Turn off the lights
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Chapter 13 The whole city rejoices

As night falls, the capital is gradually shrouded in darkness. However, the night cannot dampen the enthusiasm of Tokyo's citizens. Lanterns are hung on almost every street and between archways, and are lit up one by one by dedicated personnel. And above the Imperial Street, there are even more colors.

A large number of lanterns release brilliant light and complement each other.

As a result, the entire Tokyo city was filled with thousands of lights, bright and dense, dotting the capital, turning it into a city that never sleeps. The people under the imperial city have gradually dispersed, but of course, there are still many people staying here, or

Kowtow, bless, or cheer. On weekdays, ordinary civilians would not dare or have the opportunity to go to the imperial city to boldly look up to the imperial city and feel the majesty of the royal family.

Not all the people who left went home. A large majority of them chose to walk around the streets, call friends, and indulge themselves, go to restaurants to eat wine, go to teahouses to listen to books, and go to theaters.

Watch dance performances, listen to music in the orchestra...

This is destined to be a day for the whole city to celebrate together. Regardless of high or low, rich or poor, Han or foreigners, as long as people stay in Kaifeng City, they all celebrate in their own way in this atmosphere of national celebration. Even the poorest

The common people also put on new clothes, and no matter how bad they are, they have to take care of themselves neatly, even if they are beggars, well, beggars are not allowed in Tokyo...

After learning about the celebration in Kaifeng, hundreds of thousands of people came to attend the event and watch the ceremony. Kaifeng's registered population has exceeded 700,000, but if you include the officials who live there,

, business travelers, scholars, coolies, foreigners, with a population of millions, is no longer just a false reference.

Tokyo is an open city. In addition to the Han people, there are more than 50,000 foreign businessmen and civilians, including almost all ethnic groups that have contact with the Han people, especially the Uighurs, Dangxiang, and Tubo people in the northwest. In more than ten years,

They were attracted to Tokyo one after another, and then gradually settled down, and many even obtained household registration in Kaifeng.

Therefore, during the Daqing in Kaifeng, you can also see the celebration methods with different national characteristics, such as Hu music, Hu dance, and Southern and Northern tunes. They are not out of place at all and have been integrated into the city...

The darker the night gets, the brighter the lights, and the livelier the capital becomes, with millions of voices, millions of wishes, and millions of blessings. The freshness of green grass, the fragrance of spring flowers, and the rich aroma of wine are intertwined and permeate the air

, the whole city seemed to be intoxicated.

Kaifeng was really drunk tonight. It is estimated that he consumed hundreds of thousands of kilograms of wine this night.

In Kaifeng, the curfew system has long been abolished. However, holding such a city-wide party is a huge challenge for Kaifeng's management. With millions of people attending the carnival, maintaining order is particularly important, and those who feel the most pressure

, none better than Kaifeng Mansion.

In fact, in past celebrations, accidents were inevitable, and there was even a Tokyo fire. Therefore, considering the unprecedented scale of this event, Kaifeng Prefecture Yin Gaofang had made maintenance preparations in advance, and all employees in Kaifeng Prefecture

Officials, errands, and food diners were all dispatched, and several major subordinate officials were each responsible for an area. Before the celebration, a comprehensive management of public security in the city was carried out, and some illegal forces were dealt with with heavy blows.

Kaifeng Prefecture alone cannot control the order of the city. The three forbidden troops of the Inspection Department are almost deployed to patrol and suppress public security. Of course, considering the hard work of these personnel, the imperial court has specially approved the holiday.

Rewards, there are generous rewards.

With the whole city rejoicing, a real grand event has just begun in the Han Palace.

As the main hall of the Han Palace, where grand ceremonies, court meetings and other important events are held, today's Chongyuan Hall has become too small, not grand enough, not magnificent enough, and even not spacious enough to bear the majesty of the current Han Empire.

The dining table was placed from inside the Chongyuan Hall to outside the hall, from the terraces to the square in front of the hall. There were 1,080 round tables alone, and the banquet was attended by civil and military officials, dignitaries, envoys and accompanying them.

The number of family members in the banquet simply exceeds ten thousand people.

Naturally, Yang Bin and Su Fengji were also at the banquet. They had personally experienced and seen the whole set of ceremony today. Even with their old arms and legs, it was difficult for them to do so. However, they could not conceal the inexplicable impulse in their hearts.

Especially for Yang Bin, although there were power conflicts, political differences, and ideological conflicts with Emperor Liu, he was the founding father of the Han Dynasty after all. In the first one or two years of the country, he really relied on his relationship with Wang Zhang.

Ganren worked hard to maintain the Han Dynasty's unstable rule.

For the Han Dynasty, it cannot be said that Yang Yan has no loyalty. He still has the feelings. Why doesn't he want it to be strong and prosperous? But in the past, after three generations of endless chaos, it has been difficult to imagine what a peaceful, peaceful and prosperous world would be like. We can only follow the

He tried hard to develop his own ideas and methods. However, now, he finally saw that although it was not realized by his hands, his emotions were inevitably high and his heart was surging.

The two of them were lucky enough to be located in a remote corner of the Chongyuan Hall, not where the spotlight was. They were as far away from the throne as thousands of mountains. However, looking at it from another angle, it was quite different.


Inside the main hall, there was a roar of people, and I was surrounded by splendor. I wonder if it was an illusion, but I could still hear the cheers of Tokyo citizens outside the imperial city. In front of the imperial city, the hundreds of thousands of people gathered around and erupted.

Su Fengji was still shocked by the overwhelming momentum of cheering for the emperor.

"I was born in troubled times, grew up in disputes, and lived for more than sixty years. How could I have imagined that I would see such a scene in this life?" Su Fengji couldn't help but sigh, and his tone was very emotional: "There is nothing better than this in the world of fireworks and peace and prosperity!


Su Fengji's emotion was also from the bottom of his heart. It can be said that their generation grew up in the chaos of the world, frequent wars, and dynasty changes. At that time, when he assisted Liu Zhiyuan, he wanted glory and wealth, but Shaoan's country

The ambition to save the people and take the world as his own responsibility.

The rise of Liu Zhiyuan in the east of Hedong to conquer the world was dictated by the current situation, and people like Su Fengji followed suit and soared to the sky. When a talented person from one state came to dominate the country and take charge of the power of the world, what Su Fengji thought was that if he had the power to use it, it would become invalid upon expiration.

What they want is to use the power in their hands to engage in corruption and enrich their own pockets.

Tokyo at that time also represented the atmosphere of the entire world: depression, depression, desolation, lack of warm clothes, insufficient food, people with food, and different people's hearts. The whole city seemed to be shrouded in twilight. Such a scene, but

It's not unexpected at all, almost everyone is used to it, that's how the world is...

However, now, after returning to the court, what he heard and saw completely shattered the inherent impression in Su Fengji's mind. The prosperity of Kaifeng, the stability of the people, and the attachment of the people are exactly as described in the book.

It is quite interesting to say that Su Fengji is also a scholar, not erudite, but knowledgeable. In the past, when he was in front of Liu Zhiyuan, he talked about history, the world, and governing the country. However, when he actually practiced it, he never seemed to believe in the country.

Can restore peace.

"Brother Su, in this prosperous age of the Han Dynasty, you and I will have a drink together and get drunk together later, which will not be in vain!" Looking at Su Fengji, Yang Bin said with emotion, a touch of excitement flashed on his old face.


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