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Chapter 619: Cultivation Retrograde


You don’t need to think about it to know that even the little monk Yichen can achieve such huge gains, so how could Shen Fengshu, who really brought the Heart Sutra, be left behind?

It's just that these benefits are not like the spiritual energy of heaven and earth coming on the spot, and there will be no more after being absorbed and washed away, but in a long-term way, slowly but firmly bringing about changes bit by bit.

The change happened so slowly that by the time Shen Fengshu discovered it, half a month had already passed. At that time, Shen Fengshu was in seclusion with Xiaoman.

The sun in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly became obedient and became a part of Shen Fengshu's control. The sun was formed by the expansion of the mirage dragon spiritual consciousness and the natal mirage, absorbing countless human emperor purple energy and various heaven and earth spiritual energy. Even if it becomes the sun due to the rules of the sea of ​​consciousness, it only eliminates the consciousness and turns it into a pure consciousness planet.

However, Shen Fengshu cannot control it like other Consciousness Sea Planets.

Shen Fengshu originally thought that it would take a long time for the sun to be refined bit by bit by him, so he didn't have much expectations, but a surprise suddenly came to him. In normal practice, suddenly there was one more person he could control. With the Sun of Divine Consciousness, the spiritual energy that was already very close to him suddenly became a thousand times more powerful than the finger-arm user. Not to mention anything else, it just controlled the flow of spiritual energy in the body.

What is the concept of the speed increasing more than dozens of times in an instant?

The sudden change almost made Shen Fengshu think that there was something wrong with his practice. It was not until he checked for a long time that he realized that the sun in the sea of ​​consciousness had become controllable, and then the shock turned into a surprise. Yes, Shen Fengshu thought. When I got up, the first golden droplets once entered the sea of ​​consciousness, soaked for a while and then left, but a large part still remained in the sun. As time went by, as more and more people

Reciting the Heart Sutra and the Great Ming Mantra will ultimately help you completely suppress and tame the sun.

Just when he figured this out, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly began to expand violently, and the expansion speed simply exceeded Shen Fengshu's imagination. Xiaoman, who was practicing dual cultivation with Shen Fengshu, was also driven, and the spiritual energy of the two people's intertwined consciousness seemed to be strengthened. The crazy fusion of catalysts became a perfect blend in a moment, and the soothing and flowing spiritual energy between the two people quickly became

A violent dragon of spiritual energy rushed through their bodies at high speed and unreasonable speed, completely out of control.

Fortunately for Shen Fengshu, he had long been accustomed to the crazy and random flushing of spiritual energy, but Xiaoman was not good at it. The spiritual energy moved in a regular manner, and he was almost disrupted by the sudden and violent spiritual energy dragon.

Finally, Xiaoman had a solid foundation, and Shen Fengshu found out in time that he had forced most of the spiritual energy into his body, and he was able to protect Xiaoman and adjust the spiritual energy smoothly.

With just this move, Xiaoman's body's meridians more than doubled, and the amount of spiritual energy he could hold was increased dozens of times. His cultivation level was suddenly blown up to a skyrocketing level. Xiaoman also fought hard and immediately accepted these gifts, and then he was like a dodder. , the spiritual consciousness is intertwined with Shen Fengshu, and with the help of Shen Fengshu's power to expand the sea of ​​consciousness, he slowly and steadily expands his sea of ​​consciousness to the same level as his cultivation level.

Quite, it really consolidated the skyrocketing cultivation level. For a moment, Shen Fengshu almost thought that Xiaoman would turn into a baby on the spot. And Shen Fengshu himself also strongly felt that his cultivation level had reached the level of a matryoshka doll for several generations. The strongest state in memory, as if you can step out of it at any time

The next step is to enter the process of transforming into an infant. A world-recognized practitioner with poor qualifications, in just twenty years, went directly from the mortal practice to the peak of the golden elixir to transform into an infant. If this matter is told, there are a thousand people out of a thousand. Zero of them don’t believe it, and the extra one is

The one who tells the story.

But the reality is so ridiculous, so unreasonable, and so heartbreaking. I don’t know how many real geniuses would cry and faint in the toilet when facing Shen Fengshu, a loser in spiritual practice at this moment. Shen Fengshu waited first. After a while, when Xiaoman was completely stable and connected, and confirmed that she had no intention of turning into a baby on the spot, she felt the surging cultivation for a while, gritted her teeth, and followed the experience she had learned before,

Begins to transform into a baby.

There will never be another opportunity like this in the future. Shen Fengshu doesn't remember much of the Buddhist scriptures. It's probably only once in a lifetime that someone can bring about such a change. If God doesn't take the initiative, he will take the blame. Let's do it!

As soon as Shen Fengshu made a move, Xiaoman was immediately alert, but she did not dissuade her, let alone hold her back, and began to escort her with all her strength. Xiaoman knew exactly what her husband's cultivation qualifications were, and because of the seizure and transfer in the past, Because of the soul, Shen Fengshu has actually fallen into the dilemma of "borrowing a corpse to resurrect a soul". Like many monks who have taken possession of a body,

The upper limit of cultivation is limited to the peak of Jindan, and there is no possibility of breakthrough.

If I can use this opportunity to successfully transform my husband into an infant, I might be able to break through the restrictions on my practice and give my husband infinite confidence in his practice. With this mentality, Xiaoman plans to do his best to help my husband make a breakthrough in transforming into an infant. Shen Fengshu has studied a lot. The experience of the predecessors in transforming babies, and the generations of matryoshka dolls that have been researched for countless years without any breakthrough before turning to arranging the rebirth of babies. Taken together, Shen Fengshu has more knowledge and experience in transforming babies than most.

Most real Nascent Soul masters are rich.

The process of transforming into an infant seems to be going smoothly. The spiritual energy is gathering obediently, and the spiritual consciousness is like a finger. Waiting for the moment when the golden elixir shatters and breaks out of the cocoon to transform into an infant. This is a step that all cultivators of transforming into an infant must go through.

For Shen Fengshu, breaking the golden elixir is even easier. His Consciousness Sea Planet has been broken and reunited countless times, so he is familiar with it. But problems also arise, no matter how well Shen Fengshu controls it, The main planet of Consciousness Sea shattered very smoothly, but once it wanted to break out of the cocoon and become a baby, it immediately broke away from the control and would immediately reunite into the planet under the influence of rules. Repeated attempts


Transformation into an infant could not be completed at all! After trying hundreds of times, Shen Fengshu exhausted all the experience in transforming into an infant and tried various methods. No other monk could have the opportunity to try so many times. Transformed into an infant, but the final result was not once Shen Fengshu

To be able to succeed, I can only admit in vain that I am really limited by the upper limit of my cultivation, and I can't transform into an infant at all. It can be said that I have the right time, the right place, the right people, and enough security around me. The cave heaven blessed land has almost endless spiritual energy, which exceeds dozens of numbers. The strength of the spiritual consciousness of hundreds of Nascent Soul masters, the protection of the Buddha's light, and Xiaoman in the state of dual cultivation

To help stabilize the control of spiritual energy and consciousness, Shen Fengshu also admitted that he could not successfully transform into an infant under such circumstances.

It seems that the upper limit of his cultivation is probably the peak of the golden elixir. Shen Fengshu is very open-minded about this. From the first day he came to this world, he never thought about living the same life as heaven. I never thought that my cultivation would be the best in the world. Reaching the peak of the golden elixir was already the result of Witch Zhiqing’s efforts.

, Shen Fengshu was not disappointed because he could not transform into a baby.

However, as a pure warrior, it is not Shen Fengshu's style to retreat from difficulties like this. Since the path of transforming into an infant is not feasible, then find another way.

Shen Fengshu accepted that the transformation into an infant was unsuccessful, but if he only allowed himself to stop at the peak of the golden elixir in this situation, Shen Fengshu would not be so satisfied. If he could not develop vertically, he would develop horizontally.

Once a golden elixir has reached its peak, then separate two of them, both reaching their peak. If there are more, they will be divided again. Anyway, Shen Fengshu has many spiritual planets, including the solar system, and he is afraid that he will not be able to split enough golden elixirs. Dan?

Each planet is actually a ready-made golden elixir, and they are all golden elixirs that are not afraid of fragmentation at all. When "Yunshen Chapter" was activated, Shen Fengshu easily split a part of his consciousness and entered Mercury, and then This part of the spiritual consciousness immediately merged with Mercury, and grew rapidly based on the powerful spiritual consciousness supplement and spiritual energy flushing.


In less than half an hour, Mercury reached the peak of the Golden Core, and Shen Fengshu's original consciousness also recovered. Feeling that his state was still there, and the blessing of the Heart Sutra was still there, Shen Fengshu began to continue. Yun Shen Chapter Split God The consciousness entered Venus, strengthened, grew, and the spiritual consciousness recovered, and continued to divide into Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune until Neptune was completed. Shen Fengshu still felt that he was able to do it with ease, so

The consciousness was divided again, and this time the consciousness began to attack the sun.

Shen Fengshu was extremely certain that the Yichen Pearl had brought him unparalleled luck after being blessed by the Heart Sutra and the Great Ming Mantra. If it weren't for this reason, Shen Fengshu couldn't explain why the sun had just been Refining it by yourself, you immediately encountered such an opportunity? If this were not the case, Shen Fengshu would not have dared to complete the eight planetary golden elixirs.

Even dealing with the possible counterattack from the Mirage Origin would make Shen Fengshu exhausted.

Now that everything is fine, Shen Fengshu can confidently and boldly split his consciousness, increase the number of golden elixir planets, and conquer the sun.

The size of the sun is too great, and its mass is also too great. It is more than a thousand times more than the previous eight golden elixirs combined. No matter how powerful the blessing brought by the Heart Sutra is, no matter how much spiritual energy comes from heaven and earth, it cannot be completely filled in a short time. Full.

As time went by, the blessing effect of the Heart Sutra gradually showed a decreasing trend in the boundary effect. It was not until this stage that Shen Fengshu stopped improving the Sun Golden Elixir.

The second soul Fuxi instantly gave the improvement result, and the completion degree of the Sun Golden Pill reached 73%. Although the Sun Golden Pill has the lowest degree of completion among all the Golden Pill planets, its power exceeds the other eight Hundreds of times the golden elixir planets combined, almost instantly, the sun's golden elixir occupied the decisive position in Shen Feng's sea of ​​books and knowledge.

The state of the Sun Golden Pill immediately became the state displayed by Shen Fengshu to the outside world.

After stopping their improvement, Shen Fengshu and Xiaoman both quit the retreat and practiced. Later, Shen Fengshu discovered that two months had passed since their retreat.

"Husband, what is your state?" Xiaoman and Shen Fengshu have not been separated in the past two months. He immediately discovered the state displayed by Shen Fengshu and was shocked.

With this kind of practice, why did your husband's level of cultivation rise instead of falling? Could it be that the failure to transform into an infant was backlashed, so his level of cultivation has regressed? If I had known this, I wouldn't have allowed my husband to forcefully transform into an infant.

After a while, everyone discovered that Shen Fengshu and Xiaoman had left the seclusion. They all gathered around and were shocked when they saw Shen Fengshu's condition.

What kind of injury did he suffer? Has his cultivation level regressed?

This chapter has been completed!
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