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Chapter 579 Influence

 The black Rolls-Royce headed smoothly towards Nanshan. On the highway, traffic was constantly passing by. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Shenzhen City was already slightly congested.

Jing Gao elaborated on his views after visiting Huawei and said: "This still depends on Sun Yafang taking over as chairman in 1999. I noticed that they had such an introduction. Mr. Ren wanted to focus on the internal management of the company, so

Push Sun Yafang, who is good at dealing with people and the government, to the position of chairman.

So, this actually has a very direct question. Who is the leader of Huawei at this time? Is it Mr. Ren or Mr. Sun? Who is No. 1?"

While An Xiaoqian was thinking, she was a little tired, and she responded to Jing Gao's question, "Of course it should be Mr. Ren."

Jing Gao snapped his fingers, "So, this is very clear. There are many similar examples in history. For example, the power setup during the Ming Dynasty. For example, the institutional arrangements of the Soviet Union. So don't look at Huawei's management

, that is, what positions each of their EMT team (strategic management team) occupies. The point is that Mr. Ren is still at the helm of this commercial aircraft carrier.

He relies on his prestige over the years and his veto power that he rarely uses. He is very clever!"

An Xiaoqian gently pulled her hair and leaned slightly on Jing Gao's shoulders, "But the problem is, isn't Huawei engaged in process reform? They should improve the IBM process and apply it to their company to decentralize power."

Jing Gao shook his head, "Power can be decentralized. But no matter how decentralized it is, any human system must have a final decision-making point! This is what Professor Fan from Fudan told me. That is, when major conflicts of interest exist, it is necessary to balance all parties."

When it comes to the interests of both parties, there needs to be a mechanism to decide what is right and wrong.

In ancient times, that was the emperor. In today's United States, it is their seven lifelong justices who vote in secret rooms to ultimately decide what is right and wrong. The veto power is the decision-making point. This is also how Huawei's management system operates.

The essential.

Therefore, Huawei’s rotating chairman system is not a system that can be universally learned. Of course, this system has its advantages, but it is not suitable for us to learn. Because the decision-making point of our Phoenix Group lies with me! I rely not on my intelligence

, or prestige, but the shares in my hands.

I think Phoenix Group may eventually learn from Alibaba’s system and establish a partnership system. In any case, collective decision-making is better than my decision-making alone. This is the way to build a long-lasting business. As for the consortium-level management structure,

Taichu and Phoenix still adopt two different models."

An Xiaoqian smiled and said, "Just think about it. What I'm most afraid of is that you are too ambitious and unwilling to delegate authority on anything. However, the things you think about have already exceeded my management authority. I just don't care."

Jing Gao couldn't help but laugh and said: "I have to be crazy to think about dealing with trivial matters. Isn't it good for me to enjoy life every day? Life still needs to be cherished! Xiao Qian, the same goes for you."


Jing Gao looked at the night scene outside the car window with emotion and analyzed: "I will not directly dictate the specific affairs of the company in the future, I will just focus on the strategy. Management matters will be slowly handed over to An Zhiwen and you."

Jing Gao's visit to Huawei had a huge impact on his heart. The impact on him was also very significant.

First, he decided to make the company's buildings more beautiful. Second, he began to slowly let go of management matters, no longer caring about specific matters, only doing strategic considerations. He wanted to learn how to become a big group The person in charge.

Thirdly, he has some new ideas for the construction of corporate culture. Fourthly, he resigned from the chairmanship of Phoenix Group and only retained the position of executive director.

Of course, he is still the actual controller of the company. The equity is there.

The day after visiting Huawei, Jing Gao received a report from Dong Youwei, "Mr. Jing, Guo Taiming from Hon Hai wants to meet with you."

Jing Gao is living in the flat floor of No. 1 Shenwan. In the morning, he just finished exercising in the gym of the club. He came back and took a shower. He took his mobile phone and chatted on WeChat again. He replied a message to Guo Siyue, "Okay. .I’ll just meet you.”

The Guo family in Malaysia has a wide circle of friends, and they wanted to meet him on Hong Kong Island. They were also accompanied by some close friends of the Guo family. This was the effect of stepping on Li Jiacheng.

Hong Kong Island is the financial center of Asia, and what happens here can easily radiate to the Chinese community in Nanyang.

Guo Lingyu called him before and told him that the second generation of the Guo family wanted to visit him. He refused directly. Now he asked Guo Siyue in front of him. In the wealthy circle of Hong Kong Island, he and Guo Siyue In the eyes of the outside world, the friendship is slowly recovering. Who in Hong Kong doesn't want to have a good relationship with him now? And this is also a way for Guo Siyue to show the progress of her relationship with him to the outside world.

Putting down the phone, Jing Gao said, "What do you think of Guo Taiming?"

Dong Youwei is not good at strategy, but he is very careful and responsible. He is a good choice for a steward. After telling the information he collected, he stood behind Jing Gao and said respectfully: "Mr. Jing, He probably wants to surrender."

Jing Gao sat on the comfortable leather sofa and sneered: "He just wants to surrender with all his empty talk? You hold off for now and ask the Taichu Think Tank for their opinion."

He has no favorable impressions of Guo Taiming or Zhang Zhong, the head of TSMC. In the next five to ten years, his semiconductor and chip manufacturing factories must destroy TSMC. Such a company cannot be allowed to control the most advanced technologies. semiconductor process technology.

Dong Youwei has done his homework and said: "The think tank recommends that you blur your position and maintain a certain degree of flexibility. Anyway, what we do in the end is up to us. We just put it nicely to save face."

Jing Gao roughly understood, thought about it, and said, "Let An Xiaoqian go and meet him. The foundry will eventually be named Coolpad Mobile Phone. I will disappear."

"Okay, Mr. Jing." Dong Youwei took a small notebook and reported a few more things before preparing to leave quietly.

Jing Gao said: "Youwei, don't leave in a hurry. I have something to tell you." After thinking about it, he extracted his thoughts from his memory, "I met with Tencent's Xiao Ma some time ago.

, I promise not to enter Tencent’s game industry chain.

However, there is an area in the game industry that Tencent is missing. Few domestic game manufacturers have produced AAA masterpieces. We can do it. It seems that Chen Ziyuan has a game studio under his banner, right?"

"Mr. Jing, yes."

Jing Gao ordered: "Go and coordinate and see if we can make a few games. I have a request. This year, Phoenix Films has been investing money in making movies about resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, so that the original source can be restored. We can also make games.


In shooting games, you cannot always play the role of other countries. Drive a Tiger tank, or shout hurrah. We can be people who participated in five battles. This will affect a generation of young people."

This is an idea that came to him after he visited Huawei yesterday and listened to the song.

Dong Youwei took notes and went out to coordinate.

Jing Gao thought about it alone and sent a WeChat message to Ling Chuqing, "Chuqing, are you in Yangcheng? Let me ask you a question, which temple in Guangdong Province is more effective for praying for peace charms?"

If he doesn't meet with Old Man Guo, he has to prepare to bring Guan Yujia a gift that reflects his sincerity. He plans to return to the capital and stay for a few days. He has stayed in the south long enough. He will come back to Hong Kong Island and

This is how people from the Guo family meet.

This chapter has been completed!
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