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Chapter 680 It turns out to be you


"Little bastard!" Demon Lord Lanyou cursed secretly in his heart.

Shen Tanhua, this little bastard, is always focused on the benefits of everything he does. I have never seen such a hateful guy. Could it be that my graceful mother is not as good as the benefits of the little things outside her body in the eyes of this boy?

Looking at Shen Fengshu's serious eyes, Demon Lord Lanyou realized that he might really have to come up with something real. It was obviously impossible to rely on his own magic power to fight against the White Wolf.

That's right! This guy has painted so many beauties and lived with the famous vixen Sister Zhiqing for such a long time. I'm afraid he can no longer seduce him with his mere charm skills. "Sister, there are two other pens here that are pretty good. They are with Sister Zhiqing. The two most sincere scholars of the Spring Breeze once gave it to you." Demon Lord Lanyou can act decisively to kill his beloved, and if there is nothing he can't bear to part with, he immediately does it.


"Deal!" Shen Fengshu was not picky. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Lan Youmozun's two pens were patted on Shen Fengshu's hand.

The most sincere scholar, who is equivalent to the Taoist realm of refining the void, Lan You Demon Lord has a lot of fun! Just from his words, you can tell that Lan You Demon Lord is not a fuel saver. I am afraid he has also played with many academy monks. A beautiful woman's game. I just don't know which two unlucky guys I met. All the magic weapons are cheap. Lan Youmozun

Not to mention, I am afraid that my own life has become the experience value of Lanyou Demon Lord's charm technique.

"Come!" Lanyou Demon Lord seemed a little impatient and shouted immediately.

"Sister, why don't you prepare first?" Shen Fengshu asked in confusion: "What should be discarded, in what order, and which parts should be stabilized? This does not require prior planning?"

"Do you still need to remind me?" Demon Lord Lanyou gave Shen Fengshu an undisguised contempt: "Sister, I have been thinking about how to solve this problem day and night. I have thought about it thousands of times."

"Sister, after all, is also a great master of void refining." Shen Fengshu couldn't laugh or cry: "Even if you don't choose a day, you still have to choose a stable place and arrange protection, right?"

Lanyou Demon Lord was also a little too impatient. Of course, it also showed that she had been troubled by this problem for a long time. She couldn't wait to hear a solution and even put safety in the back of her mind.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it." Lanyou Demon Lord himself also knew that he was a little too eager just now, so he smiled to cover up his embarrassment, and then raised his hand, and a formation disk flashed between the two of them: "There is of course protection." Followed by The formation disk lit up, and the surrounding scenery changed instantly. Where the two of them were, it turned into a hill that was very similar to the surrounding environment. Looking at it from other angles, you could only see a hill.

There were less than two people. The hill enveloped Shen Fengshu, Lan Youmozun and Shen Fengshu's carriage. As long as they didn't come out, they wouldn't alert anyone around them. Even if there were monks passing by, they wouldn't notice. Their traces. High-level Lianxu

Shen Fengshu still fully believed in the protective power of his hands.

"Then forgive me for being abrupt." Since Demon Lord Lan You was so impatient, Shen Fengshu just smiled slightly, said nothing more, and slowly approached.

"What are you doing?" Lanyou Demon Lord couldn't help but hide back.

"If the elder sister wants to pour her spiritual consciousness into the younger brother's sea of ​​consciousness, her foreheads must be in contact with each other." Shen Fengshu pointed at her forehead and explained with a smile.

These demonic cultivators are really too paranoid. They always think that the whole world is full of bad people who want to harm them, and they will subconsciously avoid even approaching someone with such a low level of cultivation.

Perhaps thinking of Shen Fengshu's cultivation, Demon Lord Lanyou stopped being defensive and took the initiative to come closer, and their foreheads soon touched each other.

The next moment, Demon Lord Lan You detected the state of Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness.

A piece of chaos, with a divine consciousness ball in the center with countless exquisite scenery on its surface. This is everything in Shen Feng's Book of Consciousness Sea. It looks very ordinary, but that's it! That is to say, the chaotic appearance around the Consciousness Sea looks similar to that of Lan You The demon lord is slightly different from the ordinary monks he has seen before. Perhaps this state of being like a mist but not a mist is because his sea of ​​consciousness can withstand the gods.

Do you know the reason for the fragment infusion?

Demon Lord Lan You felt quite envious of Senior Sister Zhiqing. How could she accurately find a person with extraordinary talent like Shen Fengshu among countless people? This kind of luck is really something that people can’t help but envy. Unfortunately, Senior Sister The secret she had been trying to maintain was exchanged for a mere bowl of fine wine. The senior sister who suffered a loss thought that she had always claimed that Shen Tanhua was her true love, and others believed her. After all, the senior sister was still

I didn’t expect a man’s self-esteem!

It's right to think about it. Anyone who is treated as someone who can be played with will not be happy. Since Shen Tanhua and Senior Sister Zhiqing are in an equal and cooperative relationship, then naturally they will not be happy when they hear those rumors. Ha! Xiao Shen Tanhua , it is worthy of a small word. I am really too young and have experienced too little. Why do I think that the sisters of Xuanyin Sect can trust each other? If I don’t mistakenly think that they are good sisters.

, how could he be so undefended to himself?

With Lan You Demon Lord's current level of cultivation, he can easily operate and talk at the same time without any problem. Shen Fengshu is so close, there is no room for resistance, and Lan You Demon Lord doesn't mind saying more." Shen Tanhua, tell me, if I pour all the fragments of my consciousness into your sea of ​​consciousness, will your sea of ​​consciousness be burst?" Just as Shen Fengshu was nervously accepting the consciousness of Lord Lanyou, When the fragments are poured,

Suddenly, I heard the pleasant voice of Lanyou Demon Lord.

Hearing this, Shen Fengshu's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of horror on his face, and his body was about to start struggling to escape from the Blue You Demon Lord.

Demon Lord Lan You just tightened his arms slightly, and Shen Fengshu's whole body fell into a soft circle, unable to move.

"You're kidding, what are you afraid of?" Demon Lord Lan You laughed out loud, calming Shen Fengshu's fearful mood.

"Sister, scary people can scare people to death." Shen Fengshu finally realized that this was a false alarm. It was Lan You Demon Lord who was joking with him. After letting out a sigh of relief, he complained continuously. Lan You Demon Lord was very sad. She was happy. Just now, Shen Fengshu's heartbeat suddenly surged and her body became stiff. These were easy to disguise, but she held Shen Fengshu's hand and even felt the cold sweat that suddenly oozed out from Shen Fengshu's back. Obviously, the emotion of fear was not


In other words, if all the fragments of divine consciousness were poured into it at once, Shen Fengshu might really be burst. "You really don't take teasing." Demon Lord Lan You smiled tenderly, stretched out his hand and touched it gently. Touching Chen Fengshu's ear, he suddenly said quietly: "Did you know? When I killed your brother-in-law with my own hands, sister, I was so entangled that it made me sad.

It was only when he was in bliss that my sister took action."

Shen Fengshu's hair stood on end as expected once again, and Demon Lord Lan You felt it clearly.

The heartbeat and breathing can be disguised, and sweating can also be disguised at certain times, but the trembling feeling of the hair standing on end cannot be disguised.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Seeing that Shen Fengshu was so nervous that he seemed to be unable to move, Demon Lord Lan You stopped with a smile.

Finally, she was able to avenge Shen Fengshu, who had always been willing to take advantage of her and not put aside her charming temptation.

While scaring Shen Fengshu, Lanyou Demon Lord did not stop injecting the fragments of consciousness at all, and unknowingly, the infusion speed became faster and faster, and Chen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness was almost full. Of course, everything before Shen Fengshu was a disguise. Fuxi could perfectly control the muscles and organs of his body, and could perfectly disguise his fearful emotions. Even the sea of ​​consciousness "seen" by Demon Lord Lanyou was not that of Shen Fengshu. Feng Shu's

The true sea of ​​consciousness is only a part of it, just the part that Shen Fengshu wants Demon Lord Lan You to see.

Shen Fengshu had never been at ease with Demon Lord Lan You, let alone trusted him, and was always on guard.

If Demon Lord Lanyou doesn't intend to be disadvantageous to him, then it would be good for Shen Fengshu to gain another Sun of Consciousness Sea. If he really intends to be disadvantageous to himself, then Shen Fengshu's previous series of weakness can also give him a chance to fight back.

Demon Lord Lan You joked that Shen Fengshu was not nervous at all. If she really wanted to take action, this witch would definitely not have any warning signs for people to notice. She would definitely attack suddenly, making it impossible for people to guard against her.

Just like this moment! Seeing that Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness was about to be full, Shen Fengshu also began to remind Demon Lord Lan You, but suddenly, where the two people's foreheads touched, a large amount of consciousness surged over. The fragments instantly blocked Shen Fengshu's "Sea of ​​Consciousness"

It was full, but not only did the witch not stop, there was a steady stream of fragments pouring in from behind. Shen Fengshu wanted to move, but found that he had been restrained and could not move, and could only look in vain at the blue ghost demon who was so close. Zun's charming face, and at the same time feel the gray mist at the edge of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, which is as crazy as a balloon.

Blowing it up, it gets higher and higher.

Demon Lord Lan You had no intention of stopping at all, but with a smile on his face, he was pouring in crazily, as if he wanted to see how big Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness was and whether it would burst.

In the feeling, the gray boundary will be broken at any time. But no matter how crazy Lan You Demon Lord infuses, the "edge" of Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness is only getting thinner and thinner. It looks precarious, but it always maintains its shape. Lan You The surprise in You Mo Lord's eyes became more and more abundant, and he desperately stimulated his spiritual consciousness and poured it in crazily. This lasted for more than an hour, and he felt that there were almost no fragments of his spiritual consciousness in his sea of ​​consciousness, and only the purest ones were left. new

Only then did the cultivated spiritual consciousness stop.

"I didn't expect it!" Demon Lord Lanyou's forehead left Shen Fengshu's forehead. Looking at Shen Fengshu who was horrified and uncomfortable at the same time, he was a little surprised: "Your sea of ​​consciousness is really not broken?"

Shen Fengshu couldn't move at this moment, let alone speak. He just looked at Demon Lord Lanyou with fear. "Originally, everyone joined hands to learn the true dream method, which was a great opportunity to refine their spiritual consciousness and improve their cultivation. However, You ruined it, tell me, what should I do with you?" Demon Lord Lan You is indescribably charming at this moment, but his words are extremely touching.

Shocked: "If you die, senior sister will no longer have a chance to purify her consciousness, nor will she have a chance to break the bond between the mortal world, right?"

Before Shen Fengshu could react, a familiar voice chuckled and came into the ears of the two of them. "I'm just going to tell you how Cai Zhixin found out about our secret arrangement." A familiar voice came out. Qian Ying appeared out of thin air in the protective formation arranged by Demon Lord Lan You, with indescribable grace and peace: "It turns out to be you! Sister Lan You."

This chapter has been completed!
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