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Chapter 701: Point Technology Tree Five


What's going on? Why do the elders look at me a little wrong?

Shen Fengshu was a little confused.

"Xiao Shen!" The beautiful master suddenly said with some seriousness: "Even if your qualifications are not good and you don't have a good means of reincarnation for the time being, you don't have to think about those magic tricks."

The people of Shenmen said not to use magic methods? What does this mean? Suddenly Shen Fengshu realized that he co-authored the organ transplantation of modern medicine on earth. The elders here thought that Shen Fengshu wanted to change his qualifications. Replacing one's own body with another person's body is

Fallen into evil?

Yes, killing the same kind requires living body transplantation. This sounds like a demonic method!

"Xiao Shen, if you think this is feasible, I would suggest you that it is better to leave as soon as you touch the Demon Continent." Fairy Hao Miao also spoke seriously and suggested very solemnly.

Even Sisters Ru Bing and Ru Xue were looking at Shen Fengshu with worry at the moment. Originally, what everyone was most afraid of was that Shen Fengshu discovered in the past that some demon sects used the flesh and blood of thousands of people to create a spiritual genius. Qualifications, it turned out that Shen Fengshu said that he could also transplant limbs and internal organs. This was something he had thought about for a long time.

?"Disciples can swear by their inner demons. I have never thought about using that method to change the disciple's qualifications." Faced with this situation, Shen Fengshu was simple and directly swore by his inner demons: "The reason for thinking about these is to treat diseases and save people."

This is from the perspective of others. Moreover, my disciples have always emphasized that someone must donate voluntarily."

Shen Fengshu swore the Great Oath of the Inner Demon, which is naturally worthy of belief. The fundamental purpose of entering the demonic path is to improve his cultivation, and swearing the Oath of the Inner Demon will cause the cultivation to stagnate, so this is credible.

In particular, everyone remembered that Shen Fengshu had indeed said that he would donate voluntarily, and that it had to be a suitable match. In this way, Xiao Shen Tanhua was not the kind of person who wanted to follow the devil's path, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Just don't make any mistakes." There was a relaxed joy in the eyes of the beautiful master.

"Even if you are trying to cure a disease or save someone, you don't necessarily have to use this method." Fairy Haomiao added, and also gave a rare explanation: "This method is too similar to the methods of some demonic monks in Demon Continent, and it can easily cause misunderstandings."

What else could Shen Fengshu say? He could only nod.

The development of modern medicine on earth has actually had twists and turns. Just the dissection of corpses was regarded by many people as a crime of desecration of corpses.

It seems that there is no need to consider organ transplantation for the time being. It is easy for people to misunderstand. Shen Fengshu does not need it, so he will not turn himself into a public enemy for an illusory goal. Several elders were thoughtful. , but since Fairy Hao Miao and Master Beauty have spoken, Shen Fengshu will not mention it again. Their research is their business. The elders are all saint-level masters who can shoulder the responsibility. They have small shoulders.

It's narrow and can't be carried.

"Shen Tanhua, you just emphasized that there are some bad microorganisms among microorganisms." Immediately, an elder from the Haotian Sect brought the topic to the other side: "Could it be that there are also good microorganisms?"

"Of course!" Shen Fengshu stopped talking about human organ transplantation and directly changed the topic here: "Fast-growing and brewing wine, aren't these all jobs done by good microorganisms?"

Shen Fengshu can be sure that maybe everyone present has made wine, but maybe no one has understood what is in the wine. "The flavor of wine brewed in different places is different. In addition to the origin of the raw materials and the local environment, it is also very important. It’s just that the distiller’s yeast is different.” Shen Fengshu explained a few more words: “The distiller’s yeast is actually a collection of various microbial communities.

Different collections of microorganisms can bring different brewing effects."

"That's it!" An elder of Tianxuan Sect immediately responded: "I usually love wine making, so I can study this." "I have some fine wine in my hands. I would like to ask my seniors to give me some advice and try it." Shen Fengshu heard this. I'm so happy. I'm worried that I don't have any good wine, so I'll bring one to my door. If I change it to another one, I can let Old Man Jiang drink more, and he will definitely make a lot of money.


"Easy to say!" the brewing elder agreed with a smile: "Come over and have a drink with me when you have nothing to do." "Don't talk about the outside world, there are actually many microorganisms inside the human body." Shen Fengshu thought about it and still felt that he should reveal more. After all, he is a saint-level master, so it is not easy to take advantage of him: "The disciple feels that sometimes the microorganisms in the body

It is a symbiotic relationship with people themselves." Shen Fengshu basically mentioned the concept of symbiosis, giving a few examples, such as ants and aphids, bees and flowers, hermit crabs and sea anemones, etc. Everyone easily understood it. , after all, they are all well-informed, Shen

They had seen what Feng Shu said with their own eyes and understood it as soon as he explained it.

I didn't realize it before, but now I discovered that bees collecting nectar and pollinating flowers are related.

Can humans and microorganisms coexist? No one can survive without the other? This is a bit sensational. "This is indeed the case for mortals." Shen Fengshu is certain of this: "Sometimes disciples feel that there is a danger in monks building foundations. The step is to cleanse the internal and external impurities and make the body light and agile. The disciples speculate that it actually kills the body.

However, the symbiotic relationship with the microorganisms in the body has been destroyed for decades or hundreds of years, so if the microorganisms cannot adapt to this step, it is also the source of danger." They are all monks, and they have all experienced the foundation building experience. At this moment, everyone is looking back at their past experiences, and it seems that the step of building the foundation is really dangerous, and there is also a long adaptation process after the foundation building. It can't be done well, Shen Tanhua said

It's really possible.

Some elders have already looked directly inward to check their own bodies.

As Shen Fengshu said, there are really no microorganisms inside the elders' bodies, but there are them outside their bodies.

"Are there any mortals here?" an elder asked without any politeness.

"Yes!" Shen Fengshu replied quickly. The Demon Lord Ziyan of Dayan Kingdom also sent a group of royal relatives to Shen Fengshu, and they were all placed in the world of satisfaction by Shen Fengshu. Now those people have been completely After settling down in the world of contentment, living a normal life has not changed at all.

They realized that the world had changed. With just one thought, dozens of sleeping mortals were sent to the crowd without any awareness. After the detection of the inner and outer consciousness, everyone was absolutely sure that there were indeed microorganisms in the bodies of mortals. And the number is very small


"It seems that there are too many things that we usually ignore!" An elder sighed and sighed.

"How much more can be studied from this creature alone?" Fairy Hao Miao pondered for a moment, then directly asked summarily. "There are too many." Shen Fengshu smiled bitterly and said, "The living habits of each creature. They are all worthy of study, including the survival relationships between various organisms, predators and prey, symbiosis, parasitism, and the different methods of different organisms when facing crises.


All the saints were pondering and nodding. This time, no one asked about the relationship between these things and practice. Even if they can't think of it for now, they will definitely think of it in the future. They always ask for advice from a junior, which makes them look embarrassed.

"One of the very important questions." Shen Fengshu looked around and said with a smile: "Generally speaking, people always say that dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice give birth to burrows."

This is a folk saying, and everyone has heard it when they were in the world, but is it important? "Then, why?" Shen Fengshu asked with a smile: "Why is it that those born from dragons are dragons, and those born from phoenixes are phoenixes?" , mice give birth to mice, not others? Well, when different species give birth to children, they can be eliminated first, dragons give birth to

The nine children are all different, and there is also reproductive isolation and mating and reproduction between different species, which is another issue."

A group of saint-level masters are confused again. Isn't this common sense? Isn't it the way it should be? What else is the reason? Can a mouse and a mouse give birth to a cat?

But everyone quickly fell into thinking, why? There must be some decisive factor that allows dragons to only give birth to dragons, phoenixes can only give birth to phoenixes, and people can only give birth to people, and not others. "The same is human, and human beings are the same. Why are there such big differences? Men and women, tall and short, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly, big eyes and small eyes, high nose bridge and low nose bridge, it can be said that everything is different." Shen Fengshu added another question: "Why?

What?" Yes! They are of the same species and belong to the same species, why are they not different? It turns out that there are countless things in oneself that can be explored. Unfortunately, a group of saint-level masters are still struggling to find a breakthrough direction, but they have neglected to just lower their heads and look. Look at yourself

, you can find countless topics. "Maybe instead of talking about people, we talk about rice or wheat." Shen Fengshu still gave a small reminder: "Some rice and wheat have high yields, and some have low yields. If we can If you find the secret to high productivity, then everyone in the world may be able to

Getting rid of famine is a great achievement comparable to that of sages, and its merits are immeasurable!"

Now Shen Fengshu just needs to remind the saints to start Mendel's pea hybridization experiment. But I don't know how long it will take these saint-level masters to discover the mysteries of inheritance and mutation, and to discover genetic material.

Well, it seems that we need to invent a microscope to see cells before we can further understand the tissue structure of living things, down to the internal structure of cells.

take it easy!

Shen Fengshu is now looking forward to seeing a large group of elders wearing white coats doing experiments, and even more looking forward to seeing a large group of elders' disciples at all levels entering the laboratory and becoming scientific research dogs. It must be very interesting.

As expected, genetic variation and hybridization experiments each had their own claims, and there were a few more coolies.

"The reproductive isolation you just mentioned is very interesting. I will study it." As soon as he finished speaking, another item was claimed.

Shen Fengshu did some calculations, and it seems that the masters who have claimed them are enough for this trip, right?

"Xiao Shen, here is another thing that we are used to but have always mistakenly believed." The beautiful master probably came to a similar conclusion. At this moment, he suddenly smiled and said: "If you find it, then I will accompany you personally." "Seriously. ?" Shen Fengshu was immediately overjoyed. Without waiting for the beautiful master's response, he asked without thinking: "A heavy stone and a light stone fall freely from the same height. Which stone falls faster? "

This chapter has been completed!
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