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Chapter 143 The garden is filled with an atmosphere of ease

The difference between Xijing and Tokyo is reflected in many aspects, and the palaces and gardens are one of the more prominent aspects. In the past, when Emperor Liu was in Kaifeng, he could hardly find any good places if he wanted to go out for an outing. For example, if he went hunting, he would have to go out for a long time.

Baili. As for the place where he could truly relax, after much deliberation, there was only one Qionglin Garden that satisfied him.

Things are different here in Luoyang. The royal garden of Xiyuan is very large. Since the Wang Yan period, it has been consciously protected and restored. Farming and grazing are prohibited. Over the past ten years, the vegetation has become lush and animal activities have become increasingly frequent.

That is to say, Emperor Liu didn't like to build a palace, otherwise Luoyang Xiyuan would have to be more presentable. Of course, although there are fewer buildings, relatively speaking, the primitive atmosphere of the wild is stronger, and you will feel more comfortable when swimming in it.

In addition to Xiyuan, the large area of ​​land to Mang Mountain in the north was also the place where Emperor Liu rode horses. Since moving to Luoyang in the west, Emperor Liu would go out to ride horses, play and hunt at least twice a month.

Emperor Liu seemed to be leaving the palace this time simply for hunting, as there were no concubines from the harem to accompany him. Of course, Emperor Liu would not be short of people accompanying him.

This time, Emperor Liu was accompanied by two sons and two daughters, the fifth son Liu Yun, the sixth son Liu Min, and the eldest and second daughters Liu Jia and Liu Jian. Among the four children accompanying him, the youngest was the sixth son Liu Min.

He is almost fifteen years old.

As time went by, Emperor Liu's other children also grew up one after another. The one he loved most was undoubtedly the eldest daughter Liu Jia, and the one who always had a hint of guilt and affection was Liu Min.

After all, he was adopted by his late eldest brother. Although Liu Min was often brought into the palace to pay homage to Emperor Liu and Queen Fu over the years, due to the limitations of his growing environment, the relationship between his flesh and blood became estranged.

Da Fu's side was fine, but as for Emperor Liu, he had too many things to worry about in the past and rarely had time to take care of his own son, let alone Liu Min who had adopted him.

Therefore, to this day, when meeting Liu Min, the sense of alienation is particularly obvious, and Liu Min has difficulty getting close to him, his biological father. In the early years, Emperor Liu also thought about bringing Liu Min back and finding someone else for his eldest brother.

The son of the clan inherits the incense. Nowadays, this idea has faded.

At the beginning, in order to express his feelings for his eldest brother Liu Chengxun, Emperor Liu generously adopted his legitimate son, which was destined to be regretful. In the early years, in order to establish a character, he also did similar things that aroused regret.


Due to these factors, Emperor Liu loved Liu Min very much, and compared with other princes, he was also very harsh. It once caused Da Fu's dissatisfaction. Queen Fu also loved her own son, but she did not

Emperor Xi Liu was doting on him, that is to say, his sister-in-law, Princess Wei, was wise and had strict control over Liu Min. Even so, she still developed arrogance and arrogance.

It has to be said that even if Emperor Liu is as wise and strict as Emperor Liu, he still does many things inappropriately. And one thing to say is that among all the disciples, Liu Min is also regarded as the most eye-catching one.

, and also inherited Liu Chengxun’s title and property.

You must know that the four elder princes, except for the crown prince Liu Yang, the other three have also been granted the title of Duke. As for the property, Liu Chengxun did not leave much behind, but it could not withstand the various rewards given by Emperor Liu for twenty consecutive years.

Now it is a huge asset...

As they walked, a camp was simply built around them with spears and yellow silk, and the imperial guards guarded the surroundings closely. The accompanying palace ladies stood by carefully and nervously, and were ready to obey orders at any time.

In the meantime, Emperor Liu, his eldest daughter, and his second daughter were busy, personally carrying firewood, setting up the grill, and preparing various seasonings. The autumn wind was rustling, and the grass was blowing. The father and daughter were very busy.

Liu Jia was particularly active and did not care about being dirty. She accompanied Emperor Liu to do "rough work", with dead leaves hanging in her bun and mud on her face.

The eldest daughter was made more and more colorful, which made the eldest daughter very angry.

Compared with the lively eldest daughter, the second daughter Liu Jian is much quieter. Although she has not fully grown up, she is dignified and elegant, and every move she makes is the performance of a noble lady. Compared with the turmoil between Emperor Liu and Liu Jian,

She just slowly laid out the seats and arranged the cups, plates, dishes, and chopsticks...

It has to be said that Concubine Gao gave birth to a son and a daughter in total, but none of the siblings were like her in character. Liu Jian was not as dazzling as her sister, but she never cared about it.

The two daughters are similar in age and are almost sixteen years old. If they are among the people, they can get married. At present, Emperor Liu has abolished the mandatory policy on the age of marriage for men and women at the beginning of the country and allows the people to voluntarily.

However, among the people, especially in rural areas, it is still normal for women to marry at the age of sixteen or seventeen. Similarly, some people choose to delay. After all, a sixteen-year-old woman is considered half of the labor force.

Of course, Emperor Liu was very lenient towards his daughter, and he could delay it as long as he could, but he was actually quite unhappy. He always felt that those meritorious officials were already thinking about his daughter, and they seemed to care more about them.


Although Emperor Liu did not object to the marriage, otherwise he would not have revealed this intention to Chai Rong. Zhao Kuangyin's son was also considered.

After finishing their work, Yantuo led people to get hot water for Emperor Liu and his daughter to wash. There was a rumble of horse hooves outside the camp. It didn't sound like there were many people and horses, but they were very powerful. They kept getting close to the horses and then stopped.

Hearing this movement, Liu Jian became more energetic, took her sister in hand, and greeted her excitedly.

There were thirty or forty knights who came back, and the leaders were two young men, the fifth prince Liu Yun and the king of Wei Liu Min. Both of them were armed and looked very capable. Liu Min even carried his bow on his back.

"Fifth brother, sixth brother, dad and we have prepared the grill, seasonings, and seats, and are waiting for your prey. Let me see what we have harvested?" Liu Jian smiled, with a smile on his face.

Youthful smile.

Liu Yun lost his temper and immediately smiled. When he saw his sister, he couldn't help but reach out to scratch her hair, but Liu Jian quickly dodged it. Liu Yun was not annoyed, patting his chest and replied: "Don't worry, of course not.

We will return empty-handed, but Rokuro and I will return with a full load!"

Then he and Liu Min unhooked the hanging prey from the horse. Liu Yun hunted a chicken, while Liu Min had two rabbits and three chickens. Behind him, there were guards carrying a sika deer.

The contrast between the harvests was particularly clear, attracting the two sisters to look at each other. Facing Liu Jian's talkative eyes, Liu Yun felt a little embarrassed and said: "I saw that Liu Lang had hunted too much, so I stopped. It's too much."

Can’t eat it!”

After sizing up the two brothers, Liu Jian blinked and said, "Fifth brother, this pheasant in your hand couldn't have been shot by sixth brother, right?"

"How could it happen? Brother, although I am not good at martial arts, hunting a chicken is still easy!" Liu Yun jumped a little and immediately denied it, but he deliberately winked at Liu Min.

Liu Min stood there, like a flagpole, with a sense of pride all over his body, and it seemed that there were words on his forehead, keep away from strangers. However, seeing the joke between the flesh and blood brother and sister, he smiled reservedly,

He said to Liu Jian: "Sister, that pheasant was indeed hunted by Fifth Brother."

The four brothers and sisters entered the camp together and saw Emperor Liu. The atmosphere did not change much. When they left the palace this time, the relationship between father and son was more important than that between emperor and minister.

Liu Min was still the same as before, behaved and orderly when facing Emperor Liu. Looking at this son who seemed a little aloof, Emperor Liu was in a daze for a moment. In his long memory, there was this son who wiggled and said he wanted to pee when he was a child.

The scene... Now, the size has almost caught up with me.

"The result is out? How was the penalty determined?" In the camp, a bonfire had been lit, and a large piece of processed venison was placed on the grill. Emperor Liu took vegetable oil and condiments, smeared it on it, and asked casually.


Although it is not yet cooked, the smell has already begun to dissipate. Emperor Liu learned a lot of things in the army, such as peeling skin and bones, and grilling over a campfire. Although the techniques are very unfamiliar, he can still do it.

Zhang Dejun leaned on his waist and assisted. Hearing Emperor Liu's question, Zhang Dejun respectfully replied: "Although the lawyer hired by the Han family argued hard, the fact of the murder was difficult to change. After careful consideration, Duke Luan finally sentenced Han Qingxiong in court."

Sentenced to death!"

"Oh!" Emperor Liu's reaction was very dull and said: "It's normal to be sentenced to death for killing someone! How did everyone react?"

"The Han family was dissatisfied, and the Chang family applauded excitedly. The two sides argued in front of the government office, which almost led to a fight, but was stopped by the government office. Those who watched the trial felt that the penalty was a little too high..." Zhang Dejun replied.

"Oh?" Emperor Liu asked, "Why?"

Zhang Dejun said: "I often talk about this person. He is talkative but does not know how to restrain himself. His reputation is very bad. In addition, the late Han Wuning Marquis has only one son left. He is directly sentenced to death and his incense is cut off, which arouses sympathy."

Emperor Liu smiled and said calmly, "If the judgment is based entirely on personal feelings and perceptions, how can it be fair?"

"What's going on with Zhao Kuangyin and Guo Guozhang?" Emperor Liu asked again.

"Rong Guo Gong visited the palace of Xing Guo Gong today, presumably because of this case!" Zhang Dejun replied.

This obviously aroused Emperor Liu's interest: "What did you say?"

"It is said that I hope that the father-in-law can come forward and talk to the Han and Chang families to avoid causing a bigger dispute!"

"How did the father-in-law react?"

"The father-in-law responded and said he would try!"

Emperor Liu smiled again, pointed at the grill, and suddenly said: "Turn it over!"

Zhang Dejun did not dare to neglect and turned the barbecue noodles 180 degrees, while Emperor Liu continued his barbecue career. After a while, the guard reported that Zhao Kuangyin asked to see him.

Regarding this, Emperor Liu only expressed some emotion, and finally came. However, when he received Zhao Kuangyin, the smile on Emperor Liu's face was like the warm spring breeze, and he invited him to eat meat.

The ingredients hunted by the prince, the meat grilled by the emperor himself, I ask you if you want to eat it? If you have something to do, wait until you are full and drunk...

This chapter has been completed!
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