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Chapter 475: Doom

Shen Fengshu patiently wandered around the capital for a few days, and even dragged his two sisters out. On the pretext of inspecting the family business, he asked them to leave the two elders, so as not to disturb them while they were thinking.

"You guys should stop thinking about it." Shen Fengshu was afraid that his two sisters would fall into this as well: "You are not at a high level, so there is no point in thinking about it. It is better to practice honestly."

"Did you do it on purpose?" Sister Ru Bing almost grabbed Shen Fengshu's ears and asked her as soon as she came out. The two sisters are not stupid, especially because they are somewhat related by blood to Shen Fengshu, so their emotions cannot be hidden from Shen Fengshu. How could Feng Shu and Shen Feng Shu hide their emotions from them? Obviously, my younger brother was not satisfied with the test of the two elders.

, so he deliberately retaliated.

"Half and half!" Shen Fengshu had nothing to hide from his sisters. He was unhappy just because he was unhappy, even the elders said: "But those issues are really worth thinking about."

Shen Fengshu has used his personal experience in Buddhist Dharma meetings to convince people that some thinking is very useful, and he is not lying in this regard.

"Don't worry! Everything will be fine." Seeing that both sisters were a little distracted, Shen Fengshu could only comfort him and said: "After thinking about it, my state of mind can be improved." Philosophy has many benefits, for monks It has more practical significance. In fact, whether it is a Taoist sect, a Shenmen sect, a Buddhist sect, or an academy, they all have their own underlying philosophy. Think more about the differences between their sects.

External things are good for broadening horizons and enlarging the pattern. "What does that wooden boat mean?" Sister Ruxue actually listened to Shen Fengshu's words in this regard. She didn't think much about it and just asked a practical meaning: "Who does it mean?" Can you change the planks while the boat is sailing? Even if you understand the wooden boat

, what's the use of leaving it outside?" "Well, let's change the idea and change the scene." Shen Fengshu said with a smile: "For example, Haotian Clan. If every disciple of Haotian Clan ascends, a new disciple will be added. Then, after all the original disciples, After the disciples of Haotian Clan ascended, this Haotian Clan

, is it still the original Haotian Gate?”

In essence, he is still a disciple of the Shenmen, and the wooden boat may not be able to turn around at once, but if he is now his own sect, Sister Ruxue understands it immediately. Is it still the Haotian Clan? Of course it is! Is it still the original Haotian Clan? It seems that it is no longer the case. But when it was not the case, I couldn’t tell at once. Maybe there were changes when the first disciple ascended, but later on

People still call Haotianmen, and it seems that nothing has changed. "It would be the same if it were us." Sister Ru Bing is essentially a Taoist disciple, so naturally she is more willing to think about this issue than the Shenmen disciples: "The spiritual energy in our bodies every day I am changing them all, every time I breathe out, I am still changing them.

It’s me, there’s no fundamental change.”

"That's because my soul has not changed." Sister Ruxue quickly replied: "Even if I take someone else's body and change my body, I will still be myself."

"The Yuan Shen has actually changed." Shen Fengshu said with a smile: "When you change from weak to strong, there will always be changes. Is it still the original Yuan Shen?" This time she really stopped Sister Ruxue from asking. Before. In fact, she didn't think about it deeply. She only felt that her younger brother was deliberately seeking revenge on her master. But now, after a few questions, he successfully got her involved.


"There is no need to dwell on this issue." Shen Fengshu said with a smile: "If you are really interested, go back and write a paper like I mentioned based on mathematical thinking. Then you can argue it in the journals of your respective sects. "Philosophical questions sometimes don't have a fixed answer. It's a matter of opinion. You can understand it how you want. I've never seen a materialist, so I can definitely convince an idealist. Anyway, when Shen Fengshu died on earth, there were still people who firmly believed in the truth.

The ball is flat! Do you think they are wrong? Do they still think you are stubborn?

In this world of spiritual practice, are there not many things that go against common sense? In the end, as long as you can pass your own level, it will be more effective than what others say.

Although Shen Fengshu is indeed a small revenge, if the two elders really understand it, they will really be able to improve.

When they reach that realm, their spiritual energy cultivation can no longer reflect any progress, it can only be a change in their state of mind. Even if they kill people and set fire, as long as their thoughts are clear, they can still ascend in the daytime.

As for the sisters, whose realm is low, it is better to be practical and down-to-earth and improve their cultivation first. We can only start to think about these metaphysical things after we have reached the realm of our master.

After wandering around the human city beautifully for a few days, Shen Fengshu felt the vibration of the world, and then Shen Fengshu took his two sisters back to the two elders.

"Ruxue, give this kid a few hits for me!" The beautiful master immediately ordered her disciples as soon as she saw the three siblings.

"Well, give Ru Bing a few blows too!" Fairy Hao Miao gave the same instructions even though she had a smile on her face.

"It's been beaten outside!" Sisters Ru Bing and Ru Xue certainly knew that this was a joke from their master, and they did not forget to explain when they saluted: "My little brother is too naughty. He said he wanted us to write a paper in a journal Argumentative.”

In fact, the two elders did not really intend to fight, nor did they chase and insist on fighting. They just nodded.

"If you have similar ideas in the future, just bring them up." Fairy Haomiao smiled and said, "It's actually quite interesting for the masters of the two sects to argue."

The beautiful master and Fairy Hao Miao did not say what specific conclusions they had reached, nor did Shen Fengshu ask. The Taoist sect and the divine sect were different, and it was very possible that Shen Fengshu never intended to unify the two, and each of them had an idea. .

However, Shen Fengshu was indeed happy. After all, a small problem could make the two elders think about it for a few days. It was a small way to avenge the two elders who tested him, and evened the situation.

Next, the two elders did not leave in a hurry, but asked Shen Fengshu to explain mathematics carefully. Although Sister Ru Bing and Sister Ru Xue had also learned it and could explain it perfectly, they still learned from Shen Fengshu. The two elders wanted to listen to the original and authentic teaching. Not every master teaches his disciples, no.

Every doctor is a good teacher. Since Shen Fengshu has successfully taught two sisters, why do they have to be separated by one level?

Of course, Shen Fengshu's explanation is also more systematic, more comprehensive, step by step, from shallow to deep. Having said it once and having experience, it is indeed suitable to be like Sister Bing or Sister Xue. This is something that has been promised before, and Shen Fengshu certainly does not They know how to hide their secrets. However, since they have begun to teach, a sheep is driven and a group of sheep is herded, so I simply roped in Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and the little vixens, and asked them to serve them in the name of serving.

Righteous, listen to me too. People around you should always have the advantage of being near the water and the tower first.

The two elder sisters and Xiaobai Xiaoqing have actually heard it, but it would be good to listen to it one more time, there is no harm in it.

Seeing the two seniors listening to his lectures like good students and taking the initiative to ask questions from time to time, Shen Fengshu felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment. There are not many opportunities to teach seniors like this! Enjoy a few more days Another advantage of giving classes to everyone is that Shen Fengshu doesn't have to worry about anyone causing trouble during the class period. He doesn't even look at who the "students" are at this time. Who with eyes dares to come to the door? Looking for trouble? Yes

How unlucky does it take for someone to happen to be looking for trouble during this time period?

Shen Fengshu thinks that this is true, but the world just doesn't make people happy, and what you think won't happen. Do you think what you think is what you think?

The bad guy is still coming!

When giving lectures, Shen Fengshu directly spread the world of contentment in Shen Mansion in the capital city. He lectured in the backyard. The environment was whatever he wanted and the scenery was whatever he wanted, but the front was still like a living room.

The person who came was a middle-aged and elegant Confucian scholar. He was very polite when he came to the door, and even sent a greeting card at the door. It looked very formal, but before he entered, there was a magic weapon that enveloped the entire house. What does this mean?

This would be the time for the puzzle. The beautiful master and Fairy Hao Miao all stared at the set of exercises in front of them and pondered hard. They obviously felt that it should be easy but they were stumped. Suddenly, a magic weapon was placed over their heads.

"Go and see what's going on!" The beautiful master directly ordered Shen Fengshu without thinking, as if she was the master here.

Although Fairy Haomiao did not speak, her ugly face clearly expressed her emotions. This question was not completed, and it was obviously interfered by outsiders.

Shen Fengshu gave Hu Lengshuang a look, and Hu Lengshuang immediately took people out to receive him.

I took a look at the greeting card and saw that it was from Xuanji Academy. What happened this time? Wasn't the matter about the little toad explained clearly last time? Are you still struggling with the scroll of Little World? Still want to find a breakthrough from yourself?

After welcoming the person into the living room and serving tea, Shen Fengshu came forward.

"My dear, Bao Yongfeng, I've taken the liberty to come here, please be considerate of me!" Scholars, even if they come to visit with uninvited guests, are not lacking in etiquette at all. The other party will introduce himself to his family when he comes up, and first apologize for coming uninvited.

"Don't dare! Senior, please!" Shen Fengshu also said politely and asked the other party to sit down. "I didn't know Xiao Shen Tanhua's residence at first, but I recently traveled here and heard some rumors from some disciples from the outer sect of the academy that Xiao Shen Tanhua was involved in something. , but it’s just a coincidence.” Bao Yongfeng didn’t show any concern when he came up and said whatever he wanted to say.


Emperor Dayan gave Shen Fengshu a jade mine. This matter is probably not a secret in the court, and it is normal for it to spread. "Xie Qing came to your place and said that you won the jade frog in chess." Bao Yongfeng actually came in as soon as he came in. Then he saw the little toad on Shen Fengshu's bracelet: "But he is an upright person and can be easily deceived. But I will never believe him."

Believe it."

"Then what does senior mean?" Shen Fengshu didn't intend to explain. The other party didn't want to believe it, and he wouldn't believe it no matter what he said. Let's ask him why he came! "A disciple of my sect died unexpectedly, and the valuable treasure he carried disappeared without a trace. , you are suspicious." Bao Yongfeng picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "But I am too lazy to ask for any more proof. Now that I have caught up, you are still a demon from the Xuanyin Sect.

Then just kill the daughter's husband-in-law, and you'll save yourself a long night and many dreams." Putting down the teacup slowly, Bao Yongfeng didn't even look at Shen Fengshu, he just looked at the house and the maids serving around him: "Don't worry, your house is I will clean up everyone inside, and I won’t let you go on the road alone.”

This chapter has been completed!
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