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Chapter 75 The Final Test

Following Shen Fengshu's fingers, everyone looked to the mountainside on the right.

At a glance, there was nothing there, except for a lush green, there was no shadow of any building.

"Brother Shen, are you confused?" Xiaoman asked in confusion. Her words also represented the voices of several other people.

"Take a good look!" Shen Fengshu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Close your eyes and rest for a while, forget about the palaces you just saw, and then look over there."

Everyone imitated Shen Fengshu's behavior just now and closed their eyes. After a while, they opened their eyes and looked directly at the mountainside over there.

"There's nothing different!" Xiaoman looked at it for a while, still full of doubts.

"Huh?" Young monk Yichen exclaimed, "A bamboo house?"

Ding Jian and An Zhengling actually didn't see anything either, but the little monk Yichen shouldn't lie. Together with Shen Fengshu, both of them noticed something abnormal, something was obviously wrong. "The meditation technique cannot be used." Shen Fengshu The book is also a headache. All spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness are suppressed here, and many things that were originally very simple have become not simple: "Ding Jian and Xiaoman tried the little monk's method. Senior Brother An wrote a few words to calm down.


Buddhism still has some advantages in this aspect, and the academy's Qi-nurturing methods are not bad either. Now that Senior Brother An is in a state of agitation and unable to calm down, he still uses the academy's methods to calm him down. Shen Fengshu himself was actually also influenced by unknown Affected by the power, they will unconsciously focus on the palace group and the colorful palace. However, any illusion method will always fail when facing Fuxi, and the computer will only observe calmly and objectively

This world will not be deceived by some blinders.

What he saw with his own eyes was different from what Fuxi saw, which was the fundamental reason why Shen Fengshu was able to detect something wrong in time.

Without Fu Xi, others can only rely on their own methods to break through this illusion. Fortunately, Shen Fengshu and Yichen have both stated that they have seen different things and have doubts in their hearts. It will be much easier to find flaws. Let Shen Fengshu Shu was very surprised. He thought that An Zhengling, the most experienced practitioner, would notice the difference before Ding Jian and Xiaoman. However, Ding Jian and Xiaoman just made simple adjustments. After dozens of breaths, they saw the difference. Something strange over there,

After discovering the bamboo house, An Zhengling fell to the last one.

"Is there really a bamboo house?" An Zhengling looked at the bamboo house that was the same emerald green color and seemed to blend in with the surrounding green plants. He didn't know what it felt like. That's right! The more simple-minded people are, the less likely they are to Affected by this kind of illusion, people who have been grinding in the world of mortals for a long time have experienced too much, seen too much, and been on guard against too much, and their hearts no longer have the purity of innocence. No wonder

Several people much younger than him were able to see him long before him.

"The palace is not an illusion!" The experienced An Zhengling carefully observed both sides and came to the conclusion: "Those magic weapons are all real."

Both sides are not fake, which one is the real inheritance? At this time, An Zhengling began to think about several questions that Shen Fengshu had asked before. If the sages of the famous religion line are to be placed in the inheritance, where should they be placed? Is it in a magnificent palace? Or in a bamboo garden surrounded by green trees and vines?

What about inside the house?

Which one to choose is still a question. It seems that there is no need for too much doubt. Which of the truly noble people in the academy does not regard fame and fortune as dirt? Do you still need to think about it? Junior Brother Shen gave the answer from the beginning! Although I don’t know What would happen if the wrong choice was made, but obviously a sage of this level would not easily leave people with clues to reveal these secrets. Perhaps Shen Fengshu and others could not have thought of these consequences, but An Zhengling thought about it very thoroughly. since

Of course, he was also covered in cold sweat. The palaces that people can see at a glance and the colorful palace are all pretense, and they are all tests to lure people astray. What they see at a glance are all magic weapons and wealth, and there is no sense at all. I will consider other things more. Who would have thought of others?

What about a bamboo house covered by a magic array?

If Shen Fengshu hadn't discovered something was wrong in time, An Zhengling would have been tricked himself. It was a test to cross the 20,000-mile sea from the portal as a mortal to come here, and it was a test to walk through the jungle of ferocious beasts. Discovering the real place of inheritance is another test. I just don’t know where the bamboo house is.

Are there any more tests?

The law should not be passed down lightly, An Zhengling knew this very well, and it was obviously impossible to easily obtain the inheritance.

Now that you know the real destination, let’s explore all the way there. Relatively speaking, finding the bamboo house is the real difficulty, and walking there is not difficult at all.

Walking all the way through the mountains and forests to a dozen feet in front of the bamboo house, you could clearly see the bamboo house surrounded by a bamboo fence, but it was blocked from the outside by an invisible barrier.

An Zhengling was immediately anxious. He had gone through all kinds of hardships to get here. He was about to reach the final destination, but he was stopped outside? It was visible but unavailable, which made him suddenly feel a little unbalanced.

"Don't worry! Senior Brother An!" Shen Fengshu stopped An Zhengling in time from almost breaking through the transparent barrier: "Look for any clues around."

Without saying anything, everyone started searching along this transparent barrier.

"There is a road here!" Ding Jian's voice came over after a while: "There is also a fence gate."

Hearing Ding Jian's voice, everyone immediately became energetic and rushed over there quickly.

Looking at the winding path and the simple fence gate, everyone nodded.

That's right! What you just saw was just the side of the bamboo house. We came here from the mountain forest, so it's normal that we didn't find this trail.

Everything is built on a flat land on the mountainside, surrounded by a lush green bamboo.

This is a very ordinary farmhouse courtyard, except that all the materials such as the room fences are made of locally sourced bamboo. There is also a trickle above the courtyard, flowing down the rocks, forming a small waterfall. Not far from the bamboo house, there is a small pool below the waterfall. The pool forms a stream that flows out of the small courtyard and winds along the mountain road.

And down.

If you are walking up the mountain road, you will be surrounded by clear spring water and surrounded by natural and quiet mountain scenery. It will definitely be refreshing and pleasing to the eye.

On the flat ground outside the fence gate, there is a strange-shaped but very flat desk. Looking at the shape, it is directly the natural shape of the roots of a big tree, which has a natural charm. Next to it is a wooden stake of suitable height used as a chair. .

There is a piece of white paper spread out on the desk, an ancient inkstone with pure mud next to it, a bottle of deep ink in the inkstone, and a simple bamboo pen next to it, which seems to be waiting for someone to pick it up and write.

"It seems this is the test to get in." Shen Fengshu understood as soon as he saw those pens and papers.

Not only Shen Fengshu understood it, but everyone understood it.

Since he is a sage from a famous religion and has put pen and paper here, what else can he do? Write articles and poems! As long as you pass the level of literary talent, you will probably be able to enter the palace and enter the place of inheritance to accept the inheritance.

"Senior Brother An!" Shen Fengshu did not intend to claim this inheritance, but greeted Senior Brother An: "It's your turn!"

An Zhengling found the place of inheritance, so he should accept the test.

"What to write?" An Zhengling also had a headache. These sages were tested one after another, and sometimes they couldn't figure out what they wanted the people who came after them to do. It was very troublesome.

"Write something casually?" Shen Fengshu said uncertainly: "It is estimated that the cultural energy triggers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to break this barrier. We can't use spiritual energy to attack now, so we can only attack through this method."

This is the only guess. The academy and its departments have reached the final stage. What else can be tested? Literary talent, of course.

Everyone nodded, and An Zhengling did his part and sat down at the desk. He didn't pick up a pen, but looked around first, then closed his eyes to think.

We all know that writing articles and poems requires preparation, but no one said anything, and everyone waited quietly.

After a long time, An Zhengling opened his eyes and looked around again, then he dipped his pen in ink and wrote with one swipe.

The light of Wen Qi rose several feet high, surging and surging, and a burst of heaven and earth spiritual energy fell from the sky and rushed directly into An Zhengling's body.

The invisible barrier was visibly shaken by this force, but it only shook a few times and stopped changing, remaining stable.

Shen Fengshu stepped forward and took a look. Senior Brother An wrote a poem describing the scenery of the mountains and forests. The writing was fresh and the meaning was long. At least Shen Fengshu read it quite well, otherwise it would not have the literary spirit of several feet high.

When all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed, the ink marks on the paper begin to gradually fade and eventually dissipate. The white paper is still white paper, as if nothing has been written on it.

"I'm afraid it's not enough to just describe the scenery." Shen Fengshu thought about it for a moment and then pointed out: "Maybe we need to add some pastoral scenery and a reclusive mentality to match the scene here. Well, try to be as close to the era of the sages as possible. "An Zhengling was not dissatisfied at all with Shen Fengshu's instructions, but nodded frequently. Shen Fengshu's poem "Youth" was so powerful that it even awakened a holy demon. Such unparalleled literary talent was simply amazing. People are envious. Shen Feng Shu agrees

Guidance is a blessing.

After thanking him, An Zhengling closed his eyes again and pondered for a long time, and composed another song according to the idea suggested by Shen Fengshu.

It must be said that An Zhengling, who has been in the academy for more than two hundred years, is definitely very capable. He plans the layout of the article, constructs modest words and sentences, and is very particular about the use of straight and oblique allusions. The seven rhymes of the article are written in an even and stable manner, full of ancient meaning.

The moment he finished writing with breathless concentration, An Zhengling felt as if his whole body was hollowed out, his energy was drained, and he almost lost his grip on the pen. It was Shen Fengshu's quick eyesight and quick hands who grabbed it, so as not to stain the poem.

As soon as the pen was written and the poem was completed, the colorful literary energy directly broke through the bamboo forest. Countless spiritual energy seemed to turn into a continuous drizzle and fell down. Everyone felt refreshed and even their breathing became a little smoother.

It should be done now, right?

An Zhengling, who had absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, recovered instantly, his eyes were bright, and he looked at the transparent barrier expectantly. In front of everyone's eyes, the invisible barrier shook violently at first, trembling, crumbling, and was about to break.

It was opened, but it was just a tiny bit short of a breakthrough and could not be broken through. In the end, the trembling barrier slowly calmed down.

He was still standing in front of everyone. Alas! Several people let out a sigh of regret. It was just a little short of that!

This chapter has been completed!
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