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Chapter 539 The Godfather of Business (1)

  Jing Gao came to see Duan Yongping because he actually wanted to hear this legendary business godfather’s understanding of business and life.

This does not mean that he will devote himself to being a businessman from now on. He really has no such idea. He is a great man and focuses on enjoying life. When he does business, first, he wants to convert money into his social status and power.

Second, he has some ideals and ambitions of his own. When geese pass by, they leave their voices, and when people pass by, they leave their names. Once a person lives in this world, he always has to leave something behind and change something. He hopes that his industry will serve the country and he hopes to change some industries.

current situation.

 For example, Phoenix Film and Television, which he owns, is absolutely not allowed to cooperate with those people who are known to be a scapegoat.

For example, Xia Shang Real Estate, his real estate company, sells houses without any reference to shared area. Why should it keep the money-making scam created by Li Huanggua?

 The above is his view on business. However, all Shenhao, at the moment they achieve financial freedom, need to face a question: What should I do next?

 This is thinking about life.

 The initial idea was very simple: buy, buy, buy, eat, eat, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!

 This is the first level in Maslow’s needs theory!

 But, what then?

How much can a person spend on clothes, shoes, etc., and a change of outfit in one day? After enjoying luxury cars, mansions (manors), airplanes, cruise ships, hotels, food, wine, and beauties, what’s next for you?

Is life still exciting?

I’m afraid not.

 He ​​has been a Shenhao for a year, and of course he has his own experience. After the first level of Shenhao, you should develop your own interests, hobbies, and improve your social status!

 However, in the more than thirty years of turmoil since the reform and opening up, one business hero after another has risen from the ground up, made a fortune from scratch, changed his own destiny, changed society, and people's lives.

Duan Yongping is one of the best! The Xiaobawang learning machine he built was the one endorsed by Jackie Chan, and it was very popular.

 He created the BBK VCD, which won the CCTV bid repeatedly, and spent a huge amount of money on advertising. However, the company did not die, but became more and more prosperous.

After he obtained a U.S. green card, followed love, and moved to the United States, he invested in NetEase and bought NetEase's stock at a price of less than 1 dollar. Two years later, NetEase's stock price reached as high as 70 U.S. dollars. He gained nearly 100 times the income and gained fame.

Big boost!

In 2006, Duan Yongping bought Buffett's lunch for US$620,000. Since then, the value of Lao Ba's lunch has skyrocketed. At the same time, it started a trend of Chinese people auctioning Buffett's lunch at high prices.

 The "BBK series" he single-handedly led, adhering to his business philosophy, is making rapid progress in the field of electronic products. In 2017, Oppo, Vivo, and OnePlus are all leaders in this industry.

 According to Xiaomi's valuation, Xiaomi is in the process of being listed on the Hong Kong stock market, and investment banks have valued it at US$100 billion. In terms of sales, Xiaomi is often ranked behind Oppo and Vivo in various statistics.

The combined valuation of these companies is definitely more than 150 billion US dollars. Quite awesome!

   “Go ahead and do it. If you do it well, you will be paid. If you don’t do it well, you will close the door.”

 This is the instruction he gave to his disciples before going to the United States. It shows the style of a business godfather.

 After the rise of Pinduoduo in 2016, his name appeared in reports again and was mentioned again after more than ten years.

As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same destination. After obtaining huge wealth, what do these winners in life and business heroes think about wealth and life?

Jing Gao really wants to ask him for advice.



 It is actually normal for two strangers to have an awkward moment when they meet for the first time, especially in shopping malls and official careers.

 Why? There is an old saying in China: Noble people speak late.

 Business bosses want to express their opinions when they speak, so it is enough to express them accurately, without too much nonsense or pursuit of literary talent. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to warm up during meetings.

 So, it is a skill to talk eloquently and make people feel like a spring breeze.

The sound of cooking could be heard from the kitchen in the Chinese restaurant. The street outside was a little quiet, with few pedestrians.

Duan Yongping took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Jing, how did you and Ding Sanshi meet?"

This meeting was facilitated by Ding Sanshi. He had heard Ding Sanshi mention Jing Gao last year. At that time, it was because Jing Gao directly acquired Sina.

Jing Gao said: "We met at last year's Wuzhen Internet Conference. Mr. Ding's dinner in Wuzhen was very well-known in the entire domestic Internet industry."

Duan Yongping smiled and said: "So, you are positioning yourself in the Internet industry?"

Jing Gao smiled and said: "That's not true. My company is involved in many industries. Mr. Duan, I would like to ask you how to start the mobile phone industry. After I bought the Coolpad mobile phone, I spent almost 5 billion US dollars.

However, the current shipment volume of Coolpad mobile phones is still very small. In the second quarter, it has just reached 10 million units. This is also due to discount sales.”

Duan Yongping smiled and said slowly: "When BBK was making mobile phones, I had already gone to the United States and had nothing to do. So, I don't have much experience in how to make mobile phones. However, I can talk about my business experience.

Some insights.”

Many people have come to ask him for advice. He doesn't have much to teach at the level of "skills". He has been away from front-line management positions for many years. At the level of "Tao", he has some insights of his own and is willing to share them with him.

The person who asked for advice. When he had dinner with Buffett, he also asked for advice in the same way.

Jing Gao quickly sat up straight and said, "Mr. Duan, I'm listening."

Duan Yongping was very satisfied with Jing Gao's attitude of humbly learning. He has a relatively indifferent temperament and never engages in debates. If he has like-minded ideas, he will chat a few words. If his views are not in harmony, he will not chat. Only if Jing Gao is willing to listen, he is willing to speak. Otherwise, he is willing to speak.

There is no need to talk, just change the topic.

“My own opinion is that when doing business, you must dare to be the leader of the world. The first to enter a certain business track may not survive.”

As he was talking, the Chinese boss in his forties, wearing a tall white chef's hat and a white apron, came over with dishes, "Buddha's Hand Spare Ribs. Please try it."

“Thank you, Master!” Duan Yongping thanked him with a smile, picked up his chopsticks, and made an invitation gesture to Jing Gao and others. There was also his assistant, Dong Youwei, at the table.

Duan Yongping continued: "The mobile phone industry is currently booming, and the profit points for making money are very clear. This is to do the right thing. The next step is to do the right thing. Coolpad mobile phones cannot be sold, which shows that distance makes things worse.

There is still a gap between getting it right. The specific aspect depends on your understanding."

Jing Gao nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, the chef and owner Lao Fu served two more dishes. One soup and one seafood: steamed grouper. This side of California is close to the sea, so the price of seafood is not expensive. Jing Gao ate the seafood and thought about it carefully.

Things that a successful business tycoon has refined from decades of business experience are definitely very useful and are infinitely close to the essence of business.

Duan Yongping continued: "When Liu Zuohu came to visit me in 2013, I gave him a message that I can give to you today. The nature of business has not changed at any time. The reason why BBK succeeds depends on '


Jing Gaodao: "Does it mean integrity?"

His requirement for subordinate companies is "integrity." The various companies under Taichu Group are not strongly integrated, and the corporate cultures are different, but the common point is: integrity. And he has studied Alibaba's corporate culture. Alibaba's

Corporate culture, known as the "Six Meridians Divine Sword", also contains the content of "integrity".

Duan Yongping smiled and said: "No. What I mean by duty and integrity are two things. The first meaning of duty is: to maintain a normal mind, insist on doing the right things, and strive to do things right."

 Jing Gao pondered slightly, took out the small notebook and pen he carried with him, and wrote it down directly. He actually didn’t understand much. Stay calm? People who do business are basically very enterprising!

For example: LeTV raises its stakes high and hits it high, using money to hit it hard to build its own ecology!

 For example: Huawei is a wolf culture. The entire team is very fierce, and its competitors are unable to fight back. There is a joke in the shopping mall that every year when Huawei's financial report comes out, it is the time when Ericsson's CEO resigns.

If you check it out, you will find that Huawei has defeated Ericsson’s CEO for several terms. Huawei is very good in the field of telecommunications equipment.

Duan Yongping narrowed his eyes slightly. If you are not familiar with Jing Gao, your first impression will definitely be that of a flatterer. However, he clearly knows the business achievements of the young man in front of him in China. And Jing Gao

Taking a notebook to record his words really gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

Duan Yongping said: "The second meaning of duty is not to take advantage of others. The third meaning is: when problems arise, you should first find your own reasons."

Jing Gao smiled thoughtfully, "Mr. Duan, this really has nothing to do with integrity. I'll try to explain my understanding.

The third meaning, I can understand, is to take responsibility for oneself. This is part of our traditional culture: introspection and caution. The second meaning, the general combination of words describes a person who is honest and responsible. In the shopping mall, there are too many shrewd people.

There are many people who are smarter than monkeys. If a person is honest, strict and does not take advantage, I am afraid he will win more business partners.

 But the first point, the common sense, is really difficult for me to understand.”

 A few more dishes were served at this time.

Duan Yongping ate the food and said approvingly: "Mr. Jing, you are very enlightened! Maybe this is what surprises you and me about business value. In the 1990s when I was doing business, China seemed to be full of gold.

, there are opportunities everywhere. No matter what industry you are in, it is very profitable. Moreover, the government at that time was also promoting South Korea’s Daewoo model.”

 South Korea’s Daewoo Consortium was once an idol that the people could learn from before the Asian financial crisis in 1997. However, its development model collapsed after the Asian financial crisis, and there are no more believers.

 What they believe in is large-scale loans, mergers and acquisitions, and a cross-industry development model.

“So, at this time, we must restrain the impulse of blind expansion of enterprises, maintain a normal mind, and establish a firm foothold in one field. Only in this way can we achieve long-lasting business and become a healthier and longer-lasting world-class enterprise.”

"The company under your name is involved in many fields. This is why we have different views on doing business. A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to know everything. In business, it is obviously inconsistent with the situation for laymen to guide experts.

the essence of.”

Jing Gao roughly understood what it meant. He could understand it.

 Many companies like to engage in "diversification", and there are many examples of failure. For example, Wanda, owned by the richest man, Wang. Wanda has been engaged in e-commerce, but has never succeeded after many attempts.

For another example, when Alibaba develops social software, only one DingTalk is an unexpected surprise. Moreover, many of the companies acquired by Alibaba to serve as frigates for Alibaba’s commercial aircraft carrier are half dead.

 The most famous examples are Qianqianjingting in the music field, as well as Ele.me and Youku. In these battlefields, there is really a huge gap between them and their competitor Tencent.

 Perhaps the reason is what Mr. Duan said: A person’s energy is limited, and it is impossible to understand everything.

If a company wants to expand new and diversified businesses, it may need to find a new team to do it. Moreover, if it is specific to the tactical level, I am afraid it is best not to provide guidance. That is not the case with Tencent's investment model.

Is it similar? The only difference lies in the amount of equity.

 Perhaps, it can be said intuitively that it is Huawei’s BG (Business Unit) setup.

Jing Gao raised his tea cup and said respectfully: "Mr. Duan, I would like to offer you a cup of tea instead of wine. Listening to your words is better than ten years of reading. However, I still have a question. Mr. Duan, you seem to be interested in making money through business.

This is not important?"

  Maintaining a normal mind can indeed make the company healthier and longer-lasting, but will it mean losing more opportunities to make money and develop and grow?

Duan Yongping smiled slightly, "Mr. Jing, as long as we can provide consumers with high-quality products and services and achieve success, wealth and profits will come naturally.

If you only focus on profits and money as the criterion for judging your business behavior, you are likely to step into a trap. Of course, there is a prerequisite for doing business with a normal heart: doing the right thing. With such low profits, it is difficult to make money

, or don’t enter industries with high risks.”

Jing Gao felt unspeakable in his heart. Maybe this is a kind of state!

On the Internet, Ma Yun was ridiculed by many netizens when she said, "I'm not interested in money." However, if you really want to make your business bigger and better, I'm afraid you really need to have some awareness of this:

  Don’t place too much emphasis on the money you can earn from doing a business, but focus on products, services, and consumer orientation. At the very least, “money” should not be ranked as the highest priority in your business code of conduct.

 What Mr. Duan and Ma Yun said are similar! Perhaps, successful entrepreneurs all have some similar views! This may be the "wealth code" for running a business.

Of course, this kind of thing is only at the "Tao" level. At the "technical" level, you have to figure out how to do a business on your own. Different industries require different pitfalls!

 It can be seen that those who encourage entrepreneurship are basically nonsense! A person must have sufficient risk resistance to start a successful business. There are only a few people who can truly succeed in business in the first time.

Wanda’s Wang Dashao got off to such a good start? He entered the e-sports industry with huge sums of money, and was nicknamed Principal Wang by Jianghu people. What happens now? Hero Interactive Entertainment kicked him aside and started playing happily with Tencent.

 It can be seen that it is not a bad thing to lose a few times when you are young in business.

“Mr. Duan, can I ask, how do you view money?”

This chapter has been completed!
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