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Chapter 64 Buddhist Peace of Mind

What does it feel like when the person who was gossiping with you just now suddenly appears in front of you alive? No, the person who has been gossiping with you just now turns out to be the gossip in your mouth?

Anyway, the handsome young monk's eyes suddenly widened in surprise, and he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Later, Ding Jian lowered his head slightly so that the corners of his raised mouth would not be seen clearly.

Xiaoman had already covered her mouth and started to snicker. She was the happiest one. Brother Lao An killed everyone in Guiyuan Academy and she was safe. This was the happiest thing for her. Now she could laugh happily.

"Dare you ask the young master's Dharma name?" Shen Fengshu asked politely towards the handsome young monk.

"Little monk Yichen." The young monk couldn't find any flaws in his etiquette. He quickly raised his left hand and responded seriously: "I've seen Benefactor Shen."

"What a name!" Shen Fengshu returned the courtesy and praised with a smile: "Not even a speck of dust can be found in the true secluded place, and everything is contained in the clear scenery. What a name!" Listening to a line of poetry that Shen Fengshu blurted out that he had never heard before, He also embedded his Dharma name into it. Little monk Yichen's face felt strange. Before the previous sentence, he was wondering if it was a coincidence, but the two Shen Fengshu had the same name.

, now the young benefactor in front of me speaks in perfect detail, he is obviously a poet who can write about the great roc rising with the wind in one day!

It was so embarrassing to talk to people in person. Young monk Yichen was so embarrassed that he could only explain with a wry smile: "Master said that I can't practice without dust in my heart. As long as I can have only one dust in my heart in this life, it will be an amazing practice." , so I gave him the name Yichen!"

"With great wisdom, you must have reached the realm of Prajna." Shen Fengshu once again praised: "Everyone in the world is greedy for everything, but respected master can see clearly that a small square inch can cut off four walls, and a thousand things can be reduced to dust. This realm is beyond the reach of many people who don't know it. How high is it?"

The handsome young monk also has some literary background. Hearing Shen Fengshu say another sentence without any pause, it was still his own Dharma name, but the truth contained in it was so Zen-like that he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

"Yichen!" A calm voice called softly: "Please invite some donors to come in! You have been delayed for a long time."

"Yes! Master!" Yichen's expression changed and he quickly agreed, smiling wryly and making a gesture of invitation to Shen Fengshu.

He was originally here to wait for the person who came to visit the master with a token, but he ended up chatting with another young monk, and told Shen Fengshu and others that he had been here for a stick of incense. I'm afraid he will be kicked out now. The master scolded.

Following the young master Yichen into the Buddhist hall, Shen Fengshu and the others saw a monk in his fifties wearing a yellow cassock. He was not old, but he was not young either. He seemed a bit tall for middle age.

"Junior Chen Fengshu, I have met the true master!" This should be the real master. Shen Fengshu hurriedly saluted. Ding Jian and Xiaoman behind him also saluted with Shen Fengshu. Anyway, Shen Fengshu said, go out Outside, there is no big or small brother, there is no harm in talking about sweets, and it is not strange to be polite to many people. Ding Jian wants to see the colorful world, these things are not necessarily understood by people who are knowledgeable about the world.

Is it something you need to experience? As for Xiaoman, she is a well-behaved girl and will not object at all.

"Almsgiver Shen has a quick mind and is full of knowledge." Master Liao Zhen extended his hand to help him, and sincerely praised: "A poem of seven words and five words, two lines, which conveys the true meaning of a dust, full of Zen flavor, and possesses the root of wisdom, but he is destined to be with me, the Buddha. ah!"

As soon as he heard that he was destined to be the Buddha, Shen Fengshu was excited. What did the monk opposite him see in him? Did he want to become a monk himself? That's not possible!

"This junior is just a little smart, and the master is so complimentary." Shen Fengshu hurriedly expressed his humility. If the great monk took a fancy to him and insisted on dragging him into Buddhism, wouldn't it be a big mistake? Well, it's not that he is unhappy, but It was Shen Fengshu who was so compassionate that he was afraid of causing trouble to the great monk and the Kyofuji family. Didn’t everyone at Guiyuan Academy fall into a deep sleep inexplicably and be kicked out of him? He couldn’t let Kyofuji suffer the same fate again. Shen Fengshu was so compassionate.

The eldest son feels that he is quite kind!

"How is the Ice Fairy?" Fortunately, Master Liao Zhen did not continue to pester on this topic, and just asked with a smile. "My sister is very good." Shen Fengshu would not tell the truth completely, at least his sister was injured. I couldn't say anything casually, I just said politely: "But I received the summoning order from the master, so I was in a hurry to go back and couldn't take care of the juniors, so I could only ask the master for help."

Come here. This is a letter from my sister to the master."

Even the little monk Yichen knew what happened to Shangjiuzhou, and Master Liaozhen certainly knew that. Countless people saw the big movement of Feijian passing the message that night. What Shen Fengshu said is very reasonable.

The letter that Shen Fengshu brought was a jade slip, engraved with his spiritual consciousness. Shen Fengshu could not mobilize his spiritual consciousness for the time being, so he did not see it, but Sister Ru Bing would definitely not harm herself, so she gave it to Master Zhen with peace of mind. .

After taking the jade slip and examining it with his spiritual consciousness, Master Liao Zhen understood the contents clearly.

"Come here, let me take a look." Master Liao Zhen motioned to Shen Feng Shu to sit closer: "Don't resist, just relax."

Of course, Shen Fengshu trusted the eminent monk introduced by Sister Bing. He stepped forward and sat opposite Master Zhen. Then Master Zhen slightly tilted his head, and his bare forehead immediately touched Shen Fengshu's. Now Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness was no longer there. It has not expanded much. Although it has changed slightly compared to before, it does not change much from the outside. It is just that the garbage of spiritual consciousness begins to rotate slowly, and Shen Fengshu's spiritual consciousness seeds are wrapped in the core part.

That's all.

But this is the sea of ​​consciousness that has been replaced by the Witch Lady. Compared with the dome that Sister Ru Bing has known, it has undergone drastic changes. As soon as Master Liao Zhen’s consciousness entered Shen Fengshu’s sea of ​​consciousness, he was shocked. Rao Because of his amazing concentration, he was also shocked by Shen Fengshu's violent sea of ​​consciousness. Such a big sea of ​​consciousness? Even if he has reached the realm of Buddhist sravakas, he is about to step forward.

Entering the Arhat Realm was comparable to the completion of the Dao Sect's foundation building, but he had never seen such a large sea of ​​​​consciousness, let alone the terrifying debris that filled the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness.

In just such a short period of time, countless negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy, and jealousy came over me like an overwhelming ocean. Even the meditation skills of Buddhist monks could not fully bear it. After watching it for less than two minutes, I realized that it was true. The master couldn't bear the powerful and violent emotional pressure, and was about to withdraw. Suddenly, an overwhelming and unstoppable force swept him up, and even the soul opened his eyes.

It started to rotate, but it stayed too long and was involved in the rotation of Shen Fengshu's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

In just an instant, Master Liozhen quickly stabilized his soul and tried his best to escape. But even so, as soon as the two people's foreheads separated, Master Liozhen groaned, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

After forcibly suppressing only a few breaths, after the distance between Shen Fengshu and Master Liozhen was widened, Master Liozhen could no longer control his injuries. He groaned again, and traces of blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

Everyone was startled, and little monk Yichen hurriedly stepped forward, supported the master who was teetering on the futon, and shouted anxiously: "Master, what's wrong with you?" After saying that, he turned to look at Shen angrily. Feng Shu: "You plotted against my master!"

Shen Fengshu had a wry smile on his face and did not move. The great monk was bleeding from all his orifices. He was simply Dou E! It was so unfair! But there was no place to redress the injustice, because the other party's soul entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness and transformed into Such.

While smiling bitterly, Shen Fengshu also became curious about the identity of the Witch Lady again. It was just a pile of fragments of divine consciousness thrown into his sea of ​​consciousness. The great monk went in and took a look and was seriously injured. How could the Witch Lady be in her full glory? Horrible? "Yichen, please don't be rude!" After all, it didn't last long, and the great monk's injuries were limited. Although Yuan Shen was injured by the earthquake, it was not serious. The Buddhist method is good at calming the mind and calming the soul. Master Liao Zhen quickly calmed down and scolded

A little monk said.

The young monk also knew that he had misunderstood Shen Fengshu, and gave Shen Fengshu an apologetic smile.

"How could this happen? Didn't the Ice Fairy say that the dome is as pure as glass?" Master Liozhen asked while wiping the blood on his face and sitting upright.

"A little change happened on the road, and it turned out like this." Shen Fengshu said with an innocent face: "But the trouble I face is still there, and it may be more serious." What he said is all the truth, There has indeed been a "little" change, and the troubles faced by Shen Fengshu have not changed. He still has to face the erosion of the fragments of spiritual consciousness. Everyone can see that it can make the true master unintentionally injured. Shen Feng writes this

For a "mortal", I'm afraid the problem is really getting more serious.

"I received the kindness of the Ice Fairy to save my life, so I should do my best." The master did not ask in detail how it became like this, but just expressed his attitude first.

This made Shen Fengshu feel at ease. If the great monk insisted on getting to the bottom of things, he really didn't know how to explain some things. This was good, just focus on solving the problem without going into the origin of the problem.

Once again, he asked Shen Fengshu to sit up and relax his whole body. Then Master Zhenzhen concentrated his mind and cast his most proficient "Samadhi Mantra" on Shen Fengshu in front of everyone.

A warmth rushed into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and Shen Fengshu felt very comfortable. However, after this warmth rushed in, it was crushed to pieces within a few seconds and completely integrated into Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​​​consciousness.

If you don't succeed in this one, then try another one. Neither Master Shen Fengshu nor Master Liao Zhen are anxious. Expecting Sister Ru Bing to guess that you will definitely get a good result? That is obviously impossible.

After a pause, the great monk cast the Shurangama Mantra on Shen Fengshu again. After a moment, Shen Fengshu shook his head slightly, indicating that it was not very useful.

The great monk cast "Pure Heart Mantra" and "Quiet Heart Mantra" more than a dozen times without stopping. Shen Fengshu shook his head slightly after experiencing them.

"I'll try the Prajnaparamita mantra again. It's just that I don't have enough practice in this mantra and I don't know how effective it will be. Donor Shen, please forgive me." Even trying several methods didn't work. The great monk could only find a solution from the method he was not good at. plan.

"Master, just take action." Shen Fengshu didn't feel anxious at all, and remained as calm as ever, which made Master Zhen nod in his heart. Young people who can talk and laugh happily in such a dangerous situation as the sea of ​​​​consciousness have a limitless future! "Om Mani! Padme hum!" As soon as Master Liozhen uttered the six-character mantra, Shen Fengshu's body shook, and there was an instant reaction in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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