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Chapter 615 You don’t understand at all

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Other houses would only worry about not having enough guests, but Nalanda Temple was worried that there were too many guests and could not be accommodated properly. The Buddha's bone relics are so precious that as long as they are Buddhist disciples, there is no one who will not be tempted. Therefore,


It also requires skill to get visitors to retreat spontaneously.

As a talented disciple of Nalanda Temple, Hui Hai was ordered to cooperate with the Zhi Ke Hall at the mountain gate to receive guests from all directions this year. At the same time, this was also a process of spiritual practice.

In these days, Huihai and the uncles from Zhike Hall have cooperated tacitly and successfully completed many tasks of persuading people to withdraw. The uncles are all true Zhike, and their attitude has always been kind and enthusiastic. They must not let outsiders have any impression of Nalanda Temple.

What dissatisfaction there is, but there are too many uninvited people. At this time, Huihai needs to come forward and show off.

With a sharp and sarcastic face, he used words to ward off these uninvited guests.

The white-faced singing is almost done, and then the uncle from Zhiketang will come forward to appease the evil guests, so that even if the evil guests leave reluctantly, they will not feel resentment towards Nalanda Temple. This requires a strong way to treat people.

This is the ability of Hui Hai's practice. He has to observe, ponder, and learn how to deal with the masters and uncles in the living room. At the same time, he also has more contact with all kinds of bad customers who come to his door. He can do it without leaving home.

It is indeed a good practice to understand all kinds of human hearts.

In the past few months, Hui Hai has rejected no less than a hundred foreign guests, and there are at least dozens of Zhi Ke Tang master uncles who cooperate with him. However, the one who cooperates most tacitly is Xin Jue Shi Shu. Hui Hai put on a show

With his condescending attitude, he offended foreign guests and had already "received" the punishment of facing the wall dozens of times. Then Monk Xinjue stepped in to defend him and successfully rejected dozens of foreign guests without any resentment. Here.

During this period, Hui Hai really learned a lot.

Every time she refuses, Hui Hai learns something, and even her own Buddhist practice feels improved. Even before the Dharma conference has started, she has already gained a lot.

When Xiao Shen Tanhua and his entourage arrived, it was the first time for Huihai to receive such a team, in which one of them could barely enter the mountain gate but the others were not qualified. This kind of rejection requires certain skills. If you can't target the distinguished guest himself, then target those around him.

That is not important. Hui Hai did a good job on this point. He directly grasped the weakest point. The young monk Yichen only knew the Great Ming Mantra and was not qualified in the first place. It was a breakthrough.

With just a few words, Yichen was lightly placed on the fire, and all the monks and pilgrims who couldn't get in laughed loudly. At this time, even Xiao Shen Tanhua was irritated and would walk away, Hui Hai and Xin

I feel that I have successfully completed a cooperation


What did Huihai hear? Xiao Shen Tanhua listened to the scriptures in his dream and wanted to preach the scriptures?


Is there anything funnier than this?

It is true that Xiao Shen Tanhua has a literary name, but it is limited to poems, songs, calligraphy and painting. When it comes to Buddhism, he does have some unique insights, but when it comes to Buddhist scriptures, um, oh, the weather is really nice today, right?

Apart from talking about him, what can others say? How can a guy who is not a Buddhist disciple at all fabricate a sutra? There is also a Bodhisattva who has never heard of it? Bodhisattva can also be so easily composed


Seeing Xiao Shen Tanhua acting like a child's play, Huihai had already begun to wonder how Xiao Shen Tanhua's meeting would end.

Xiao Shen Tanhua's good reputation is hard-earned, but it would be too easy to lose it! Amitabha!

As a disciple of Buddhism, Hui Hai can act inhumanely, but he cannot really think like that in his heart. He must still have compassionate thoughts, Amitabha!

Hui Hai was not the only one who thought this way, Monk Xinjue also smiled bitterly. It was not what he wanted for things to develop to this point, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. He could only wait and see how Xiao Shen Tan Hua could help him get back to normal after all this pretentiousness!

There were too many people waiting to see the good show. Countless monks and pilgrims who had been rejected and had no way to enter wanted to see how Xiao Shen Tanhua, who had been rejected by Nalanda Temple, would save her face. More and more people gathered and talked.

More and more people

The louder it is, it's really not a big deal to watch the excitement.

Countless strange words, ridicules and playful glances flooded towards Xiao Shen Tanhua. It was a joy to witness a great scholar with a great literary reputation turn over and lose his face on the spot.

Xinjue and Huihai also smiled more and more bitterly in their hearts. They had offended people so much, but they still didn't practice enough!

The only ones who unswervingly believe in Shen Fengshu are the three friends around him.

But, what’s going on with this sudden Buddha’s light?

Those who laughed, those who ridiculed, those who watched the fun, those who added insult to injury, regardless of their mentality, all seemed to have been slapped hard in the face by the sudden appearance of the brilliant Buddha's light, and they all closed their mouths.

The scene instantly became silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Where does the Buddha's light come from?

For a moment, almost all the eyes within the mountain gate were focused, and they all looked at the piece of paper emitting Buddha's light in surprise.

Countless people are curious, what exactly is written on it?

"Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" presents the tip of the iceberg in this world for the first time.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and can survive all hardships."

The Buddha's light turned from a group at first into a large area at some point, and the area of ​​this area seemed to be quite large, directly covering the mountain gate and covering dozens of miles around.

Brilliant? I can't even talk about it. There is only a kind of quiet and peaceful nature that permeates everyone's side and everyone's body. The whole body feels warm and uncomfortable.

"A piece of dust, the color is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from color. Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and awareness. A piece of dust is the empty phase of all dharmas. It does not arise or die, is not stained or pure, does not increase or decrease.

." The original text should be Shariputra, which was replaced by Shen Fengshu with Yichen. The original text "Sariputra" refers to the wisest Venerable Shariputra among the ten disciples of the Buddha. His mother's name is Shariputra, and he is the child of Shariputra.

Therefore it is called relic,

He is also a person who teaches the Dharma of Avalokitesvara.

Shen Fengshu replaced the relics with Yichen. He was also a disciple of Buddhism and a person who taught the Dharma. From the original intention, there was no difference.

This replacement had almost no impact on Shen Fengshu, but for Yichen, it was like an earth-shaking change.

On the little monk's body, where the Buddha's tattoos were originally located in the six ink realms of Zen, the golden light suddenly flourished. The image of the Buddha began to change. Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara, Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara, Sutra-holding Avalokitesvara, Yuanguang Avalokitesvara, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara, Holding Avalokitesvara Lotus Avalokitesvara, Gassho Avalokitesvara, Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes, etc., etc., all kinds of dharma corresponding bodies are constantly changing, reflecting the body of Yichen like glass.

Seemingly spotless, quiet and harmonious, the young monk instantly fell into a state of enlightenment as Shen Feng wrote the book.

Such a magnificent Buddhist vision has already alarmed countless monks in Nalanda Temple, as well as all the great sages who came to participate in the Dharma assembly. Countless thoughts and ideas gathered here like moths to a flame.

When the first ray of Buddha's light appeared, Monk Xinjue screamed in his heart that it was not good. But at this time, everything was too late. He could only watch Shen Fengshu continue to write. Surrounded by Buddhist disciples who were profound in Buddhism. Or devout lay believers, whoever dares to disturb Shen Fengshu at this time is a public enemy, and one person can completely attack the eighteenth generation of his ancestors and the eighteenth generation of his descendants with just one spit.

Abi hell.

If I had known this, I would have just let the young monk in. Although Nalanda Temple is crowded, it can't accommodate one more person. To put it at a further step, I would have agreed to exchange with Shen Tanhua and exchanged his qualifications for the young monk to go in. Why bother? What?

Nalanda Temple, I'm afraid it's going to be a huge somersault now. I just finished smiling bitterly in my heart, when I suddenly found that the Buddha's light expanded again, and I closed my eyes in pain. This somersault may be bigger than I imagined. .

Because in such a short time, the Buddha's light has spread thousands of miles, and it seems that it is going to shine all over the world.

What kind of Bodhisattva was Xiao Shen Tanhua dreaming about? It seems to have a deeper and wider influence than some Buddhas. If Shen Fengshu knew what the monk Xinjue thought, he would only sneer at it. Guanyin Bodhisattva, the full name of Namo is the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Rescuer of Suffering and Great Inspiration Guanyin Bodhisattva Mahasattva, that is collectively called Amitabha and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva

The Three Saints of the West, together with Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, are known as the four great powers of Buddhism. How can "Maitreya Buddha in every household and Avalokitesvara in every household" on earth be an ordinary fruition status?

"That's why there is no color in the air, no feelings, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, no color, no sound, fragrance, touch, no vision, and even unconsciousness. There is no ignorance..." When Shen Fengshu started writing this sentence , the sky has been completely filled with countless eminent monks and great virtues, with Shen Fengshu as the center, forming a large inverted cone integrating the open space, and countless people chanting Buddha's chants formed a wave that shook the sky.

The ground's BGM spread crazily to all directions.

But Shen Fengshu, who was at the center, was not affected by the background sound at all and continued to write word by word.

In such a short time, the Buddha's light has completely enveloped the entire Yuhua Continent, spreading non-stop and unswervingly to farther places at a super fast pace. At this moment, whether it was the guys who were laughing and ridiculing before, or their minds Hui Hai, the disciples of Nalanda Temple, and visitors from all over the world, no longer cared about or cared about the cause of the matter. They all looked up to this Buddha thoroughly.

In the vision of the door, bathed in the light of Buddha, immersed in the indescribable and true Buddhist principles and unable to extricate themselves.

"Therefore, we know that Prajnaparamita is a great divine mantra, a great enlightenment mantra, a supreme mantra, an infinite mantra, etc. It can eliminate all suffering and is true and true."

Shen Fengshu kept writing and wrote the sentence he wanted to write most.

Are you all saying that Yichen only knows the Great Ming Mantra and does not understand Buddhism? I will let you know what the Great Ming Mantra is and what it is.

The Great Ming Mantra practiced by Yichen is not a simple enlightenment mantra that you think you don't care about, but a supreme mantra and an infinite mantra blessed by the great power of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It's just that you have no eyesight. You don't understand it at all. The Great Ming Mantra! I don’t even understand the state of Yichen’s Great Ming Mantra!

This chapter has been completed!
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