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Chapter 71 The quelling of Wu Yues rebellion

Two years passed quietly. For the Han people, they ushered in a truly peaceful and peaceful living environment. For the Han Empire, this was a critical turning period.

Under the leadership of Emperor Liu, with the assistance of wise ministers, and under the guidance of the spirit of Kaibao's New Deal, the Han Dynasty also successfully transformed into a unified empire and consolidated its rule.

In the past two years, the Han Dynasty has ushered in unprecedented development, and the north and the south have joined hands to move towards prosperity. To sum up, politics has remained stable and the economy has become more prosperous.

The unification of the world, especially the recovery of the southeastern region, added too much to the economy of the Han Dynasty. In the third year of Kaibao alone, the amount of grain transported to Tokyo from the Jianghuai through the canal amounted to 3.5 million shi, accounting for half of the consumption of the imperial court and the people.

, and this proportion will increase year by year, and there is a lot of room for growth.

As for other money, silk, and goods, a large amount was sent to Kaifeng. When there were no borders, no wars, and political oppression was relaxed, the economic vitality of the southeastern region was revitalized and immediately ushered in an explosion.

The main goal of the Kaibao New Deal implemented by the imperial court was to reduce people's burdens and recuperate. The main goal was to alleviate social conflicts in the old era and establish a ruling order in the new era. On this basis, we would move towards a peaceful and prosperous era and allow the people of the empire to pursue a more stable and prosperous life.


By the fourth year of Kaibao, the results that can be seen are gratifying, and it proves that the policy principles and concepts of the Han Dynasty are not wrong. As long as the established national policies are followed, the Han Dynasty will surely usher in an era of stability and prosperity, and China will usher in an era of stability and prosperity.

Civilization will also achieve renaissance again, leaving behind a glorious and splendid history.

Of course, this does not mean that Dahan does not have his problems. The whole situation is calm and macroscopically stable, but there are still many twists and turns inside and outside, up and down.

The development potential of the southeastern region still needs to be explored, and the public security order was not truly stabilized until three years after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Han Xizai took the lead in rectification matters, but it was not smooth sailing from beginning to end, with struggles, resistance, and ups and downs.

In the Liangjiang area, seventeen rebellions occurred only in the matter of relocating wealthy people. When it was extended to Zhejiang and Zhejiang, the turmoil caused was even greater. It is always more difficult to digest the territory picked "for nothing"

, Emperor Liu also realized for the first time the power of local tyrants.

In the winter of October of the second year of Kaibao, due to the overly strong and eager rectification measures taken by the imperial court, a major rebellion in Zhejiang and Zhejiang spread to almost the entire territory. Officials, troops, powerful men and wealthy businessmen from the former Wu and Yue joined forces to show off their muscles to the Han court. These interests were affected by

To do harm, he killed the officials appointed by the imperial court, abolished the imperial system and policies, restored the old system of Wu and Yue, and coerced a large number of people in Zhejiang and Zhejiang into rebellion.

When the rebellion was at its peak, traces of rebel flag activities could be seen in almost every state and county south of Hangzhou. The rebellion naturally aroused Emperor Liu's rage, and his response was very strong and decisive, and he suppressed it.

Because of Wu Yue's rebellion, some officials in the court suggested changing the implementation of the New Deal in Wu Yue, or delaying it to appease them. All officials who submitted this report were either demoted or dismissed. For many years, Emperor Liu did not compromise.

After that, let alone the situation like this. Anyone who cannot keep up with his ideas is not worthy of being an official in the court.

Even if there were some things done improperly in dealing with Wu Yue, in summary and reflection, it was an afterthought and not a conservative compromise in order to calm the situation.

Following Emperor Liu's edict, the civil and military forces stationed in the southeast naturally worked together to put down the rebellion. There was no one who failed to do their best. No matter what the cause of the rebellion was, it would be difficult for such a big mess to happen under their supervision.

He abdicates the blame, so he does his duty with all his heart in order to offset the guilt.

The commander-in-chief of the counter-rebellion was Shi Shouxin, and the governor was Zhao Yanjin. These two people were in charge of military affairs, so naturally there would be no surprises. Most of the troops used to counter-rebellion were local troops adapted from the Wuyue people. And, from beginning to end, they stayed in

The Forbidden Army in the southeast was only stationed in major cities and military important places, playing a supporting role. It can be said that it was a rebellion and quelling chaos in which the Wuyue people fought against each other.

Wu Yue's rebellion was quite loud, but in the end it was an act of resistance fought by vested interests. Although they responded to each other, there was no unified command. The common leader was King Qian of Huaiyang, who was far away in Kaifeng.

Hong Chu.

At that time, for Qian Hongchu, the news of the Wuyue rebellion was shocking enough, but what frightened him was that the rebels respected him as emperor and wanted to restore the Wuyue Kingdom.

In this regard, Qian Hongchu did not hesitate at all and went to the palace to plead guilty. Qian Hongchu's reaction was also quick, because not long after, memorials against him were submitted to Emperor Liu's court. That is to say, Emperor Liu was old enough.

Du also knew that Qian Hongchu was innocent, so he comforted him with kind words, which made him feel at ease.

However, he still wrote a "Letter to the People of Wu and Yue" in the name of Qian Hongchu, and distributed it to Zhejiang and Zhejiang states to label those "rebels" as rebels and reduce the people's will to resist because they did not know the truth. The purpose is naturally

Yes, Emperor Liu realized from this that the Qian family's influence in the two Zhejiang regions was deep-rooted and could not be eliminated in a short time.

The rebellion lasted for a long time, only more than three months. A large number of rebels were quickly eliminated. The time spent was mainly concentrated on the process of advancing to southern Zhejiang. The restrictions of the terrain were somewhat obvious.

However, in the first month of the third year after entering Kaibao, the rebels either died, surrendered, or fled, and the Wuyue rebellion was declared pacified. It did not last long, but the damage to the Wuyue area was very serious. This was sixty or seventy years after Taiping, Wuyue

The largest war the region has ever experienced.

The positive significance is not without, at least through this rebellion, the court's subsequent rectification of the southeastern region was softened, and some of the more taken-for-granted provisions of the New Deal were improved.

At the same time, it also caused those people and forces who were dissatisfied with the imperial court and dissatisfied with the rule of the Han Dynasty to jump out and be liquidated one by one. On the contrary, through this chaos, the imperial court's rule was strengthened and a thorough treatment was achieved, but the price was a bit high.

In fact, regarding the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, Emperor Liu had thought that there would be a rebellion in the Liangjiang region that originally belonged to the Southern Tang Dynasty. He never expected that the breaking point would be Wuyue in the end.

In comparison, the Liangjiang area could only be regarded as a riot. During the climax of the Wuyue rebellion, the Liangjiang area was very quiet, with almost no response.

In fact, in the winter of the first year of Kaibao, after Emperor Liu issued a warning edict to officials in the southeast, both his working attitude and working methods became much softer and softer in terms of the implementation of the order.

After Han Xizai entered Zhejiang and Zhejiang, he did many things according to his own example, and most of his relocation actions started with the local tyrants and evil gentry who had a poor reputation. This was considered to be a full consideration of the public sentiment and public opinion. However, even so, the backlash was so violent that it exceeded

Jiangnan and Jiangxi.

For many Wuyue powerful people, they really do not welcome the rule of the Han Dynasty, and they prefer the Qian family to be in power.

After great chaos, there must be great order. This is probably a saying that can be used to comfort oneself. In fact, this is exactly the case. The original order has been completely broken, and social resources and wealth have actually been greatly improved in this great chaos.


As a result of this rebellion, as many as 130,000 Wuyue people died. Afterwards, more than 200,000 people were relocated. The quelling of the Wuyue rebellion also represented the end of the imperial court's general reorganization in the southeast.

After all, the transition could not be as smooth as Emperor Liu expected. It is also understandable that undertakings involving social change and profit distribution still have to be effective in a short period of time, and it is by no means as simple as treating guests to dinner.

The price of a bloody storm was certainly not small, and a large number of obstacles were cleared. Now, Emperor Liu can confidently say that the southeastern region can be protected for a hundred years.

From the first year of Kaibao to the fourth year of Kaibao, in more than three years, the imperial court moved a total of more than 400,000 people from Liangjiang and Liangzhe areas, half of whom fell into Jinghu South Road.

The remaining 50,000 were digested in the pass, 30,000 in Longyou, 30,000 in Shanyang, and the rest were scattered in the Central Plains and Hebei. After all the disturbances, the southeastern region gradually became an orderly state that satisfied Emperor Liu and was in line with the rule of the Han Dynasty.

Han Xizai's position as southeast pacifier was officially revoked in March of the fourth year of Kaibao and he was recalled to Tokyo. During his years in the southeast, he was assassinated seven times, and he almost lost his life in the fourth time.

, which shows how much those whose interests have been violated hate him.

Similarly, in the court, criticism never stopped. When he returned to Kaifeng, Han Xizai was exhausted physically and mentally and resigned directly to Emperor Liu.

Liu Chengyou disagreed and was awarded the bachelor's degree of Jixian Palace, where he went to compile books and live a relaxed life.

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