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Chapter 67 The poor man who has never seen the world

"No way? This is Qiancheng?" When a group of rookies arrived near their destination, they were stunned to find that the name of the place was completely different from what they imagined. Of course the secret place of Qiancheng is in Qiancheng. Since it is called Qiancheng, everyone must have thought,

This is a place that is short of water and rain. It should be a densely covered Gobi desert. At the worst, it must be the kind of bare barren mountains and yellow land. Who would have thought that it would be so fast?

When we arrived at our destination, we actually came by boat? Not only was there no shortage of water in this area, but there was an extremely large amount of water. Kancheng was located on an island in the middle of a huge lake. Judging from this large lake alone, there was no water at all.

It shouldn’t be called Gancheng. It should be called Wet City or Shuicheng. Even if it doesn’t work, it has to be called

Kanchen Island.

But this place is called Gancheng, and the surrounding land and hills are all bare. There are some trees and vegetation far away from the lake, but close by there is only desolation.

"There is a reason for this place." The low-level monk who acted as the boatman was most happy to see the surprised eyes of people who came here for the first time, so he introduced it enthusiastically.

This large lake is an extremely salty saltwater lake, just like the Dead Sea on Earth. Even if you can occasionally see some plants, they are extremely salt-alkali resistant. Kancheng is actually a large city with almost no fresh water. The lake

There are no fish in it, so it is not suitable for mortals to live, but it is not a hindrance to monks. On the contrary, because it is not easy to come here and there are fewer mortals to disturb it, a monk is happy to come here.

The business in the market is already good, and there is a portal to the secret realm, which makes this place even more popular. No, even the people responsible for controlling the pick-up and drop-off ships are young monks in the Qi refining period. Of course, this kind of

Tasks belonging to the master's sect are counted among the sect's

In the contribution. "The water here is heavier than people. People will not sink at all when they enter the water. They can even lie on the water and read a book." Shen Fengshu thought of the characteristics of the Dead Sea. After the boatman finished speaking, he picked up the topic and rushed.

He introduced to everyone. If there is no concept of density, then

It can only be said that water is heavier than people.

"It won't sink when it's in water? How come?" Xiaoman was the first to be curious and asked directly.

"Huh?" Ding Jian held another sword embryo and stared at the water, as if flowers were blooming on the water.

"No way? Brother Shen!" Young monk Yichen never thought that there would be such a mysterious thing. He stared at the water and said a great curse.

Shen Feng felt refreshed in the sea of ​​book knowledge, but at the same time, he heard the boatman yelling: "That's nonsense!"

This is a chartered boat. The rich second-generation Mr. Shen, of course, chartered the entire boat with Hua Lingshi. The boat is big enough to carry dozens of people. Now there are only four of them as passengers and a boatman who is in the early stage of Qi refining. The boatman was originally

It was very satisfying. On the one hand, I only sent four people but earned the ship fare of forty people. On the other hand, I also experienced the astonishment of the rookies who had just arrived here, and I felt very satisfied. However, after hearing this first-time visitor


But he couldn't bear it anymore.

People don't sink when they fall into water? Are you kidding? Unless there is some magic weapon or formation to support it, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?

Shen Fengshu looked at the boatman with a surprised look on his face. The monks who often lived here didn't even know about this? Yes, these monks knew that this was a lifeless saltwater lake and would definitely not pay much attention to it. Except for the initial exploration.

Seniors, I'm afraid the juniors are not even willing to swim in the water. After all, they have to wash themselves again after swimming in the lake.

As a monk, who is not nervous about practicing? Who would go swimming in this place where birds do not lay eggs?

In this case, it is normal that no one knows that the saltwater lake can float. Even if they enter the water, I am afraid that the monks will use spiritual energy to protect themselves unnaturally. Of course, floating on the water is due to spiritual energy, can it still be water?

Ding Jian, Xiaoman and Yichen all turned to look at the boatman, and then looked at Shen Fengshu. After the boatman spoke, he knew that he was Meng Lang. He was a boatman now, so he could earn some boat money and complete the sect's mission. , why are you talking too much? If you meet someone with a bad temper, I'm afraid you won't let it go today. Sigh.

, Master has long pointed out that trouble comes from the mouth, and it turns out that his mental state is not cultivated enough!

Shen Fengshu didn't care at all. This boatman still didn't have the spirit of scientific research! He didn't know how to get true knowledge through practice. If Didi was to fight the boat, he would definitely give him a bad review!

"Yichen, do you want to give it a try?" Shen Fengshu asked Yichen without paying attention to the boatman.

Ding Jian is a boring gourd who only wants to play with his sword. Xiaoman is a girl and is not suitable, so he can only find Yichen from various curious babies behind the mountain.

Yichen looked at his companions beside him and said nothing, but his active eyes were already radiating eagerness to try.

"Man! Stop the boat and wait a minute!" Shen Fengshu shouted to the boatman, and then without taking off his clothes, he stepped out of the cabin and jumped into the lake.

He was originally depressed to be called a waiter, but when he saw Shen Fengshu, the boatman hurriedly stopped the boat. Before he could stop, Yichen jumped out happily. Fortunately, even if it was only the early stage of Qi refining, the boatman stopped for a while. The boat was relatively simple, and it only took three or five breaths to do it. Then he saw the little girl Xiaoman smiling happily and clapping her hands. What was even more outrageous was that the girl holding the sword said nothing.

A senior actually jumped out and made a splash, which was really heard.

The boatman looked towards the side of the boat and was dumbfounded for a moment. The three people who had just jumped off the boat were all lying on their backs on the water, showing no signs of sinking. The naughty little monk Yichen even jumped out of the boat. I took out a Buddhist scripture from somewhere and looked at it properly.

It's really like lying on the water and reading a book.

Seeing that Shen Fengshu even turned over, even if he was lying on his stomach? How is this possible? The boatman's eyes were straight. Was he being tricked and hallucinating?

"Man, come down and give it a try?" Seeing the boatman sticking his head out, Shen Fengshu didn't even forget to greet him: "Is this nonsense? You'll know if you try it yourself."

The boatman hesitated for a moment, then finally gritted his teeth and jumped off. Anyway, he was just a young monk in the early stage of Qi refining, and he had nothing that could make the other party covet him. If he really wanted this boat, he could just take it. It wasn't his own anyway.

"Don't use spiritual energy!" The moment he jumped off, the boatman heard Shen Fengshu's words of warning, and with a heartbeat, he removed the spiritual energy.

A magical thing happened. In addition to entering the water when he first jumped down, he was lifted up immediately, relaxed his hands and feet like everyone else, and actually floated on the water?

There were five people on the boat, four of them were playing in the water. Xiaoman was alone on the boat with a face full of envy. Shen Fengshu looked at it unbearably and said to Xiaoman: "Xiaoman wants to play and jump over to the boat to play." "Be careful of water splashing into your eyes." This damn code of conduct is very important. I don't know how to deal with other aspects of the ethics and education system, but the code of ethics and education are all in one set. Even the monks sometimes pay great attention to it. Shen Feng Shu didn't care, but he couldn't force Xiaoman not to care either. He could only let him

She went to the boat to play alone.

Floating in the Dead Sea is a famous tourist project, and it is inherently fun. It is the first time for everyone to play here, and they are all monks. They can take out some small drinks and drink them. I don’t know how comfortable it is. Everyone is very happy. Very happy.

Ding Jian was holding the sword embryo even in the water, and there were the most waves around him. His body was obviously not moving, but his slightly trembling Qi was making countless ripples.

The boatman who had denounced the nonsense earlier was having more fun than Shen Fengshu, and was just short of catching up with Yichen.

At this moment, there was no trace of the posture of a handsome young eminent monk. He was pawing all the way, as cheerful as a monkey.

"It's almost done, don't take it too long." After playing for more than forty minutes, Shen Fengshu kindly reminded everyone: "Playing for too long will cause dehydration." Of course Shen Fengshu is fine. The others are monks and are better than ordinary people. I don’t know how strong my body is, so it’s not a big problem, but we can’t just play in the water with a few people here, right? To be honest, Shen Fengshu is really not used to wearing robes and playing in the water.


"Young Master is generous, I'm leaving Meng Lang!" After getting on the boat and changing clothes, the boatman immediately apologized to Shen Fengshu.

Everyone happily played in the water and was very happy. Even Xiaoman diluted his worries about Senior Brother An because of this, and the effect was very good.

"Brother Shen, thank you!" When they were about to arrive at Qiancheng Island, the little girl bowed her head in front of Shen Fengshu and thanked her. Then with a shy smile on her face, she happily set foot on Qiancheng Island.

Xiaoman is just innocent, not stupid. Of course she knows that Shen Fengshu took the lead in jumping off the boat to make her feel more relaxed. Even the cool Ding Jian is cold-faced and hot-hearted, and the little monk Yichen is not her favorite. Play.

This feels so good!

It is not the day for the opening of the Qiancheng Secret Realm yet, there are still a few days until the portal opens, but many monks have already gathered on the island.

Within half an hour after landing, Shen Fengshu and Xiaoman felt reassured. There was no news about Senior Brother An. Sometimes no news is actually the best news. This means that Senior Brother An has not been discovered yet, otherwise the scandal would have started long ago. There was an uproar.

Before Shen Fengshu and others could find an inn, a fun game started to spread on Qiancheng Island: lying in the water and reading a book.

No matter they are businessmen in the city or monks who come to the city, they have no idea that this ultra-salty saltwater lake can have such magical things. Lying on the water and feeling the feeling of suspension, and flying with the royal magic weapon are completely different. A feeling.

The first boatman to feel this feeling frankly said that when he was lying on the water, his mind was relaxed and his body was suspended. He had an indescribable feeling and his mood seemed to improve in a short period of time. Under the guidance of that boatman, the people around Kancheng Island In the water, there are all monks lying in the water practicing spiritual enlightenment. At this time, there are monks flying over from above. You will definitely be shocked to see so many "corpses" lying in the water.

After learning the details, there will soon be a "corpse" lying in the water.

A group of monks who have never seen the world, poor people! Shen Fengshu complained all the way.

By the way, no one has studied density? No one has a scientific spirit! Taking a break from various intense trainings, occasionally playing in the water, relaxing and relaxing, can not only improve efficiency, but also improve your mood?

What an improvement! My consciousness ball has refined enough fragments of consciousness, completely stabilized it, and started to absorb more fragments of consciousness. It will evolve into a big meteorite before my eyes. Am I proud?

This chapter has been completed!
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