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Chapter 387 The Khitans were finally beaten back to their original form

After clearly indicating his acceptance, the atmosphere of the conversation between Emperor Liu and Xiao Siwen became less routine and more sincere. Emperor Liu entered the role of a listener and listened carefully to Xiao Siwen's remarks about the internal affairs of the Liao Kingdom.


There are many experts in Khitan affairs like Wang Zhaoyuan in the Han Dynasty, and they are even more knowledgeable in martial arts. The Military Intelligence Department has a pervasive spying collection on the interior of the Liao Kingdom, but this has its limitations after all. Some confidential information is also difficult to know. Coupled with the differences in politics and culture,

The understanding of some things is somewhat biased.

This was not the case with Xiao Siwen. He was not only a Khitan nobleman with close blood ties, but also a minister of the Liao Kingdom. He was also familiar with Han and Liao culture. Naturally, he had a better understanding of the situation in the Liao Kingdom and a more thorough understanding of it.

Xiao Siwen obviously knew what Emperor Liu wanted to know, or he understood the value of his surrender to the Han. Therefore, he told all the internal details of the Liao Kingdom, especially those critical situations.

Including the Liao Kingdom's military strength, tribal status, quelling the chaos, and national strategy, all details were given without reservation. Xiao Siwen even gave Liu the details of Yelvjing's assassination and the internal struggles of the Liao Kingdom before and after Yelvxian ascended the throne.

The emperor spoke once.

After all, Xiao Siwen was a key figure who was deeply involved in the battle for the throne. Speaking from his mouth also gave Emperor Liu a clearer understanding of some of the conflicts within the Liao clan.

After this conversation, Emperor Liu could truly feel Xiao Siwen's sincerity in seeking refuge. Therefore, the smile on his face became more cordial and sincere, and he was filled with joy.

Especially, when receiving the gift presented by Xiao Siwen, Emperor Liu praised it greatly: "Xiao Qing's gift is very precious. It is more valuable than gold, silver, pearls and jade!"

"I don't hide it from Xiao Qing. The Han Dynasty spared no effort in investigating and spying on the northern part of the Great Wall. Unfortunately, the grasslands are vast, the tribes are in chaos, the transportation is poor, and many information is also messy, making it difficult to distinguish the true value from the false.

For the Han Dynasty, the situation in the northern part of the Great Wall seemed to be always shrouded in a layer of fog. The imperial court was aware of the chaos and the dire situation in Khitan, but it was difficult to have a truly clear understanding.

Xiao Qing's map helps to understand the situation in the Liao Kingdom, and it can be said that it helped the court solve a lot of problems in Liao affairs!" Emperor Liu said with emotion.

The map presented by Xiao Siwen details the current distribution of the various tribes within the Liao Kingdom, including the military deployment of the Liao Kingdom and an overview of the counter-rebellion situation. This is a very valuable treasure map. If it were not for Xiao Siwen,

It is difficult for others to fully describe the number of important officials in the upper echelons of the Liao Kingdom.

Of course Xiao Siwen knew the value of this map, and he couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that he had pleased Emperor Liu. Faced with Emperor Liu's praise, he said humbly: "If it can be used for the court, I will feel at ease!"

"Thank you for taking the trouble, Xiao Qing!" Emperor Liu smiled and continued to hold Xiao Siwen: "However, compared to this picture, I still like Xiao Qing's return. The picture is dead after all, and the situation is changing. With Xiao Qing

Now, I am not afraid of losing my understanding of Khitan affairs. I am afraid that I will need to consult Xiao Qing more in the future!"

"I don't dare to take it!" Xiao Siwen kept a humble face and responded: "If your Majesty has any questions, I will tell you everything you know!"

Nodding slightly, he was obviously very satisfied with Xiao Siwen's attitude. After thinking for a while, Emperor Liu asked again: "As for the Han-Liao peace negotiation, although I have made up my mind and will not change it, I still have the idea of ​​​​the Liao Lord asking for peace.

You must be curious, Xiao Qing must know something about it, please give me some advice!"

"I want to know, if the imperial court approves peace, what considerations will the Lord of Liao make? If not, what will be the response?"

Xiao Siwen had completely sold out the Liao Kingdom, so when asked, he said calmly: "As far as I know, regardless of whether the imperial court approves it or not, we will first settle the situation at home, and then fight against the outside world.

The Liao Ting has made preparations to concentrate its forces to eliminate the rebel tribes in Mobei before this year. In the past few months, while maintaining the situation in Mobei, the Liao Ting has been requisitioning grain, fodder and military supplies to prepare for a serious attack on the rebels.

one strike.

It has already entered autumn, and I am afraid that troops are already mobilizing on the grassland. This time, the Lord of Liao is very determined. Even if he cannot completely wipe out the Mobei rebellion, he will completely defeat several big clans!

The imperial court must be working secretly in the north of the Great Wall, and there should be news coming soon. Even if the action is secretive, there should be some signs and signs revealed!"

Hearing what Xiao Siwen said, Emperor Liu's eyebrows twitched slightly, but soon cleared up, and he smiled and said: "So, Yelvxian sent Qing Nan to negotiate peace, just a feint to confuse the court?"

Xiao Siwen nodded and followed up: "However, from what I can see, if the imperial court allows it, the Khitan should try its best to deal with the imperial court to show submission, carefully avoid the imperial court's suspicion, and impose blows to pacify the Mobei tribe and create a loose environment.


Although Mobei is currently in turmoil, with various tribes raising troops to fight, its forces are scattered and people are not united. Although the Khitan suffered heavy losses and weakened its national power under the imperial conquest, the strength possessed by the Liao court was still not that of the Mobei rebellion.

The family can compare.

What the Liao court was afraid of was the Han Dynasty. Since the Northern Expedition, the Han Dynasty had troops in the south and was ready to make a move. Although they did not make a large-scale advance northward, they still restrained a lot of Khitan's energy.

If the imperial court can agree to peace, it will be a huge relief to the situation in the Liao Kingdom, and it is what the Liao Kingdom’s officials are most looking forward to!”

"It seems that Yelvxian has also made plans to reject the peace proposal?" Emperor Liu said.

Xiao Siwen: "Exactly! Before I came to the south, there were rumors in Linhuang Mansion that if things couldn't be done, the Liao court would move its capital to Mobei and concentrate all its efforts on pacifying Mobei to avoid the Han soldiers.

Feng! I think this is not a rumor, the Lord of Liao may have already made such preparations!"

Hearing this, Emperor Liu was surprised and said: "It has been more than fifty years since the Khitan capital was Linhuang Mansion. How could Yelvxian be willing to give up such an old capital and a prosperous city? He is not afraid that the hearts of the Liao people will be completely dissipated.


Xiao Siwen replied: "Your Majesty, you should know that after the Xi people surrendered to the Han Dynasty, Liaojing lost its southern defense support. Today's Linhuang Mansion is no longer as safe and worry-free as it used to be! Although there is Huangshui to rely on, last year

Wang's army went north and was almost defeated. Since this spring, General Dong has sent troops north several times to drink Mahuang water. Even though he was hundreds of miles away, he could still feel the sharpness of the heavenly soldiers, and Linhuang Mansion was also shocked.

The Liao Kingdom was already in civil strife. Although Shangjing was the capital, it was constantly threatened by the Han Dynasty and would not be safe for a long time. The Liao court was also worried that if one day the king's army marched north in large numbers, it would be difficult to defend it.

Instead of falling into a visible crisis, we should make an early decision, give up in time, and move to Mobei, so that we can not only avoid the threat of the Han army, but also pacify Mobei with all our strength!"

"Can we be safe if we escape to Mobei? Can we avoid the Han army thousands of miles away?" Emperor Liu said coldly.

Xiao Siwen said: "Even if the Han Dynasty can expedition thousands of miles away, fighting in Mobei, the difficulties the court will face and the price it may pay will be even greater than the previous two Northern Expeditions. Fighting in Mobei, for the Khitan, the chance of victory will also be


Han Derang, a close minister of the Lord of Liao, once said that if the matter comes to a head, Mobei will be the last place where the Liao Kingdom can recover. Stay away from the Han Dynasty, quell the civil strife, recuperate, and wait for him. This was Han Derang's advice to the Lord of Liao.


Your Majesty may not know that although Han Derang is a Han minister, the Lord of Liao trusts him very much, and he is also a very knowledgeable and capable person among the officials of the Liao court. With his assistance, the final decision of the Lord of Liao can be imagined.


After hearing this, Emperor Liu pondered for a while, and finally sighed softly: "If the Lord of Liao really has his ambition, then I can't let him go! He wants to learn from Gou Jian to endure humiliation and bear the burden, but I am not a husband!"

"Your Majesty is wise and far-sighted, and the Han army is invincible. Even if the Khitan escapes, I firmly believe that he will eventually surrender under the iron heel of the Han Dynasty!" After hesitating, Xiao Siwen praised him again.

"However, one day, the Khitan will really be beaten back to the nomadic regime!" Emperor Liu couldn't help but joked.

On that day, Emperor Liu talked a lot with Xiao Siwen, and later even called Zhao Pu and other important military and political ministers to listen to Xiao Siwen's report on the internal situation of Liao Dynasty. He also made Xiao Siwen a cabinet bachelor on the spot and waited for the imperial edict to show his favor.

Call at any time to listen to opinions.

Soon after, more news from the Liao Kingdom came, which proved that the development of things did not deviate from Xiao Siwen's opinions and predictions.

As expected, the Liao Kingdom was busy deploying troops and generals to carry out a powerful counter-insurgency operation against Mobei. At the same time, the Liao Shangjing side also followed suit. The Lord of the Liao Dynasty, Yelu Xian, moved the capital, left the palace, and returned to the palace.

Tent, far away in the desert north.

This chapter has been completed!
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