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Chapter 175 Visit

 A light drizzle has fallen all night, and the trees in the Vanke Economic and Trade Mansion community have taken on a new look and become increasingly green.

Jing Gao woke up early in the morning, finished exercising on the treadmill, and took a shower when the doorbell rang.

"Mr. Jing, there are soy milk and fried noodles for breakfast." Xiao He brought in the steaming breakfast. He bought it at the Kempinski Hotel at the intersection outside the campus of Beijing University of Technology.

For VIP card holders like Igao, it is normal to take away the buffet breakfast. You can ask the hotel to deliver it, and Xiaohe does not need to go to pick it up. The main reason is that the delivery time of the hotel is difficult to control.

"Thank you." Jing Gao sat down in the restaurant, drank the fragrant soy milk, opened his lunch box, picked up the noodles with wooden chopsticks, mixed them up, and ate in large pieces.

I heard that if Shenhao wants to show off, he should develop a light taste, less salt, less spicy, and eat less meat. Because this kind of diet is healthier.

Didn't Da Qiangzi tell Lu Yu on the show that Western food is healthier?

But he definitely can't stand it. The taste of Beijing-style fried noodles is a bit strong, but it has the lightness of cucumber shreds. The fried sauce is fragrant and you can chew the meat. The noodles are also good and chewy. Pick them up with chopsticks and eat them.

After two strokes, the stomach drops.

"Xiao He..."

Xiao He, who was waiting quietly in the living room, came over and said, "Mr. Jing, tell me."

Jing Gao packed up the disposable lunch box and drank from the soy milk cup in his hand, "Let auntie stew an old hen. I'll add the ingredients as I see fit. I'll take it to the University of Trade and Economics in the evening."


Jing Gao made an appointment with Shen Jinyuan last week to meet and sit down. After breakfast, he relaxed a little and went downstairs with his donkey bag.

The arranged meeting place was not the Jinghe Club in Shunning District, but a small courtyard in an alley next to the Yongding River.

The car stopped at the entrance of the alley. I couldn't get in.

When Igao got off the red Ferrari 488 GTB, a group of tourists wearing peaked caps followed the tour guide holding a flag. Some people pointed at the red Ferrari with their mobile phones. Who doesn't love good cars? Ferraris are like beauties.

"Mr. Jing, please come over here." Shen Jinyuan's assistant had been waiting at the entrance of the alley. He led Jing Gao through the newly painted alley and planted with sycamores, and introduced: "Tourism has been booming in the past two years, and there are often tour groups here.

come over."

Jing Gao followed the assistant, looked at the tour group in front of him, and said, "Wouldn't it be a bit noisy to live here?"

The assistant was half a body ahead of Jing Gao, extended his hand to invite Jing Gao into a small courtyard, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shen doesn't usually live here. He only comes here to entertain distinguished guests. Mr. Jing, please!"

There is nothing good or bad about the courtyard from the outside. The architectural layout is the same. It is only after entering that you can see the difference. Past the screen wall is the courtyard, with swings, grape vines, roses and other flowers and plants.

This is an entrance courtyard. The transparent glass is on the roof, blocking it into a semi-open tea room. You can bathe in the sun and enjoy flowers and plants.

Shen Jinyuan had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time, and stepped forward to shake hands with Jing Gao, "Mr. Jing, welcome, welcome." The forty-two-year-old half-bald man held Jing Gao's hand with both hands and shook it vigorously, showing respect. The performance was very good.

It is a bit tacky to use money to measure the status of businessmen, but it is generally a common rule. Have you ever seen a boss with a net worth of several hundred million talking wildly in front of Dad Ma?

Today is different from the past. The power of capital and money permeates every aspect of Chinese society. To take the simplest example, today's "entrepreneurs" are not as timid as they were at the beginning of reform, right?

Shen Jinyuan's respect for Jing Gao comes not only from money and status, but also from the integration of Rongcheng's textile industry. He was among them and witnessed Jing Gao's capture with his own eyes.

A 27-year-old young man, even if he has money, can complete a billion-dollar project, which is a level in itself.

The country is rich now and there are so many rich people. How many of them can do this? Definitely not many. Only Suning’s Shaodong is in charge of the Inter Milan club, and there are people at this level.

"Mr. Shen, your place is very nice! It has a charming atmosphere." Jing Gao shook hands with Shen Jinyuan and praised.

The half-bald middle-aged man was the first impression Shen Jinyuan gave people, but what impressed Jing Gao most about him was the poem he recited on the wine table: Originally from the back mountain, he was an occasional guest in the front hall. Drunk Dance in the Pavilion of Classics Half a book, sitting in a well and talking about how vast the sky is.

Many people will say, what's so great about memorizing poems? Who hasn't taken a Chinese class? However, it is very rare and rare to be able to express one's own meaning accurately with poems in interpersonal communication.

If you are not convinced, you can give it a try and see how the other person reacts after you finish memorizing it.

Jing Gao had a very good impression of Shen Jinyuan.

"Mr. Jing, what a laugh. What a laugh." Shen Jinyuan greeted Jing Gao and took a seat in the main room. There was a set of Ming and Qing style furniture made of rosewood. The assistant brought tea, and Shen Jinyuan said: "Try the Longjing before the rain."

Jing Gao took a sip and said, "Good tea." After saying that, he put down the tea cup and said, "Mr. Shen, I come to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I want to ask you about financial issues. Nowadays, domestic entrepreneurs, the second generation How do we usually allocate assets? You shouldn’t allocate A-shares, right?”

All stock traders know what is going on in A-shares. I am big on A-shares... In short, it’s hard to describe in one word!

Shen Jinyuan did not expect Jing Gao to get into the topic so quickly. He said "good tea" and went straight to the topic. He was quick to talk. He laughed and said: "Mr. Jing, I am in finance, but I am a small shrimp. I may not know the news." It’s all true. So, let me just say it this way, and you can just listen to it this way.”

Jing Gao smiled and nodded.

Shen Jinyuan said: "It took 15 years for the stock market to collapse. Mr. Jing, you should have an impression of what happened next. The global stock market is all about cutting leeks. Including the U.S. stock market, which has the largest trading volume in the world, there is not even a chance for small retail investors to survive.

In 1945, 93% of U.S. stocks were held by retail investors. Now it has dropped to 11%, and all are traded by institutions and institutional investors. In our A-shares, retail investors account for more than 90% of the trading volume.

Those comments on the Internet advocating that the U.S. stock market system is good and beneficial to retail investors are just out of their minds."

Jing Gao smiled and said: "Some people are stupid and some people are bad. Some people are stupid and bad! For example, public intellectuals."

Shen Jinyuan slapped his thigh, feeling like a confidant, and said: "Oh, Mr. Jing, you don't know how much I annoy those big Vs with meager incomes, you know! Mad, they are doing things like eating and ruining the pot. Pacific Ocean didn't join us."

Guy, if you like America so much, move there yourself! Get out of here!"

Shen Jinyuan spoke happily and said with a smile: "Haha, let's talk about business, talk about business. From a security perspective, those with energy or funds overseas will generally allocate some US stocks and Hong Kong stocks.

Of course, it is easy to cut leeks in the A-share market, and some people are playing in it. But whether such unscrupulous plundering of people's property will be liquidated in the future is open to question."

Jing Gao pondered and then asked: "I made 1.2 million yuan in Hong Kong stocks in March and April. What kind of capital is this?"

Shen Jinyuan thought for a while, "Mr. Jing, wait a moment, I'm going to make a call and ask." He went out to make a phone call, then came back and said: "Mr. Jing, according to the estimates of my traders, this amount of funds should be very small.

, no more than 20 million.”

Jing Gao nodded slightly.

It’s not unusual for Fatty Ma to be able to scrape together 20 million. Nowadays, China has a large middle class. If real estate valuations are added in, there are many people with assets of several million. Fatty Ma is in Beijing Zhongyamen, so he can’t scrape this amount of money.

It would be embarrassing to come out.

Fatty Ma is playing Hong Kong stocks with this amount of money, how much money does Zhao Canglong have in the stock market? Hey!

Jing Gao kept his expression and took a sip of tea, "Mr. Shen, thank you. Then I'd better go and speculate in external stocks. Do you have any recommendation for a more powerful private equity manager? My capital is about 1 billion."

This chapter has been completed!
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