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Chapter 471 Waste of people and money

Mount Tai has always had a great reputation among the mountains in the world. As the pillar of the Qilu land, it is also because of the special significance given to this famous mountain that is not actually tall since ancient times.

Even the top of the Five Mountains, the scenic spot of Daizong, has been silent for many years. In the past twenty years, although there are many tourists and scholars who have climbed up and looked far away, they are just passers-by.

There are some villages living around Mount Tai, relying on and guarding the mountains and forests. However, the distribution inside and outside the mountains is relatively scattered. Even when the government collects taxes, some places need to travel hundreds of miles to convey government orders.

Until the tenth year of Kaibao, after the governor Zhang Qixian took office, he first turned his attention to the Taishan area due to the special mission he shouldered.

I personally walked around and observed its shortcomings. I wrote a letter and asked for instructions to establish a new administrative district in the sun of Mount Tai, including dozens of surrounding villages. The level is not high, it is just a town, named Daiyue. town, and directly under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou Prefecture.

In the past twenty years, the "urbanization" trend of the Han Dynasty has been making great strides forward. On the basis of the military towns in the past, countless cities and towns have been established under the jurisdiction of prefectures and counties. This is probably due to the socio-economic development. The change.

These town-level government offices are not only reflected in the administrative divisions, but also have more prominent economic attributes. Of course, the newly established Daiyue Town obviously has a stronger political significance, or in other words, Zhang Qixian in order to complete the political Measures carried out based on the mission.

In the past year, in addition to disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction matters in the past six months, the focus of the work of the entire Yanzhou government, from Zhizhou Zhang Qixian down, has been on the governance of the Taishan area.

Of course, administrative rectification only accounts for a small part of it. The most important thing is that the Yanzhou government has carried out a "beautification" of Taishan.

In the autumn and winter of the tenth year of Kaibao, when the disaster-stricken prefectures and counties in Henan and Hebei were busy dealing with the aftermath and rebuilding the people, the neighboring Yanzhou was also in full swing, busy digging mountains and building roads, building earth and building altars, in short, carrying out large-scale construction projects.

Within three or four months, the Yanzhou Prefecture mobilized more than 7,000 people to carry out project construction. For the Yanzhou Prefecture, such a large-scale recruitment of civilian labor was already a major effort, and it can even be said with certainty that it delayed the normal people's livelihood. construction, and even farming.

However, some things cannot be viewed solely from the perspective of economic and people's livelihood values. Under the premise of political priority, everything must be compromised, and in this imperial society, the imperial power is greater than the sky.

The old and narrow mountain road in Mount Tai that has not been operated for a long time has been widened on a large scale, and stone steps have been neatly paved, opening up a direct way to the top of Daiding.

On the top of the mountain, a Dengfeng altar was built, nine feet wide and five feet high, with temples on all sides. At the same time, a stone tablet nine feet high and five feet wide was built. Of course, it was advertised as a rough stone excavated naturally, and its function was It narrates the series of great achievements of Emperor Liu.

At the foot of the mountain, with Wenshui in the back and Mount Tai in front, a sacrificial altar was built in the middle, built with five-color soil; on Mount Liangfu, which faces Mount Tai across Wenshui, a mountain road was also opened, and a descending altar was built on the top of the mountain. Zen altar.

At the same time, Liang's father's road from Daiyue Town to Taishan has also been repaired. The quality standard of the road has also met the requirements of a straight road, or even exceeded it. The white stone slabs are all flat and straight, and since its completion, there have been

Patrollers do not allow anyone, vehicles or animals to trample on the road.

These key buildings almost cover the emperor's specific process of enshrining Zen. It can be said without hesitation that it is almost a hodgepodge. Both in terms of project construction preparations and subsequent specific ceremony processes, they all draw heavily on previous works.

, we can find too many measures of emperors in the past dynasties in conferring Zen, and many things were copied.

However, what stands out is a grand and comprehensive one, the main one that is implemented is the will of Prime Minister Zhao Pu and the ceremonial mission that he led to prepare for the Fengchan ceremony. In Zhao Pu's words, Emperor Liu's achievements have far surpassed all previous emperors, so

In the Zen ceremony, it is also covered in all aspects.

Although Emperor Liu officially issued the edict to enshrine Zen in the 11th year of Kaibao's Chongyuan Hall, the specific work had already been implemented from all aspects.

Whether it was the auspicious events that appeared across the country in the winter of the 10th year of Kaibao, or the tens of thousands of people in Tokyo who came to the imperial city to pray for enshrinement, or the officials from all over the country who jointly expressed their condolences.

It was originally a ceremony of great political significance. After such a campaign, it became even more sacred and caused tremendous pressure on the bureaucrats responsible for it.

In Yanzhou, Zhang Qixian showed a kind of perfectionism and was very hands-on in everything. Even the position of a tree on the royal road had to be carefully compared.

Initially, there was a plan to build a new road from Daiyue Town to Zhoucheng, but after weighing the scale and construction cost, it was abandoned.

After all, with a road of more than 120 miles, even if we ignore the problem of Wenshui barrier, such a project cannot be realized by Yanzhou Prefecture alone, and it is still under time constraints.

Generally speaking, the Yanzhou Prefecture did its best in preparing for the Feng Chan, without any reservations. The treasury and warehouses were all empty. To sum up simply, it was only a waste of people and money.

Of course, it is impossible to rely solely on the power of the Yanzhou Prefecture behind this, and that would be unrealistic unless the people's power is squeezed at all costs. This is, after all, contrary to the Han Dynasty's philosophy of governing the country.

The key is that the imperial court headed by Zhao Pu is very supportive of the work of Yanzhou Prefecture, especially in terms of money, food and various construction resources.

In the past year, the Financial Secretary complained about financial constraints more than once, whether in court meetings or in front of Emperor Liu. However, for these projects launched by Yanzhou Prefecture, millions of dollars were allocated at once.

There is no discount.

After all, money must be spent wisely. Obviously, for the ministers of the Financial Secretary, enshrining the throne is a major matter, and it is a politically correct matter that cannot tolerate any questioning or neglect.

Therefore, it is also a waste of people and money. At least among the many projects carried out in Yanzhou Prefecture, it does not cause public resentment. The main reason is that unlike the labor and military service burdens in ordinary periods, this time the labor is paid, rations, clothing,

Tools are provided by the government, and the conscripted laborers only need to provide their most valuable labor, and everyone can receive money, food, and rewards during the service period based on the results of their labor.

According to the instructions of the imperial court, the interpretation of the Yanzhou Prefecture is that the Conferment Ceremony is a major event between His Majesty and the imperial court. What is reflected in this ceremony is the emperor's achievements. The imperial court is strong and the country's prosperity cannot be achieved by squeezing the people. On the contrary, it is necessary to

In this process, it shows that it obeys nature, responds to the people, and benefits the people.

If millions of dollars of money and various resources are squandered, it can indeed be regarded as a blessing to the local officials and people of Yanzhou.

In the past ten winters of Kaibao, Yanzhou Prefecture has obviously become the most dynamic place in the Central Plains Prefecture. Obviously, due to the influence of Fengchan, it has promoted local economic development, even if it is only temporary.

Among the many projects carried out by the Han Dynasty in the past, even key projects such as the River Straight Road and the reconstruction of the two capitals, it is difficult to say that they were all clean, otherwise there would not have been so many corruption cases in the future.

However, various projects carried out in Yanzhou Prefecture can be described as clear and transparent. In addition to Zhang Qixian's almost abnormal supervision and implementation, it also lies in the seriousness of the matter.

If this kind of political task is done well, it is a merit, and if it is not done well, it is a sin. Even if there are some objective factors, it is difficult to atone for the sin. And if something goes wrong due to human factors, it will cost people's lives.

Until February 15th of the 11th year of Kaibao, after meeting with the queen, prince, clan, ministers and officials from the east of Luoyang, the emperor officially set out from Kaifeng and headed east to Yanzhou, aiming for Mount Tai to perform the Zen ceremony.

The same thing, in the tenth year of Kaibao, was inappropriate, but in the eleventh year of Kaibao, it was popular and supported by all.

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