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Chapter 265 Planning Goryeo

There was a little silence in the hall. After Liu Xi and Li Chongju recovered from Emperor Liu's strong and even domineering aura, Liu Xi asked: "How should I reply to you?"

Emperor Liu thought for a moment and then instructed: "There is no need to refuse directly. Didn't I say that? We still need to discuss it with the ministers. It will take some time. The Koreans spent half a year preparing for the war. This time is waiting for them." No. As for Xu Xi, it’s his first time coming to court, so let him stay in Youzhou for a few more days, so that we can fulfill our friendship as landlords!"

"It's up to you to arrange this matter!" Emperor Liu ordered Liu Xi.


"Yantuo, please send an order to Li Ye, Chu Zhaofu, and Li Jixun to come and discuss matters!" Emperor Liu ordered Yantuo again.

"We seemed to have paid less attention to the Goryeo side before!" Sitting back at the imperial desk, the waiter added more tea. After tasting it, Emperor Liu, who had completely calmed down, looked at Li Chongju who said little and said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Li Chongju couldn't stand still. He left the table and stood up, and neatly cupped his hands: "I have neglected my duty!"

Looking at this confidant and favorite, Emperor Liu was a little speechless, and it was almost a conditioned reflex. Li Chongju would always take the responsibility like this when he encountered similar situations.

Of course, his responsibility was often shown, which prevented Emperor Liu from being too harsh, but after this happened more often, Emperor Liu would inevitably feel a little bored.

You, the intelligence chief of a secret agency, are so slippery and difficult to get your hands on. Sometimes, being too humble and low-key is not a good thing. After all, being with you is like being with a tiger...

It was the same this time. Emperor Liu almost ignored Li Chongju's self-responsibility, waved his hand, and said as usual: "Wude Si doesn't know anything about the current situation in Korea?"

After hearing the question, Li Chongju looked more serious and replied cautiously: "Your Majesty, because you didn't pay attention to it, you didn't say much about the situation in Goryeo."

Noticing Emperor Liu's slight frown, Li Chongju quickly told some of the known situations: "According to the news from Goryeo in recent years, it can be analyzed that the country is not peaceful.

After the internal reforms of King Wang Zhao of Goryeo, Goryeo's national power has indeed improved a lot, especially Wang Zhao's authority has greatly increased. However, because Wang Zhao's methods were too harsh, the nobles, heroes and dissident officials who threatened the royal power gradually became Its removal caused dissatisfaction within the Goryeo court, everyone was in danger, and political conflicts became increasingly serious.

At the same time, Wang Zhao also became confused and uneasy. In order to prevent possible rebellion and tampering, a large prison was built in the country. For more than ten years, tens of thousands of inmates were tortured. At the same time, , greatly increasing the strength of the imperial guard army, and also defending the royal power.

More information needs to be investigated and confirmed!”

Emperor Liu also understood that this was probably all Li Chongju could know, although it was just some general talk and there was no lack of speculation and analysis.

He did not embarrass him. He understood and at the same time instructed: "Then send more manpower to pick up the neglected and put down affairs again. Goryeo has emerged, and your Wude Division must also respond in time!"

"Yes! I understand!" Li Chongju responded immediately, feeling slightly relieved.

"Are you short of manpower?" Emperor Liu asked with concern.

Regarding this, Li Chongju said calmly: "To be honest with your Majesty, spying on foreign information and collecting national conditions are extremely difficult, and there will never be many useful manpower. However, I will try my best to overcome it!"

Nodding, Emperor Liu thought for a while and said: "If you have analyzed it before, then Wang Zhao's life is not so easy! Since there are many conflicts in the country, he still dares to work so hard and intervene in the war between the Han Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom.

What is the reason for the war between the two countries? Could it be that they are beggar their neighbors and intend to use this war to divert domestic conflicts and disputes?"

When he said this, Emperor Liu's eyes clearly shone. Obviously, he thought so and made this judgment. And the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

Li Chongju was not a person who flattered people, but after hearing this analysis, he gave a rare compliment: "Your Majesty is wise! It's very possible!"

"If this is the case, then I can't let him get his wish even more!" A cunning look flashed across Emperor Liu's face, he glanced at Li Chongju and ordered: "For Korea, we can start from within and find ways to bribe and divide it.

mediate its internal contradictions.

Some situations are inevitable. Wang Zhao's internal reforms and expansion of royal power offended so many nobles and heroes and violated their interests. How could those whose interests were harmed be willing to do so? Maybe there was only one spark left, and it wouldn't have exploded that year.

A major rebellion?

At the beginning, the Han Dynasty supported Wang Zhao and helped him suppress the rebellion, but now he can change the target of his support! Is there any problem for the Wude Department to handle this matter? "

"With your Majesty's guidance and guidance, I will definitely do my best!" Li Chongju immediately promised.

After all, similar things have been done more than once under the leadership of Li Chongju in recent years. Although it was done to various tribes and tribes around the Liao Kingdom and the Han Dynasty, the principles are the same. It just changed the target. It can be said that they are familiar with each other.

They were familiar with the situation, so Li Chongju didn't feel any difficulty.

Emperor Liu continued: "I will send you two officials from the Ministry of Rites who are familiar with Goryeo affairs to assist you in your implementation!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Chongju expressed his gratitude, but he straightened up, hesitated a little, and decided to tell the truth: "Your Majesty, such a plan for Goryeo requires more careful planning and more time to prepare, and then implement it. This is not an emergency measure. This is

I’m afraid it’s difficult to achieve quick results in the current situation!”

"Far water cannot quench a near thirst! I understand!" Emperor Liu agreed with what Li Chongju said and reassured him with just one sentence: "What I am thinking about is the future. This matter is not urgent. You can handle it patiently.

Right now, we must collect information first, especially the movements of the Goryeo army, cooperate more with the Military Intelligence Department, and keep in close contact with the Liaodong army to report in time!"

"As for the current problem, the imminent threat of Goryeo, I will make other preparations!"


Without waiting for too long, several civil and military ministers who accompanied him arrived. Without any delay, Emperor Liu very efficiently asked Liu Xi to explain the request of the Korean envoy and informed Emperor Liu of his attitude.

It can be said that it was expected that it aroused objections. Whether it was Li Ye, Chu Zhaofu or Li Jixun, they all said that they could agree to stabilize the Korean people and prevent the changes in the Korean army of 100,000 from affecting the overall situation in Liaodong.

Chu Zhaofu was the most excited. At present, due to the war with the Liao Kingdom, the domestic pressure was already considerable. Finally, he had made a breakthrough in Liaodong and saw hope of reducing the pressure of the war. If there was a dispute with Goryeo, then

The situation will become difficult to control again.

Liaodong is still uneasy, the Northeast is even more treacherous, and the Han and Liao sides are entangled with each other. At this time, it would be wise not to bring the war to Goryeo again.

There is no need to hold an enlarged meeting on this matter to know that Chu Zhaofu's suggestion can probably represent the thinking of most civil servants. They are experienced in planning the country and do not want to take big risks, especially they do not like unpredictable surprises.

Li Jixun actually agreed and would be patient for the time being. In his view, the essence of Liaodong had been captured and recovered by the imperial court, and the rest were mountains and hills. In terms of actual benefits, there was nothing valuable. Even though

Some cities occupied by the Koreans can also be temporarily left in the hands of the Koreans. When the court is free, they can then raise troops to recover them. There is no need to rush.

Of course, no matter what they thought, Emperor Liu's idea had already been decided, and they could not tolerate their objections. Li Ye was more knowledgeable, and after sensing the emperor's intentions, he decisively expressed his support.

Therefore, after an efficient imperial meeting, the strategy for Goryeo was introduced. Although Emperor Liu's attitude was tough, he was still cautious in actual implementation.

There is no need to refuse forcefully and bluntly. If you delay first, you can finally agree to his request. You can even send an envoy back to Goryeo with Xu Xi to communicate and coordinate the matter. However, during the period of "delay", the court

Make preparations quickly and consider all possibilities.

On the Liaodong side, it is necessary to strengthen the recruitment of the southeastern Liaoning area, implement it as soon as possible, and at the same time send troops to garrison. At the same time, the layout of the Liaodong army must also be moved and changed accordingly, and part of the attention must be turned to the southeast. The East China Sea Navy must also

Be prepared for war and destroy Goryeo's navy at any time...

Diplomacy and military preparations were two-pronged. Once Goryeo became angry and fell out with the Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu would not mind fighting a battle in the southeast of Liaoning.

This chapter has been completed!
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