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Chapter 1 Autistic Teen Liu Chengyou

At the beginning of the second lunar month in mid-spring, the spring thunder suddenly moved, the drizzle gurgled, and the continuous raindrops gently moistened the flying grass inside and outside the city. The spring rain was swamped and moisturized the earth, and worked hard to remove the murderous spirit that permeated the world. eliminate.

This spring rain comes and goes quickly. When the rain falls, the genius shines brightly. Jinyang City, located on the bank of Nanliu Fen River, was washed clean, but the rain and fog made it sink into a haze. , seems dark and unclear, as if hinting at the strange situation in the world.

The Peiping Prince's Palace is located in the north of Jinyang City, adjacent to the Taiyuan Palace Complex. It occupies a very large area. It was originally the military and political center of the Hedong region and the headquarters of the hegemony. With the fall of the Central Plains, its status has become increasingly high. In recent months, the Hedong military and government personnel who have been in and out of the Prince's Palace have The important officials showed more and more obedience and prudence. Many smart people were sensitive to the undercurrent brewing under the wind and rain.

The palace is a deep mansion with huge buildings. At this early dawn, the servants in the palace are already busy, doing their job of serving the masters. From the envoys and stewards to the maids The maidservants all looked cautious, with their heads lowered and their eyebrows lowered, without any smiles on their faces.

Just because the owner of the palace, His Highness the Prince of Peiping, was worried about the peril of the country and the emperor's dust, he became increasingly depressed and angry. Two days ago, there was a dirty servant from the East who was chatting and laughing with others. The Prince of Peiping saw him and gave him a beating. He was directly kicked out of the palace. The effect was great, everyone was alert, the palace was solemn, and no one dared to speak arrogantly again.

There is a courtyard on the east side of the back garden, which is not small. Compared with other courtyards in the palace, the number of servants here seems sparse, but they appear to be more careful, and the whole courtyard is quieter.

On the silent corridor, three waitresses carried basins, bowls, and bowls for washing. They took small steps and walked gently towards the attic deep in the courtyard. The leader was a middle-aged healthy woman. "哐婷"A sound broke the tranquility in the courtyard corridor, but it was a maid behind who fell in a hurry.

The strong woman in front suddenly frowned, and looked towards the direction of the pavilion nervously. Then she turned around, walked up to the maid with a solemn face, suppressed her voice as hard as she could, and scolded: "You cheap maid, even The water in the basin is unsteady!"

The servant who fell was very young, more accurately described as immature. She was estimated to be around fourteen or fifteen years old. She was petite and thin, and looked malnourished. After being scolded, her head hung lower and lower, tears streaming down her face. His eyes began to spin. Another maid stood aside silently, not saying a word, and her eyes were calm and a little indifferent, watching her being scolded.

"Why are you still sitting there?" Seeing this, the strong woman's eyebrows became darker and she scolded: "Why don't you get another basin of water with me? Your husband and your wife are still waiting for us to serve you. You have wasted time and made your husband angry. , do you want to implicate us and be punished?"

"Yes. Yes." After hearing this, the maid hurriedly stood up, ignoring her bruised palms, picked up the copper basin and turned around.

The cloister surrounds the atrium, and on the second-floor pavilion, the doors and windows are stained with mist, dripping with water. Behind the wide-open window lattice, a tall and tall figure stands silently, watching quietly as the green trees and red flowers decorate it. The courtyard. The breeze comes slowly, and the sleepiness of getting up in the morning disappears a lot.

This is a young man with a delicate appearance and good looks. There is a bit of childishness in his face, but the serious expression on his face completely destroys that childishness. Compared with the almost paralyzed expression, the young man's face looks a little childish. The eyes are a bit more "lively" and full of charm. They look thoughtful, and when they turn, there are occasional flashes of light.

He is the owner of this courtyard, Liu Chengyou, the second son of King Beiping.

"Erlang." A soft and soft voice sounded in the ears. A beautiful woman with beautiful appearance and graceful figure walked up to Liu Chengyou in small steps. Her clear and watery eyes stayed on the side of Liu Chengyou's face for a while, and then followed Liu Chengyou looked towards the courtyard, watching with him, and whispered: "The rain has stopped!"

"Yeah!" Liu Chengyou just nodded and responded, seemingly very coldly.

The woman was not very old, she was still in her prime, but she was already dressed in women's clothing and wearing a bun. She was Liu Chengyou's concubine Geng. Faced with Liu Chengyou's reaction, Geng lowered her head a little aggrievedly, but she didn't Dare to show any resentment.

After he fell into the water and woke up from a coma, Liu Chengyou's "temperament changed drastically", which frightened Mr. Geng. After more than half a year, Liu Chengyou completely lost his youthful detachment and playfulness, and became serious, rigid, and taciturn. He speaks calmly, but others dare not take it lightly.

Soon, several maids came in one after another to take care of Liu Chengyou and Geng's daily life. The previous strong woman's surname was Li, who was a member of the family of Liu Chengyou's mother, Li, and was assigned to serve Liu Chengyou.

After washing up soon, he straightened his hands and let the two maids use their soft little hands to move on his body, arranging his hair, arranging his lapels, and tying his belt... Living in Shenfu Guangzhai, he also enjoyed the There are many servants, but Liu Chengyou's life seems to be very frugal. He wears simple clothes, an old black satin suit, and no accessories on his body.

In front of the bronze mirror, Liu Chengyou looked at his own appearance in the mirror, his eyes blinking uncontrollably several times. The mirror image was very clear, but it had been a long time, and every time he looked in the mirror, there was still a sense of unreality.

"I'm late today!" Liu Chengyou lifted the skirt of his clothes, flattened the seam with some obsessive-compulsive disorder, and casually asked the strong woman Li.

Hearing this, Mrs. Li's face flashed a little unnaturally, and she glanced sideways at the trembling little maid beside her. She sighed, bowed, and said with a smile: "It's the old woman who made poor arrangements. Please punish me." .”

That wink could not escape Liu Chengyou's eyes. He looked at the maid, with her wet skirt, bruised palms, and nervous expression. He turned his neck twice and said flatly: "Mr. Li, Although you have a mean mouth, I know that you are actually a kind-hearted person with a soft heart."

The strong woman was stunned when she heard this, and was about to say something when she was interrupted by Liu Chengyou's wave: "Go down. Go tell grandma, I will go and say hello right away!"


The slaves retreated, and Liu Chengyou walked up behind Mr. Geng who was still putting on his makeup, gently pressed his shoulder, and asked: "Am I so scary?"

Geng turned around and looked up at Liu Chengyou. The dressed-up Geng looked even more beautiful, with only a little makeup on her face that could be broken, making it pure and elegant. She smiled charmingly at Liu Chengyou and said: " Erlang is strict with himself and others. He is dignified and intimidated by others. The servants in the house are all mediocre people. How can they be normal under your influence..."

After listening to his words, Liu Chengyou's somewhat numb face finally showed some movement, and there was a fleeting twitch at the corner of his mouth, which did not allow anyone to tell whether he was happy or angry.

He raised his hand and pinched Geng's delicate face with gentle movements. Geng's beautiful eyes were like water, and his tender face was pressed against Liu Chengyou's hand, rubbing it carefully. It was rare to see Liu Chengyou perform such tender actions.

His eyes swept over and fell on his bun. There was a jade hairpin tied there. It was exquisite in shape and obviously made by a famous craftsman. After taking it off, Liu Chengyou picked up an ordinary wooden hairpin on the dressing table and put it on for him. : "Use this hairpin..."


When Liu Chengyou first came here, he was in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms after the Tang Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty established by Emperor Shi Jingtang occupied the Central Plains, but it was also about to die. The Khitan Lord Yelu Deguang used the whole country to invade the south year after year. , with the intention of occupying the Central Plains and herding the southern kingdom, the Jin Dynasty had a foolish emperor and many internal conflicts. After years of resistance, it could not succeed.

Liu Chengyou's luck is relatively good. In these troubled times, he has passed through the home of a powerful prince. At least he has enough food and clothing and is safe.

Of course, when he realized that he was Liu Chengyou, the hidden emperor of the Later Han Dynasty, he was still a little panicked. However, it didn't take long for him to calm down. The Later Han Dynasty hadn't been established yet, so why worry about his fall in 1999? People's worries.

Before time travel, Liu Chengyou's temperament was easy-going, autistic, dull, and taciturn. After spending some time to figure out the situation, he slowly began to seek to integrate into a new identity and new environment. Then, Liu Erlang in the Peking Palace , under the strange looks of others, he suddenly became "autistic".

Now is the fourth year of the Jin Dynasty (947), but for Shi Jin's monarchs and ministers, it is probably bad luck. Shi Jin has died, and in the twelfth month of last year, the Khitan Lord Yelv Deguang led an army of 300,000 to carry out a large-scale Coming south, on the banks of the Hutuo River, at the Zhongdu Bridge, one hundred thousand Jin troops surrendered without a fight under the strong pressure of their commander, Du Chongwei.

Later, Zhang Yanze, the leader of the "Leading Party", led 2,000 cavalry as the vanguard, doubled the speed, headed south and fell into Bianliang. In Bianjing, Jinchu Emperor Shi Chonggui, who was drunk and dreaming, intended to die for his country, but before he could do anything, he was killed by the imperial guards. He was captured. Later, the king and his ministers of Shi Jin surrendered in plain clothes, and the Jin Kingdom fell.

Nowadays, China is in ruins, the country is in ruins, the Central Plains is ownerless, and the Khitans are occupying it. The situation in the world has not calmed down because of the strong Khitan soldiers and horses. On the contrary, with the tyranny of the Khitans, public sentiments are raging, and the bloody soldiers and the people are scrambling to resist.

However, in the land east of Hedong, it is rare to maintain relative peace. The state-owned enterprises are in chaos, just when careerists are taking the lead. For example, Liu Chengyou's cheap father, Liu Zhiyuan, King of Peking, must be included in this list.

With his hands on his waist, Liu Chengyou slowly walked through the pavilions of the palace, still looking autistic. However, thinking of his father's recent performance in front of the people in Hedong, there was a slight change in his eyebrows. He knew in his heart that Liu Zhiyuan must have had his thoughts moved.

Even if Liu Zhiyuan does not have that intention, as the current situation develops, there are still people who want to "progress" who want to push him to power, such as the Liu family's clan and the civil and military forces in Hedong.

In this era, emperors took turns beating drums to spread flowers. With the current situation in the world, it was time for the Liu family to win. Liu Zhiyuan may still be hesitant about this, but Liu Chengyou was already prepared and very confident.

As he thought about it, the expression on Liu Chengyou's cold face seemed to become more serious.

This chapter has been completed!
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