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Chapter 744: How did the Blood Demon escape?

The blood pool is layered. The more expert's essence and blood is in the deepest part, what's floating on the surface is only the most basic golden elixir monk's essence and blood, which accounts for at least about 80%.

Shen Fengshu actually wanted to collect all the essence and blood into the world of satisfaction, but this essence and blood was tightly bound by the blood pool, and the blood demon himself also controlled this small world of mirror secret realm. Under the competition between the two, Shen Fengshu I really can't take it in.

Therefore, the only thing Shen Fengshu can do now is to absorb as much of these blood essences as possible, which the Blood Demon and the Black Demon Cultivator don't really value, and use them for sacrifice.

The blood demon was already a little angry at this moment. How could he look down on the golden elixir level blood essence? It was just that the blood essence was too mixed and difficult to fuse in the past, so it was of little use to him. But now he has Shen Fengshu's treasure. Blood can fuse all essence and blood. These are the assets he has accumulated through thousands of years of hard work. How can he tolerate being wasted like this?

It would be fine if he was just absorbed by Shen Fengshu, but a black demon cultivator came and used a Tiangang Sword Formation. This guy is really too greedy. One blood-sucking magic weapon is enough, and this guy can practice enough Thirty-six pieces were made, and what was directly absorbed was the essence and blood of the Void Refining level.

This is not the blood essence in the blood-sucking pool, it is clearly the blood of the vampire demon!

It took thousands of years to accumulate such a small fortune. Is it easy for Blood Demon?

Chen Fengshu's thousands of golden elixirs absorbed the essence and blood together, and the speed was almost increased by a thousand times. The speed of supplying the essence and blood of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword was also increased by a thousand times. In particular, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword has also been upgraded to a higher level and can suck blood even more. Efficient. This also means that the speed of sacrifice has been increased by more than a thousand times.

Even the most basic golden elixir-level essence and blood can't handle the huge amount. The completion of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword is advancing with an unstoppable momentum. In Shen Fengshu's eyes, the progress bar seems to be beating faster than a super fast charge. All fast.

Suddenly, an extraordinary flow of blood essence poured into Shen Fengshu's body.

All the vitality, spiritual energy, power, etc. contained in this essence and blood are essentially different from the golden elixir essence and blood absorbed before. Even Shen Fengshu can directly feel that this quality is too high.

A drop of brand new blood essence is probably more than 10,000 times more powerful than ordinary golden elixir blood essence.

In an instant, Shen Fengshu understood what was going on.

Instead of the high-level blood essence and blood in the blood pool being crazily absorbed by the Tiangang Sword Formation cultivated by Wu Mo, it is better to give these high-level blood essence and blood to Shen Fengshu to complete his future body. Presumably such a simple account blood demon is still It can be calculated clearly.

It was a bit difficult for Shen Fengshu to suddenly receive such high-level essence and blood all at once, even if he had more than a thousand golden elixirs.

However, the Qibao Exquisite Flying Sword seemed to suddenly give me a boost of blood, and I suddenly became excited. This is a great tonic, it’s really not that satisfying.

The situation has turned into another brand new stalemate.

Wu Moxiu relied on the formation to suppress the blood pool, while relying on the black flying sword to resist the Yaoyuan Bone Sword that was restraining the blood demon, and at the same time relying on the Tiangang Sword Formation to crazily absorb the high-level blood essence in the blood pool.

The Blood Demon was resisting Wu Moxiu's attack and suppression while frantically injecting high-level blood essence into Shen Fengshu, allowing Shen Fengshu to absorb it frantically while also supplying the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword.

Shen Fengshu did nothing else but absorb the essence and blood and refine the flying sword. He was very obedient and honest. He might also have the intention to fight back after his strength improves. In response to this, the blood demon just smiled faintly and said, No expression.

As for the two little girls who worked together to kill a saint-level puppet, they had already fled far away, and the blood demon didn't even bother to pay attention to them. Such small characters can be easily dealt with after the overall situation has been decided.

In the eyes of the blood demon, Shen Fengshu's aura is getting stronger and stronger. Although he has not been promoted yet, the blood essence he has absorbed has already exceeded what is needed for promotion. It is probably that he is forcibly suppressing his cultivation level and does not want to advance at this time.

This discovery surprised the Blood Demon again. Not only did Shen Feng Shu's magic weapon absorb blood essence and advance to the Saint level, Shen Feng Shu itself could almost infinitely contain the power of blood essence. This is a living blood pool! If you include this, The huge sea of ​​consciousness that can also accommodate his own soul, the new life that Wu Moxiu brought to him is simply the greatest opportunity that he can encounter in this life.

What's there to be polite about? Use the maximum speed and maximum strength to infuse it! Now the blood demon wants to see that when he seizes Shen Fengshu's body and controls a flying sword array that is not much worse than the Tiangang Sword Array, he suddenly attacks. At that time, how shocked would this hateful Wu Moxiu's face be?

While secretly scheming, the Blood Demon began to let out a hoarse scream, as if the Tiangang Sword Formation cultivated by Wu Mo had begun to hurt the Blood Demon at all.

In fact, this is also the case, the blood pool is the blood demon's natal magic weapon, and the accumulated blood essence is equivalent to the blood pool's cultivation level. If his cultivation level is taken away, his natal cultivation level is still the same, and injuries are inevitable.

Suddenly switching from golden elixir level blood essence to an unknown level of blood essence that was tens of thousands times stronger, Shen Fengshu felt so happy.

More than a thousand golden elixirs could not be absorbed, forcing Shen Fengshu to split the golden elixirs again, two thousand and forty-eight, four thousand and ninety-six, and finally split into eight thousand one hundred and ninety-two golden elixirs. , this can be considered as barely accepting this endless surge of essence and blood.

The number displayed on the refining progress bar of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword, the decimal point behind it is beating like crazy, the number in front has already reached ninety, and if it reaches another ten percent, it will be completely refined.


Shen Fengshu is looking forward to it with great expectation. The Blood Demon must persist a little longer until the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword is completely refined.

Maybe Wu Moxiu heard Shen Fengshu's expectations, maybe the Blood Demon background was really deep enough, and the stalemate continued until the moment Shen Fengshu was looking forward to.





Fuxi's calculations were extremely accurate. The moment it showed 100%, Shen Fengshu immediately felt that there was an instant intimacy between himself and the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword.

The seven distractions each control a flying sword. These flying swords seem to have become extensions of Shen Fengshu's limbs. They no longer have to be bothered by Fuxi's command and control, and they can rotate freely, just like using fingers and arms.

You must know that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword was used by Shen Fengshu as a plug-in warehouse for the nano-armor, and it was also used as a peripheral for the natal magic weapon to be refined. Now that the sacrifice is completed, it has naturally become a part of the natal magic weapon, easily. integrated into this system.

The addition of a holy-level magic weapon to the Nano Battle Armor can be regarded as an additional offensive and defensive function. Both the sense of security and the attack power are greatly increased.

From now on, the beautiful master can be called a Taoist companion. Shen Fengshu thought about it happily.

Fortunately, Shen Fengshu's thoughts did not reach the beautiful master's mind at this moment, otherwise we still don't know how the beautiful master would react at this moment.

Shen Fengshu was just proud for a moment, and then continued immediately. There was plenty of blood essence, whether it was the golden elixir or the Seven Treasures Exquisite Flying Sword, he could continue to absorb it like crazy.

There is just one thing that Chen Fengshu is puzzled about. Since the blood pool is the blood demon's natal magic weapon, absorbing blood essence and blood is the active infusion of the blood demon. How come the flying sword cultivated by Wu Mo can also be easily absorbed? Isn't this right? A little too much?

If the opponent's flying sword invades his nano-armor, Shen Fengshu will definitely use the particle cannon to destroy the opponent's flying sword immediately. How can he let the opponent's flying sword do whatever he wants in his blood pool?

Unless... there's a trap.

Subconsciously, Shen Fengshu increased his vigilance, and while continuing to take the initiative to suck wildly, he was also ready to call for external help at any time. The beautiful master and senior Liu must have had itchy hands after seeing opponents like the Blood Demon!

It must be.

In Wu Moxiu's plan, the Tiangang Sword Formation penetrated into the core of the blood pool, frantically absorbing the high-level blood essence accumulated by the opponent. This was a process of ebb and flow. As long as the Tiangang Sword Formation lasted longer, the Blood Demon The greater the loss, the greater the gain, and the weaker the Blood Demon becomes.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At first, Wu Moxiu could still feel the blood demon's crazy resistance, but after persisting for a while, most of the golden elixir essence and blood in the outer layer of the blood pool was almost frozen, and there was little high-level essence and blood in the inner layer. After more than half of the battle, the Blood Demon's Yazhan Bone Sword was already a little out of control.

Now, the blood demon has directly withdrawn the Yaizhi Bone Sword, and only relies on the blood pool and the black demon cultivator to grab blood essence. The liquid level in the blood pool has dropped by more than ten feet, and he is already a little weak.

Realizing the weakness of the blood demon, why not take advantage of his illness to kill him? Wu Moxiu didn't even think about it, and the black flying sword pierced straight into the depths of the blood pool and hit Huanglong.

The blood demon kept screaming, and this time he didn't know where he was injured, and his screams became more and more miserable. It was heartbreaking, as if he was about to die.

After screaming, Shen Fengshu felt a slight movement in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the many soul thorns suddenly pierced inward again. This time, along with countless pure souls, they entered Shen Fengshu's consciousness. In the sea. In just an instant, the blood demon's soul completely rushed into Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness with the help of the soul thorn.

This process is extremely hidden. If it weren't for Shen Fengshu's special sea of ​​consciousness and powerful spiritual consciousness, he wouldn't have noticed it at all, and would just think that nothing happened.

In the battle circle, Wu Moxiu immediately noticed the abnormality, and his face showed ecstasy.

He could feel that his black flying sword hit the Blood Demon Yuan Shen exactly. The clear feeling of the flying sword refining the Blood Demon Yuan Shen was unmistakable. The Blood Demon was definitely unable to avoid it this time.

The Blood Demon Yuanshen, who had been escaping for thousands of years, truly disappeared under his hands.

Without the control of the blood demon, the blood pool immediately became an ownerless thing. Wu Moxiu just used his spiritual consciousness to explore it a little, and put his own divine mark on it, and easily put the blood pool away.

The essence and blood that wrapped Shen Fengshu was also withdrawn into the blood pool in an instant, revealing Shen Fengshu's body that looked very tired.

"Thank you for your help, little brother." Wu Moxiu felt that everything was over, took a deep breath, and said thank you to Shen Fengshu.

If Shen Fengshu hadn't tied up the Blood Demon's soul this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to kill the Blood Demon so quickly and fulfill his family's long-cherished wish for thousands of years.

Before Wu Moxiu could figure out how to deal with Shen Fengshu's siblings, Shen Fengshu suddenly frowned and asked, "Don't you realize that the blood demon was killed a little too easily?"

Wu Moxiu was startled.

"How did the blood demon escape back then?" Shen Fengshu suddenly asked again.

This chapter has been completed!
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