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Chapter 218 Marching into the Army

Probably because of the close proximity to the sea, even though it is two hundred miles away, the wind still has a faint smell of the sea. The early summer wind is still a bit comfortable when blowing on the body, and the sun has not yet shown its fierceness, which makes it even more comfortable.


If you want to fight in Liaodong, just in terms of solar terms, this period is probably the most suitable, even more suitable than the crisp autumn weather. Due to the geographical climate, there are not many days suitable for fighting in Liaodong in a year.

, either affected by rain or blocked by severe cold.

The generals who had garrisoned Beiguan for a long time naturally understood the local geography and climate of western Liaoning and eastern Liaoning. The reason why they were eager to make progress was precisely because they took these factors into consideration. They were not just eager to make achievements, but also because they wanted to seize the time.

A group of about thirty knights marched quickly from east to west. Their horseshoes stepped on the dry soil powerfully, kicking up the dust on the ground. Under the sunlight, the dust in the air also looked particularly special.


When they were seventy miles away from Youzhou, their group had already been intercepted by sentinels wandering around the camp. Although they knew they were one of their own, normal inspection was still necessary.

However, this group of people was obviously special. After revealing their identities, they passed smoothly, and there were even people to guide the way. The leader was a veteran with frost-stained temples and a face that had been blown by the sea breeze all year round. It was obvious that he was extremely vicissitudes of life and


This person was none other than Guo Tingwei, the Marquis of Hai'an, the general who commanded the Northern Navy of the Han Dynasty. He was also the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, tasked with floating across the sea and attacking the Liao Dynasty.

After stopping for a while to rest, the veteran led his people again and quickly headed westward. Naturally, he was here to follow the orders of the battalion prince and generalissimo and come to participate in the military meeting.

He rushed to the camp and got a moment of rest. However, when he saw the people waiting to greet him in front of the central military camp, Guo Tingwei hurriedly dismounted, stepped forward, and respectfully said: "I see your highness, how can I trouble your highness?"

, waiting in person!"

"Marquis Guo doesn't need to be polite!" The smile on his face was as warm as Xia Yang's. He stretched out his hand to support Guo Tingwei and said to Guo Tingwei: "I was patrolling the camp when I heard that Marquis Guo was coming. Marquis Guo is the general of the Northern Expedition. The greeting ceremony is not enough.

For the Tao!"

Seeing the prince's gentle attitude, Guo Tingwei was quite moved and hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness personally inspects the inspection, I admire him endlessly!"

"Marquis Guo has come all the way. Thank you for your hard work. Let's go and quickly follow Gu into the camp. First, go and see Duke Rong and An. We will attend the meeting later!" ** said.

Upon hearing this, Guo Tingwei's expression became solemn, he cupped his hands and said, "Follow the order!"

"The establishment of the Han Dynasty Navy started from scratch and went through twists and turns. It was always tepid in the early days. It was not until Guo Hou and other talented soldiers joined that it developed rapidly and became the invincible Imperial Navy that now spans the rivers and seas!"

** exchanged greetings with Guo Tingwei, with a smile on his lips: "His Majesty has said more than once that the Han Dynasty Navy is as prosperous as it is today, and the Marquis of Hai'an is indispensable!"

"What His Highness said is too much praise for the junior general!" After being the commander of the navy for so many years, Guo Tingwei has already developed a strong and uncompromising power, but his little power is nothing in front of the prince.

The prince expressed his love in words, but Guo Tingwei still knew how to be humble, and he cupped his hands towards the south and said: "The development of the navy and the defense of the sea are largely due to your majesty's high position and support. I dare not take the credit!"

"The Han Dynasty has been raising a navy army for twenty years. This Northern Expedition is the time to use troops. It is still necessary for Marquis Guo to lead his army to ride the waves!" ** said.

"Your Majesty has issued an order, and I shall not hesitate even to the death!" Guo Tingwei immediately vowed.

"Guo Hou is getting stronger!" ** smiled slightly and asked, "Are the navy troops ready?"

Guo Tingwei immediately reported his work: "Thirty thousand elite naval forces have all gathered to move north. The warships are anchored at Wuqing Port and can attack only after orders are given. In addition, I have dispatched partial detectives..."

"I heard that the Liao army also built a navy? Does Guo Hou know what the enemy's situation is?" ** asked.

Guo Tingwei: "Your Highness, don't worry. This Liao navy has been under the supervision of the ministers for a long time. The enemy navy has no more than five thousand soldiers, weak boats and soldiers, and no experience in sea combat. After it was built, it has been hiding in Liao."

Inside Suzhou Military Port.

It’s not that I underestimate them. When it comes to water warfare, our army has a huge advantage in every aspect. Our officers and soldiers are confident of victory and will resolutely and completely eliminate them!"

Hearing Guo Tingwei's confident words, Mao Zedong was also deeply affected and said: "What Marquis Guo said has greatly enhanced my reputation and morale! His Majesty said that when fighting at sea, our army has an invincible momentum and the confidence to win!"

According to the planning of generals such as Rong Guo Gong and An Guo Gong, the navy will have great achievements at sea in this attack on Liao! Although it can attack cities and villages from land, it will be time-consuming and laborious, and attacking Liao from the sea will

It's like a sharp knife that goes straight into the rear of Liaodong and attacks its heart..."

After hearing this, Guo Tingwei immediately said: "Your Highness, don't worry. Twelve years ago, I was ordered to attack the Liao Dynasty from the waterway. In the end, I was defeated. I deeply regret it. This time, Your Majesty does not regard me as old, but is still willing to take on the important task. I will go all out.

Plant the banner of the Han Dynasty firmly in Liaodong!"

"Mr. Guo Hou is getting stronger and more graceful!" ** said in praise, stroking his palms.

In fact, Guo Tingwei is now in his early fifties. He looks old, which is caused by too much sea breeze and fatigue.

"Who are these generals?" ** looked at the three officers following Guo Tingwei.

After hearing the question, Guo Tingwei immediately introduced: "These are the three sons of the minister, the eldest son Liangping, the second son Liangheng, and the third son Liangzheng! Now they are following the minister and listening to me, and I have never met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Under Guo Tingwei's eyes, the three young men hurriedly saluted. After looking at the three of them, he laughed twice: "You are a tiger in the general door! This Northern Expedition is your opportunity to follow your father's ambition and make contributions!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Guo Liangping, the eldest son, took the lead in saying: "The last general will surely strive to be the first and live up to the expectations of the court and Your Highness!"

His eyes wandered around the Guo family's father and son twice, and the woman's mouth was still filled with a smile, and she continued to lead Guo Tingwei to the Chinese army's tent. He had some ideas in his mind. There had been rumors that the naval army was full of veterans.

their clan blood.

Taking the Guo family as an example, not only the three eldest sons Guo Tingwei, but also many nephews, nephews and family members are serving in the military. Most of them are officers. The imprint of the family is quite deep...

**I couldn't help but think of Emperor Liu's casual words before leaving. In recent years, the management and control of the Han army at all levels has been strengthened, but it has been relaxed for the navy. The Guo family's influence on the navy is too heavy, so it may not be a problem.

It's a good thing, it's not good for anyone, but now they really have to be used to lead the disciples in battle, and they can still guarantee a certain combat effectiveness.

The Chinese army tent was very large and empty, with a large map hanging on one side and a not-so-exquisite sand table. Around the sand table, the three generals Zhao Kuangyin, Go Huaide and Wang Yanchao were still discussing.

** and Guo Tingwei entered the tent, and the three of them hurriedly greeted each other. Although they were not familiar with these three generals, they had heard about each other's reputations.

In terms of title and status, not only in the entire Han Dynasty, but also in the Northern Expedition, Guo Tingwei was not highly ranked. However, he was the most special one, and no one could replace him in naval warfare.

This irreplaceability brings special attention and courtesy. After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhao Kuangyin took Guo Tingwei to discuss military affairs.

How to fight this battle? During this period, Zhao Kuangyin and others were almost planning. After asking about the situation of the navy, Zhao Kuangyin did not hesitate and asked Guo Tingwei directly: "General Guo, your mission is to lead

Navy, resolutely and completely eliminate the Liao and Suzhou naval forces, and bring Liaohai completely under the control of our army! Cooperate with land operations, as well as the subsequent transportation of grain, grass, ordnance and troop projection! Are there any problems?"

"Yes!" Guo Tingwei said in one short word, sonorous and powerful.

Zhao Kuangyin was very satisfied with his reaction, but he still said cautiously: "The strength of the navy on both sides is obvious, but since the Liao Kingdom has built a navy, it is obviously prepared for our army's floating sea attack. Therefore, the navy has made a success

, still can’t be careless!”

"Rong Gong, don't worry!" Seeing this, Guo Tingwei became obviously more serious.

"The army has been training for a long time and is fully prepared. It will officially march to Liaodong. At that time, both land and water will attack Liaodong with great momentum!" Zhao Kuangyin said: "I'd like to trouble General to work harder. After the march meeting is over, he will return to the navy immediately."

, lead the troops and set off!”


"When does Rong Gong plan to march into the army?" Jiang, who had been silently listening to the general's military discussion, asked.

Zhao Kuangyin showed a confident and generous smile to his wife: "Go back to Your Highness, tomorrow! In addition, please command Your Highness. Tomorrow, Ma Renyu will lead an army of 30,000 people out of Yuguan. He will act as the vanguard of the army and march into Jinzhou. I and others will lead the army to follow.


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