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Chapter 487: Boundless Tactics and Experiments

No one knows where Shen Fengshu went. Everyone can only guess that Shen Fengshu had an invisible magic weapon and escaped while no one was paying attention.

I guessed half right. Shen Fengshu did escape, but he didn't use the invisible magic weapon, but the paper of satisfaction. The high-speed blackbird shape and half of his spiritual veins are enough for the blackbird to travel at high altitudes and at high speeds. A person who flies hundreds of thousands of miles with a resting body

There is no trace of somersault.

The expert's spiritual consciousness detection may not be as fast as Shen Fengshu's. Where can I catch him?

After flying more than two thousand miles, Shen Fengshu landed on the ground and entered a city. Shi Shiran bought a horse and transformed into a young knight who traveled around the world on horseback, walking leisurely.

Even if a monk's spiritual consciousness scans it, he will not pay attention to a mortal knight. Shen Fengshu has many tricks to pretend to be a mortal.

After wandering for half a month without revealing anything, Shen Fengshu arrived at the jade mine given to him by Emperor Dayan.

This was obtained in exchange for half of the gold from the Golden Palace. Shen Fengshu was not embarrassed at all. It was legitimately his own, and it was only natural to come and see it.

Several people claim to be watching the jade mine for their master, but Shen Fengshu has discovered that a large number of people are still digging secretly in that area. This kind of thing is inevitable unless ruthless measures are taken, but There is no need. Shen Fengshu asked Old Man Shan to show his magical power and lay down in this area. In less than a day, Old Man Shan took out all the high-quality jade from the jade veins. Heaped up in the sky and the earth


According to preliminary estimates, the amount of jade mined, large and small, can reach tens of thousands of tons, which is enough to cause disaster for Shen Fengshu alone.

Old Man Shan didn't cut off the roots, and the quality was not good enough, so he basically kept them all. It was Shen Fengshu who gave those who dug jade a way to survive.

After staying in silence for a day, Shen Fengshu left with a lot of harvest, and the people here didn't even realize what happened.

From this point, it can be seen that the monks want to hide something, and the ordinary world really knows nothing about it.

"Boy, let's discuss something." After finishing the matter, Old Man Shan suddenly took the initiative to approach Shen Fengshu.

"Say it!" Shen Fengshu immediately greeted warmly.

"I want to go out and have a look." Old Man Shan and Shen Fengshu said directly without being polite: "But the main body is too big and inconvenient, so the main body is still here with you, and my clone goes out to take a walk on its own."

"No problem!" Shen Fengshu thought it was a big deal to discuss? It turned out to be this, of course there was no problem.

Old Man Shan probably drained all the mixed spiritual veins in his body and handed them over to Shen Fengshu. His own spiritual veins were pure and his cultivation level had improved, so he had the idea of ​​going out for a walk.

Shen Fengshu supported it without hesitation. How big a deal is it? No matter how far Old Man Shan's clone runs, won't the main body still be there? What are you afraid of?

If he really encounters an unbeatable enemy, even if Old Man Shan can't move, Shen Fengshu can just throw Old Man Shan's body out and kill a large number of them. Old Man Shan is different from Old Man Jiang. Old Man Jiang has never seen this before. This is the first time for Old Man Shan to come out of the outside world, and everything is new. Following Shen Fengshu these days, he has seen a lot, and he has gone out for a walk on his own.

It comes naturally as soon as you break in, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, although his cultivation level is extremely high, Old Man Shan’s experience in the world of martial arts is too poor. He is definitely a young newcomer, and it is difficult to say that he will be fooled around by others. But people, not He matured gradually through various hardships and education.


The worst thing is losing an avatar, but Shen Fengshu believes that a separate avatar is definitely not a big deal for Old Man Shan. Play! Play whatever you want! You can play however you want! Just think of it as gaining experience points. .

When I said this to Old Man Shan, Old Man Shan was very happy and kept nodding his head.

It makes sense! Old man Shan was reminded by Shen Fengshu and thought about it. Isn’t that the truth? Now his confidence became more and more firm, play! Let go and play!

"Just stick to the bottom line." Shen Fengshu only warned him in the end and said nothing more. As for what bottom line to keep, Shen Fengshu didn't mention it. I believe that Old Man Shan knew it well.

Old Man Shan's clone parted with Old Man Jiang and Shen Fengshu in a graceful manner, and Old Man Shan's true body also fell into a deep sleep in the world of satisfaction.

Everything became calm again, as if nothing had happened.

During this period of time, the injuries of all the maids have almost recovered, but the lost cultivation levels have not been restored, so they can only practice again. Baoshen wine and Jiuding Guiyuan wine are used together, and the beautiful snake and the little fox are now Each one of them is outstanding. The qualifications of each of them are not bad, and they are even better after being reborn twice. Outside, they are definitely ordinary sects.

A high-quality potential disciple who broke through the door. His cultivation was equivalent to half being wasted. When they started to practice again, each of Xiaobai, Xiaoqing and the others had a feeling of mastery. Hu Lengshuang even felt that he could re-condensate elixir anytime and anywhere, but was Scholar Shen Feng pressed down hard

, accumulate for a while and then improve.

As for Shen Fengshu himself, he sent away Old Man Shan’s clone and directly took out the "Wu Ya Jue" that Xiao Man found for himself last time. This "Wu Ya Jue" was written by an unknown small sect leader. The original cultivation method to open up the sea of ​​consciousness. The sect leader himself actually has nothing to praise. His cultivation level is mediocre, his qualifications are average, and his ability to teach his disciples is also average. The sect is not

After existing for more than three hundred years, it was destroyed by another sect and disappeared completely.

In the hands of that sect leader, "Wuya Jue" did not have any great development. After all, it was just a technique for opening up the sea of ​​consciousness. After successfully opening up the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he himself felt that it was of little use and put it aside directly.

But among the many techniques, Xiao Man discovered the benefits of this technique for Brother Shen at a glance. After this technique expanded the sea of ​​consciousness, it could still continue to expand the sea of ​​consciousness, and it seemed...never End. Generally, the bigger the sea of ​​consciousness, the better, but there is another condition: it must be stable enough. Otherwise, if it just expands and is shattered by a slight collision, it is just a waste sea of ​​consciousness. Because of this, that Created your own

The monk himself has not continued to practice this technique. But this kind of technique, when placed on Shen Fengshu, is an unexpected fit. Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness seems to have never reached its limit, and he will be overwhelmed every time. Various fragments of consciousness stretched to the extreme, expanded, and then

It was empty, then expanded to the extreme, empty again, and the cycle went on and on. I never worried that it would burst, let alone that it was not stable enough.

Perhaps Shen Fengshu's qualifications in spiritual energy cultivation are average, but in terms of the stability and tenacity of the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiaoman has never seen a stronger sea of ​​consciousness than Brother Shen. In this aspect, Shen Fengshu's qualifications are comparable. No one she had ever met.

After studying "Wu Ya Jue" carefully, Shen Fengshu closed his eyes and began to ponder the principles and changes. Speaking of it, Wu Ya Jue is actually very simple. The core is just one word, expand! Use your own The consciousness expands into a hollow ball, and it is as simple as pushing it in. How about talking about the simplicity of the great way? Of course, there are some unique skills in the middle, which are already side effects. For Shen Fengshu

, almost no difficulty.

Others still need to consider whether their spiritual consciousness can expand into a hollow ball and be powerful enough. Shen Fengshu didn't worry about this at all and just started practicing without even using Fuxi simulation.

If the spiritual consciousness is not strong enough and the sea of ​​light consciousness is so big, it seems almost useless to ordinary monks. But Shen Fengshu has no such worries at all. He only dislikes that his sea of ​​consciousness is not big enough. The Consciousness Planet is almost ready. We can consider having a satellite to serve as the moon. With the moon, should we also have the sun? The solar system? The Orion Arm? The Milky Way? The Local Galaxy Cluster? The Virgo Ultralocal Galaxy Cluster? Laniake

Subsupercluster? Local universe?

In short, the imagination is infinite, and the sea of ​​consciousness can also be infinite. As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as the sea of ​​consciousness can be.

Practicing Wuya Jue once, it seems that the diameter of the sea of ​​​​consciousness has expanded by a few points. Practicing Whale Swallowing Pu once again, while stabilizing the sea of ​​consciousness, this small amount of expansion has become a permanent expansion.

The first time, it was still a bit unfamiliar, and the scope of expansion was not very large, but at least it verified the feasibility of this method. When the practitioners lose in the future, the effect of expansion will become better and better. Well, after practicing Wuya Jue, Shen Fengshu suddenly found that he missed Xiaoman a little. However, they had only been separated for a short time. If he really wanted to go to her so frequently, it would probably affect her practice. Shen Fengshu thought about it and decided to disturb the others.

The person is not suitable either, so let’s go find the third matryoshka doll.

Still following the current routine, the human knight, don't delay strolling around to see the scenery, don't delay practicing calligraphy and painting, don't delay practicing, just take a leisurely trip and see the world. Just when Shen Fengshu was wandering around the world alone, he went to Jiuzhou There are many monks in the two continents who are quietly conducting an experiment. The experiment is very simple, just find a mortal at random, and then let him give it to another unknown person.

Someone sends a message and sees how many people it takes to deliver it.

Of course, there is no need for these mortals to take the initiative to find someone. As long as he tells the monk who comes to him the person he knows who is most likely to deliver the letter, the monk will naturally find that person, and then find the next person through that person, and so on. Those who conducted the experiment were, of course, the Haotian Sect disciples from Zhongzhu Continent and the Tianxuan Sect disciples from Dading Continent. In fact, these disciples who were responsible for doing the experiments were also confused and had no idea what they were doing, but the sect's mission, again

There is no danger. It can be completed by just finding a few mortals. There are still many disciples who are willing to do this task. For three consecutive months, the two major sects have tested tens of thousands of sets of data among mortals. Excluding some accidents, they can complete it within six months. Statistics show that more than 85% of goals are achieved through personal contact. Even if it is a remote

If an old farmer wants to send a message to the emperor of the dynasty, there will probably be no more than six of them.

"These things that the little guy has thought about by himself are really interesting!" Both the beautiful master and Fairy Hao Miao had the same idea after seeing the result. "This is impossible!" When the beautiful master and Fairy Hao Miao

When each of them first told their conclusion to the senior officials of their sect, they elicited a series of exclamations.

This chapter has been completed!
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