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Chapter 611: Subconscious Caution

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Yes, Shen Fengshu’s face has nothing but a face, and the face is just a thin translucent shape. You can vaguely see the scene behind it. I have no idea how Shen Fengshu did it. .

This situation made Qian Huan laugh miserably. He was a poor man with only his upper body left, and there was only one face in front of him. At this moment, it was indescribably weird. When he saw Shen Fengshu, Qian Huan knew that he was dead. It’s settled. He escaped quickly last time because Shen Fengshu was dealing with his face, and the person responsible for dealing with him was the unruly young master. This time, Shen Fengshu’s invisible and direct

He used the magic weapon that "evaporates" his face and head on himself, and he really couldn't escape.

"Who is the person behind you?" Shen Fengshu's face floated over, hovering opposite Qian Huan, and asked.

The voice was a bit hollow. Qian Huan didn't understand how Shen Fengshu did this. There seemed to be something in front of him, but he couldn't see it. However, these things made up Shen Fengshu's face and image. It was really magic.

However, one thing Qian Huan is sure of is that since Shen Fengshu's face can speak, no matter what magic weapon is in front of him, it means that Shen Fengshu's spiritual consciousness must be controlling it.

Qian Huan's smile, with only half of it left, became weird, and she pinched her throat and said coyly: "Xiao Shen Tanhua is famous all over the world, and if the Nu family can be buried together with Xiao Shen Tanhua, it is not in vain to care about Lang Shen these days! "Chen Fengshu almost made him vomit due to this guy's pretentiousness. What the hell? Mr. Shen? You called him Mr. Shen too? But it's disgusting, and the reminder of being buried together is clear enough. Shen Fengshu's face instantly changed dissipate


"It's too late!" Qian Huan screamed as the face opposite him disappeared. Then his head exploded and the rest of his body was chopped into dozens of pieces.

Boom! A terrifying attack fell from the sky again.

Almost the same as last time, the attack came unnoticed. Shen Fengshu’s consciousness did not detect anyone around him at all, and the battlefield scanning system did not find any abnormalities, but the attack came so strangely. It may be that he discovered the weapon used in the last attack. The effect of the large-scale thunder and lightning was not very good. This time the attack turned into a large-scale fireball, directly covering a radius of dozens of miles. No matter how fast Shen Fengshu ran, he would not be able to escape here.

Escaped with one blow. In the blink of an eye, dozens of miles around turned into a sea of ​​fire. The terrifying flames swept everything that could burn into it, quickly turning it into ashes in a short period of time, and then began to burn on the rocks, on the ground, and on the ground. Burning on the water, enough

It lasted for half an hour.

When the flames went out, there were no living creatures in this area. The earth became a round glass, and the entire area was lifeless.

Qian Huan had already disappeared without a trace. In the end, not even any body parts were left. Burying them together was simply a joke.

Shen Fengshu's body was two thousand miles away, so he thought it would not be greatly affected, but his consciousness was hit hard the moment the attack landed.

This time, it was either some kind of sword energy that broke into the sea of ​​consciousness, or it was an unreasonable external attack, just like swinging a sledgehammer directly to the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to break the sea of ​​consciousness. The solidity of Feng Shu Shi Hai was also smashed by this extremely crazy hammer. A thunderbolt sounded in his mind, followed immediately by the shocking scene of a heavy metal rock concert, boom, boom, boom.

It kept moving and roaring. For a few moments, Shen Fengshu's mind went blank and he had no idea at all.

The blow was so hard that before Shen Fengshu could suppress the roar, blood suddenly began to surge in the seven orifices. The vibration of the sea of ​​consciousness was so violent that although it did not break the sea of ​​consciousness, it had already affected Shen Fengshu's physical body. Feng Shu's sudden bleeding from seven holes without any warning shocked Xiao Man, and his friends were also shocked. Immediately, Long Jianxin appeared again and surrounded everyone, and Rucheng Yan sacrificed again. Go out, even if your breath is exposed

No matter what.

"I'm fine!" When Xiaoman almost cried, Shen Fengshu spoke calmly. The tremors in the sea of ​​​​consciousness had slowly subsided, and the roar in his mind had slowly calmed down. Shen Fengshu's consciousness was rapidly rising. After Fuxi's recovery, the blood flowing out of the seven orifices also began to be busy as Fuxi re-launched the nanorobots, visible to the naked eye.

flowed back into the body, and soon everything returned to normal.

It’s for yourself!

Shen Fengshu was absolutely sure. Qian Huan was a decoy, or the first wave of attackers. When he appeared at the attack site and was controlled by Shen Fengshu, the second wave of attacks arrived accurately. Even Qian Huan Perverts also know this, but they don’t even

Hesitating to die made Shen Fengshu wary of the forces behind him.

At the remote attack site, in a certain piece of glass, a fist-sized bead suddenly deformed, quickly broke through the glass envelope, and returned to the ground. The moment the fireball hit, all the split nanorobots had gathered together. Damn it. With his unparalleled ability to control fire, he narrowly escaped the explosion and burning of fireballs, hiding in the molten glass and passing by quietly.

Guan. The attacker didn't think anything could survive the flames of that level. He didn't pay attention to the things at the scene. After the attack was completed, he ran away immediately. Just like the previous time, he came and went without a trace, which made people feel uncomfortable. Can't touch

Mind. The nanorobot transformed into the shape of a J-20, flew towards the main body at full speed, and easily reunited within two hours. Although a batch of nanorobots were lost, they can only be copied with materials, and they are basically completely lossless.


"Are you injured?" When the split body was rotating, Xiaoman was still checking Shen Fengshu's body carefully. He had been checking for almost an hour but he still felt uneasy: "How about using that Hunyuan egg to recuperate?"

Knowing that Shen Fengshu's consciousness was shocked and his body was not injured, Xiaoman's first reaction was to ask Shen Fengshu to use Hunyuan eggs to rest his mind.

Shen Fengshu used the Hunyuan Egg once, that is, when he was in Wangyouzhai, and never used it again. It was so comfortable in the Hunyuan Egg, which made Shen Fengshu feel addicted. Subconsciously, Shen Fengshu will be very cautious about anything that can make Shen Fengshu addicted. This is an instinct developed after participating in some anti-drug wars on earth. He still continues this vigilance when he comes to this world. Before

Suanni Furnace. The same is true for the Hunyuan Egg. After leaving Wangyouzhai, Shen Fengshu subconsciously never used the Hunyuan Egg. On the one hand, he was not injured in any way and did not need the Hunyuan Egg to heal. On the other hand, That kind of subconscious caution

.After all, Brother Shi Haichang had warned Shen Fengshu that there was something wrong with the senior management of Wangyouzhai.

Although it seems that elder Li, Lin Mengji and others are responsible for the problem at the top level of Wangyouzhai, Shen Fengshu has not completely let down his guard. The Hunyuan Egg was given to him by the sect leader, so Shen Fengshu tries not to use it. Likewise. Yes, the chess formations have also been refined by the hands of the sect master. So up to now, even though Shen Fengshu knew that the chess formations integrated into the world of satisfaction had miraculous effects, he still patiently did not touch the chess formations. Subconsciously, Small


Now Xiaoman found out that Shen Fengshu was slightly injured. His first reaction was to ask Shen Fengshu to use the Hunyuan Egg to heal the injury. Shen Fengshu suddenly became excited.

Could it be that the purpose of the previous two inexplicable attacks was not to kill people at all, but to hurt himself and then let himself use the Hunyuan Egg immediately?

If this were not the case, it would be impossible to explain that there was no follow-up attack after the opponent's powerful first attack. Even with Qian Huan, this step was still a bit anticlimactic. It was really inconsistent with common sense!

"No need!" Shen Fengshu tried to persuade Xiaoman not to worry, but he refused to use the Hunyuan Egg.

At present, it is just speculation, and Shen Fengshu is not completely sure. Maybe we will see if there are any similar inexplicable attacks next. If there is, then it is very possible. Of course, there is no need to share these speculations with my friends. He said that everyone is not gathering because of these troubles. Shen Fengshu believes that everyone’s troubles will not be mentioned once when everyone gets together, and they will quietly enjoy the gathering.

Just be happy. Shen Fengshu explained to his friends the process of discovering Qianhuan. Of course, he did not hide the process of being injured. Everyone was puzzled. As for Shen Fengshu being able to discover Qianhuan from two thousand miles away The situation can still attack, but not

People are surprised. After all, Shen Fengshu has many strange and good things in his hands, including the magic weapon of Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission. Needless to say, what everyone is confused about is the two inexplicable attacks.

After some patient comfort, Xiao Man calmed down, but he still checked Shen Fengshu inside and outside at night, and then he was completely relieved. Unfortunately, the fireball attack was too powerful, and even Qian Huan All the stored magic weapons were completely destroyed, and nothing good was left behind. However, even if it were left, with Shen Fengshu's personality, it would not be too contaminated by that.

The best thing to do is to find a place to sell all this guy's things for cash. It's disgusting. Shen Fengshu has decided that if there is another attack like this, he will immediately let Old Man Shan take action. He did it again and again, but not again and again. Long Jian With Old Man Shan in mind, if there is anyone who can take over easily, then everyone should run away quickly.

Don't even think about revenge. Renzhou is half of the academy's territory. There are many academies, but the remaining half is the territory of Buddhism. Shen Fengshu pointed in the direction and came here, but he didn't catch anything good but inexplicably Suffered two attacks, could it be that it had always been

Has the continued good luck run out?

It wasn't until after traveling for several days that the friends heard the news about a Dharma gathering for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Festival. Everyone immediately looked at Yichen and then turned to Shen Fengshu.

Could it be that I came in this direction just to catch up with this grand Buddhist event?

You know, last time Shen Fengshu took everyone to attend the Dharma conference, but he witnessed thousands of Arhats attaining enlightenment and met a Bodhisattva along the way. What will they encounter this time? For a moment, everyone's expressions became expectant. .

This chapter has been completed!
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