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Chapter 6 Lie Flat

Shen Fengshu came here just to deal with errands, and he didn't expect to pass the test at all.

You can think about it with your toes. After all the troubles in the chess academy, how could the academy let him pass the second level? It would be enough if he could come over and deal with it and get enough magical talismans for two days.

If not everyone is in a hurry to go back, and half of them are sent to accompany them, that pile of magical talismans will allow Shen Fengshu to go back several days earlier.

Now that he has obtained someone else's magic talisman, Shen Fengshu has to perform well enough, at least to be able to talk about it. At least he has to come up with a poem that rhymes with the same pattern for others to criticize, right?

Taking today's encounter as the title, what happened to Shen Fengshu today? What is worth writing?

After dilly-dallying for a while, and pretending to think about it for a while, Shen Fengshu decided to use Go as the theme and copy a poem for a submission. Think about it, it is really not good to play Master Zhang until his beard and hair are all white in one game of chess. That's right. Well, Wang Jiefu's "Chess" can be regarded as comforting those who lose. It's not a masterpiece. After taking it out and being criticized by others,

It's reasonable to dismiss him, that's it.

Maybe if these people take this poem to Master Zhang, they can comfort him after losing chess.

After making a decision, he looked around and saw that someone was already writing. Shen Fengshu stopped wasting time, picked up the brush, and neatly wrote the poem in regular script.

"Don't let drama interfere with true love, and just let it happen and say I win.

After the battle, the two dows are divided into white and black. How can there be any loss in one pile?"

You don’t need to take winning or losing seriously, it’s just a game of chess. After the black and white stones are played, they are put back into the chess box (box) separately. There will be nothing on the empty chess board. Right or wrong, success or failure, just turn around and it will be empty. How can there be any difference? The last one After finishing writing, Shen Fengshu suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling of comfort, as if something had entered his body. However, the feeling was very slight. Shen Fengshu didn't feel anything unusual. He just thought it was because he had completed something.

Just pleasure.

After writing, Shen Fengshu looked at his handwriting and nodded with satisfaction.

Fortunately, Shen Fengshu also practiced calligraphy for a period of time on Earth. I dare not say that he is a calligrapher, but he can at least reach the level of calligraphy enthusiasts. At least he can write in regular script, so-so, but it is still acceptable.

Now with the bonus of nano battle armor, my hand is more stable, and my handwriting is at a higher level than Shen Fengshu's own. In front of others, if a sixteen-year-old boy can write like this, he can barely write it. .

Everyone was creating quietly, and no one around them disturbed them. Except for the occasional cough, there was almost no noise and no movement.

Shen Fengshu was not the first to finish writing. While he was still fanning his hand and waiting for the ink to dry, someone had already handed it in respectfully with his own work.

Although he didn't see those people's works, Shen Fengshu found that the "masters" in the rooms on both sides seemed to have their eyes on him, and they seemed to be very interested.

Not surprising, she must have been the focus of attention. Shen Fengshu knew this very well, and was not surprised at all. He waited obediently for the ink to dry, and then like the others, he handed in the poem with his poems. .

Calculating the time, it was only half an hour. He was not the first, nor the last. He was not slipping away, and his goal was very clear. As long as he waited for the comments of these big shots, he would not be selected unexpectedly. Shen Feng The book is ready to go.

There were only four lines of the poem. The middle-aged man sitting in the middle just glanced at it and read the whole poem. Then he frowned: "How can you be so old-fashioned at such a young age?"

Are you old-fashioned? Shen Fengshu doesn’t think so! Isn’t it just to persuade people to be more open-minded?

Forget it, I'm leaving soon, don't care about this.

For the sake of the magic talisman, Shen Fengshu lowered his eyebrows and nodded, and even gave a humble smile in cooperation, which was enough to save face: "Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

The poem has been quickly passed to the hands of several other experts, and everyone has the same attitude. They all glance at it and then hand it over to others.

"The poetry is barely passable, but it has an air of twilight."

"Young people should be more energetic! This is written as if you have gone through many vicissitudes of life."

The comments given by several younger experts were similar. They were all dissatisfied with the fact that Shen Fengshu wrote a poem with a sense of seeing through the world at a young age. They did not go into depth about the specific quality of the poems.

"I'm a little strange." When the poem was handed over to an old man, he took a look at the whole poem, frowned, and asked Shen Fengshu: "Mr. Shen, you are a young boy with a yellow mouth, how can you survey The determination to win or lose?"

Shen Fengshu is so annoying!

You criticize a few words, and I agree with them. Everyone tacitly goes through the motions, and saves the face of the academy. I can just leave. Where do these many problems come from? A childish mouth with a yellow mouth, and a young boy with a closed mouth. Who are you looking down on?

But we have to answer this question, otherwise wouldn’t we be looking down on these masters too much?

Damn it, if the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you think I'm a sick cat?

Taking a deep breath, Shen Fengshu forced out a nice smile and answered: "Because I haven't lost since I learned chess for a year, so I think losing or winning is not a big deal. Easy to detect."

Poof! A middle-aged man next to him who had just taken a sip of tea spit out the tea in his mouth. The other two coughed in a series and almost couldn't stop.

Because I have always won at chess, I can tell whether I win or lose. What an unflattering answer this is! But no one can refute it.

How to refute? Let Shen Fengshu deliberately lose a game to experience it? This level of literary talent is not tested by the outer academy, but by the inner academy. Every expert here knows the details of Shen Fengshu's past Go level. .These details include not only the successful game of Go taught by the Foreign College, but also the success of the game.

Including an uncle who loved to play chess and built a good foundation, he vomited blood due to that game of chess.

In other words, everyone knows that Shen Fengshu actually defeated two people in a one-on-one situation, and Hao Shou vomited blood. He said that he had never lost in chess, and no one present dared to challenge Shen Fengshu. Feng Shu.

The key point is that everyone can feel the extreme confidence Shen Fengshu showed when he said these words. For Shen Fengshu, in addition to the confidence in Alpha Dog Zero, it is the fusion of memories. It seems that Shen Fengshu's predecessor was only interested in Go for a while when he was a beginner. After learning it for a few months, he never played again.

It's not a lie, it's just that I have never lost before. So I am confident and confident.

With a breath stuck in his throat, the old man who asked the question couldn't calm down for a while, so he could only wave his hands angrily.

What else could everyone say? Apart from sneers, they couldn't say a word.

"Just because you used the word 'play', I know you are not sincere about chess." The old man stopped talking, but the old man in white robe next to him took over and stabbed Shen Fengshu directly.

"Yes, yes! Senior, you are right." Shen Fengshu did not argue: "There is no chess skill at all. It is just a game to this junior."

Now Shen Fengshu just lays down and doesn't resist, just waits for the work to be finished and leaves immediately. When these people comment on this poem, Shen Fengshu will only say yes, yes, good, good, and will never argue.

This attitude made the experts who commented not happy at all. Although the ultimate goal was to depose Shen Fengshu, Shen Fengshu's attitude of surrendering early and allowing himself to be ravaged left them without a sense of accomplishment. "The juniors are not very talented and have little knowledge. What happened just now The poem is also a clumsy work of hard work. It is difficult to reach the level of elegance, and it will definitely not be judged by the seniors." Feeling that it was almost done, Shen Fengshu did not wait for others to say unpleasant things, and took the initiative to speak: "

At this level of literary talent, I am powerless and dare not waste your seniors’ time, so I will leave now and thank you for your guidance.”

People bowed their hands in salutes from several directions, and then Shen Fengshu turned around and prepared to go out immediately. Butler Wu and the others must have been impatient and left quickly.

"Wait a minute!" Shen Fengshu's action angered an old man with a goatee. Including him, five people had not yet commented. You want to leave before I say anything. Are you looking down on me? You immediately shouted. .

Shen Fengshu was stunned. He stood on the spot and turned around, looking at the goatee with a puzzled expression. What happened? Not only Shen Fengshu was stunned, but also everyone else in the academy. Their attitude towards Shen Fengshu had long been... It was decided, he would comment on it and then dismiss it. Now Shen Fengshu has admitted that he has little talent and little knowledge and will leave soon. Things are going to be...

It’s over, why is there something extraneous at this juncture? After shouting, Goatee saw the eyes of his companions and realized that he was impulsive. But at this time, he had already shouted, and there were not only fellow students from the academy, but also There are more than a dozen students who have broken through, and there are even some outside the academy

It was impossible for those who were watching the excitement to suppress it lightly. In fact, as long as he said "forget it" and Shen Fengshu left, the matter would be over. But this goatee is an old stubborn who values ​​​​face very much. , otherwise it wouldn’t have gone smoothly because he had to do it because it wasn’t his turn to comment.

Just wait.

"He's not sincere. I'm afraid this poem was copied, right?" Goatee Beard also had quick wits and instantly thought of an excuse: "How could you, a kid with a yellow mouth, write such a thing that you can only write after you've been playing chess for decades?" What insights came out of it?”

Huh, this time everyone turned their heads and looked at Goatee, even his classmates from the academy.

There was anger on the faces of several younger people, and they glared at the goatee. Shen Feng had just finished writing the poem, and didn't you see that the spirit of poetry was flowing into his body? Among the more than a dozen people who broke through the scene, only three of them wrote the poem. The literary spirit is surging, and Shen Fengshu is still the most powerful one. This is only original poetry and

Mortals can't feel the resonance between heaven and earth that is triggered only when the work is first released. Can't you, a person who has practiced spiritual practice for hundreds of years, not be able to see it either?

It is already very unpleasant to have them depose Shen Fengshu against their will, but there is actually a fellow student who falsely accuses Shen Fengshu of plagiarism? Are you blind? "Do you think Langhuan Academy is a place where you can just copy a paragraph and get away with it?" Goat Beard is now too embarrassed to put the knife in its sheath, so he can only bite this point to death. I believe that his fellow disciples will not expose him on this occasion. "You can leave if you want. I will leave you to write with your heart."

Psalm!" No matter what, he had to work hard to show off, at least to let the ancestors know that he had also made great efforts, and when judging merits and giving rewards, he should not be left out.

This chapter has been completed!
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