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Chapter 267 The Kind and Honest Prince

After the new rain, the city, roads, houses, and vegetation in Liaoyang were all refreshed. Although there were no clouds in the sky, there was an overwhelming amount of ammonia nitrogen between the sky and the earth. The cold mist hit his face, making Liu Yang shudder.


Seeing this, Ma Huaiyu, who was standing guard, hurriedly put a fur robe in his hand on Liu Yang. Liu Yang did not refuse and tied the belt himself. It was a gift from the queen before the expedition, and he really put it to use.

When you put it on your body, you feel the warmth brought by your mother.

Among the people who were not accustomed to the local environment, the prince Liu Yang was included. He had caught some wind and cold earlier, which scared the people around him. Fortunately, he only caught the wind and cold occasionally, and he was treated with medicine and taken care of properly, and he gradually recovered.

Caressing the dilapidated city wall of Liaoyang, a hint of coolness penetrated almost directly into his heart through his fingers, making Liu Yang's mood feel a little heavier.

"How many refugees have been accommodated outside the city?" Liu Yang suddenly asked as he looked at the refugee camps spread out along the Dongliang River outside the city.

Murong Defeng, who had been following Liu Yang in doing things and training, reported: "Your Highness, there are already nearly 30,000 people here!"

"They lack more than just one bite to eat!" Liu Yang sighed quietly and subconsciously grabbed the edge of his robe. The soft texture gave him a good feel.

"The Liao army recruited troops and paid grain, coupled with a large amount of land being abandoned for cultivation and plundering by the rebels and bandits, the people in Liaodong were most in need of food rations, a mouthful of food to survive!" As the prince, Murong Defeng personally accompanied his ministers.

Probably able to understand some of Liu Yang's thoughts, he raised his hands and said with relief in his tone.

"One autumn rain and one cold!" Liu Yang said: "September is about to enter, and winter is not far away. We don't have enough food, and we don't have enough warm clothes. When the weather gets colder, how long can these people survive?

Drinking cold water, living in a shabby hut, or even sleeping on the ground!" Liu Yang's eyes flashed with a little sympathy.

Hearing this, Murong Defeng said: "Your Highness, most of these refugees are old, weak, women and children, with few young and strong. It is rare for them to be able to trek to Liaoyang to beg for food. The army has already distributed food and even divided soldiers to help them build dormitories.

, they still have to rely on themselves to get water to keep out the cold..."

"Can the army allocate some more cloth, clothing, and firewood?" Liu Yang said.

Murong Defeng hesitated for a moment and replied with a wry smile: "Your Highness, the supply of hundreds of thousands of troops is huge every day. Every piece of food, clothing, and firewood must be used sparingly. In order to relieve these refugees, we have already

It has usurped a lot of military supplies. No matter how much it is, the army will be dissatisfied. And the refugees are not that bad. There are still a large number of refugees coming from all sides..."

"Isn't Han Shangshu raising funds urgently? It's been so long, and the relief food should have arrived by now!" Liu Yang said.

Glancing at Murong Defeng, Liu Yang said in a serious tone: "Although the daily consumption of military supplies is huge, the previous hoarding cannot support even this consumption? Using military rations to relieve refugees is also approved by the imperial court!"

"Recruiting refugees, distributing food to relieve the hungry, and appeasing people's hearts. Now people have gathered here. If it only stops there and saves the hungry but not the cold, wouldn't it be a failure halfway?" Liu Yang said seriously.

Looking at Liu Yang's gradually calmer face, Murong Defeng sighed: "Your Highness is still kind! However, I still believe that while saving the people, we need to let him save himself!"

"Given their current situation, even if they save themselves, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it!" Liu Yang asked back.

With that said, Liu Yang gave a direct order: "Go to the food envoy and coordinate some of the military rations. Add more rice and noodles to each meal, so that you can at least be half full! As for keeping out the cold and heating, divide some charcoal and centralize heating! In addition, Write a letter to Han Shangshu and ask him to prepare more cloth, clothing and charcoal when raising food for relief!"


"What you said is not unreasonable. After all, we still have to rely on them to save themselves!" After pondering for a while, Liu Yang continued: "The refugee camp is a bit chaotic. Let's deploy some comfort envoys and lower-level military officials from the army to put these The refugees organized themselves into a team of 500 people to cut down wood, collect materials, and build solid huts. This shelter should not be so crude. The hungry people who will be gathered in the future must be organized according to this arrangement!"

"Yes!" Murong Defeng immediately responded: "Your Highness, this is an incredible move!"

"By the way, Han Shangshu should also raise a batch of grain seeds and farm tools!" Liu Yang said again.

Hearing this, Murong Defeng said: "Your Highness has already considered re-cultivation and cultivation in the future!"

Liu Yang: "The day will come, so be prepared first!"

"Your Highness, a large number of refugees are concentrated in Liaoyang and Shenzhou. Although it is convenient for relief, it is not a long-term solution and it also involves too much energy of the army!" Murong Defeng reminded.

"It's just an emergency measure in an emergency!" Liu Yang was quite confident about this and said: "Right now, the cities in Liaodong states are short of Han officials. After the first batch of officials to aid Liao arrive, arrangements can be made , spread the rule, and then the civil affairs affairs can be handed over!"

"How is the deployment of those officials going? Is there any news?" Liu Yang asked.

Murong Defeng: "According to the document issued by Prime Minister Li before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yanshan Road has selected nine prefecture and county officials. Calculating the time and distance, it is time to reach Liaoyang! Follow-up personnel should be thrown into coordination!"

Nodding, Liu Yang raised his hand and instructed: "When they arrive, report them immediately. I will personally receive them and assign officials to serve!"

"Representatives of the old officials of the Liao Kingdom who have submitted to the imperial court from various states have arrived in Liaoyang. When will they be arranged to receive them?" Murong Defeng asked for instructions.

"When I return to the Yamen later, I will bring some people with me!" Liu Yang sighed: "Liaodong has just been under control. From now on, if we want to truly govern Liaodong, we still need to retain these old officials!"

"However, these people may not really surrender to the imperial court, and they are not trustworthy!" Murong Defeng said.

Liu Yang shook his head: "Although he is not completely trustworthy, but since he has surrendered and can be used by the imperial court, it does not hinder his generosity and just use it to see how it performs. This is also an important part of the rule of Liaodong, and it is also very necessary. , Wang Shi was not accustomed to the local environment when he came from afar, not to mention that it was difficult to rebuild the Han family's rule on this lost land only by relying on officials dispatched from the country!

The order being conveyed is to restore order in Liaodong as soon as possible. We don’t have much time. At least before winter, we need to have some results..."

After listening to Liu Yang's calm and objective opinions, Murong Defeng's young face showed a look of admiration, and he cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, I respect you!"

Waving his hands, Liu Yang finally showed a smile on his face: "These are all obtained from His Majesty's teachings. If His Majesty were here, he would make the same decision!"

"How is the situation in Chenyao, Ningsu and other states in the south?" Liu Yang asked again.

"The southern states were conquered very early. After remediation, the situation is relatively stable. According to Yaozhou News, some refugees have also poured in, and local generals have also taken care of them!"

"Yeah!" This time, Liu Yang just responded softly. Judging from his expression, he was quite satisfied.

Standing on the city wall, looking at the scenery outside the city, there are two huge military camps, built between the Dongliang River, which not only firmly guard Liaoyang City, but also monitor the refugees outside the city.

Compared with the mess of the refugee camp, the military camp is of course much neater and more orderly. Compared with the refugees who still have to endure hunger and cold, the soldiers have enough food, clothing and entertainment. Even Ding Fuminzhuang who joins the army is treated badly.

Called generous.

Not to mention the two camps inside and outside the city, they seem to be two worlds.

"Rixin, what do you think the attitude of these refugees is towards the Han people now? Is it hatred, fear, or gratitude?" Liu Yang asked in a serious tone.

This topic seemed indeed heavy. After a little hesitation, Murong Defeng said: "The war has certainly caused them suffering, but the grace of survival is real. Otherwise, it would be difficult for these people outside the city to

Survive this winter!”

"One hand kills with a butcher's knife, and the other hand offers mercy and relief. Perhaps this is conquest!" Liu Yang suddenly sighed with emotion.

Seeing that Liu Yang was in a heavy mood, Murong Defeng took the initiative to change the topic and suggested: "Your Highness, the Northern Expedition has been more than half a year, and His Majesty has arrived at Yanshan. Will you take the time to pay an audience and personally report on the military affairs?"

"Well..." After pondering for a moment, Liu Yang ordered: "Liaodong's military and political affairs are heavy, so I will draft a document and send it to Youzhou. Please ask for instructions first!"


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