that there was no hidden danger, but now Shen Fengshu discovered that it was not like that at all. Why do those soul fragments not escape or enter other people's bodies, but only enter one's own body? Now think about it, this is only possible under the attraction of the soul-inducing and body-seizing formation. In other words, that formation There is no law at all

Erasure. Previously, the process of erasing the formation was used to attract the attention of the body seizing master. The goal was achieved, the master Yuanshen came, and then everyone started to fight until Shen Fengshu killed those two guys. Seriously injured, two sisters

My sister is also seriously injured, so who will completely eradicate that formation in the end? Shen Fengshu himself?

In other words, the current fully transparent formation and the humanoid shadow are probably the last resort of the body-stealing master. His own soul is extremely weak, and he can only fall into dormancy and recuperate until he regains his consciousness. At that moment, combined with the fragments of his soul outside, what he brought to Shen Fengshu was probably the logical dove to occupy the magpie's nest, and the fatal seizure of the body.


Although this situation was caused by some mistake, Shen Fengshu was still shocked.

Fortunately! Fortunately, at this time, I refined the spiritual mark of a master, and the brain waves increased tenfold, and I discovered the hidden danger. God's will, the body-snatching master can only blame himself for his bad luck, and met someone from the earth. Shen Fengshu.

"Full power absorption!"

There is a 95% conversion and absorption rate, and a 70% affinity. If he doesn't absorb it, will he still be able to seize his body? Shen Fengshu gave the order decisively.

Not only must it be absorbed, but it must be absorbed at full power to avoid long nights and many dreams.

The cyclone caused by the two sisters became stronger and stronger. Within half an hour, Shen Fengshu was also swept into it. In fact, everything including the small courtyard where they were located and their parents who were recovering from injuries were already wrapped in it.

The powerful spiritual cyclone made it difficult for Shen Fengshu to breathe, so he hurriedly took two qi-replenishing pills, and then started to practice Whale Swallowing Technique without hesitation, otherwise, he would have no choice but to go out.

The most significant change brought about by the increasingly powerful brain waves is that the movement becomes louder during the practice of Whale Swallowing Pu. During the practice, Shen Fengshu felt as if he had transformed into a giant whale. He could easily swallow the entire villa in one bite. .In between puffs and puffs, the huge spiritual energy was directly integrated into the spiritual whirlpool created by my sister, and it became stronger and stronger. It soon turned into a huge spiritual energy group with the small courtyard as the center. There was thunder and lightning outside, but inside there was just Countless spirits are there

The whole family is in and out.

The whole family seemed to have entered a mysterious state. Amidst the thunderstorms, the courtyard remained magically dry and quiet.

It's a pity that all the servants live on the edge of the villa, and it's such a weather, no one comes out at all, and no one can see such a magical scene. The climate in the mountains is changeable, and it rained heavily for three days. People would feel abnormal. That is to say, before arranging for the treatment of parents, my sister told the servants not to disturb them, so for three days, the servants only looked here from afar.

If there is nothing unusual, he will not come over again, and the family has always maintained this state.

Click, a huge thunderbolt in the black liquid sky woke up Shen Rubing and Chen Ruxue who were immersed in epiphany. As soon as their consciousness cleared and their consciousness moved, the two women became aware of the surrounding situation.

The parents' side is very stable, and the aura is even better than before. I think their epiphany this time has also benefited their parents a lot. On the younger brother's side, it is really exaggerated. A miniature spirit gathering array, plus the aura caused by their epiphany. Gathered together, the spirit energy condensed by my younger brother's whale swallowing spectrum is comparable to a medium-sized spirit gathering array. How talented is my younger brother in the whale swallowing spectrum?


After laughing and crying, the two women began to examine their own changes. The good news was that the injuries to the soul caused in the previous battle were completely stable and even partially recovered. Although they were not fully recovered, they were no longer unable to sustain the injuries as before. of weakness, when necessary

, and also has the strength to fight.

And this was just because the two of them were suddenly touched by their younger brother's words, so they naturally entered a state of enlightenment. What's even more amazing is that both Shen Rubing and Chen Ruxue discovered that the spiritual energy in their bodies had changed slightly. .If their aura was pure and sharp before, now it has become a bit longer and mellow, absorbing some characteristics of each other's aura.

They have different qualities, but because blood relatives and spiritual consciousness have the same characteristics, they are completely integrated. While each retains its original characteristics, it has an extra freedom of advancement and retreat, which is simply wonderful.

After this experience, although I am slightly injured, I can practice some cultivation after returning home, and my cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. When I refine those fragments of soul, I can easily achieve the golden elixir.

To put it this way, they came back to help their younger brother, but his younger brother helped them even more.

The two women had almost the same idea. They glanced at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes. A family should love each other like this, right? Little sister!

The sisters had withdrawn their spiritual energy, and Shen Fengshu noticed it immediately, and quickly stopped practicing the whale swallowing technique. The huge spiritual energy group was no longer maintained, and slowly began to dissipate.

Looking at Fuxi's time, Shen Fengshu was speechless for a while. It had been more than three days, and the monks worked hard, which was much more powerful than forgetting to sleep and eat.

The two sisters looked very good, and they seemed to have recovered a lot. This scene made Shen Fengshu feel really happy. It seemed that he was now the same Shen Fengshu, the younger brother of the two sisters.

The sisters began to recover from their injuries, and Shen Fengshu's problem also found a breakthrough. As long as she finds the right magic formula, she can watch Shen Fengshu recover. "To calm the mind and soul, some Buddhist methods are suitable." In the evening, when the three siblings sat together to eat, Sister Ru Bing began to arrange the follow-up plan: "I saved a Buddhist monk three years ago, and I asked him for an article on the Buddhist method of calming the mind, which should be

No problem." "The Tianxuan Sect must have a way to expand the sea of ​​consciousness. Wait until I go back to the Sutra Library to look through it." Sister Ruxue was also thinking: "Let's look for some magical elixir to nourish the soul and stabilize the soul. .Little sister, you should also go back to the sect and have a look. Your Haotian sect is practicing peacefully.

, see if there is anything suitable for little brother." "What do you think, little sister?" Sister Ru Bing glanced at sister Ru Xue, then turned to tell Shen Fengshu: "By the way, little brother, those famous teachers of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and literary talent are elegant. The way to cultivate one's moral character is also very effective. When I have time, I will think about it more and write a few good poems.

Wen, there’s no harm in learning how to play chess.”

At this time, Shen Fengshu would definitely not talk nonsense, he would just nod.

While he was talking, a meteor-like light flashed across the sky that had just cleared up. It was particularly eye-catching in the dark night. Shen Fengshu saw this meteor and didn't pay much attention to it. Wasn't it just a shooting star? However, before the light of the first meteor dissipated, a bright light suddenly appeared in that direction, and the light of hundreds of meteors spread down and passed across.

The sky seemed to get a little brighter in an instant.

So many? Is it a meteor shower? It’s a rare opportunity, so take a look.

Sisters Ru Bing and Ru Xue also saw the meteor shower, but they did not regard it as scenery like Shen Fengshu did, and their expressions all changed.

"Take it!" Two voices came out at the same time. Shen Fengshu was stunned and turned to look at the two sisters who were playing magic tricks at the same time, confused.

It only took him a moment to understand why.

In the meteor shower in the starry sky, two rays of light suddenly turned and flew towards their direction.

With two whooshing sounds, two high-speed flying objects flew into the hands of the two sisters. Even the battlefield scanning system could only scan out an outline, but could not tell what they were.

"The master's flying sword passed down the letter." Seeing Shen Fengshu's surprise, Sister Ru Bing explained briefly, and then she put her mind into the flying sword. In just an instant, her face changed drastically.

"You are urgently recruiting us back to the sect at this time?" Sister Ruxue also looked at sister Ru Bing with a look of surprise: "Yours too? Is this something big happening in Shangjiuzhou?" "Oh no!" Ru Bing The elder sister looked anxious: "We are leaving. It's easy for parents to talk to each other. What will happen to my little brother?"

This chapter has been completed!
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