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Chapter Eighty-Three

"Where did this lamp come from?" Shen Fengshu couldn't help but asked Xiaoman.

"I couldn't see anything clearly when I went in. As soon as I got anxious, this light appeared." Xiaoman said with an innocent face: "Then it lit up all the way."

It seems that Xiaoman himself can't explain it clearly. He doesn't know where this lamp comes from. But what is certain is that this should be Xiaoman's own opportunity. He just doesn't know what the name is, and he has to wait for Senior Brother An to come out. Explain later.

Xiaoman was very happy to have such a glazed lamp that could illuminate his reading at any time, so he sat beside the mountain of books, reading and waiting for An Zhengling.

After a while, the weak Ding Jian slowly moved back here. The sight of blood all over his body shocked Xiaoman, but Xiaoman couldn't help and almost cried.

"Hey hey hey!" Ding Jian was heartless, but his smile seemed to be taking advantage of him. Anyway, the injury was not serious, and Shen Fengshu didn't bother to pay attention to him. But the little monk Yichen was very powerful, and only used three In less than a moment, each sound of the Great Ming Mantra will completely reveal the shape of the Buddha in the ink pond. When he is finished, part of the ink in the ink pond will escape from the ink pond.

It turned into six different Buddha tattoos and was planted on the little monk's body.

Every time the young monk recited the Daming Mantra, the six Buddha tattoos would vibrate with each other, making the young monk very comfortable.

As expected, everyone has his own opportunity and cannot force it. Now it depends on when Senior Brother An will come out.

Everyone waited patiently, and it turned out that An Zhengling seemed to have taken up residence in Shushan. There was no movement in Shushan for several hours, and there was no sign of coming out at all.

However, Xiaoman discovered that the lamp on his shoulder could be invisible at will and appear when needed. It was very magical.

Everyone waited for three days and three nights. Ding Jian had already recovered and was alive and kicking. Senior Brother An finally walked out of the mountain of books.

An Zhengling was very calm when he came out. Each step seemed to be extremely heavy, giving people an unusually stable feeling. However, judging from his face, Senior Brother An seemed to be very tired, pale and in low spirits. After he came out, Shen Fengshu said two things Don't say anything, just use the battlefield rescue system to check Senior Brother An and confirm that he was just suffering from excessive energy consumption.

I am feeling weak, not having a physical problem, so I can rest assured.

Without waiting for An Zhengling to say anything, Shen Fengshu forced Senior Brother An to eat something and drink some water, and then put him into a deep sleep. In Senior Brother An's situation, sleeping is the best solution.

An Zhengling slept soundly for a whole day and night before he woke up. All the fatigue was gone and he became energetic. "Ding Jian is lucky, this is a rare sword with courage and qin with heart." An Zhengling After hearing what happened to Ding Jian, he immediately laughed: "It's a pity that you can only understand the courage of the sword now, and the heart of the piano is not enough. When you understand the heart of the piano, you will be perfect in swordsmanship. Okay.


The Jian Dan Qin Xin that can assist the practice of Heart Sword is indeed Ding Jian's destiny. The process of collecting it is also silly and bold, which is a perfect match! "Yi Chen really has wisdom!" After talking about Ding Jian's Jian Dan Qin Xin, An Zheng The spirit turned around and praised the young monk Yichen: "My senior Mingjiao master has also studied Buddhist classics carefully and learned from each other's strong points to make up for his shortcomings. However, that Mochi Buddha is a rare Mochi Buddha."

With a Zen mind that is simple and natural, the young monk’s Buddhist practice will surely advance by leaps and bounds in the future.”

"Senior Brother, what is this lamp of mine?" Xiaoman was happy when he heard this, and excitedly showed the lamp on his shoulder to Senior Brother An.

An Zhengling looked at the lamp on Xiaoman's shoulder, and the expression of relief on his face could be seen even by the most stupid person in the world. It felt like he was pregnant with great comfort.

"This is the glazed heart lamp. Only those with hearts as pure as glazed and excellent qualifications have the chance to get it." An Zhengling's eyes almost laughed so hard that he almost couldn't see it: "How did you get it?"

"I just followed my senior brother into the book mountain to read. I felt it was a little dark and couldn't see clearly, so I found a light!" Xiao Man answered honestly, blinking a few times with his big eyes, which was unusually cute.

An Zhengling's face was quite wonderful, as if he didn't know whether to praise or envy for a moment. In the end, he could only sigh: "It's a good thing that the headmaster didn't accept you as a disciple of the academy back then!"

Xiaoman was a little confused, why did he suddenly get involved with the headmaster and Langhuan Academy?

However, Shen Fengshu understood clearly. If the master had accepted Xiaoman as a disciple of the academy, he would probably have been massacred along with Langhuan Academy. An Zhengling also explained how Xiaoman's qualifications were exaggerated.

"Senior Brother An, you have been in Shushan for three days and three nights. What kind of opportunity did you encounter?" Xiaoman was relatively simple and asked directly.

Shen Fengshu didn't ask, he was afraid that An Zhengling wouldn't have that luck. Friends here are all good, and he is also good. It would be too pitiful if Senior Brother An had nothing. "My literary talent is average, and my qualifications are average." , I can only rely on one thing to be here today, working harder than others, and it will be the same in the future." An Zhengling himself has a very clear understanding of himself, and his literary talents are not superior: "Junior Brother Shen's couplet is

The motto I will live by in the future.”

Shen Fengshu couldn't bear it. It sounded like Senior Brother An really didn't get any benefits from Shushan.

"Three days and three nights in Shushan, I only got one thing." An Zhengling only looked at Shen Fengshu's eyes and knew what he was thinking, and changed the subject: "It's hard work, single-mindedness, and I was lucky enough to be recognized by Shushan. "

As he spoke, An Zhengling's body also emitted a faint light, which was not dazzling and made people feel very comfortable.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother An!" Shen Fengshu was overjoyed.

He was really happy for An Zhengling. Being recognized by Shushan, Senior Brother An finally had a happy life after all his hardships. In the future, he would be able to practice well even if he was alone in a secret realm.

All five people have gained something here. Long Jianxin is indeed true to his words, and everyone is happy.

When everyone left the Colorful Palace with satisfaction and walked out of the gate, everyone was stunned when they saw the scene outside. Qionglin Palace, which was almost completely covered by plants, has now returned to its original appearance. All plants that should not have been there have been restored. There are no traces of plants anymore, and all the palaces have revealed their true colors, tall, majestic, and magnificent.

It is so beautiful that it is dizzying to see. Wealth and majesty are the only two qualities of the entire Qionglin Palace, but it is not extravagant. The various decorations are vivid, including rockeries, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. Except for the absence of people, there are no other buildings. Everything reflects the exquisite beauty, I am afraid that the palace in the world is not


"Congratulations to Senior Brother An!" Shen Fengshu looked at this wonderful scene and congratulated An Zhengling again. It is obvious that this Qionglin Palace is a magic weapon similar to the many manors in his warehouse. As long as he collects it, he can use it as he likes in the future. It can be used wherever it is taken out. The palace is both a trap and a legacy. Before accepting the inheritance, this

It is the most powerful trap and attack weapon. After accepting the inheritance, it is a gift. After the secret realm is closed, An Zhengling is the only one. This Qionglin Palace is obviously left to his descendants by the senior sage. Unfortunately, a set of pen array diagrams The magic weapon was taken away by Long Jianxin, so it seems a bit incomplete. But even if the pen array diagram is there, Senior Brother An won't be able to get his hands on it for hundreds of years. If a great achievement is missing, it will have no disadvantages. Even if it is not perfect, it is not perfect. not necessarily

It's a good thing. If there are a few things missing, it may be more suitable. Shen Fengshu, who was in a loss, was still worried that An Zhengling would not be able to collect the opportunities and it would be unbalanced. Only now did he realize that the opportunities for all of them came from Shushan. Obtaining Shushan After the approval, except for the ones they collected themselves, the rest were all An Zhengling

Yes, it’s them who should be unbalanced!

Really, worrying about billionaires, for fear that they won’t be able to eat and drift away! I definitely drifted away! The previous Qionglin Palace was covered by various plant vines. As mortals, it was very inconvenient for them to enter, and they had to worry about it. Ichthyosaurus did not have the leisurely pleasure of visiting the palace. Now that all the goals have been achieved, and the palace

After returning to normal, it is natural to have a good time.

For no other reason than to give a few newbies a little more experience, Shen Fengshu also wanted to escort everyone in to experience it.

Qionglin Palace has a very obvious Mingjiao style and is made in accordance with the regulations of orthodox royal palaces. Every palace conforms to the Mingjiao etiquette. If placed on suitable flat land, it will be a perfect palace.

Here, An Zhengling is a natural master, and he can instantly find the roots of various shapes from inheritance, so he is the best tour guide. Except that he does not hold a small red flag to guide in front, An Zhengling basically The job he is doing now is no different from that of a tour guide. According to Shen Fengshu’s request, An Zhengling almost visited every palace one by one and every structure worth introducing.

, every allusion involved was introduced. The Qionglin Palace tour group carefully experienced, studied and visited the huge palace complex for twenty days, and then it was considered that the large and small palace gardens and so on They all went around once. When everyone returned to the small bamboo house courtyard, they were already

It’s almost time to separate. It’s been nearly three months since I entered the secret realm, and the secret realm will be closed soon. In this regard, the Qiancheng secret realm is better. You don’t have to rush to the portal. When the time is up, you can send people out directly, no matter where they are. place. Otherwise, it is far from the portal

For more than 20,000 miles, four mortals cannot run back even if they race hard. What is certain is that those monks who have not found An Zhengling in the secret realm will definitely be waiting at the portal of the secret realm, and there must be monks with malicious intentions outside. Wait. Although the secret realm of Qiancheng is managed by the immortal sect and will maintain order, but

After leaving, I'm afraid the four of them will face a lot of trouble. "Don't worry, they don't dare to deal with me blatantly." Shen Fengshu was more certain about this: "We just go to places with many people, unless there are people You really dare to take the risk of being hunted down by several major sects in Shangjiuzhou to come and cause trouble for me. They

Our target is Senior Brother An, as long as Senior Brother An doesn’t show up, we don’t have to worry.”

Shang Jiuzhou's explanation was that it was an amulet, and the bracelet on Shen Fengshu's wrist also contained a dragon's heart, which was his trump card. After living peacefully for a few days, the secret realm was finally closed.

This chapter has been completed!
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