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Chapter 697: Point Technology Tree


What knowledge do you want to know?

That means that if you want to know what kind of knowledge, what kind of knowledge does Shen Tanhua have here?

Is this a bit too arrogant?

The point is, it's fine if you say this in front of a group of ordinary people, but except for the Shen family siblings, everyone else here is a saint-level master!

Everyone looked at Shen Fengshu in astonishment, but only saw Shen Fengshu's clear eyes. Are you cheating? These saint-level masters have experienced countless deceptions and intrigues. They can almost tell it at a glance. With Shen Fengshu, With Tanhua's little cultivation, trying to hide her true emotions in front of them is simply wishful thinking.


It seemed that Shen Tanhua did not want to shock them with this method, but really discussed some knowledge with them, but the scope of Shen Tanhua's knowledge was just a little wider.

However, everyone still has concerns. How much profound knowledge can a junior learn even if he ponders all day long? For a moment, everyone didn't even know how to speak. If they opened their mouths, wouldn't they become the elders like them? Asking a junior for advice? If the question is too simple, wouldn’t it be considered a favor in vain? If the question is too complicated, Detective Shen

If Hua can't answer, that would be a bit like bullying the small, which is difficult to handle!

When in a dilemma, the beautiful master smiled and took the lead: "Xiao Shen, we have studied the mathematics you mentioned before when we came back. However, for a while, we haven't found any that can be directly connected with practice..."

"Project!" The beautiful master hesitated, as if he didn't know the definition of this, and Shen Fengshu immediately added.

"Yes! The subject." The beautiful master nodded: "Can you give me another more intuitive example that can be connected with practice, and it needs to be more profound, not something that can be explained in just a few words."

All the saints nodded. It couldn't be simple. If it could be solved in an instant, wouldn't it seem a bit too perfunctory, and it would have nothing to do with them. "Don't mention it, the disciple really has such a problem." Shen Fengshu almost said directly. He laughed out loud, suppressed his joy, and replied respectfully: "Junior calls it the salesman's burden problem. At present, I haven't found the best solution yet.

It just so happens that all the seniors are here, please help me with the details."

A question that even Shen Fengshu didn’t find the answer to? Everyone was refreshed and became interested. Everyone had actually pondered the mathematics proposed by Shen Fengshu in the past few years. It was very interesting, and some of them even really studied it in depth. For a moment, I just felt that it was profound and profound. If they could really study it to the profound level, it would be impossible to let them

Find the direction of ascension. "There is a salesman who carries a burden to sell goods in dozens of villages every day." Shen Fengshu praised the beautiful master for her strength in his heart, and slowly described in his mouth: "Between villages and villages The distance is given, each village only

If you can go once, you have to walk to every village. Which village should you start from in the morning and which village should you return to in the evening? So the question is, how to choose the route to make the total distance the shortest?"

"Is it as simple as just walking through a few villages?" Someone immediately asked with a frown. A route that a mere mortal salesman could figure out after a few days of walking is still worth mentioning in front of so many saint-level experts? Simple? Shen Fengshu almost sprayed the elder to death with a mouthful of salty soda. To exhaustively enumerate all paths, the number of combinations is the factorial of n-1. When the number of villages is 21, this number is the factorial of 20. A computer with 100 million operations per second

It would also take three hundred and fifty years. If the number of villages were larger, Fuxi would probably have to be down.

The chess fanatic in the past didn’t know the power of exponentials, and now these saint-level masters don’t even know the power of factorials!

"How many villages?" someone asked immediately.

"Just a few." Shen Fengshu replied: "You can have less at the beginning, and more later."

One elder almost blurted out and walked directly to the nearest village. Finally, he had the restraint to hold back. After thinking about it carefully, he was a little unsure.

There are also some people who are not really interested in mathematics. Seeing that everyone is deep in thought, they can't help but ask: "What does this salesman's sales have to do with spiritual practice?"

"Then disciple, let's put it another way." Shen Fengshu had a good attitude and explained with a smile: "Replace the salesman with spiritual energy and the village with meridians and acupuncture points. Wouldn't it be easier to understand?"

Hiss, there was a sound of gasping for air.

The masters who had not paid much attention to mathematics before were all energetic now.

Saint-level masters have long passed the realm of practicing hundreds of meridians, but allowing spiritual energy to pass through every meridian and acupuncture point in the body in the shortest path is a method that can greatly improve the efficiency of certain skills. Everyone I never thought that a simple mortal seller carrying a load to sell things could be connected with spiritual practice. But Shen Tanhua combined it so simply and crudely, so seamlessly that they couldn't even refute it.

Can't find a reason.

"What is your solution?" the elder who was interested in mathematics asked immediately. Shen Fengshu turned around and saw that it was an elder of Tianxuan Sect, and quickly replied: "The disciple's method is to exhaustively. At the beginning, Well, if there are not many villages, it can still be calculated, but if there are many villages, it cannot be calculated.

"According to the rules of permutation and combination, well, permutation and combination are also a branch of mathematics." After Shen Fengshu said permutation and combination, he remembered that he had not explained it to everyone, so he explained it more and followed the most basic rules. one

After explaining the concept of class with some simple examples, he continued: "If there is a village, then the arrangement should have as many possibilities as factorial of A minus one."

You cannot use English letters to replace unknown numbers, so you can only use A, B, C, D, Zi, Chou, Yin and Mao as unknown numbers. Anyway, algebra is just a code word, so it doesn’t matter what letters you use.

The exhaustive method is of course feasible, as long as the amount of calculations is not considered. Obviously, this is the stupidest solution.

"The other disciples who solved the problem haven't thought about it yet." Shen Fengshu's purpose for this question is just to inspire others. It is also very interesting to leave a more difficult homework for the senior leaders. "I would like to study it. This question." The Tianxuan Sect elder who had just asked Shen Fengshu to explain the method spoke before everyone else: "And the permutation and combination you just mentioned. This learned old man recognized it. When will he take action?

When will you call me?"

Shen Rubing and Chen Ruxue stood nearby and said nothing on the surface, but cheered in their hearts.

The younger brother took action, and it was indeed extraordinary. He solved an elder's problem with just one problem.

There are people in Haotianmen who study mathematics, but they just opened their mouths late and were snatched away by the elder of Tianxuan Sect. I couldn't help but feel annoyed. I should have asked earlier if I had known!

This question even involves some kind of permutation and combination. It sounds like complicated knowledge that can be used in many places! The key is to study it deeply and publish it. This is the knowledge of establishing a sect! "Elders, You know, why can you see your own face when you stand in front of the mirror? Why is the thing you see in the mirror reversed?" Shen Fengshu also knew that everyone did not know his academic system, and there was no science and technology tree in this world.

Click on it, or click on it very little, and you can only remind yourself bit by bit.

Why? Everyone was confused. Isn't it normal to see oneself in the mirror? It has always been like this, so what's the reason?

"Tell me about it." An elder from the Haotian Clan challenged him directly.

You know without asking, there must be a reason for this, but everyone has never thought about it.

"This involves the concept and characteristics of light." Shen Fengshu took out two pieces of copper and quickly refined one into a flat mirror, and the other into a hazy mirror.

It is said to be refining, but it is actually just processing the shape. There is neither spiritual energy nor spiritual consciousness intrusion. It is completely something that mortals can do.

"Look, they are both mirrors. Why can one see the real image, but the other sees a distorted image?" Shen Fengshu once again asked a question that would induce children.

"Also, in a dark room, if there is a small hole in the window, you will see an inverted image." Shen Fengshu went on to talk about some phenomena: "I believe many people have seen it."

Everyone nodded. The image of a small hole in a dark room is not something profound and mysterious. Many people have seen it many times in their lifetime.

However, in the past, everyone just saw it and was surprised, but never tried to understand why it was like this. Because these things have nothing to do with practice, and whether you know it or not does not affect your practice. But after reaching the Saint level, what lies ahead The road is a bit unclear. How can we ascend? Is it just a matter of improving our cultivation? Or does it require pioneering merit? Perhaps, these common things for mortals can provide

Everyone brings a direction that has never been thought of before.

After the basic concepts of straight line propagation of light and reflection of light were clearly explained, everyone suddenly became enlightened. The plane geometry they had learned in mathematics seemed to suddenly become clear to them. Shen Fengshu did not talk about convex lenses and concave lenses, but came first. He got a concave mirror and easily made a solar stove. Seeing that Shen Fengshu didn't do anything, he pointed the thing at the sun. After a while, the thing in the kettle

The water boiled to the boil, and all the big guys stared blankly.

"Because this concave mirror concentrates the light to one point, and the heat is also concentrated here." Shen Fengshu explained with a smile: "You can also replace it with individual flat mirrors, as long as the light is concentrated on one point." There were elders immediately. He quickly refined hundreds of small mirrors, much faster than Shen Fengshu. His spiritual consciousness controlled the angles of so many mirrors, and the reflected light points were concentrated on another kettle. After a while, the water in the kettle was also the same.

Also bring to a boil.

Everyone watched and started talking. "Sometimes the disciples think that if this principle is used when setting up the spirit gathering array, will the effect of the spirit gathering array be better than the ordinary spirit gathering array?" etc. After everyone finished discussing, Shen Fengshu started to talk again as usual

Divergent thinking: "What about the offensive formation?" "I am interested in this knowledge of optics." An elder of Tianxuan Sect who studies formations took the lead this time: "I am the one who takes action."

This chapter has been completed!
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